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  • av Lexander Quill

    With the help of this fascinating book, discover the secrets of philosophy and history!Explore Jacques Derrida's "Of Grammatology" in depth to uncover previously undiscovered aspects of "history" that will completely alter your viewpoint. This book is not your typical read; rather, it is an engrossing excursion into the core of historical discourse that will leave you wanting more.Why should you read this book right now? This is the reason why:Discover a new and powerful interpretation of "history" that will transform the way you think about historical studies in general and historiography in particular.This book bridges the divide between philosophy and history by addressing the difficult and frequently illusive concept of "history." You'll see how these two worlds come together, each offering a distinct perspective to the table.See how 'history' is methodically rebuilt in 'Of Grammatology.' This book provides a phenomenological voyage, freeing "history" from the limiting ideas that have imprisoned it for far too long.Accompany the author as they uncover the philosophical restraints that 'history' is subject to and revitalize this age-old debate. Witness the emergence of an engrossing "diagram," which serves as the central theme of this thought-provoking journey.Get ready for an exciting journey through modern historiography in the second section. This 'diagram' becomes your road map, forcing historiography to face its own historical background and bringing new intellectual life to this area.This book is more than just your average academic literature; it's an immersive experience that will change the way you think about philosophy and history. Jacques Derrida challenges preconceived ideas about his work and comes out as a thinker who is firmly rooted in certain historical contexts. This book can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between philosophy and history, as well as a new perspective. It is certain to be a transforming read.In conclusion, for those who are hungry for a deeper comprehension of "history" and its intricate relationship to philosophy, this book is a must-read. It's a priceless tool for academics of all stripes, providing a distinct and captivating viewpoint that will pique your interest. So, why do you hesitate? Grab your book right away and start this once-in-a-lifetime cerebral adventure!"

  • av Zakir Naik

    VALASZOK A NEM-MUSZLIMOK GYAKORI KERDESEIREAz iszlám üzenetét közvetítve egy nem-muszlimhoz, általában nem elég csupán az iszlám pozitív természetét kihangsúlyozni. A legtöbb nem-muszlim azért nincs meggyQzQdve az iszlám igazságáról, mert a tudatalattijukban van néhány kérdésük az iszlámmal kapcsolatban, amelyekre soha nem kaptak választ. Az iszlámmal kapcsolatos kérdések minden korban különböznek. Az itt található kérdések a mai korra alapozódnak és minden kérdés megalapozott választ kap.In conveying the message of Islam to a non-Muslim, it is usually not sufficient to highlight only the positive nature of Islam. Most non-Muslims are not convinced about the truth of Islam because there are a few questions about Islam at the back of their minds that remain unanswered. This book will help non-Muslims to discover and know more common questions about Islam in more depth.

  • av Ezzia Ali Taha

    B¿N ÉS MEGBOCSÁTÁS A KERESZTÉNYSÉGBEN ÉS AZ ISZLÁMBANEz az informatív könyv a b¿n és a megbocsátás alapvet¿ kérdéseivel foglalkozik a mai kereszténységben és az iszlámban elemz¿ perspektívából.A Bibliában Jézus megbocsátásra tanította a tanítványait, hogy Isten megbocsásson nekik. Ez még a Miatyánkban is benne volt. Hasonlóképpen a Koránban az iszlám azt tanítja, hogy Allah irgalmas, hogy megbocsásson mindazoknak, akik megbocsátanak embertársaiknak, akik megbántották ¿ket.This informative book tackles the fundamental subject of sin & forgiveness in today's Christianity & in Islam from an analytical perspective.In the Bible, Jesus taught his disciples to forgive in order to be forgiven by God. This was even included in the Lord's Prayer. Similarly in the Quran, Islam teaches that Allah is merciful to forgive all those who forgive their fellow human beings who have wronged them.

  • av A. C. Morley

    "Albert Camus: Unveiling Moral Courage and Ethical Clarity" takes you on an in-depth philosophical exploration of one of the most significant intellectuals of the 20th century. We go deeply into Camus' beliefs in this enlightening investigation, revealing the essence of moral courage and ethical clarity that shaped his life and work.Learn about the philosophical influences that shaped Camus's perspective, from Feuerbach and the Marquis de Sade to his early exposure to Christian and ancient metaphysics. Explore the philosophical and existentialist landscapes of Germany as they influenced Camus' viewpoints on life, happiness, and the human condition.Discover the nuanced relationship that Camus had with political ideologies, including his early affiliations with communism and his observations on poverty and utopian thought. Learn about the complex interactions between his political ethics and philosophy.In the end, this book peels back the philosophical layers of Camus to uncover a profound comprehension of morals and ethics, which culminates in his revolutionary philosophy and the notion of Nemesis. You will be forced to accept Camus' vision of moral fortitude and ethical clarity by the last page, which makes this book a crucial addition to your philosophical collection. Get it now to start a life-changing intellectual exploration voyage.

  • av Ali Ansari

    INTRODUCTION TO FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONIn history, we read that, man has employed several artificial techniques to send information over long distances. For Example, they used reflected sunlight or smoke signals during day time and fire beacons at night time. At 18th Century, they used semaphore method. (i.e. sending signals by moving flags). Then Semaphore method was overtaken by Telegraph on land and flashing and occulting of lamps at sea. Later on these methods were replaced by telephones and by wireless telegraphy. Now information is transmitted as a sequential stream of light pulses, guided along optical fibers. It acts as the transmission medium to carry the light beam loaded with information.Fiber optic communication is a method which is used to transmit information from one place to another place by sending light pulses through an optical fiber. Optical fiber is a good medium for long distance broadband communication. It plays an important role due to its properties like high bandwidth, high level of security and long distance transmission. Fiber optic communication has great advantages over the conventional cable communication system.The most important advantage is the availability of tremendous bandwidth which is a measure of the information carrying capacity. Some of the other advantages are: i) less weight, ii) no hazards of short circuits, iii) low cost and iv) immunity to temperature and moisture conditions.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Hisnul Mu`min [ Der Schutzwall des Gläubigen ]Das Bittgebet (Dua) und das Gedenken Allahs (Adhkar) sind Gottesdienste, die eine ständige Verbindung zwischen Gott und seinem Diener darstellen. Dieses Buch erwähnt einige Bittgebete und Adhkar, deren Art und Weise und erläutert die Art der Ruqya, sowie die Weisheit die hinter den Prüfungen und Unglücken stecken und wie man ihnen begegnet.In this booklet, the author mentioned the reason different types of afflictions and trials befall the Ummah (nation) and how to prevent them, and how to deal with them after they occur in the light of Quran and Sunnah.The supplication (Du'a) and the remembrance of Allah (Adhkar) are worship services that represent a constant connection between God and his servant. This book mentions some supplications and Adhkar, their manner and explains the nature of Ruqya, as well as the wisdom behind the trials and misfortunes and how to face them.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    The Message of Islam begins by asserting the important fact that the faith of Islam, its worship, the rules governing people's transactions and all its teachings have remained exactly the same as they were taught by Prophet Muhammad.This book contains the explanation of the eternal message of Islam from its foundations and foundations, which are the pillars of Islam and Iman. It also explains features of Islamic legislation, economic, social, political and moral conditions and human rights in Islam.BOTSCHAFT DES ISLAMDieses Buch beinhaltet die Erklärung der ewigen Botschaft des Islam aus dessen Fundamenten und Grundlagen, welche die Säulen des Islam und des Iman sind. Darüberhinaus erläutert es Merkmale der islamischen Gesetzgebung, ökonomische, gesellschaftliche, politische und moralische Verhältnisse und Menschenrechte im Islam.Die Botschaft des Islam beginnt mit der Feststellung der wichtigen Tatsache, dass der Glaube des Islam, seine Anbetung, die Regeln für die Geschäfte der Menschen und alle seine Lehren genau dieselben geblieben sind, wie sie vom Propheten Muhammad gelehrt wurden.

  • av Mohammad Taha Ali

    Ang Kasaysayan ng Ka'bah sa MakkahAng Mahalagang aklat na ito ay tungkol sa kasaysayan ng Ka'bah sa Makkah (Ang unang bahay-dalanginan sa balat ng Lupa) sa wikang Tagalog, kasamang tinalakay dito ng may-akda ang gitnang silangan kung saan naroon ang Ka'bah na itinutruing na pinagpalang pook, na pook ng mga Sugo at Propeta.The History of Ka'bah (The First House on Earth).The Kaaba was a sanctuary in pre-Islamic times. Muslims believe that Abraham (known as Ibrahim in the Islamic tradition), and his son, Ismail, constructed the Kaaba. Tradition holds that it was originally a simple unroofed rectangular structure. The Quraysh tribe, who ruled Mecca, rebuilt the pre-Islamic Kaaba in c.Kaaba is the first House of Worship, it is fundamental to Hajj and to our history as Muslims. It's also the qibla (direction) towards which we turn towards in prayer five times a day.The Holy Kaaba, also know as Khana Kaaba is not the actual house of God, but it is a metaphorical place of Allah's residence. It refers to the oneness of the supreme power in Islamic beliefs.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Toleranz und Nachsicht im IslamDie Toleranz und Nachsicht im Islam sind eine unerlässliche Säule, auf die sich die islamische Scharia stützt. Angefangen bei der bedeutendsten Sache der Religion, nämlich dem Glaubensbekenntnis, bis zu den kleinsten Angelegenheiten. Dieses Buch soll diese Sichweise erklären.Der Islam ist die Religion der Toleranz und Leichtigkeit; Es bietet ausreichend Raum für freie Meinungsäußerung und unterdrückt Menschen nicht. Der Islam lehrt uns, unser Bestes zu geben, die Botschaft Allahs anderen auf anständige Weise zu präsentieren und zu übermitteln und Menschen auf den Weg der Wahrheit einzuladenEase and Tolerance: Two beautiful, intrinsic qualities of Islam.Tolerance and forbearance in Islam are an essential pillar on which Islamic Sharia is based. Starting with the most important thing in religion, namely the creed, down to the smallest matters. This book is intended to explain this perspective.Islam is the religion of tolerance and ease; it gives an ample space for freedom of expression and does not suppress people. Islam teaches us to do our best in presenting and conveying the message of Allah to others in a decent way and to invite people towards the path of truth

  • av Abdul Rahman Al-Sheha

    Menschenrechte im IslamMacht und Politik bei Menschenrechten.Nur Gott garantiert wahre Menschenrechte.Wie der Islam mit Dingen umgeht, die in der heutigen Gesellschaft noch immer unkontrollierbar sind.In this book, it shows the rules that Islam put for human rights. We handle this concept in Islam through the Quran and Sunnah texts. This discussion shows the greatness of Islam and how it respects humans and dignifies them.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    DER ISLAM IST DIE RELIGION DES FRIEDENSDieses Buch befasst sich mit dem wichtigen Thema der Gerechtigkeit in der Gesellschaft und der Bekämpfung der Ungerechtigkeit, um den Frieden der Gesellschaft zu garantieren.Das Buch macht deutlich, dass die Motive der frühen Muslime, als sie große Reiche überwältigten und weite Gebiete eroberten, nicht darin bestanden, Menschen zu unterwerfen oder sich selbst zu bereichern.Die Lehren des Islam laden die Menschen dazu ein, ein friedliches Leben zu führen, das auf Theismus, Gerechtigkeit und Reinheit basiert. Frieden im Islam ist eine ewige Verfassung. Sogar der Charakter des Krieges im Islam ist ein defensiver und kein offensiver Krieg, denn das Prinzip des Islam ist Frieden und Koexistenz, nicht Konflikt, Gewalt und Krieg.The book makes clear that when the early Muslims overpowered major empires and took over vast areas, their motives were not to subjugate people or to enrich themselves.This book addresses the important issue of justice in society and fighting injustice to ensure peace in society.The teachings of Islam invite people to live a peaceful life based on theism, justice and purity. Peace in Islam is an eternal constitution. Even the nature of war in Islam is a defensive one, not an offensive one, because the principle of Islam is peace and coexistence, not conflict, violence and war.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Muhammad, der Gesandte Allahs, Friede sei auf ihm.Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die Biographie des Propheten Muhammad (Friede sei mit ihm) und sein bescheidenes Leben. Dieses Buch behandelt einen Aspekt des Lebens, der Taten und Lehren des Propheten und zielt darauf ab, ein besseres Verständnis von Muhammad (Friede sei mit ihm) zu vermitteln. Leben und islamische Werte.This book focuses on the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and his humble life.This book covers an aspect of the Prophets life, deeds and teachings, and aims to provide a better understanding of Muhammads (Peace Be Upon Him) life and Islamic values.Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

  • av Alicia Coulter
    305 - 369,-

    Safe Spaces for Black Women is the Black woman's blueprint to navigate Corporate America. Have you heard that, "Black don't crack?" In this book, Alicia shares her personal experiences and experiences of Black women cracking because of the harm they experienced within Corporate America. Safe Spaces for Black Women is also the blueprint to provide every Black woman the tools she needs to navigate discrimination, unrealistic expectations, and habitual professional disappointment within Corporate America. Safe Spaces for Black Women will leave the reader feeling validated, encouraged, and ready for elevation within their professional life. In Safe Spaces for Black Women, Alicia shares the tools she used to create a safe space for herself after over 25 years of being unsafe as a Black woman in Corporate America. Safe Spaces for Black Women will provide you confirmation that what you are experiencing within your professional environment is due to systemic racism, that imposter syndrome does not belong to you, and making tough decisions regarding your professional environments are necessary to protect your mental health. Safe Spaces for Black Women will leave you ready to access spaces that are safe and free from harm. Sis, Safe Spaces for Black Women is the book you never knew you wanted or needed, but it is here, and it was written for you! If you have ever felt like your workplace is mentally draining, filled with maltreatment, exhausting, anxiety provoking, and aids in developing insecurities, then this book is for you. This book is also for the Sis that has been made to feel as though she is less than and not the queen that you are. Regardless of your academic and/or professional experience, this book will provide you the validation, encouragement, and need for elevation that you never knew you needed but will immediately yearn for. Sis, you need everything that Safe Space for Black Women delivers in this book; this book was written by a Black woman to heal the hearts and minds of Black women!

  • av Charles F. Myers

    In the book Toffee Takes a Trip, Marc Pillsworth makes the decision to travel in order to get away from his boring life. However, his path is rife with unforeseen detours and difficulties. He encounters a character named Toffee along the road who assumes control of the journey. They are spared danger when Toffee spots a guard in an open area and warns the others.They arrive in a sleepy town where the people gather to view the killers as they continue their trek. Marc observes as a drunken man grips the bars of his cage and glances at Toffee in the opposite cell as he is among them. Marc is concerned after this incident and starts to wonder about the intentions of others around him.Marc enjoys the voyage despite the difficulties he faces and gets beyond the impediments that stand in his way. He gains an appreciation for the beauty of the environment and the people he encounters. At the end of the adventure, Marc returns home with a fresh perspective on life and a sense of contentment that he had been lacking previously.Overall, Toffee Takes a Trip is a book about the value of exploration and self-discovery. It demonstrates that occasionally, venturing outside of our comfort zones and embracing the unknown can bring about the greatest rewards.

  • av Jam Books

    Classic and Retro cars coloring book for kids and adults

  • av Mestisha Castleberry

    Faith is a powerful force that can help us navigate through difficult days. When we have faith, we believe that things will get better and that we have the strength and resilience to overcome the challenges we face. We believe all things will work out even if we can't see the path ahead, that's faith. It's the belief that the Lord is guiding us, and that everything happens for a reason. Fueling your life with faith means living with purpose, hope, and joy, even in the face of adversity. This book teaches you how to build and strengthen your faith for those difficult days, by following some powerful practical teachings Mestisha has provided as a guide. Building faith is a process that takes time and effort. It requires deliberate mindfulness, discipline, patience for personal growth and endurance. As your faith grows you will begin to look for the lessons and learn from the challenges.

  • av Timothy J. Mulder

    The Book of Ruth is one of the most famous short stories of all time. In just four chapters, the reader is exposed to faithlessness, death, unwavering integrity, and redemption. Ruth provides an intimate view into the back story of the lineage of King David. Set in the time of the judges, when "everyone did what was right in their own eyes," the wholesomeness and honesty of Ruth are a welcome breath of fresh air.In this study, we shall cover such topics as God's loving-kindness (hesed), the foreshadowing of Christ, waiting on God's timing, the providence of God, and the redemption of Naomi.Join the author as he takes an in-depth, Reformed look into one of the greatest redemption stories of all time.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    ISLAMISCHE ROMANTIKISLAMISCHE ROMANTIK (DIE HINGABE DES PROPHETEN IN ALL SEINEN LEBENSLAGEN)In diesem Buch werden wir offen über Themen diskutieren, die sich auf Romantik im Islam beziehen. Für jeden, der Einblick in die Religion des Islam sucht, ist es wichtig zu verstehen, dass der Islam nicht einfach nur eine Religion, sondern eine Lebensweise ist. Liebe ist ein starkes Gefühl der Verbundenheit, Anziehung oder Fürsorge für eine Person. Es ist interessant zu wissen, dass der Islam das Gefühl der Liebe weder ungültig macht noch vollständig ablehnt. Tatsächlich gibt es einen Hadith des Propheten (SAWS), der besagt:Von Ibn Abbas wurde berichtet, dass der Prophet (SAW) sagte: Es gibt nichts Besseres als die Ehe für zwei, die einander lieben.In this book we will openly discuss issues that pertain to romance in Islam. It is important for anyone seeking insight into the religion of Islam that they understand that Islam is not simply a religion, it is a way of life. Love is a strong emotion of feeling attached, attracted, or caring for an individual. It is interesting to know that Islam doesnt invalidate the feeling of love nor reject it completely. In fact, there is a hadith of the Prophet(SAWS) which says,It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet [SAW] said: There is nothing like marriage, for two who love one another.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Die Frau im Schutz des IslamWie steht der Islam wirklich zur Frau? Wie ist ihre Stellung im Islam und in anderen Religionen und Zivilisationen? Dieses Buch soll dem Leser einen kleinen Einblick gewähren, damit er sich selbst vergewissern kann, wie die Frau im Schutz des Islam lebt.Dieses Buch erörtert den besonderen Platz, den Frauen in der Religion des Islam einnehmen, und versucht, einige der vielen Missverständnisse und falschen Propaganda zu beseitigen, die von denen verbreitet werden, die diese Religion nicht kennen oder die böswillige Absicht hegen, diese Religion absichtlich falsch darzustellen.This book discusses the special place women have in the religion of Islam and seeks to address some of the many misconceptions and false propaganda published by those who are ignorant of this religion or harbor a malicious intent to purposely misrepresent this religion.How does Islam really relate to women? What is their position in Islam and in other religions and "civilizations"? This book is intended to give the reader a little insight so that he can see for himself how women live under the protection of Islam

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Der Weg der GlückseligkeitDer einzige Weg zur wahren Glückseligkeit ist der Islam und das wozu er aufruft: Glaube an Allah, seine Engel, seine Bücher, seine Gesandten, den Jüngsten Tag und die Vorbestimmung und Qadar..Dieses Buch befasst sich mit einem wichtigen Thema: Der einzige Weg, wahres Glück zu erlangen, ist der Islam und ruft zum Glauben an Allah und seine Engel, seine Bücher, seine Gesandten, den Jüngsten Tag und sein Schicksal auf.This book addresses an important subject, the only way to achieve true happiness is Islam and call for the faith in Allah and His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and destiny.The only path to true happiness is Islam and what it calls for: belief in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day and Predestination and Qadar.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    JESUS (`ISA) (FRIEDE SEI MIT IHM) IM QUR`ANDer Quran erzählt uns die Geschichten der Propheten, von Adam bis Muhammad, Allahs Friede auf ihnen. Auch die Geschichte Jesus wurde ausfühlich dargestellt und genau diese ist es womit sich dieses Buch befasst.Das Buch behandelt die Lebensgeschichte des Propheten Jesus, des Sohnes Marias, Friede sei mit beiden. Es beginnt mit der Zeit vor seiner Geburt, bis er vom allmächtigen Allah in den Himmel aufgefahren wurde.The book discusses the life story of Prophet Jesus, the Son of Mary, Peace be upon both of them. It starts with the time before he was born, till he was ascended to heaven by Almighty Allah.The Qur'an tells us the stories of the Prophets, from Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them. The story of Jesus was also presented in great detail and this is exactly what this book is about.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Islam und SexualitätDieses Buch behandelt unter anderem folgende Themen: Der Geschlechtstrieb aus der Sicht des Islam,Die Schritte, die der Islam für die Regulierung des Geschlechtstriebes vorsieht,Heirat im Islam,Die Scheidung im Islam,Einige Ergebnisse der unkontrollierten Sexualität.This is a book in German in which the author confirms that Islam acknowledges the fact that ones sexual desire has to be satisfied. It considers fulfilling this desire a praiseworthy matter, as long as it is done within Shariah limits. It is not disdainful to satisfy this desire, nor should it be neglected. He also said, In this booklet we will discuss the Islamic method of satisfying sexual desire, and how it can be transformed from a base desire into an act of worship through which a Muslim receives reward.

  • av Marius Smit

    This book is a personal account of the author's journey to profitable sports betting. It illustrates what it takes to become successful and lays bare the reasons why only a minority of sports betters are equipped to consistently beat the odds. The reader is led to a specific interpretation of what freedom through sports betting implies.

  • av John Pelizzari

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Der Anfang und das EndeDer Autor erläutert in diesem Buch, wie Allah die Schöpfung begann und wie diese Welt enden wird. Darüberhinaus erklärt er einige Beweise für die Existenz Allahs und die Verwirrung der Nichtmuslime bezüglich des Anfangs der Welt, die sich in ihren vielen aufgestellten und widerlegten Theorien widerspiegelt.Islam is the religion which Allah has chosen, is pleased with and has legislated for His slaves. People are in dire need of its laws to organize the affairs of their private and public lives, their internal and external affairs. Besides the great importance paid in Islam to general principles and fundamentals, it has not neglected secondary issues.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Ist es nicht an der Zeit, Muslim zu werden?Der Autor wollte die Realität und das Wesen des Islam aufzeigen, um denjenigen den Schleier vor den Augen zu nehmen, die glauben, der Islam sei nur die Religion der Araber. Das Buch beleuchtet auch die Merkmale des Islam und seine Vorzüge.The author wanted to show the reality and essence of Islam to remove the veil from the eyes of those who believe that Islam is only the religion of Arabs.The book also sheds light on the characteristics of Islam and its merits.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Dieses Buch erklärt nicht-muslimischen Lesern, wie man den Islam annimmt und zeigt, dass dies nicht viel Aufwand erfordert. Für neue Muslime erklärt das Buch die wesentlichen Elemente des Islam und beschreibt den Charakter des Propheten Muhammad, seine Qualitäten und die Botschaft, die er der Menschheit überbrachte. Anschließend werden die verschiedenen Gottesdienste, die Muslime anbieten müssen, sowie deren Zweck und Bedeutung erörtert.Wie kann ich dem Islam beitreten?This book explains for non-Muslim readers how to embrace Islam and shows that this does not require much effort. To new Muslims, the book explains the essential elements of Islam and outlines the character of Prophet Muhammad, his qualities and the message he delivered to mankind. It goes on to discuss the various acts of worship Muslims are required to offer, as well as their purposes and significance.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    Jede Bid¿a in der Religion ist ein Irregehen.Dieses Buch behandelt die Frage der Bid'ah (Innovation im Islam) anhand der folgenden Punkte: (1) Kategorien von Menschen, die Innovationen praktizieren (2) Satans Versuche, den Sohn Adams in sieben Phasen zu zerstören (3) Vollendung des Islam (4 ) Was ist Bid'ah? (5) Die Haltung der Scharia zu religiösen Neuerungen (6) Aussagen von Gelehrten, die Bid'ah-Praktiken verurteilten (7) Beweise, die von einigen zur Stützung ihrer hinterhältigen Praktiken verwendet wurden (8) Gründe für die Verbreitung von Bid'ah (9) Voraussetzungen für Annahme guter Taten (10) Gefahren von Bid'ah.This book handles the issue of bid'ah (innovation in Islam) through the following points: (1) Categories of people who practice innovations (2) Satan's attempts to destroy the son of Adam through seven phases (3) Completion of Islam (4) What is bid'ah? (5) The stance of Shari'ah regarding religious innovations (6) Statements of scholars who condemned bid'ah practices (7) Proofs used by some to support their devious practices (8) Reasons for spreading bid'ah (9) Prerequisites for acceptance of good deeds (10) Dangers of bid'ah.

  • av Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha

    This book explains the concept of purification and that under Islam it is not limited to personal and physical purity but includes purifying oneself of sin and all disobedience of God. The book then discusses the detailed rules of physical purification.An instructive book which covers topics such as wudu, ghusl, tayammum and stroking over the stockings, among other things.WAS MAN ÜBER DIE RITUELLE REINHEIT (TAHARAH) WISSEN MUSSEin lehrreiches Buch, welches unter anderem Themen des Wudu, Ghusl, Tayammum und des Steichens über die Strümpfe behandelt.Dieses Buch erklärt das Konzept der Reinigung und erklärt, dass es sich im Islam nicht auf die persönliche und körperliche Reinheit beschränkt, sondern auch die Reinigung von Sünde und jeglichem Ungehorsam gegenüber Gott einschließt. Anschließend werden im Buch die detaillierten Regeln der körperlichen Reinigung besprochen.

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