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  • av Susan Stoker

    Susan Stoker, auteure de best-sellers au classement du New York Times, nous offre une romance torride bourrée de suspense entre deux inconnus pendant une tempête de neige, sous la menace d'un redoutable harceleur.Riggs Chapman, surnommé Chappy, ne s'attendait pas à se retrouver coupé du monde dans son chalet reculé au fond des bois. Mais quand un chien égaré arrive sous son porche, il découvre une femme tout aussi perdue qui erre dans la tempête à la recherche d'un refuge. Sa vie de militaire est peut-être derrière lui, mais Chappy est déterminé à la protéger du froid... et de ce qu'elle fuit ainsi dans la forêt.Carlise Edwards n'avait pas prévu que sa voiture tombe en panne en rase campagne, au fin fond du Maine. Tout ce qu'elle veut, c'est échapper à l'inconnu qui la harcèle. Personne ne viendra la chercher ici, dans la forêt, et encore moins en pleine tempête. En compagnie de Chappy, elle ne tarde pas à laisser ses problèmes derrière elle.Dehors, la tempête de neige fait rage, pendant qu'à l'intérieur, Chappy et Carlise prennent peu à peu conscience qu'en dépit du froid, ils ont les moyens de se réchauffer... mais dans les bois, les dangers ne viennent pas forcément de la nature.

  • av Susan Stoker

    Sie ist eine Überlebende, aber sie wird jemand ganz Besonderen brauchen, um ihr zu zeigen, wie stark sie sein kann.Als ehemaliger Night-Stalker-Pilot der Armee hat Callen Owl Kaufman schon so einige brenzlige Situationen erlebt. Inzwischen ist er schon lange aus dem Militär ausgeschieden und dachte, gefährliche Missionen gehörten der Vergangenheit an, doch Lara Oslers Rettung aus den Klauen eines Serienmörders war eine seiner grauenvollsten Erfahrungen. Monate später in der sicheren Zuflucht in den Bergen fällt es Lara schwer, das Erlebte zu überwinden ... und Owl müht sich genauso ab, seine erwachenden Gefühle zu unterdrücken. Doch er würde alles tun, um der verletzlichen Frau bei ihrer Genesung zu helfen - selbst wenn er sie dafür gehen lassen müsste.Von seinem festen Freund entführt werden? Abgehakt.Von einem Serienmörder gefangen gehalten werden? Abgehakt.Sich in seinen Retter verlieben? Dreifach abgehakt.Lara dachte, ihr Leben sei vorbei, bis ihre beste Freundin mit dem faszinierendsten Mann, dem sie je begegnet war, auftauchte, um sie zu retten. Owl ist sanft und rücksichtsvoll und gibt ihr das Gefühl, in Sicherheit zu sein. Im Laufe der Zeit beginnt Lara langsam, sich ihr Leben zurückzuerobern, dank des Mannes, der sowohl sein Herz als auch sein Heim einer gebrochenen Frau geöffnet hat. Doch Owl betrachtet sie nicht als kaputt. Er sieht in ihr jemanden, der durch die Hölle gegangen ist ... und auf der anderen Seite stärker als zuvor herausgekommen ist.Doch ist sie auch stark genug, um einem Serienmörder entgegenzutreten? Sowohl Owl als auch Lara wissen, dass der Mann, der sie tyrannisiert hat, immer noch da draußen ist und auf den richtigen Zeitpunkt wartet. Auf die Gelegenheit, sich das zurückzuholen, das er als sein rechtmäßiges Eigentum ansieht ...Zuflucht für Lara ist das fünfte Buch der Reihe Die Zuflucht in den Bergen. Jedes Buch kann unabhängig von den anderen gelesen werden, es gibt am Ende keine Cliffhanger.

  • av Michele Deppe

    Returning to the village of Marris Mynd, we meet a new neighbor. Nineteen-year-old Elena Dalca is an art prodigy who plots to escape her legal guardians by disappearing into the English countryside. But when they discover she's slipped their noose, Elena realises that her guardians will fight to keep her within their clutches, along with the fortune her paintings have earned. She also discovers that she is utterly unprepared to live on her own. Now, Elena must decide if losing everything is worth her bid for independence and the chance to find love and belong.

  • av Susan Stoker

    Ce qui devait être un court voyage en Jamaïque se change en cauchemar de plusieurs années, après que Cassidy Hewitt et son fils tombent dans les griffes d'un célèbre baron de la drogue. Cherchant éperdument à se sauver, Cassidy prend tous les risques pour envoyer des lettres secrètes au FBI en espérant que quelqu'un, n'importe qui, réponde à son appel à l'aide.Quand l'agent des forces spéciales Leo Zanardi, surnommé Gramps, découvre les lettres de Cassidy, il sait que ce n'est pas une mission secrète comme une autre. L'alchimie entre ces deux-là remonte aux bancs du lycée, et Leo est impatient de la retrouver... même si les circonstances ne sont pas franchement idéales.Enfin de retour dans l'Indiana, Leo et Cassidy se pensent libres de commencer une nouvelle vie ensemble. Mais les hommes de main du malfrat ne laisseront pas partir Cassidy si facilement : ils la suivent depuis la Jamaïque, semant le carnage dans leur sillage. Avant qu'ils puissent s'adonner à l'amour qui leur a tant manqué pendant toutes ces années, Leo et Cassidy vont avoir besoin de toute l'aide que l'équipe Silverstone peut leur apporter s'ils veulent sortir vainqueurs de la pire épreuve de leur vie.

  • av Costa G Costa

    This Walt Disney World trip planner organizer will guide you through every step of your Walt Disney World adventure - in full colour and with cute pictures to help make planning fun.

  • av G Costa & Louise Waghorn

    Written by a Tokyo local, The Independent Guide to Tokyo 2021 is the perfect travel guide in Tokyo - the most populated city in the world. With an immense amount of things to do, places to stay and places to eat, Tokyo is split into easy to understand sections in our guide.Book Highlights:Neighborhood Guides - We split Tokyo into several different areas and cover the best things to do in each area, along with a selection of great places to eat and places to stay. We also cover day trips to locations further away, such as Mount Fuji!Getting Around Tokyo - We cover trains and the JR Rail pass, the subway, buses, water transport, taxis and much more.Tokyo Itinerary - We''ve done all the planning for you. Follow our itinerary and enjoy - or customise it to your desire!Shopping - From department stores to markets, we cover it all!Culture, Customs and Particularities - Find out about what makes ATMs different in Japan compared to the rest of the world and how Tokyo keeps its population mainly Japanese.A Brief History - Our short and entertaining look at Tokyo''s past helps you understand the city today.Music, Arts, Sports and Nightlife - Sumo match? Or a game of baseball? Or a really unique robot dinner show? We have it all.Dining - The best locations to sample authentic Japanese cuisine, as well as luxury and affordable dining options in the city.Seasonal Events - Every month has something unique going on. Found out what''s on during your visit!And much more!

  • av G Costa

    A NEWER VERSION OF THIS GUIDE IS NOW AVAILABLE - "THE INDEPENDENT GUIDE TO WALT DISNEY WORLD AND UNIVERSAL ORLANDO 2021"Planning a trip to Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando? Our concise guide cover everything you need to know in only 112 pages. Too often guidebooks now go on for 200-300 pages for each park - we tell you what you REALLY need to know in our best-selling series. We cover every ride, show, shop, character meet, hotel, tell you how to save time and money and make sure you have the adventure of a lifetime.The guide includes:How to plan your tripTransportation: How to get to both Walt Disney World and Universal OrlandoThe Hotels: Choosing a place to stay - We cover all the 35+ hotels at Disney and UniversalThe Parks: A look at every ride, show, restaurant and more at all 6 Disney and Universal theme parks. [Includes coverage of Star Wars: Galaxy''s Edge]Tickets: Choosing the best option for you.FastPass+: Learn how to use this FREE valuable time-saving service at Walt Disney World. We cover all the ins and outs to make sure you get to ride everything you want.Express Pass: How to save hours of time at Universal Orlando (and how to save $100s on Express Passes.Disney and Universal on a Budget: How to save money on your trip, when booking and while visiting.Skip the Lines with our Touring Plans and Suggested Itineraries: Follow our tried and tested ways to keep waiting to an absolute minimum at all the Disney and Universal theme parks.Park Services: When to visit, attraction and character photos, ride heights, Single Rider, Rider Swap and much more.Seasonal Events: Our look at Christmas, Halloween, Food and Wine Festival, Mardi Gras, Marathons, and other seasonal events.

  • av G Costa

    Please note a new edition of this book is now available - please search for The Independent Guide to Disneyland Paris 2024.--Prepare for your trip to Disneyland Paris with our new and updated travel guide.Our bestselling Disneyland Paris travel guide series is trusted by families from across the world to help you create unforgettable memories.The guide includes:How to plan your tripTransportation: How to get to the resortThe Hotels: Choosing a place to stayThe Parks: A look at every ride, show, restaurant and more at both theme parks. There's even a whole chapter dedicated to meeting the characters.Tickets: How to save money on your tickets and choosing the best one for you.Fastpass: Learn how to use this valuable time-saving service.Beyond the Parks: Chapters dedicated to Disney Village (an entertainment area), the shopping and adventure locations near the parks, and even the city of Paris itself.Guests with Disabilities: How Disney helps make your visit as easy as possible.Disney on a Budget: How to save hundreds on your trip, when booking and while on holiday.Skip the Queues and Touring Plans: Follow our tried and tested ways to keep waiting to an absolute minimum.Park Maps: Familiarise yourself with the park before getting there.Disneyland Paris for Walt Disney World Veterans: Been to Disney World before? We cover the similarities and differences.Park Services: When to visit, attraction and character photos, parking, currency and much, much more.Seasonal Events and the Future: Our look at the Christmas, Halloween and other seasons. Plus, a peek into the future of the resort and its huge expansion!--Please note a new edition of this book is now available - please search for The Independent Guide to Disneyland Paris 2024.

  • - A travel guide to California's popular theme park
    av G Costa

    The ONLY up to date guidebook and ULTIMATE resource to Universal Studios Hollywood. This travel guide is obsessively updated and concise cutting out all the marketing speak and telling you how to maximize your vacation. This edition includes all the latest information including full coverage of the brand new Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Highlights:*Find the most up to date information on The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. A look at every ride, shop, show and restaurant in this new area.*Learn how to spend less time waiting in lines with our exclusive touring plan for Universal Studios Hollywood - saving you hours throughout the day.*A detailed look at EVERY ride, show, attraction and restaurant.*Get tons of money-saving tips, including how to get the cheapest tickets.*Our exclusive top tips throughout the guide help you stay ahead of other theme park goers.*Find out how all about Express Passes, VIP experiences, and more. Full contents:1. Introduction2. Tickets - Save money with our tips and a look at every ticket option3. Accommodation - A look at on-site hotels and those a bit further away, including which have shuttles.4. Getting there - A comprehensive guide on getting to the theme park, including public transportation and driving directions from LA, and from the Disneyland Resort.5. Universal Studios Hollywood - A full park guide including every ride, show, restaurant and more - includes full coverage of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter area.6. Universal CityWalk guide - Full coverage of restaurants, shops, entertainment and more.7. Understanding the Park - Learn about VIP Experiences, Express Passes, Wi-Fi Access, In-Park and On-Ride Photos, Stroller and Wheelchair rentals and much more.8. Guests with Disabilities - Attraction Assistance Passes, guest accommodations, wheelchair rentals and much more.9. Dining - The best dining locations, and much more.10. Tips, savings and more - Money saving tips, spend less time queuing, ride height requirements, character meet and greets, and more.11. Comparing Universal Studios Hollywood and Disneyland Resort - Been to Disneyland? This chapter compares the two resorts and helps you make the most of your visit.12. Seasonal events - Find out about Halloween Horror Nights, New Year's Eve and the Christmas Holidays.13. Touring plan - Save time by following our expertly crafted touring plan and make the most of your time.

  • av G Costa

    New and Updated for the Holiday Season 2018-2019Experience the most magical vacation of a lifetime with The Independent Guide to Walt Disney World 2019. This guide is packed full of tips and tricks on how to make the most of your stay all in an easy-to-understand guide. We also cover seasonal events from late 2018 and all of 2019! Stop wasting your vacation time! Don't want to wait in lines? Why waste your valuable time? Find out how you can reduce your waits by up to 90% - beat the crowds! Book Highlights:Park guides - An in-depth look at all 4 theme parks, the Disney Springs shopping area and the 2 water parks including details on all the rides, shows, entertainment and attractions. Includes full coverage of new Toy Story Land, PANDORA: World of Avatar and the upcoming Star Wars Land.The Hotels - Detailed profiles of almost 30 on-site Disney resort hotels, all the partner hotels, booking tips and more. Meeting the characters - Our comprehensive guide lists where all the characters are at the parks, as well as at the resort hotels. Plus, get meeting tips and more to enhance your experience! FastPass+ - Skip the line for free! Learn all about this time saving service. Tickets - Find the best ticket type for your trip, including regular tickets, international tickets, Florida specials and annual passes Park Touring Strategies - Follow these guides to reduce your time in lines and maximize fun! Doing Disney on a budget - Tips on how to save money, from saving accommodation accommodation to money-saving tips inside the theme parks. Comparing Disneyland and Disney World - Been to one, or the other? Find out how they compare.Dining - We tell you all about restaurant types, Dining Plans, tips, reservations, etc. Find out how far in advance you need to reserve your dining options.Activities outside the the parks - We cover a wide range of activities from water sports to mini golf. Plus a list of great free things to do, including FREE guided tours! Seasonal Events - We cover all the seasonal events that happen every year from Christmas to Halloween and everything in between! Plus so much more: Transportation around the resort, getting to Walt Disney World (including their free shuttle service), in-park photos, exclusive guided tour experiences, a guide for disabled guests, MagicBands, a planning checklist and much much more.

  • av G Costa

    Visiting Universal Orlando? Our guide will help you skip the lines, save money, and understand the theme parks for a stress-free vacationOur bestselling Universal Orlando travel guide series is trusted by people from across the world and helps you create unforgettable memories. This Universal Orlando tour book is new and fully up-to-date for 2018 - it also covers the 2017 Holiday seasons. Make the most of your trip with our helpful guide: The Theme Parks - A look at every ride, show, restaurant and more at both theme parks. Volcano Bay - A whole additional chapter dedicated to Universal Orlando's new water park - Volcano Bay. The Hotels - Choosing a place to stay - full coverage of all the on-site hotels including the new Aventura Hotel opening in 2018. Skip the Lines and Touring Plans - Follow our tried and tested ways to skip the linesand minimise your waits. Tickets - How to save money on your tickets and choosing the best one for you. Universal Orlando for Disney Veterans - Been to Walt Disney World before? We explain all the similarities and differences. Express Pass - All the ins and outs of this skip-the-lines service and how to get it at a huge discount. Universal on a Budget - How to save $$$ on your trip, when booking and while on vacation.. Dining - Learn about the best places to eat, dining reservations, dining plans and more. Young Kids - It's not all just for adults, we show you how young kids can have fun too. Understand the Theme Parks - We tell you all about Ride lockers, single rider lines, Child Swap, Photo Services and much, much more. Transportation - How to get to and around the resort Beyond the Parks - A chapter dedicated to shopping, shows and dining at Universal CityWalk Guests with Disabilities - How Universal helps make your disabled guests' visits as easy as possible. Park Maps - Familiarise yourself with the layout of the park before getting there. Seasonal Events and the Future - Our look at the Christmas, Halloween, Mardi Gras, Harry Potter and other seasons. Plus, a peek into the future of Universal Florida.Get it Now!

  • - Through a Lens (Photo Book)

    Discover London through over 70 of the most beautiful full-colour photos of major landmarks and hidden spots from Trafalgar Square to Hampstead Heath. The perfect souvenir or coffee table book, this is a must-add to your collection.Each image is accompanied by a description providing contemporary and/or historical facts.

  • av Hannah Borenstein

    Visiting New York City? You've found the ultimate guide.Prepare for your trip to New York City with our fully revised and updated guide for 2018. Our bestselling New York City guide series is trusted by travelers from across the world to help you create unforgettable memories.  Inside this guide you will find:* Getting to NYC - Check out the different options of getting to the city, including transfers from airports, as well as trains and buses. * City and Neighborhood Guides - We go through New York area by area, and look at the attractions, accommodation options and dining. Easy to read, compact and useful. We list the address, phone number, entry prices, opening hours and nearest subway stop for each listing. Over 100 pages of the guide are dedicated to this section.* NYC's best food - As well as the dining listings in the city guides, we list the best grab and go food in the city, inducing bagels, pizza slices, cheesecake and hot dogs.* Shopping - NYC is a shopper's dream. We list department stores, luxury shopping areas and everything in between. Again, we have their addresses, opening hours, contact details and nearest subway stops.* Transportation - Understand the subway and bus public transportation system, including local and express trains, and different fare types. We also look at cabs and cycling. * Know Before You Go (an overview) - Learn about the city's population, entry restrictions, the layout, weather and even New York etiquette  And More...* Seasonal Events - Every day is a perfect day to visit the city that never sleeps. So no matter whether its the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, or the New York Boat Show, we cover what you can do that's unique to every month of the year.* NYC's history - A brief look at how the city became the megapolis it is today* NYC Nightlife - Whether its bars, clubs, lounges, music venues or Broadway musicals, we have it covered.* Maps - We include multi-page maps of Manhattan to help you plan your trip. Up to Date for Summer 2018This New York City Travel Guide for 2018 is fully up to date for the new year with updated opening hours, new attractions and restaurants and has been fully updated and rewritten to make sure we are with you every step of the way. Get it nowScroll to the top of this page and click the Buy button.

  • av G Costa

    Prepare for your trip to Disneyland Paris with our new and updated guide for 2018.Our bestselling Disneyland Paris guide series is trusted by families from across the world to help you create unforgettable memories.The guide includes:- How to plan your trip- Transportation: How to get to the resort- The Hotels: Choosing a place to stay- The Parks: A look at every ride, show, restaurant and more at both theme parks. There's even a whole chapter dedicated to meeting the characters.- Tickets: How to save money on your tickets and choosing the best one for you- Fastpass: Learn how to use this valuable time-saving service.- Beyond the Parks: Chapters dedicated to Disney Village (an entertainment area), the shopping and adventure locations near the parks, and even the city of Paris itself.- Guests with Disabilities: How Disney helps make your visit as easy as possible.- Disney on a Budget: How to save hundreds on your trip, when booking and while on holiday.- Skip the Queues and Touring Plans: Follow our tried and tested ways to keep waiting to an absolute minimum- Park Maps: Familiarise yourself with the park before getting there- Disneyland Paris for WDW Veterans: Been to Disney World before? We cover the similarities and differences.- Park Services: When to visit, attraction and character photos, parking, currency and much, much more.- Seasonal Events and the Future: Our look at the Christmas, Halloween and other seasons. Plus, a peek into the future of the resort.

  • av Louise Waghorn

    Written by a local, The Independent Guide to Tokyo 2017 is your up to date travel guide in Tokyo - the most populated city in the world. With an immense amount of things to do, places to stay and places to eat, Tokyo is split into easy to understand sections in our guide.Book Highlights: Neighborhood Guides - We split Tokyo into several different areas and cover the best things to do in each area, along with a selection of great places to eat and places to stay. We also cover day trips to locations further away, such as Mount Fuji! Getting Around Tokyo - We cover trains, the subway, buses, water transport, taxis and much more. Tokyo Itinerary - We've done all the planning for you. Follow our itinerary and enjoy - or customise it to your desire! Shopping - From department stores to markets, we cover it all! Culture, Customs and Particularities - Find out about what makes ATMs different in Japan compared to the rest of the world and how Tokyo keeps its population mainly Japanese. A Brief History - Our short and entertaining look at Tokyo's past helps you understand the city today. Music, Arts, Sports and Nightlife - Sumo match? Or a game of baseball? Or a really unique robot dinner show? We have it all. Dining - The best locations to sample authentic Japanese cuisine, as well as luxury and affordable dining options in the city. Seasonal Events - Every month has something unique going on. Found out what's on during your visit! And much more!

  • av Colin Rampton

    The Independent Guide to Hong Kong 2017 is the perfect resource for planning your trip to one of the most fascinating places on earth.Written by Colin Rampton, a long time Hong Kong resident and teacher, this travel guide from Independent Guidebooks is filled with ways to maximize your visit to Hong Kong.Book Highlights: Our neighborhood guides section splits Hong Kong into areas. We cover the various tourist hotspots, as well as dining and accommodation options. Listings include handy information such as the address, operating hours, entry prices, and the nearest MTR station to make touring easy. Public transportation is the de facto way of getting around Hong Kong. Our in-depth guide covers your ticketing options, Octopus Cards, the MTR and buses, boat services, trams, taxis, and more. Hong Kong's unique and fascinating history is retold in an engaging way in our short, but informative, history section. From when it was under British rule to modern day Hong Kong, the territory's past is just as interesting as the city you see today. A month-by-month look at some of Hong Kong's seasonal events. There is always something unique going on no matter when you visit. Use our week-long touring itinerary suggestions for an easy way to plan your visit. Get an insight into Hong Kong's culture and customs from politics to Feng Shui, as well as the territory's unique relationship with mainland China.

  • av G Costa

    Written by a professional London tour guide, travel writer and journalist, this selection of walking tours is the best way to make the most of your visit to London. This selection of London walking tours is unlike any other and is an excellent choice for first-time visitors, repeat visitors or curious Londoners wanting to know more about their city. Each walking tour covers the major highlights you would expect to see, plus hidden secrets, fun and interesting stories and gems off the beaten path.This book covers 10 walks which cover the main areas of downtown central London - if you are visiting for a first time, this is all you need to explore at your own pace. If you are a Londoner then this is a great chance to discover or rediscover the city. Our 10 Amazing London Walks are:1) Mayfair Walking Tour - London's poshest area2) St. James's and Royal London Walking Tour - From Buckingham Palace to the oldest hat shop in the world.3) Westminster, Whitehall and Government Walking Tour - See Big Ben and Westminster Abbey, discover one of the most expensive schools in the country, and even where Benjamin Franklin once lived. 4) The West End Walking Tour - Trafalgar Square, a cafe in a crypt, Piccadilly Circus, London's real life "Diagon Alley", Covent Garden, Neal's Yard and so much more.5) Embankment and South Bank Walking Tour - London's oldest outdoor monument, sphinxes, how the river Thames changed London, the Southbank, a Roman Bath and much more.6) Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens Walking Tour - With over 625 acres to cover, we make sure you see the best bits. Public executions, Speakers' Corner, the Serpentine Lake, Peter Pan's statue, Kensington Palace and much more.7) Knightsbridge and South Kensington Walking Tour - Harrods, the Museum Quarter, the Royal Albert Hall and more. 8) Bankside and The City of London Walking Tour - St. Paul's Cathedral, How London Bridge was moved to the USA, Why London's Skyscrapers Have such Incredible architecture and names (the cheesegrater? the shard?), The Great Fire of London and more.9) Aldwych to Tower Hill Walking Tour - The Great Plague, Abandoned Churches, Secret Gardens and much more.10) Camden, Regent's Park and Baker Street Walking Tour - Camden Town Market, the home of Sherlock Holmes, an enormous rose garden and more.Maps and photos throughout the book help you effortlessly navigate your way, as well as clear instructions. Each walk lasts 1 to 2 hours and you will discover a mix of history, modern culture, fascinating stories and fun facts making these tours ideal for all ages. Get your copy of Amazing London Walks now and begin your adventure!

  • av Hannah Borenstein

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