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  • av Abdullah Alqarawe

    The must-know duties that every Muslim man and woman should perceive.What every Muslim must know The following authentic hadith is found in the Sunnah: According to 'Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him): the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "He who dies every knowing that there is no other deity (worth worshiping) except Allah will enter Paradise". This precious little book teaches what every Muslim and what every Muslim should know about their beliefs. Simple answers, a book to read absolutely!Ce que tout musulman et musulmane doivent impérativement savoirOn trouve dans la Sunnah le hadith authentique suivant : d'après 'Uthmân (qu'Allah l'agrée): le Prophète (prière et salut sur lui) a dit : Celui qui meurt tout en sachant qu'il n'y a d'autre divinité (digne d'être adorée) si ce n'est Allah entrera au Paradis . Ce précieux petit livre enseigne ce que tout musulman et ce que toute musulmane doit savoir concernant leur croyance. Des réponses simples, un livre à lire absolument !

  • av Muhammad Ibn Saleh Al-Othaimeen

    ANG MGA ALITUNTUNIN Ng Hajj, Umrah at ZiyarahAng maikli nguni't madaling maunawaang alituntuning ito ay malugod na inilalahad sa lahat ng Muslim na naglalayong magsagawa ng Hajj sa Banal na Tahanan (Makkah) ng Dakilang Allah. Ito ay isang aklat na binigyan ng kaukulang balangkas para sa ilang mga ritwal ng Hajj at Umrah upang inyong mapag-aralan at inyong sanayin ang inyong mga sarili sa wastong pagsasakatuparan nito. An overview of the rites of Hajj, Umrah, and Ziyaarah in the light of Quran and Sunnah.Hajj is an annual religious pilgrimage to Mecca undertaken each year by millions of people from all over the world.Hajj is a sacred pilgrimage that is required of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime - it is one of the fifth pillars of Islam.Umrah is a pilgrimage that can be completed at any time of the year.The main purpose of Umrah is to clean the soul of past sins. A Muslim can perform Umrah more than once in a lifetime. Umrah is also seen as protection from poverty and the burdens of life, as a pilgrim is spending their wealth and time in the way of Allah.

  • av Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baz

    Les leçons importantes pour toute la communautéAbd Al Azîz Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Bâz dit dans l'introduction de son livre : Voici un précis rassemblant quelques points essentiels que doit connaître le commun des musulmans concernant leur religion. Je l'ai intitulé : Les leçons importantes pour toute la communauté . Je demande à Allah que ce précis serve au musulman, qu'il l'agrée ; c'est lui le Magnanime, le Généreux. Ce livre est aussi un support pour toute personne voulant enseigner les points indispensables de l'islam aux musulmans novices.Important lessons for the whole communityAbd Al Aziz Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Baz says in the introduction to his book: Here is a summary bringing together some essential points that ordinary Muslims must know about their religion: I have titled it: The lessons important to the whole community. I ask Allah that this summary serve the Muslim, that he pleases him; he is the Magnanimous, the Generous. This book is also a support for anyone wishing to teach the essential points of Islam to novice Muslims.This is a small booklet which has Islamic teachings for the Muslim Ummah.


    从零开始了解伊斯兰本书从伊斯兰的观点介绍人从生到死的历程,为非穆斯林介绍伊斯兰的基本功修。A book translated into in which the author shows how this creation began and will end and proves the existence of Allah, the Most High. He clears up the disbelievers' confusion that arose due to the false theories they adapted contrary to the Prophetic teachings.

  • av Saleh As-Saleh

    À la recherche de la véritéLisez l'histoire touchante d'un perse et ses longs voyages en quête de vérité qui finalement le mèneront en terre d'Arabie à la rencontre du dernier des prophètes. Pour certains, l'Islam n'est qu'une religion parmi tant d'autres, mais pour un grand nombre d'entre eux, l'Islam fait désormais l'objet d'un intérêt tout particulier. Ce livre s'adresse à ceux qui ne trouvent pas de réponse à leurs nombreuses questions personnelles : Qui suis-je ? Quel est le véritable Dieu ? Quelle est la voie du salut ? L'aventure de Salman est l'histoire d'une longue recherche. En tirant des leçons de sa quête, vous pourrez écourter la vôtre.In search of the truth Read the touching story of a Persian and his long journeys in search of truth which will finally lead him to the land of Arabia to meet the last of the prophets. For some, Islam is only one religion among many others, but for many of them, Islam has become the subject of a special interest. This book is for those who cannot find answers to their many personal questions: "Who am I? Who is the real God? What is the way of salvation? Salman's adventure is the story of a long search. By learning from his quest, you can shorten yours.This is a story of one of the companions in search for the truth.

  • av Saleh Ibn Abdallah Ibn Houmaid

    LE FOYER BIENHEUREUX SUIVI PAR LE DÉSACCORD CONJUGALLes mariés qu'ils soient jeunes ou vieux recherchent le bonheur, souhaitent la tranquillité et aspirent à la stabilité, au repos de l'âme et de l'esprit. De la même manière, ils s'efforcent de s'éloigner le plus possible des causes du malheur, du désordre, des troubles et de leurs conséquences, surtout au sein de la cellule familiale. Une famille équilibrée est un bienfait pour la communauté et par elle la société peut prétendre vivement à la plénitude et au bien-être. Ce livre est garni de conseils pour les époux musulmans ; nous vous invitons donc à le lire et le méditer en famille pour ensuite l'appliquer notamment dans les moments difficiles pour ressentir le bienfait et la douceur de l'islam, du mariage et d'un foyer bienheureux...THE BLESSED HOME FOLLOWED BY MARITAL DISAGREEMENTNewlyweds, whether young or old, seek happiness, desire tranquility and aspire to stability, rest of soul and spirit. In the same way, they strive to distance themselves as far as possible from the causes of unhappiness, disorder, troubles and their consequences, especially within the family unit. A balanced family is a benefit for the community and through it society can earnestly claim fulfillment and well-being. This book is filled with advice for Muslim spouses; we therefore invite you to read it and meditate on it with your family and then apply it, especially in difficult times, to feel the benefit and the sweetness of Islam, marriage and a happy home...

  • av Muhammad Ibn Saleh Al-Othaimeen

    L'unicité LA SIGNIFICATION DES DEUX TEMOIGNAGES ET LE JUGEMENT CONCERNANT LE SUIVI DU PROPHETELe titre complet de ce beau livre est : L'unicité, la signification des deux témoignages et le jugement concernant le suivi du prophète . Le cheikh -qu'Allah lui fasse miséricorde- montre dans ce livre qu'il faut vouer exclusivement son adoration à Allah. Pour cela, il explique les différentes sortes d'unicité. Il nous éclaircit, aussi comment nous devons suivre le Prophète dans nos adorations, c'est ce que nous appelons le suivi. Ainsi, ce livre démontre logiquement qu'un acte d'adoration ne sera accepté d'Allah qu'après avoir rempli deux conditions : D'une part la sincérité de la personne envers Allah (Al-Ikhlâss) dans son adoration et la conformité de l'acte d'adoration avec la Sunna du Prophète (sur lui la paix) (Al-Moutâba'a) d'autre part. Un livre à lire absolument...The Oneness THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TWO TESTIMONIES AND THE JUDGMENT CONCERNING THE FOLLOWING OF THE PROPHET The complete title of this beautiful book is "The Oneness, the Meaning of the Two Testimonies and the Judgment Concerning the Following of the Prophet." The Sheikh-may Allah have mercy on him shows in this book that one must devote one's worship exclusively to Allah. For this, he explains the different kinds of uniqueness. He enlightens us, also how we should follow the Prophet in our worship, this is what we call following. Thus, this book demonstrates logically that an act of worship will be accepted from Allah only after fulfilling two conditions: On the one hand the sincerity of the person towards Allah (Al-Ikhlass) in his worship and the conformity of the act of worship with the Sunna of the Prophet (on him be peace) (Al-Moutaba'a) on the other hand. A must-read book.

  • av Group of Scholars

    La femme, cette perle précieuseAujourd'hui plus qu'hier, par ignorance ou par orgueil, face à la vérité, certains s'attaquent à l'Islam et le critiquent. Alors que cette religion représente par excellence le respect des droits de l'homme de tous horizons et classes confondus. On l'accuse d'opprimer certaines catégories de personnes, de leur porter atteinte et de les dénigrer. La femme tout particulièrement est, prétendent-ils, considérée comme inférieure et dont les droits sont bafoués, voire inexistants, et dont le rôle dans la société est quasi inexistant. Entre haines, mensonges, ignorances ou amalgames, quel est réellement le statut de la femme dans l'Islam et en Occident ?The woman, this precious pearl This book explains about the status of women in Islam in an easy way for non-Muslims.Today more than yesterday, out of ignorance or pride, in the face of the truth, some attack Islam and criticize it. While this religion represents par excellence the respect of human rights of all backgrounds and classes combined. It is accused of oppressing certain categories of people, of harming them and of denigrating them. Women in particular are, they claim, considered inferior and whose rights are violated, even non-existent, and whose role in society is almost non-existent. Between hatred, lies, ignorance or confusion, what is the real status of women in Islam and in the West?

  • av Ayman Abanmi

    Un jour en compagnie de ton Bienaimé (Qu'Allah le couvre d'éloges et le protège)Une journée avec votre bien-aimé, que la prière et la paix de Dieu soient sur lui : une déclaration de son caractère - que la prière et la paix de Dieu soient sur lui et sa famille -, et ses conseils pour se réveiller, faire ses ablutions, se tenir debout, prier, matin et soir ses souvenirs, sa nourriture et ses boissons, ses vêtements, ses promenades à pied et à cheval, ses relations avec les gens, sa maison et son sommeil.To place the love of any human being ahead of the love of His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, is to forfeit one's faith altogether. The Prophet says: 'None of you truly attains to faith unless I am dearer to him than his parents, children and all mankind'. [Related by al-Bukhari].The best creation of Allah S.W.T. is our beloved Messenger Muhammad S.A.W. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. preached the message of Islam at a time when society was entrenched in paganism, teaching a message of justice, peace, and rights.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to pay attention to his people and appreciate them. He was very compassionate, loving and merciful to his companions. Our prophet used to console them in times of sorrow, visit them to ask about their conditions and teach them good manners and ethics.

  • av Ayla Volk

    When a vampire mother and her young child show up at their doorstep, Sonja and Dimitri must uncover an ancients prophecy that not only effects their own family, but the entire world. Will they be able to prove their strength to keep their pack safe when faced with a new evil? What will they discover about their son's future? Dive into the pages of the third book in The Warriors of the Eclipse series to find out.

  • av Artphoenix

    This Anime Coloring Book for Teens and Adults is the perfect way to unleash your creativity and unwind after a long day. With beautiful illustrations of your favorite anime characters, you can bring them to life with vibrant colors and personal touches.Using coloring books like this one has many benefits beyond just relaxation and entertainment. Coloring can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and promote mindfulness and self-expression. It's a fun and easy way to tap into your artistic side and explore your creativity.Plus, with the variety of keywords above, you can see that this coloring book is perfect for anime fans of all ages. Whether you're a teenager or an adult, this coloring book is a great way to connect with your favorite anime characters and immerse yourself in their world. And with the option to share and display your finished artwork, you can even show off your coloring skills to others.The book contains: 40 Unique Coloring Pages to color. Single-sided pagesBeautiful artwork and designsLarge book size 8.5" x 11"Suitable for all skill levelsHigh-Resolution printingExperience the wonderful world of Anime coloring today - order your copy now!Magical Manga: A Fantasy Anime Girls Coloring Book with Cute Chibi Designs and Adorable Manga GirlsBook with Cute Characters, Manga-Inspired Designs, and Fantasy Art for All Ages

  • av Jam Books

    Introduce your little ones to the thrilling world of monster trucks with 'Toddlers' Monster Truck Coloring Adventures'! This delightful coloring book is specially designed for tiny hands, providing endless roaring fun for toddlers aged 2 to 4.Inside this engaging coloring adventure, young truck enthusiasts will discover a captivating collection of giant-wheeled vehicles just waiting to be brought to life with vibrant colors. The simple and charming illustrations are perfect for toddlers, allowing them to explore their creativity and develop fine motor skills as they color within the lines.Watch as their eyes light up with joy as they embark on coloring adventures with these magnificent monster trucks. From epic races and gravity-defying stunts to exciting off-road adventures, each page is a gateway to a world of imaginative play and artistic expression.As they immerse themselves in coloring, toddlers will also enhance their hand-eye coordination and focus, making this coloring book not only entertaining but also a valuable educational tool.'Toddlers' Monster Truck Coloring Adventures' is a perfect gift for little ones who are fascinated by big trucks and endless adventures. Whether it's for quiet playtime at home or on-the-go entertainment, this book is sure to keep toddlers engaged and entertained for hours.Let the excitement roll in as your little truck enthusiasts grab their crayons and dive into this roaring world of monster trucks. Fuel their curiosity and creativity with this delightful coloring book that guarantees hours of joy and imaginative play. Get your copy today and watch your toddlers' faces light up with every colorful masterpiece they create

  • av Jam Books

    Prepare for a thrilling coloring journey as you dive into "Jet Fighter Adventures"! This action-packed coloring book takes young aviators on a high-flying expedition filled with exciting jet fighters and daring missions.Unleash your imagination as you take command of mighty jet fighters and embark on adrenaline-pumping adventures in the skies. From sleek modern warplanes to legendary historical aircraft, this coloring book features a captivating collection of illustrations that bring the excitement of air combat to life.Join brave pilots as they soar through the clouds, engage in epic dogfights, and defend the skies with unparalleled skill and precision. Each page presents an opportunity for creative expression, as young artists add their own flair and personality to these dynamic scenes.As you color the pages, you'll not only have a blast but also enhance your artistic skills and boost cognitive development. Coloring is a fantastic way to improve hand-eye coordination, focus, and attention to detail, making this book both fun and educational."Jet Fighter Adventures" is the perfect gift for aviation enthusiasts, aspiring pilots, and creative adventurers alike. Whether enjoyed alone or with friends, this coloring book promises hours of entertainment and imaginative play.Soar to new heights and embark on an exciting coloring journey with "Jet Fighter Adventures"! Grab your coloring tools, fasten your seatbelt, and get ready to experience the thrill of the skies. Order your copy today and let your creativity take flight!

  • av Jam Books

    Get ready to rev up your imagination with 'Roaring Monster Trucks: An Exciting Coloring Adventure for Boys and Girls Ages 3-12'! This action-packed coloring book is a thrilling journey into the world of colossal monster trucks that will captivate children of all ages.With 50 dynamic and detailed illustrations, young artists can unleash their creativity as they bring these mighty vehicles to life with an explosion of colors. From adrenaline-pumping stunts to mud-splattering off-road races, each page offers an engaging scene that will excite and entertain.Designed to cater to children between the ages of 3 and 12, this coloring book is perfect for boys and girls who love the thrill of monster trucks. Whether they are toddlers fascinated by these massive machines or older kids who are passionate about these four-wheeled wonders, there's something for everyone in this coloring adventure.As they color, kids will not only develop their artistic skills but also enhance their fine motor skills, concentration, and creativity. The large and simple illustrations make it easy for young hands to color within the lines and create impressive masterpieces.Bring the excitement of monster trucks to your child's playtime and spark their imagination with this captivating coloring book. 'Monster Truck Mania' is not just an ordinary coloring book; it's an action-packed experience that will provide hours of joy, entertainment, and educational fun for kids and parents alike. Order your copy today and let the colorful adventure begin!

  • av Jam Books

    Rev up your creativity with our thrilling Motorcycle Coloring Book for Boys! This unique collection features 35 distinct racing, classic, and sport motorbike coloring pages, captivating boys of all ages.

  • av Artphoenix

    Escape into a world of natural beauty with the Blooming Botanicals Coloring Book - an enchanting coloring book for nature lovers and art enthusiasts alike. With 50unique coloring pages featuring intricate floral designs and patterns, this book is perfect for anyone looking to unwind and tap into their creative side.Each page is carefully crafted with stunning artwork and designs, highlighting the beauty of nature and the intricate details of each flower. The pages are printed single-sided, allowing you to use a variety of coloring tools without any bleeding or smudging. Plus, with a large book size of 8.5" x 11", you'll have plenty of space to let your creativity flow.The Blooming Botanicals Coloring Book is suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced colorists, and is designed to provide a calming and therapeutic experience. The high-resolution printing ensures that every detail is captured and that the colors pop off the page, making each illustration truly come to life.The book contains: 50 Unique Coloring Pages to color. Single-sided pagesBeautiful artwork and designsLarge book size 8.5" x 11"Suitable for all skill levelsHigh-Resolution printingOrder your copy of the Blooming Botanicals Coloring Book today and start experiencing the joy of mindful coloring. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or just want to explore your creative side, this coloring book is the perfect way to do it. Don't wait - order now and start coloring your way to relaxation and creativity!

  • av Onelyfemedia Corp

    OneLyfeMedia intends to share unique experiences to help our community deepen it's understanding of personal finance and encourage healthy financial habits through easy to digest content.

  • av Mohammad Taha Ali

    Ang Layunin Sa Paglikha Ng TaoIsang mahalagang aklat tungkol sa layunin ng paglikha sa tao sa wikang Filipino, malinaw na ipinaliwanag ng may-akda sa aklat na ito kung ano ang pinakalayunin ng Allah sa paglikha sa tao na siyang pagsamba lamang sa Kanya- Ang Nag-iisa-, ang layunin ng paglikha ay dapat malaman ng bawa't isa lalung-lalo na ang mga hindi Muslim.The Purpose of Human Creation An important book about the purpose of human creation in the Filipino language, may-al clearly explained the ultimate purpose of Allah in creating human beings which is to worship only Him- The One-, the purpose of especially non-Muslims.This book handles one of the most important and necessary topic on which we should concentrate. It is the purpose of creation.

  • av Mohammad Taha Ali

    MGA KAHANGA-HANGANG KASAYSAYAN NG MGA KAPATID SA ISLAMSa aklat na ito, ang may akda ay nagsasalaysay ng ilang kahanga-hangang mga kuwento tungkol sa mga kadahilanan ng pagyakap sa Islam ng ilan sa mga bagong muslim, upang ito ay maging susi para sa mga di-muslim, at bilang isang aral para sa mga muslim at gayundin bilang paghihikayat sa kanila upang mapalaganap ang Islam sa iba bukod sa kanila.AMAZING HISTORIES OF THE BROTHERS IN ISLAMIn this book, the author narrates some wonderful stories about the reasons for embracing Islam by some of the new Muslims, so that it can be a key for non-Muslims, and as a lesson for those who Muslims and also as an encouragement to them to spread Islam to others besides them.Inspirational, touching and Influential stories of New Muslims.

  • av Ahmad Jebreel Salas

    MARIA (Ina ni Hesus) Ang Dakilang Babae Ng SangkatauhanAng isang halimbawa na binigyan ng liwanag ay ang katotohanan tungkol sa buhay ni Maryam (Maria) ang dakilang Ina ni Isa (Hesus) sapagka't ang magandang kasaysayang ipinahayag ng Banal na Qur'an tungkol sa kanya ay makapagdudulot ng higit pang magandang kaisipan hindi lamang sa mga Muslim kundi sa mga Kristiyano na nagmamahal sa kanya. Ang kanyang kalinisan, at wagas na pagsamba ay sadyang maingat na nakatala sa Banal na Qur'an.Christians know her as Mary, the mother of Jesus. Muslims also refer to her as the mother of Jesus, or in Arabic, Umm Eisa. In Islam Mary is often called Maryam bint Imran; Mary, the daughter of Imran. This book gives some background about her adoption by Zachariah so she could serve in the temple. This book describes what happened to Mary after she came under the care of the Prophet Zachariah. It tells how the angel Gabriel announced the birth of a special child, how she coped with the bearing her baby, and relates some of the miracles that took place around the time Jesus was born.

  • av Artphoenix

    Introducing the "World Women Coloring Book For Adults": a captivating journey of empowerment, diversity, and self-expression through the art of coloring. Immerse yourself in the stories of remarkable women from around the world, celebrating their strength, resilience, and cultural heritage.With this coloring book, you'll discover the beauty of women's history as you bring to life the vibrant portraits of influential figures. Each page is meticulously designed to inspire and uplift, featuring empowering quotes and positive affirmations to fuel your creativity.Experience the therapeutic benefits of coloring as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and mindfulness. This book is not just about adding color to paper; it's a form of self-care and a pathway to inner peace. Let the intricate illustrations and calming patterns guide you on a meditative adventure, promoting relaxation and balance in your life.Embrace the diverse beauty of women from different cultures, capturing the essence of their unique stories and celebrating the power of unity. From pioneers who broke barriers to leaders who shaped history, this coloring book showcases the resilience and achievements of women throughout time.Unlock your artistic potential and express your own creativity with this collection of joyous illustrations. With a focus on feminine power and sisterhood, you'll find inspiration to celebrate and uplift those around you.Indulge in the joy of coloring while cultivating a sense of empowerment, self-discovery, and cultural appreciation. The "World Women Coloring Book For Adults" invites you to join a global movement of creativity and inspiration. It's time to pick up your colored pencils and let your imagination soar as you color the world of women.

  • av Ibn Kathir

    Ang Talambuhay ng PropetaIsang kapaki-pakinabang na aklat tungkol sa talambuhay ng Propeta Muhammad (Sumakanya nawa ang pagpapala at kapayapaan) sa wikang Filipino, tinalakay ng may-akda sa aklat na ito ang kasaysayan ng Propeta mula sa kanyang kapanganakan at kamusmusan hanggang sa kanyang kamatayan.The Biography of the ProphetA useful book about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in Filipino, the author in this book discusses the history of the Prophet from his birth and infancy to his death.The Seerah (The Life Of The Prophet) Muhammad (Peace be upon him) By Imam Ibn Kathir. Muhammad was the prophet and founder of Islam. Most of his early life was spent as a merchant. At age 40, he began to have revelations from Allah that became the basis for the Koran and the foundation of Islam. By 630 he had unified most of Arabia under a single religion

  • av Muhammad Bin Sulaiman Altamimi

    Ang mga Pangunahing Batayan ng IslamAng relihiyong Islam ay isang pangkalahatang mensahe na batay sa prinsipyo (Aqeedah) ng Pagkilala at Pagsamba nang tuwiran sa Tanging Isang Tunay na Diyos (Allah). Ang Islam ay hindi nagbibigay ng pagtatangi-tangi sa mga tagasunod (mananampalataya) nito maging ang kulay ay itim, puti, o ang lahi ay Arabo at di-Arabo.The Fundamentals of IslamThe religion of Islam is a universal message based on the principle (Aqeedah) of Recognizing and Worshiping directly the One True God (Allah). Islam does not discriminate among its followers (believers) whether the color is black, white, or the race is Arab and non-Arab.A simplified Introduction to Islam in English language in categories of question and answer in different aspect, and it increases the question from non Muslims.

  • av Mohammad Taha Ali

    PAGPAPALIWANAG SA MGA HALIGI NG ISLAMAng mahalagang aklat na ito ay tungkol sa pagpapaliwanag sa mga haligi ng Islam sa wikang tagalog, malinaw na tinalakay dito ng may akda ang tunay na kahulugan ng pagsamba (Ibadah) at mga haligi ng Islam.EXPLANATION OF THE PILLARS OF ISLAMThis important book is about explaining the pillars of Islam in Tagalog, the author clearly discussed here the true meaning of worship (Ibadah) and the pillars of Islam.The five pillars the declaration of faith (shahada), prayer (salah), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm) and pilgrimage (hajj) constitute the basic norms of Islamic practice. They are accepted by Muslims globally irrespective of ethnic, regional or sectarian differences.The five pillars of Islam define the basic identity of Muslims - their faith, beliefs and practices - and bind together a worldwide community of believers into a fellowship of shared values and concerns.

  • av Omar Al-Hafidh

    Ang Pagbabalik ni Hesukristo sa LupaAng lathalaing ito ay tumatalakay tungkol sa pagbabalik ni Hesukristo dito sa lupa batay sa mga salaysay ng Banal na Qur'an at mapananaligang Hadith ng Propeta Muhammad. Datapuwa't siya ay hindi maghuhukom ng makabagong batas, bagkus siya ay maghuhukom sa pagitan ng mga tao sa pamamagitan ng batas ng Islam.Similarities and differences about the second coming of Jesus between Christians and Muslims. The Messiah at the end of times according to Judaism. The prophecies and portents in Islam of the descent of Jesus in the Quran and the prophetic narrations. The context of Jesus' second coming, the trials and tribulations before it, the rise of the Mahdi and the advent of Maseeh ad-Dajjal (the False Messiah), and Jesus' role killing him. After the False Messiah; the annulment of the false religions of the people of the book, the establishment of God's nation under Jesus, and the invasion of the Gog and Magog. The end of Gog and Magog, followed by peace and plenty, a world without war, the universality of God's True Religion, and the death of Jesus.

  • av Ayman Abanmi

    Isang araw kasama ang iyong minamahal, Muhammad (sumakanya ang pagpapala at kapayapaan): isang pahayag ng kanyang pagkatao at ang kanyang patnubay sa paggising, paghuhugas, pagtayo, pagdarasal, paggunita sa umaga at gabi, pagkain at inumin, pananamit, paglalakad at pagsakay, pakikitungo sa mga tao, sa kanyang tahanan at sa kanyang pagtulog.A day with your Beloved one (Peace Be Upon Him)To place the love of any human being ahead of the love of His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, is to forfeit ones faith altogether. The Prophet says: None of you truly attains to faith unless I am dearer to him than his parents, children and all mankind. [Related by al-Bukhari].

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