av Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah
In this book; In the light of the Quran and the sunnah, the terrible horror of the Day of Judgment, intercession, the Day of Judgment, heaven and the blessings of heaven, the characteristics of the inhabitants of heaven, hadiths about the characteristics of heaven and hell, how the last visitor (the angel of death) should be welcomed, the way the funeral prayer is performed, the prayers made in the funeral prayer. The virtue of funeral prayer is explained.A description of death, the life of the grave, and the Day of Judgment.KIYÂMETKitap Hakk¿nda K¿sa Bilgi: Bu kitapta; Kur'an ve sünnet ¿¿¿¿¿nda k¿yamet gününün korkunç deh¿eti, ¿efaat, k¿yamet günü, cennet ve cennet nimetleri, cennetliklerin özellikleri, cennet ve cehennemin özellikleri ile ilgili hadisler, son ziyaretçi (ölüm mele¿i) nas¿l kar¿¿lanmal¿, cenaze namaz¿n¿n k¿l¿n¿¿ ¿ekli, cenaze namaz¿nda yap¿lan dualar ile cenaze namaz¿n¿n fazileti aç¿klanm¿¿t¿r.