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  • av Jim Perry
    179 - 345,-

  • av Ralph Sanders

    Facing slanderous attacks in 2013 and 2014 over the internet, it seemed unreal at first but soon became very apparent after reading comments about myself on the web. My life felt shattered and my success seemed foggy. I had numerous thoughts of writing this book, in hopes that it would reach those who may be dealing with the same type of experience. I am still haunted by the fact that temptation is still knocking at my door. I am a blessed man who has overcome significant tests of this persecution. My mission now is to help youth and adults to not be discouraged into the trials I faced. We all face challenges in our lives. My story is more dramatic than the average person. It is a true testament of how I have struggled in the suffering of many attacks and adversity. I realize my circumstances were the best for me because it made me a stronger person for having gone through them. My hope and desire is to encourage all readers to live their best life, and to appreciate who you are no matter what anyone says about

  • av Adrian Hurtado

    The celebration of Christmas has nothing to do with a fictional character in a red suit, or flying reindeer. It is about the birth and life of Jesus Christ. He is the true reason for the season. Now you can read about Hid life an illustrated and poetic form that touches on many of the important aspects of His life. Parents will want to share this story with their children and their friends. About the Author Adrian M. Hurtado was born in Berkeley, CA., and raised in the East Bay area. He is a retired educator, serving as both teacher and principal. He also served in the Marine Corps. and the Air Force Reserve, retiring at the rank of Major. He has always enjoyed writing stories that children and youth can read, or that adults can read to them. He and his wife Jean, have retired to the little beach town of Cayucos, CA., where he is actively involved with his church and in community service.

  • av Jr. William Howard Palmer

    D-Day, June 6, 1944--a day never to be forgotten. More than 156,000 troops crossed the English Channel from England to Normandy, making it the largest seaborne invasion in history. Leading the pre-invasion ashore were the brave, but little known, rocketboatmen, as they called themselves. Their job, as the first close up Naval offense, was to soften up the German beach defenses with 48 rockets, machine gunnery, and smoke screening, preparing the way for the LCVP infantrymen.Through private diary entries and firsthand accounts, many read here for the first time, the unfolding of the earliest events leading up to the invasion is told in vivid and unforgettable detail. In choppy seas, oftentimes like sitting ducks in the water, these young men manned their landing craft and approached the beaches at exactly 6:00 A.M.-- half an hour before H-hour--unleashed their barrage of forty-eight rockets, twelve boats at Omaha, twelve at Utah Beach, lighting up the coastline like a Fourth of July grand finale. Several boats actually beached at Omaha and Utah under shell and bombardment and crossfire sustaining casualties, eliminating German coastline pill boxes.Relive their compelling tales in this incredible story.

  • av Bob Williston
    265 - 419

  • av Tommy Adams
    275 - 489,-

  • av Bob Williston
    339 - 529,-

  • av Marilyn A. Brownfield

    Marilyn Ann Brownfield has lived in California all of her life. During her teenage years she became an experienced artist and writer, and has professionally continued with both. She never loses sight of her God-given talents, and is truly thankful for her success. Marilyn has always felt that reading is a very important part of anyone's life. Her purpose for creating "Grandma's Alphabet", is to inspire and encourage a child's imagination. She hopes they will enjoy learning to read her book themselves, and then proudly share it with others.

  • av Bob Williston
    155 - 359,-

  • av Saul Silas Fathi
    465 - 585,-

  • av Barbara Bowie

    The Trolls and Elves learned to live together in peace generations ago, far, far away on the planet of Venus. When that peace started to break down and there were signs of turmoil and separation, a small group of Elders and their followers decided to get away from it all by taking off on their own. Upon seeking a safe piece of land and environment to settle, they founded "The Village of Godcha". The Elders were elated to see everybody working together again, the Elves with their strong bodies and ability to put structures together speedily, and Trolls with their brilliant minds and ability to quickly solve any problem. When their perfect little world began to erode the Elders came together in prayer, deciding to have faith and trust that things will be different this time around and their world will get better. The Elders could see the light. Could that light be shining on two among them who are rejected and treated as outcasts, Elf Charrte, pronounced Chair-tee, and Mon Troll??? About the AuthorBarbara Bowie, Retired Social Worker/Nurse, Counselor, former City Council Person, and published poet/writer, is Founder and Executive Director of the Dr. Bowie Barbara Collins Bowie, Scholarship Foundation, Inc. She started out with a monthly poetry venue where she endured many stories of abuse, incest, racism and bullying by young potential Artists. She established a Performing Arts After School and Summer program where she realized her mission and has spent her life offering youth a safe and loving environment to share their feelings, thoughts, frustrations and, yes, their blessings. The program was established in 1997 and, over the years, has become one of the most trusted, respected and effective non-profit organizations.

  • av DLittS Rev. Keren Micha-el Stein

    Writing quality non-fiction is my passion, and the current book presentation, after 2 years of research of a very personal nature, required a mere two weeks to write with few changes. There are other major works in various stages (two on miracles and other visions, and more on solid Christian teachings covering a wide variety of subjects), and I have written and published online more than 50 minor works.Additional current activities, over the decades, include preaching revivals, teaching, seminars on Christian values, informational/inspirational speaking in women's groups, Bible studies (mine and others), and numerous professional speaker/broker engagements, created a unique Last Chance Ministry for those during the known end stages of life, even in a coma on machines who may not yet be born again, locally appeared for organizations, colleges, and home school groups, officiated weddings and funerals, TV (my own ministry program), first movie at age 8, appeared on Walker Texas Ranger TV series, guest appearances on various radio programs, and oil paintings showing the glory of G-d's handiwork in creation.Entering into full time ministry in 1984, pioneered my first church (In the Love of God Church) in 1980s, travelled worldwide by invitation only with G-d faithfully doing awesome miracles, started the online ministry and church in 1990s ( Church Without Walls, issued worldwide), and recently established a third church, G-d's Remnant Church in 2016.Through the years, I have received various awards, and was in the "Who's Who in Women's Ministry" for two years consecutively (unfortunately they only published 3 years), a member of MENSA International since 1974 (an organization for the top 2% of intelligence in the world), have 24 hours everyday to plan and devote to each day's tasks as needed; and as I am a professional capable of rising to the occasion to serving G-d. All of my books are published for the benefit and maturing of the everyday saint and those who care for them as well, how to be a better and more informed Christian, and inspire to a higher life and service for G-d. My devotion to working with and for G-d to accomplish what He wants is uppermost at all times.

  • av Steven R. Willis

    Through this book, you will learn about mistranslations in scripture, hidden truths about God's creation process, and read scriptural truths about what God said truly happened. You will see evidence from fossil finds that proves men and Giants walked with and hunted dinosaurs. You will also see scriptures showing that Lucifer ruled the Earth before his rebellion and long before Adam's creation. Plus the fact that Lucifer's world was utterly destroyed after his rebellion by the first flood, and I don't mean Noah's flood (Jeremiah 4:23-28). There is scriptural evidence that shows these truths very plainly, so you can read and see the truth for yourselves from God's Word. You will learn about and understand the time gap that exists between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. I will also demonstrate to the readers why Darwin's Theory of Evolution is and always has been impossible. My hope is that these truths will reopen the minds of true seekers who have been turned away by the false teachings of past generations.

  • av Sarah V. Jacober

    Squiggy Squirrel helps animal and bird friends find ways to make someone happy. He teaches them about their Very Best Friend and His love, which makes them happy, too.

  • av Steven R. Willis

    This book will answer these questions:1. Jesus' involvement with creation2. The rebellion of the angels3. How Satan schemed to cause Adam's fall and shut God out of His Creation.4. That Satan and His demons are intimately involved in our daily lives but the majority of us are oblivious to that fact.5. The necessity of God Himself coming to Earth to save man.6. Historical events surrounding and impacting the life of Jesus.7. The active involvement of God's angels in protecting Jesus throughout His Life.8. Who the key players were and how their plots and actions affected Jesus.9. That the traditional Christmas story is full of inaccuracies and illogical fables.10. How Herod the Great was driven to kill the babies in Bethlehem.11. The reasons Jesus never became a Rabbi in the traditional method.12. How the Galileans were killed in the Temple? Who was truly behind this?13. Historical proof and practical implications of the fact that all the disciples but Peter were under the age of 20.14. A compassionate depiction of the emotions experienced by the people whose lives were touched by Jesus.15. A revelation of the name and nature of the true High Priest in Jesus' day (it wasn't Caiaphas).16. Historical proof that the "cock crowing" wasn't a rooster.17. The name of the Centurion in charge of Christ's crucifixion.18. The first name of BarAbbas (Jesus) and its significance.19. The names of the men crucified on the right and left of Jesus and an accurate record of what was said (and by whom).20. That Jesus ascended into Heaven near Bethany (just outside Jerusalem) and not in Galilee as is generally believed.

  • av Terrence Tom
    145 - 345,-

  • av Larry James Ford
    239 - 409,-

    Dr. Larry James Ford was born September 1, 1951, in Albany, Georgia. In 1956 at the age of four, his family moved to Aberdeen, Maryland, and later to have a Havre de Grace, Maryland, where he grew up and attended the Havre de Grace Consolidated School, C1, a legally, racially segregated school, from 1957 to 1964. He attended Havre de Grace High School, an integrated school, from 1964 to 1969, graduating as vice president of his class, a lettering member of the football team, and an officer in the National Honor Society. He has four siblings, an older sister, Patricia, and three younger, Wayne, Pamela, and Pelbea. Continuing his education, he attended Syracuse University for one year, and then transferred to the Johns Hopkins University, where he graduated in 1973. He then attended the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, in New York City, graduating in 1977. Afterwords, he did an internal medicine residency at the University of California- San Francisco. He began his practice in Georgia in the US Public Health Service and has also practiced in Alaska and California before retiring in 2011. Dr. Ford's retirement from medicine came after being diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis, a rare clonal disorder, which affects a white blood cell important to the immune system, affecting multiple organ systems. There is no specific treatment, and the disease has an incidence of 1 in 10,000 people, or a total of 30,000 individuals diagnosed in the U.S. with it. One of the most memorable experiences he has had, related to the book, was sitting down with one of his teachers from the Consolidated School, Mrs. Mabel Hart, before starting to write. At the time of the release of the book, she was 104, and had recently published a book of her own. Throughout his professional life and journey, he was able to repeatedly call upon the commonsense knowledge and wisdom imparted by his teachers, which was needed to handle the many challenging situations he would face. In 2020, he returned to his hometown, where he completed "C is for Colored," and continues to enjoy his passion for playing music, spending lots of time with his guitars (playing anything slow), reading and honing his photographic skills. He has twin daughters, Lauren and Leslie, and he tries to hang out with his grandchildren, Isabel, Eli, and Karina, whenever possible. They call him "Lolo," and all remember and laugh about him, as being moderately obsessed with anything having to do with mathematics, and the related game of craps.

  • av Francisco J. Torres
    119 - 309,-

  • av Perry Schwartz

    A woman flees her home after a domestic dispute with her husband she is pregnant and while wandering around in the rain spots a church where she takes shelter and has a baby boy but dies right after his birth leaving him in the hands of the church employees. The boy is named Trevor Conway and he goes through a lot of terrible things in his life like getting involved with a group of homeless people and even a villainous traveling magician as well as an evil family member who will stop at nothing to make sure that Trevor's true identity is never discovered.

  • av Ralph Sanders

    At times, we don't know where to turn or go to for advice. 9 Fruits of the Spirit was written to lead others to the voice of hope and faith in God! Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself are you gifted? There are encouraging verses about God's plan for your life.In a world with over seven billion people, it's easy to feel small-to feel as if our day-to-day lives aren't worth much, especially when we're drowning in a sea of deep waters. Are you living to keep up with the things in the world? Are you grabbing hold of that who is not of this world? Yet, God has a purpose and a plan for each and every one of us. We all have unique gifts and talents. We all have unique perspectives, certain friend groups, and various workplaces. God uses this rich diversity of fruits to carry out His will, and His plans are always bigger, bolder, and better than anything we could ever imagine.Because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (John 8:44)When you start to feel small, we hope these encouraging Bible verses in this book will remind you of God's plan for your life. Although you may feel that your life is ordinary, in the hands of our Maker, the extraordinary is always possible.

  • av Gary Alan Rothhaar

    The Awesome Untold Story of the Revelation of Jesus ChristNow seems to be the time when we need to know about end time events. Jesus said, "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; but to them that are without, all these things are done in parables." Mark 4:11 Perhaps that is why God has chosen to write the book of Revelation with so much symbolism, and yet to us who believe is Jesus is our personal Savior, it is given to know the mysteries of God, but not without faithful study of His word. This study of Revelation is designed to de-code much of the symbolism by using related Old and New Testament scriptures. The prophet Daniel was told to shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many shall run to and from, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 12:4 It's easy to see that Daniel's prophecy is our reality. We are living in a time of modern methods of transportation and state of the art technical advancements, and yet these are perilous times of uncertainty and rapid change. God is not only the God of eternity; He is also the God of time. By His design, some things are hidden until He is ready to reveal them. Now seems to be the time when we need to know about the mysteries of God concerning end time events.

  • av Gary Alan Rothhaar

    This collection of Christian poetry is unique in that it spans a wide variety of subject matter. Some poems are serious and have powerful messages to impact. Others are light-hearted and humorous. Some are interesting stories with surprise endings. Many are based on true stories that could have happened to anyone. They are cleverly constructed and uniquely entertaining. The author's rock-solid faith in Jesus Christ is consistently apparent in all of his work. Without the saving power of Jesus, none of these poems would exist. They are all inspired by the love, and wisdom of God, and Gary is instant to give all of the glory to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The author would like to thank all who have supported and encouraged him to bring this collection together for publication, and he prays that these poems will have a positive impact on all who read them.

  • av Mike Pincher

    Thomas Jefferson proclaimed that if he had to choose between government and a free press, he would pick the latter. That is a compelling statement from the main architect of the Declaration of Independence and third President of the United States. This book blazes new trails in establishing that it is not only Constitutional to teach evolution and Intelligent Design side by side in the public schools, but that it is unconstitutional NOT to. Through the writings of Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton, and other historical evidence, it shows that our Founding Fathers considered the uncensored public dissemination of information the backbone of a free society. Its absence is tyranny, which now threatens us. In so showing, Darwin's evolutionary theory is exposed as deeply flawed both logically and scientifically, making its comparison to Intelligent Design necessary to fulfill the educational and secular purposes of presenting science in its fullest perspective.

  • av Kalie Marino

    Addiction to criticism is a social disease we catch from others and it is the underlying cause of all addictions and most special problems. Yet it sweeps our world unnoticed, creating an epidemic of immense proportions and leaving chaos in its wake. The roots of this critical addiction are perpetuated through our Inner Critic who finds fault with others and ourselves. Breaking Free from the Inner Critic clearly explains causes and symptoms of critical condition. Using the "Four Steps to Freedom" contained in this book, you will find relief from your Inner Critic's tyranny. This mental detox prepares you to create a life you enjoy. After all, you can't brew good coffee in a dirty pot! That's the real secret. Kalie Marino's masterpiece paves the route to dissolve individual and global self-defeating ways with stories, physics, and age-old wisdom set to the tune of inner and external peace. Be prepared for your Inner Critic to be transformed into an Inner Coach with a new set of songs, all in the key of gratitude. Perhaps you are familiar with your Inner Critic, but the two of you have never been properly introduced. Kalie aptly makes that introduction and then skillfully speaks to both of you throughout the book, inviting you to make peace with the mental roommate that pays no rent and was never really invited to stay in the first place. She invites you both to grab a seat and have a listen. It will change your world and the world around you.

  • av Terry P. Rowe

    Jennifer was a little girl who lived on a mountain in rural Eastern Kentucky. She was so bored and sad in the summer because there were no other children on the mountain. She had no one to play with until fall when she could go back to school. Her grandfather hated to see her so sad. He thought he could cheer her up by telling her a story about a long, long time ago when there were castles with Kings and Queens, and Princes, and Princesses and an enchanted Forest with witches and other magical people and animals.

  • av Ph. D. Otto B. Toews
    265 - 365,-

  • av Dee Ray

    Children's Stories by Grandma Dee Dee is a light and breezy collection that is good on it's own, is at its very best when read as intended: to young children by those in their lives who love them very much. - Pacific Book Review¿¿¿¿These short storied have sold stuctures, interesting characters, rising and falling action, a climax, and satisfying endings. -BlueInk Reviews ¿¿¿The strong family-focused nature of the stories make reading together with a young child a more initimate experience. - US Review of Books¿¿After meeting with Fairy of Dreams, we left Fairyland. For the rest of my life, the lesson I learned there came in handy. -Michael Radon

  • av George Kimmich Beach

    About the BookListen! A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it. . . And other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain. . . . And he said to them, Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables? (Mark 4: 3ff.)The Gospel of Mark, being the first-written of Biblical and apocryphal Gospels, is historically seminal. It has sown the seeds from which all subsequent narrative accounts of Jesus of Nazareth-the basis for understanding his life and teachings-have sprung. Many have also found the Gospel of Mark spiritually seminal, planting seeds of insight and affirmation. The Seminal Gospel invites a close reading of Mark's entire text, with commentary informed by contemporary scholarship and personal reflection. Readers encounter puzzles, such as Mark's surprising assertion, "He did not speak to them without a parable" (Mark 4: 34). Is religious language itself inherently "parabolic"? Is it like seed that is scattered, prospering only when lodged in receptive minds? What does it take, in Jesus' phrase, to "have ears to hear"? The chapter titles are a compendium of familiar but mystery-laden sentences, among them: "The time is fulfilled," "Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief," "If any man desire to be first. . . ," "My name is Legion," "But whom do you say that I am?" "And the common people heard him gladly," "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem," "He goes before you into Galilee." Mark's Jesus is the parable-teller whose life has become a multi-faceted parable. About the AuthorGeorge Kimmich Beach is a minister and teacher who served Unitarian Universalist churches in New York, Massachusetts, Texas, and Virginia and an urban ministry in his home town , Cleveland, Ohio. He is the author of If Yes Is the Answer, What Is the Question?: Eight Existential Issues of Faith, and Transforming Liberalism: The Theology of James Luther Adams. He holds degrees from Oberlin College, Harvard Divinity School, Meadville Lombard Theological School, and Wesley Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Barbara Kres Beach, live in Madison Country, Virginia.

  • av Bj Washington

    A FATHER AND MOTHER, THEIR YOUNG SON, SEVERAL MURDERS, THE END RESULT IS DEVASTATING. Trey Wilson had mental issues, he also had a wonderful mother and father. After several visits to Psychiatrists as well as surgery were made in attempts to help him.. To no avail. Mental Health is real and thank God that its finally being addressed.

  • av Gloria Niederman

    This book is for flower lovers or nature lovers who would enjoy reading this during summer or in a different seasons of the year. It has religious poems for people who like to meditate.Gloria Niederman lives in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. She lives with her one sister and her two cats. She dedicates this book to her mother and extends her gratitude to everyone who contributed and helped her made this book possible. Gloria is currently working on another book.

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