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  • av Virginia Woolf
    195 - 389,-

  • av Lucy Maud Montgomery

  • av Anonymous

  • av Orczy Emmuska Baroness

  • av Thomas Jr. Watson

  • av Saint Augustine of Hippo

    The four books of St. Augustin On Christian Doctrine (De Doctrina Christiana, iv libri) are a compend of exegetical theology to guide the reader in the understanding and interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures, according to the analogy of faith. The first three books were written A. D. 397; the fourth was added 426.

  • av Henry James
    195 - 389,-

  • av Edwin Sidney Hartland

  • av Arthur Conan Doyle

  • av Mary Roberts Rinehart

  • av Thomas Troward

  • av Elizabeth von Arnim

  • av Herbert Allen Giles

  • av Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

    The Last Man is an apocalyptic science fiction novel by Mary Shelley, which was first published in 1826. The book tells of a future world that has been ravaged by a plague. The novel was harshly reviewed at the time, and was virtually unknown until a scholarly revival beginning in the 1960s. It is notable in part for its semi-biographical portraits of Romantic figures in Shelley's circle, particularly Shelley's late husband Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron.Mary Shelley (Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin; 30 August 1797 - 1 February 1851) was a British novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and travel writer, best known for her Gothic novel Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus (1818). She also edited and promoted the works of her husband, the Romantic poet and philosopher Percy Bysshe Shelley. Her father was the political philosopher William Godwin, and her mother was the philosopher and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. Until the 1970s, Mary Shelley was known mainly for her efforts to publish Percy Shelley's works and for her novel Frankenstein, which remains widely read and has inspired many theatrical and film adaptations. Recent scholarship has yielded a more comprehensive view of Mary Shelley's achievements. Scholars have shown increasing interest in her literary output, particularly in her novels, which include the historical novels Valperga (1823) and Perkin Warbeck (1830), the apocalyptic novel The Last Man (1826), and her final two novels, Lodore (1835) and Falkner (1837). Studies of her lesser-known works such as the travel book Rambles in Germany and Italy (1844) and the biographical articles for Dionysius Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia (1829-46) support the growing view that Mary Shelley remained a political radical throughout her life. Mary Shelley's works often argue that cooperation and sympathy, particularly as practised by women in the family, were the ways to reform civil society. This view was a direct challenge to the individualistic Romantic ethos promoted by Percy Shelley and the Enlightenment political theories articulated by her father, William Godwin. (Wikipedia)

  • av H. Rider Haggard

  • av Jack London

  • av Yogi Ramacharaka
    195 - 405,-

  • av Lothrop Stoddard

    Theodore Lothrop Stoddard (June 29, 1883 - May 1, 1950) was an American political scientist, historian, journalist, anthropologist, eugenicist, pacifist, and anti-immigration advocate who wrote a number of books which are cited by historians as prominent examples of early 20th-century scientific racism. During World War II he wrote Into the Darkness, about the effect of war on Nazi Germany. Stoddard was relatively nonpartisan in his coverage of the Nazi regime, but he did express concern for the welfare of the European Jewish community, foreseeing intense violence against the Jews. He was always wary of and often opposed to the Nazis, despite their common support for eugenics. In "The Rising Tide of Color," Stoddard blasted the ethnic supremacism of the Germans, blaming the "Teutonic imperialists" for the outbreak of the First World War, and the Nazis, of course, simply carried this ethnic supremacism to more extreme ends. He opposed what he saw as the disuniting of the white peoples through intense nationalism within Europe. Nevertheless, after World War II, Stoddard's theories were judged as too closely aligned with those of the Nazis and he suffered a large drop in popularity. (Guterl 2004) His death in 1950 from cancer went almost entirely unreported, despite his previously broad readership and influence. (Fant 2000)

  • av && 1060, &1096, &1088 & m.fl.
    285 - 419

  • av Theodore Dreiser

    Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser (August 27, 1871 - December 28, 1945) was an American novelist and journalist of the naturalist school. His novels often featured main characters who succeeded at their objectives despite a lack of a firm moral code, and literary situations that more closely resemble studies of nature than tales of choice and agency. Jennie Gerhardt is a 1911 novel by Theodore Dreiser. Jennie Gerhardt is a destitute young woman. While working in a hotel in Columbus, Ohio, Jennie meets Senator George Brander, who becomes infatuated with her. He helps her family and declares his wish to marry her. Jennie, grateful for his benevolence, agrees to sleep with him, but ill fortune intercedes and the Senator dies, leaving her pregnant. She gives birth to a daughter, Vesta, and moves to Cleveland where she finds work as a lady's maid to a prominent family. Consequently, she meets Lester Kane, a prosperous manufacturer's son. Jennie falls in love with him, impressed by his strong will and generosity. She leaves her daughter behind and they visit New York together. Kane, unaware that Jennie has a child, wishes to marry her, but, anticipating his family's disapproval, decides instead that she shall become his mistress. They live together successfully in Chicago, even through Jennie's revelation after three years that Vesta is her daughter. Kane does not yield to his family's pressure to leave Jennie, but after his father's death discovers that he will not inherit a substantial part of the family business unless he discards her. They visit Europe together, where Kane's attention shifts from Jennie to a woman of his own class, Letty Gerald. On hearing the will's terms, it is Jennie who demands that they separate. Kane, after providing for her, marries Letty and resumes his former social status. Jennie loses her daughter to typhoid and adopts two orphans, but through it all, continues to love him. Kane becomes ill. He tells Jennie he still loves her, and she tends him until his death, mourning secretly at his funeral. (

  • av Virginia Woolf

    Orlando: A Biography is an influential novel by Virginia Woolf, first published on 11 October 1928. A semi-biographical novel based in part on the life of Woolf's lover Vita Sackville-West, it is generally considered one of Woolf's most accessible novels. The novel has been influential stylistically, and is considered important in literature generally, and particularly in the history of women's writing and gender studies. A film adaptation was released in 1992, starring Tilda Swinton as Orlando and Quentin Crisp as Queen Elizabeth I. (

  • av Immanuel Kant

    The Critique of Practical Reason is the second of Immanuel Kant's three critiques, first published in 1788. It follows on from his Critique of Pure Reason and deals with his moral philosophy.The second Critique exercised a decisive influence over the subsequent development of the field of ethics and moral philosophy, beginning with Fichte's Doctrine of Science and becoming, during the 20th century, the principal reference point for every moral philosophy of a deontological stamp.

  • av Three Initiates

    The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy, originally published in 1908 by a person or persons under the pseudonym of "the Three Initiates", is a book claiming to be the essence of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus.The Kybalion was first published by the Yogi Publication Society. Purportedly based upon ancient Hermeticism, its philosophies, in conjunction with others, have become founding pillars within the New Thought movement of the early 1910s. The book early on makes the claim that it makes its appearance in one's life when the time is appropriate and includes axioms and insights similar to those found in the Book of Proverbs. (

  • av Daisy Bates

    Daisy May Bates, CBE (born Margaret Dwyer; 16 October 1859 - 18 April 1951) was an Irish-Australian journalist, welfare worker and lifelong student of Australian Aboriginal culture and society. She was known among the native people as "Kabbarli" (a kin term found in a number of Australian languages which means "grandmother" or "granddaughter").Daisy Bates conducted fieldwork amongst several Indigenous nations in western and southern Australia. She supported herself largely by writing articles for urban newspapers on such topics as 'native cannibalism' and the 'doomed' fate of Indigenous peoples. Bates also published her work on Indigenous kinship systems, marriage laws, language and religion in books and articles. She was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for Aboriginal welfare work in 1934. (

  • av &1092, &108, &1085, m.fl.

    Алекса́ндр Никола́евич Афана́сьев (12 июля 1826 - 23 сентября [5 октября] 1871) - русский собиратель фольклора, исследователь духовной культуры славянских народов, историк и литературовед. Биография Афанасьева полна разнообразных проектов, однако делом всей своей жизни он считал собирательство славянской мифологии, легенд, детских сказок и мифов, которые объединял в тематические сборники. Если научные работы Александра Николаевича со временем лишились хотя бы какой-то ценности, то собрания сочинений с русским творчеством являются гордостью нации и по сей день. Александр Афанасьев использовал тот же метод, что и иные фольклористы - возводил фольклор к первобытным мифам. Примерами его применения являются статьи под названием "Ведун и Ведьма", "Дедушка-домовой", которые позже стали частью внушительного трехтомника под названием "Поэтические воззрения славян на природу". В 1951-м он начал готовить к выходу сборник заветных сказок. За 3 года библиография мужчины пополнилась 8 сборниками, озаглавленными "Русские народные сказки". (

  • av &1072, &1099, 1057, m.fl.

    Знаменитый русский писатель М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин родился 1826 г. в селе Спас-Угол Тверской губернии в старинной дворянской семье. Детские годы прошли в родовом имении отца в одном из глухих углов "Пошехонья". Наблюдения за этой жизнью найдут впоследствии отражение в книгах писателя. Получив хорошее домашнее образование, Салтыков в 10 лет был принят пансионером в Московский дворянский институт, где провел два года, затем в 1838 переведен в Царскосельский лицей. Здесь начал писать стихи, испытав большое влияние статей Белинского и Герцена, произведений Гоголя. В конце 1855, после смерти Николая I, получив право "проживать где пожелает", возвратился в Петербург и возобновил литературную работу. М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин умер 28 апреля 1889 в Петербурге. Замечательный роман М. Е. Салтыкова-Щедрина "Господа Головлевы" стоит в ряду лучших произведений русских писателей, таких, как Гоголь, Гончаров, Тургенев, изображавших жизнь дворянства. В романе с огромной обличительной силой раскрыты все пороки общества, порожденные в России господством помещиков. В своем суровом приговоре крепостничеству Салтыков-Щедрин разоблачил развращающее влияние собственности и паразитизма на человеческий характер, показал неизбежность нравственного и физического разрушения паразитической личности. Писатель изобразил историю морального опошления и вымирания семейства помещиков Головлевых. Оно является собирательным художественным образом, в котором автор обобщил все типичные черты быта, нравов, психологии помещиков накануне отмены крепостного права и после нее. (

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