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  • av Eric Joseph

    As a devout Christian, you may have experienced life's challenges and wondered why your unwavering faith hasn't shielded you from the storms. If you've prayed, fasted, and been active in your church but feel like something's missing, this book is your answer!"Saved but Struggling, Well but Wounded" offers a path to change. Inside these pages, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, uncovering invaluable insights such as: Biblical Guidance: Explore the profound biblical support for prayer and seeking Godly counseling in times of trouble.Who You Are: Dive into the deep understanding of your tripartite nature-spirit, soul, and body-and how they intricately interweave, shaping your life's experiences.Counseling Clarity: Get answers to frequently asked questions about counseling.Distinguish the differences between secular and Christian counseling.Learn how to choose the right Christian counselor for your specific needs.Healing from the Past: Address the impact of childhood trauma, wounds, and unresolved issues on your adult life and discover the path to healing and wholeness.Breaking Stigmas: Recognize that Christians can face mental health issues, like physical or medical health issues. Overcome the stigma and find hope in mental well-being.Divine Intervention: Explore the incredible gift and ministry of Professional Christian Counseling, a tool God uses to help heal those who struggle spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and, relationally.If you crave a deeper connection with God, renewed purpose, and the strength to overcome life's trials, "Saved but Struggling, Well but Wounded" is your guide to a life enriched by faith and the benefits of professional Christian counseling.

  • av Josephine Coker

    These beautifully illustrated countryside tales, captured in a series of three books, will delight children aged 3-10 as Henry the field mouse emerges from his nest under the garden shed to explore beyond the safety of the garden.

  • av Neim Fotso

    À la fin de ses études de second cycle à L'université de Dschang, Kiénam décida de céder prudemment et sagement aux caprices et injonctions de son corps pour assouvir les désirs longtemps refoulés pendant sa pérégrination académique. Il fit la rencontre avec Davila d'une manière fortuite, mais les concordances factuelles les poussèrent à la séparation quelques heures plus tard. Puis, avant la rentrée scolaire de la même année, il fit une deuxième rencontre de nature historique avec Alma, une fille de Bayangam avec un potentiel physique de rêve. En quelques mois, Alma amena Kiénam à se redécouvrir jusqu'à ce qu'il eut du mal à fusionner rationnel et passionnel. Ils étaient heureux tous les deux. Seulement, sa capacité à penser et à analyser le poussa à tirer des conclusions hâtives à propos de la grande expérience sexuelle qu'avait sa compagne. Il révéla donc un ensemble de secrets, avant de prendre les grandes décisions de sa vie.

  • av Nathair Dorchadas

    Cernunnos, ou Deus Cornífero, nos chama para adentrar em um reino de energia selvagem, uma força vital que pulsa nas entranhas da Terra. Ele personifica a relação intrínseca entre os seres humanos e a natureza, nos lembrando de nossa conexão inquebrável com o mundo natural. É através de Cernunnos que somos instigados a explorar nossa própria natureza interna, a abraçar nossa selvageria e reconhecer a sacralidade que permeia todas as coisas.Quando nos voltamos para Cernunnos em nossa prática diária, somos lembrados da importância de honrar os ciclos da vida e sua renovação perpétua. Ele nos ensina a encontrar a força dentro de nós mesmos, aceitando tanto nossa natureza sagrada quanto nossa sombra, se existir alguma.

  • av Nathalie Berthiaume

    Aidez-moi quelqu'un !!! À contrecoeur, Zoélie doit se rendre à la campagne pour garder les six enfants de la meilleure amie de sa mère pendant quelques jours. Parmi eux, il y a les jumeaux, Luc et Jacob, aussi exubérants qu'espiègles, qui lui donneront beaucoup de fil à retordre et bien des sueurs froides. Heureusement, elle fera la rencontre de Jean-François, le fils du voisin, qui en plus de lui donner un coup de main, fera battre son coeur. Néanmoins, la pauvre adolescente n'en peut plus et n'espère qu'une chose: le retour des adultes!

  • av Nigel T Warwick

    Cats Love Tennis is a short children's book filled with entertaining and adorable depictions of everyone's favorite furry friends enjoying tennis. The fun illustrations and basic vocabulary make Cats Love Tennis a great read-a-long book for family with young children.

  • av Alex Souza

    "The European occupation in the Amazon and advancement of the Portuguese colonization led to the genocide of hundred of nations. Decades of massacres, diseases, and slavery influenced the native retaliation that rivaled the power of the colonizers, with the rise of a great leader born in the warrior nation Manao. Ajuricaba was a brave young man, who managed to join over 30 nations against the Portuguese crown, and for five years, he stopped the expansion of the colonies on the Negro River. His epic deeds and bravery will never be forgotten, which is why today the capital of the Amazonas state today is called manaus, [an] homage to him and the people that fought for freedom with their own lives"--

  • av Pete O'Brien

    Danny Olmstead has lived all his young life with the fact that his klansman father murdered a black man's white wife in cold blood simply because she was riding in the same car with him. He was five-years-old at the time, living in Harrison, Arkansas, and he also witnessed his father's own death that same night. Soon thereafter, his widowed mother moved them to Barstow on US Route 66 in California's Mojave Desert. There, he was constantly exposed to the ideology of his white supremacist uncle, Willis, but throughout his childhood and early adolescence he somehow managed to resist embracing the racial hatreds that fuel everyone in his uncle's circle. All of that is tested when he is framed for the murder of Jamal Kendricks, a black teammate who beat him out as starting quarterback on the Barstow High School football team the summer before his senior year. Evidence is found that appears to be damning, his arrest is imminent, and it is then that Willis encourages him to run, his destination the Southern California white supremacist underground and the company of men and woman of "like mind" who have agreed to shelter him. Left behind is Jennifer Miller, a beautiful Jewish girl he's been infatuated with since grammar school. She is his only alibi, her father believes her to be in danger because of her association with him, and she is shipped her to New York to live with relatives. The journey that our young protagonist embarks on becomes a saga of betrayal, treachery, and unrequited love, but also one of grim determination. Through a series of remarkable events, Danny is able to quite literally re-invent himself just a handful of miles from Barstow but an entire world away, in Los Angeles. Barstow Boy is a tale of honor, friendship, and a refusal to hate that is particularly poignant and appropriate at a time when America struggles to find true north with its moral compass, and where blatant racism seems more manifest than it has been since the mid-1960s.

  • av G K Chesterton

    G.K. Chesterton's "The Man Who Was Thursday" beckons readers into a world where reality and absurdity dance an enthralling tango. Published in 1908, this philosophical thriller unfolds as a kaleidoscopic narrative that blends mystery, metaphysics, and biting satire. The story centers around Gabriel Syme, a poet turned undercover detective, who infiltrates a secret anarchist society, each member code-named after days of the week.The allure of the novel lies in Chesterton's masterful orchestration of paradoxes and enigmas. As Syme delves deeper into the clandestine world of the anarchists, the plot takes unexpected twists, blurring the lines between illusion and reality. Chesterton's exploration of the surreal becomes a literary labyrinth where nothing is as it seems, and each revelation opens a new door to confusion.The title itself, "The Man Who Was Thursday," conceals layers of meaning that mirror the narrative's complexity. Chesterton artfully crafts a tale that challenges conventional thought and keeps readers on the edge of their seats, navigating a narrative maze that defies expectations.Beneath the surface, the novel grapples with profound philosophical questions. Chesterton, known for his wit and deep insight, weaves themes of order and chaos, good and evil, into the fabric of the story. The anarchic intrigue becomes a canvas upon which the author paints a larger commentary on the human condition and the nature of belief."The Man Who Was Thursday" is a literary rollercoaster that invites readers to question reality, confront paradoxes, and relish in the unpredictability of the narrative. Chesterton's prose dances with intellectual playfulness, creating a work that remains timeless in its ability to captivate and challenge the minds of those willing to embark on this exhilarating literary journey.

  • av Flavia Margarita Perez

    Se trata de la travesía que pasamos los emigrantes y los atajos que tenemos que coger muchas veces en contra de nuestra voluntad, pero también de que si tú quieres lo puedes lograr y que no hay nada imposible para Dios, porque si tú estás en su lista, aunque se moje el papel donde está tu nombre y las letras estén borrosa se cumplirá el propósito que hay en ti. Aquí encuentras las principales herramientas para tu trayectoria o jornada final: Ejemplos reales de cómo desde cero se puede lograr con estrategias que podrás aplicarlas.

  • av Renata Nascimento

    Helena, uma menina adorável, encontra um gato especial chamado Fred, que veio de outro planeta. Juntos, descobrem que um vilão chamado Sombra Sinistra quer tirar a mágica dos gatos. Com a ajuda de novos amigos, como Snow e Miuk, além de artefatos mágicos de Izuna, eles viajam para encontrar pedras mágicas dos elementos. Essas pedras dão a Helena poderes incríveis, como controlar água, vento, fogo e terra.A aventura deles os leva a uma batalha final contra Sombra Sinistra. Com a união de seus poderes e a amizade forte, eles conseguem derrotar o vilão, selando-o e devolvendo a mágica aos gatos. Cada amigo continua a proteger a mágica em seus próprios mundos, enfrentando novas aventuras emocionantes.Assim, a história mostra como a amizade, coragem e união podem superar desafios, trazendo magia de volta ao mundo dos gatos.

  • av Bianca Cole

    D'angelo signifie ange, mais c'est en réalité le diable.Une nuit d'ivresse m'a menée tout droit dans le lit d'Enzo d'Angelo. Un homme superbe qui m'offre la meilleure nuit de ma vie. Je ne compte pas le revoir, c'était juste un coup d'un soir.Mais je suis loin de me douter qu'il va devenir mon nouveau patron et que c'est un parrain respecté de la mafia.Son assistant s'est occupé du recrutement. Maintenant, je suis sa femme de ménage personnelle.J'ai essayé de démissionner, mais le contrat est contraignant. Enzo ne me laissera jamais partir, même si je le supplie. Refuser quoi que ce soit à un chef de la mafia serait dangereux.Jusqu'à ce qu'il me demande de faire des choses qui sortent du cadre de mon travail. Je veux lui résister, mais je n'en ai pas la volonté. Il est délicieusement sombre et si exigeant. Je sais qu'il est dangereux, mais le coeur a ses raisons.Pour compliquer les choses, je lui cache un important secret. Un secret qui grandit en moi depuis cette nuit passée ensemble...

  • av Ernest Dudley

    The Case of the Escaped Wolf Spiders "I must speak with the Doctor urgently -" the voice trailed away, and then returned with compelling intensity. "It's a matter of life and death!""Who is that speaking?" There was no doubting the urgency of this call."This is Professor Howard. Get the Doctor if you can."She heard a banging noise, and the man voice shrieking: "Get away - get away -""Hello! Hello! What is it?" cried Miss Frayle into the mouthpiece."I am being attacked," the man shouted. "I cannot hold them off any longer. I am attacked - by spiders!"So begins one of Doctor Morelle's strangest cases ...Also contains: The Case of the Excentric Mrs Beaumont The Case of the Jeep Driver The Case of the Man Overboard The Case of the Secret Heart The Case of the Perfect Wife

  • av Bianca Cole

    Me voici piégée en pleine guerre des clans.Mon père a eu des démêlés avec la mafia de New York, l'un des espions de la mafia newyorkaise m'a capturée. Lyov est une montagne de muscles, un mec tatoué super canon du genre taciturne et peu loquace.Il refuse de m'adresser la parole et me calcule tout juste. Les rares fois où j'attire son attention, ses yeux brûlent de désir.Je dois m'échapper, sous peine de finir en dommage collatéral. D'où vient cette envie de rester, une envie décuplée quand il me touche...Je dois avouer que cet homme ne me laisse pas de marbre. Nous sommes deux extrêmes que tout oppose, je sais pertinemment que cela ne peut pas marcher entre nous. Notre attirance pourrait conduire à la destruction totale, mais mon coeur refuse d'abandonner la partie.

  • av Rachel Callaghan

    Submerged beneath layers of history lies a long-ago buried secret. During the pandemic lockdown, Iris Pearl impulsively relocates her dulling marriage across the country in a bid to revive it. But renovating their Prerevolutionary Pennsylvania homestead gives Iris more than she bargained for when she makes a gruesome discovery, one that hurtles her and Benny's haunted past to the present. Iris is desperately consumed by the desire to know what happened on her property over a century and a half earlier. Her search leads her to Irish immigrant Aoife Sprigett, the wife of Union soldier William. The further she digs into the mystery of Aoife's fate, the deeper she reaches into her own secret history. While William serves in the Civil War, Aoife struggles to uphold her vow to maintain their livelihood, their farm, during his absence. Aoife's only companion is their hired help, Thomas Walker, a freeborn black laborer. Aoife and Thomas develop a warm friendship as they toil side by side in the fields. Together, Aoife and Thomas sow deep seeds that bear deep-rooted consequences, which are now coming to light. Will unearthing the truth behind Aoife's tragic past, which so closely parallels Iris's own, free her and Benny from their marriage's haunted history, or will revisiting that dark time destroy it?

  • av Tj Green

    Yuletide, the Court of Fools, and unpredictable magic!Stan, the town's pseudo-druid, has decided the Christmas festivities will be different this year. He announces he is the Lord of Misrule and appoints his Court of Fools.Very quickly odd things start to happen.Magic and paranormal characteristics are unveiled, throwing everything into disarray, and making life very difficult for the witches and their friends.And unfortunately, darker events occur, too.Unless Avery, Alex, and the other witches can find a solution, Yuletide may not be as joyous as they hoped.Join the White Haven witches for winter solstice magic and mayhem in this seasonal novella.

  • av Barbara-Ann P Hall

    I Wonder About... is a contemporary photo-realistic story to be shared between a child, parent, caregiver or older sibling. Meet curious, playful Shugar, the sugar glider. Shugar leads readers on a journey through inspiring real-world settings. I Wonder About ... may be a picture book for the very youngwith the reader describing their interpretations of vivid illustrations. Narratives prompt older children to express curiosity, imagination, and wonder about the world around them.

  • av Adrian Piccolo

    The year is 2031. A new drug has hit the black market, one more potent and powerful than any other. The men behind it will stop at nothing to get what they want... the American underworld, and everything in it. While being investigated by top-level law enforcement officials, a criminal mastermind unleashes a devious plot that will shake the very foundations of justice.After orchestrating a violent massacre that takes place in multiple cities across the continent, over one hundred criminals deaths will give rise to a new generation. This new generation is more ruthless and intelligent than any other before them. After murdering their way to the top of the New York underworld, they flood the streets with the new drug, Orion.Santo Luciano, as new Boss of Bosses in the American Mafia, strikes deals and bargains with notorious illegal organizations in order to supply Orion on a worldwide scale. Using information given to him by a mole in Federal law enforcement, Santo implements a plan that will distract his enemies while he achieves his true goals. After transforming the Mafia into an international narcotics consortium, he reveals a hidden motivation, revenge.

  • av P J Belding

    Joey is travelling to Florida with his family. But when his hand gets stuck in the giant gumball machine at the airport, his life is changed forever. Join Joey as he tries to capture the red gumball. Joey and the Gumball Machine is the hilarious 1st book in the Seriously Stubborn Kids! series by P.J. Belding. This wacky series features kids who know exactly what they want and stop at nothing to get it. For the world's most stubborn kids, outlandish and unexpected consequences are to be expected.

  • av Stephen Barnes

    Business is hard! No one ever says it is easy, yet each year thousands of brave people start a business. At almost the same rate each year thousands of businesses fail, get into financial distress, and/or cease operating.

  • av Rose Sybil

    Joyful Spots tells the story of traits passed down through a family over generations, highlighting a living chain of meaning in new life. Rose models healthy emotional expression and connection. As our children's minds are shaped by symbols and values, she wanted to create a positive alternative to harmful media by sharing her family's joyful spots. Although their freckles skipped Rose's face, she remembers them fondly on her grandmother and now enjoys seeing them on her children.

  • av Gargoyle Collective
    399 - 555,-


    Este livro de Origami é muito especial por se tratar de um livro de dobrar, meditar e contemplar. As mandalas de origami modular desse livro possuem como nome, uma homenagem a pessoas reais importantes na vida da autora e que por trás de cada mandala é importante lembrar que houve um motivo para existirem. A abertura de cada capítulo é ilustrada pela própria autora que através da pintura em aquarela unidas a outras técnicas, expressa os sentimentos e emoções em forma de imagens presentes em cada capítulo. O livro é todo colorido, incluindo os diagramas, o que facilita na compreensão das dobras lindamente explicada e diagramada por Celina Sakamoto através do desenho do passo a passo de forma manual primeiramente e depois a própria autora transforma os desenhos manuais em diagramas digitais. O Origami é uma arte que envolve muito mais do que dobrar papéis, mas ele traz a magia de fazer com que as pessoas de forma inconsciente estejam presentes no Aqui e Agora enquanto dobram e meditam.

  • av Chester Alfonso

    There are thirty-seven separate selections in "Crickets." Some are political: ("Negroes and Their Half-White, Half-Black President: The Before and After"); ("A Boy and His Grandpa"); ("Africa So Bad, So Sad"). Some are erotic: ("Weimar and the Hotel Elephant"); (Back When"); ("What Do They Say,"); and ("An Old Woman, A Young Man"); Most are reflective: "Just a Piece of Metal"); ("The Killings"); (Paint Rock"); ("A Writer in Malmo"); ("Kieran Padraig"); ("Winter is Coming"); and, ("Reverend Edmore Saul") and ("Crickets'). These are some of the thirty-seven pieces I've placed in "Crickets." Born and raised in Selma, Dallas County, Alabama.Attended and graduated from R.B. Hudson High School, Selma, AL.After graduation, I joined the United States Air Force, being honorably discharged in September 1961.Rejoined the United States Air Force in 1962. Retired from the USAF in 1986.Employed by the U.S. Defense Department 1987-1988 and 1989-2017.Graduated from Auburn University.Graduate studies: University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaMarried for more than 40 years. Has one child.I grew up extremely poor. Much of my writings reflect upon poverty and the degradation that poverty and blatant racial segregation had on my life and my ability to transcend much of my past.I have lived throughout the world: Germany, The Netherlands, Japan, Korea, Guam, Vietnam, Australia, and New Zealand, not to mention several states in America.

  • av Agalia Baker

    "I'm sorry, it's cancer." Four words with the power to upend your entire existence and thrust you into an emotional whirlwind. As these words unravel, they unleash trauma, chaos, and threats to every facet of life- from health and body image to relationships, job, career, and future dreams. Thoughts swirl: What did I do so wrong to deserve this? How am I going to survive? Is my body going to be mutilated? Agalia Baker, a retired advanced practice nurse with over forty years of experience, found herself shockingly unprepared when diagnosed with breast cancer. Searching for solace from the emotional hell she endured and unable to find answers, she took it upon herself to write the book she desperately needed during that challenging time. The result is an irreverent blend of healthcare insights and a personal journey seen through her eyes. As Baker grapples with the emotional aftermath of her diagnosis, treatment, and failed reconstructive surgery, she unveils how the losses incurred due to breast cancer are intricately tied to the grieving process. Harnessing this information and understanding the body's natural defenses in response to threat is vital to withstanding the challenges facing someone in the midst of their own journey. This knowledge becomes a lifeline, empowering individuals to withstand the storm and make informed decisions during such a pivotal time.

  • av J Willis Sanders
    265 - 375,-

  • av George Tackes

    THE DOMINO LADY STRIKES! The fifth volume of Airship 27's best selling series, The Domino Lady. Born and raised as a wealthy Los Angeles debutant, Elle Patrick assumed the role of the mysterious Domino Lady when her father, an honest district attorney, was assassinated and his killer never found. Devoting her secret persona to battling crime and corruption, the Domino Lady quickly became the beautiful scourge of the underworld. She returns in four brand new adventures. From battling crooked politicians to searching for a stolen museum artifact, the masked lovely is relentless in her quest for justice. In this volume, she'll encounter a mirror-image double and solve the murder of a beloved friend. Writers Gene Moyers, George Tackes, Gene Popa and Fred Adams Jr. deliver an action-packed quartet of pulp goodness. Artist Warren Montgomery provides all the black and white interior illustrations and the beautiful full-color cover.

  • av Guy Michaud

    Four girls. One ancient river. A quest for a legendary medallion.Amidst the whispering pines and shimmering rapids of the Madawaska River, four girls embark on an adventure that will test their friendship and unveil the secrets of their past. Xiomara, a fiery spirit with roots in Mexico, Lisa, a silent observer with a bond to the wilderness, Xulie, a mischievous ray of sunshine, and Hokwi, a wise soul guided by ancient whispers, each carry their own dreams and desires.Their journey is fueled by the legend of the Wisdom Medallion, an heirloom said to hold the secrets of an Iroquois elder. But they're not the only ones drawn to its power. Lucy, a enigmatic stranger with amber eyes and hidden motives, joins their quest, casting a shadow of doubt and distrust.As they navigate treacherous rapids, decipher cryptic clues, and unravel the river's hidden language, their bond is strained by personal fears and competing agendas. Can they overcome their differences and trust each other in the face of danger?"Whispers of the Madawaska" is a thrilling middle-grade adventure filled with mystery, friendship, and the power of nature. It will captivate readers with its: Unforgettable characters: Each girl comes to life with their unique personalities, strengths, and vulnerabilities, making their journey an emotional rollercoaster.Enchanted setting: The Madawaska River with its whispering rapids, hidden pools, and ancient secrets becomes a character in itself, adding a layer of magic to the story.Puzzles and mysteries: The girls must decipher clues, overcome challenges, and unravel the legend of the Wisdom Medallion, keeping readers guessing until the very end.Themes of friendship, trust, and self-discovery: The journey tests the girls' loyalty to each other and forces them to confront their own fears, making them stronger and wiser along the way.If you love stories of adventure, friendship, and facing the unknown, then "Whispers of the Madawaska" is the perfect book for you. Get ready to dive into a world of whispering rivers, ancient treasures, and unforgettable friendships.

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