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  • - Prayers and Mantras for the Protection and Awakening
    av Samael Aun Weor

    For thousands of years the great spiritual adepts from all corners of the globe have guarded the secret teachings enclosed in this book. Now, we are able to receive these teachings so that we too may be able to cultivate the high spiritual levels that have been lost for ages. The Divine Science is the systematic and exact process of the discovery of the mystical capabilities of the human soul. In all ancient religions and cultures the wise men and women used sacred words, the intonations of mantras, and the use of the magical art of Theurgy (mysticism or white magic). This book is filled with direct instruction and practices that anyone can use in order to discover the depth of authentic mysticism.

  • av Samael Aun Weor

    Although the term Kundalini is associated with Indian mysticism, tantra, and yoga, the word refers to a living element in nature and is symbolized in all religions. In Judaism and Kabbalah, it is called Shekinah. In Christianity, it is the fire of the Pentecost that illuminated the apostles. In Buddhism it is known by many names, such as Candali. For thousands of years, many have wondered at the tales of that mysterious force and the spiritual powers it gives, yet the method to awaken it has been hidden, misunderstood, or sometimes, intentionally sabotaged. Some say it is dangerous, or can be awakened accidentally, but the Kundalini is not a blind or mechanical force. It is the Divine Mother Herself, the power or energy of divinity in motion. She cannot be tricked, fooled, or accidentally awakened. The Kundalini can only be developed through purity and love. Divine power must be earned. Now, like a refreshing spring breeze, Samael Aun Weor blows the obscurations and mistaken ideas away and reveals the sacred mysteries of our most ancient and holy science. With a firm foundation in scripture and practical knowledge, the method to awaken and develop the root energy of life is made clear and accessible to all. It is no longer necessary to theorize or debate: through the practice of the techniques in this book, one can know. "You will find terrific secrets within this book, secrets that never in the history of life were published." - Samael Aun Weor Formerly published in English as Kundalini Yoga, this new edition adds a prologue of four powerful lectures that prepare you to understand the main content: The Mysteries of the Fire by Samael Aun Weor. It also adds more than one hundred footnotes to explain important terms and concepts. It is richly illustrated, and includes a glossary and an index.

  • - A Simple, Powerful Technique for Healing and Spiritual Strength
    av Samael Aun Weor

    The health and vitality of the physical body is essential for anyone who aspires towards the awakening of the consciousness. Initiated students of Tantric traditions are taught exercises called Yantra Yoga to promote health and fortitude needed for their rigorous self-development. Samael Aun Weor, a reincarnated lama from the Sacred Order of Tibet, teaches in this book a synthesised and refined sequence of Yantric exercises with profound benefits that anyone can experience. "I tell you, brothers and sisters, that we, the Gnostics, have precise methods in order to rejuvenate the organism and cure all sicknesses. It is unquestionable that we can learn how to heal ourselves. Each one of us can be converted into our own physician by learning how to heal ourselves without the necessity of "medicine" - lo and behold, the most beloved ideal. It is urgent to preserve the physical body in perfect health for many years so that we can use this precious physical vehicle for the realisation of our Inner Self." - Samael Aun Weor

  • - Get Answers from the Divinity within You

  • - Experience Nature's Healing Power with the Ancient Medical Wisdom of the Great Masters
    av Samael Aun Weor

    This practical manual gives hundreds of techniques and practices to awaken consciousness, perform healing for oneself and others and return to the core medical knowledge of the ages. This work features treatments for an incredible variety of illnesses and conditions, such as cancer, asthma, the common cold and leprosy.In ancient times, only the wisest were trusted with medical knowledge, for it bears power over life and death. The remedies and methods of those seers may have been abandoned by modern civilisation, but they have been preserved and retain their power. Throughout all of our most sacred traditions, it is known that Nature is the source for all genuine medicine. The teachings of Paracelsus, Galen, Tibetan tantras and others all agree that a properly prepared individual can use Nature to cure any illness. Samael Aun Weor, founder of the International Gnostic Movement and author of more than sixty books, lived for many years in close contact with the mysterious natives of the Sierra Nevada of South America. He and his wife Litelantes compiled and verified the knowledge they had been given by the priests and doctors of that region, resulting in this book ESOTERIC MEDICINE AND PRACTICAL MAGIC.

  • - The Sacred Sexuality Taught and Lived by Jesus
    av Samael Aun Weor

    For two thousand years, the teachings of Christianity have changed dramatically, especially regarding its founder and inspiration, Jesus. A master of Kabbalah and Hebrew, Jesus made the secret teachings public, enraging those who were attached to their power and traditions. "If the Lord had not been crucified, the destiny of the Western world would have been another. We would now have sublime enlightened rabbis everywhere, preaching Christic esotericism. The union of Christic esotericism, secret Jewish Kabbalah, and holy alchemy would have completely illuminated and transformed the entire world. Yes, the mysteries of Levi would have shone with the light of Christ. Gnosis (Da'ath) would have magnificently shone everywhere." - Samael Aun Weor Although the genuine teachings of Jesus were obscured and hidden from the public, the time has come for them to be restored and made known. In The Major Mysteries, Samael Aun Weor reveals the practical basis of authentic Kabbalah, Christianity, and Alchemy, the science Jesus taught, which explains how to return to Eden: through the same door we used to leave it. The return to Eden is the "narrow, straight gate," the way to be "born again." Any birth, whether of the flesh or the spirit, is sexual. The author also provides an amazing account of the private life of Jesus and his process of development. Filled with practical exercises, prophecies, and guidance for liberation from suffering, The Major Mysteries is an essential handbook for anyone who longs to know for themselves the truth of Jesus and his message.

  • - The Twenty-Two Arcana That Reveal the Path to Paradise
    av Samael Aun Weor

    "...the tree of life [Kabbalah] also in the midst of the garden, and [Alchemy] the tree of knowledge of goodness and impurity." - Bereshit / Genesis 2 The most ancient sciences in the world are Alchemy and Kabbalah, which are the practical, spiritual knowledge hidden in the depths of every great religion and mystical tradition. Modern scientists are only recently discovering what these ancient teachings have always known: that we are a part of a multidimensional universe, and that our consciousness, our awareness, can expand to perceive matter and energy that are invisible to the flesh. Just as physics and chemistry illuminate our understanding of the physical world, Alchemy and Kabbalah constitute a scientific method to awaken the consciousness and fully develop the human being, opening the doors to vast worlds that are hidden from the physical senses. This awakening or alchemical birth requires a precise scientific method, for everything that exists depends upon causes and conditions. Hidden in centuries of mystical texts and obscure drawings are the specific instructions that lead towards the opening of their inner senses and the entrance into a higher life. The Philosopher's Stone, the secret of transmuting lead into gold, and many other sacred mysteries long restricted to initiates who had proven their trustworthiness were publicly revealed for the first time by the author Samael Aun Weor. These mystical sciences are hidden in the twenty-two primary Tarot cards, whose origins and precise meanings have never before now been publicly revealed. Now, see for yourself how these ancient traditions are all truly one science. Discover the keys to unlock the mysteries hidden in scriptures, mystical texts, and enigmatic images, and most importantly the mysteries hidden within us.

  • - The Only Remedy for Suffering: the Ancient Path to Liberation by Awareness, Meditation, and the Power of Divinity
    av Samael Aun Weor

    Our world is breaking under the strain of so many problems: social unrest, inequality, earthquakes, shocking weather events, violence and despair... Our world needs real change. You can help make it happen. "When one discovers the real cause of so much misery and bitterness, it becomes obvious that something can be done..." --Samael Aun Weor Everyone wants a better world, a better life, and genuine happiness, yet few know how to actually transcend suffering. Theories and beliefs are widespread, but the experience of reality is all that counts. To truly stop suffering, we need to become very aware of: - The overlooked, underlying cause of our pain and problems - What consciousness is and how it works through self-observation - How cause and effect create our life and the state of the world - How to acquire information through meditation - The divine power called Kundalini or Pentecost that can cleanse the mind of faults and darkness This book embraces and clarifies the essential wisdom within all the world's religions and spiritual traditions. Yet, change does not come from belief or theories. Real change comes from self-knowledge: gnosis. The Great Rebellion explains how all of the world's problems -- addiction, war, pollution, starvation, crime -- come from within us. By changing ourselves within, we change the world around us. This is the genuine foundation of every great spiritual tradition in the world. By truly becoming better people, the world becomes a better place.

  • - Learn Gnosis: Knowledge from Experience of the Facts
    av Samael Aun Weor

    "The fundamental education is the science of the consciousness that allows us to discover our relationship with human beings, nature, and all things" The Greek word gnosis means "knowledge." The higher meaning of gnosis is knowledge of facts acquired from personal experience. Gnosis is genuine knowledge of the truth. To understand truth, one must experience it. The greatest human beings in every field - philosophy, science, art, and religion - did not imitate, memorize, or remain limited by popular ideas; instead, they sought gnosis: to know the facts for themselves, and in finding the facts they changed the world for the better. Unfortunately, such people are rare. The problems afflicting individuals and society today have a simple root cause: we have not yet learned how to think. Instead, people today are taught to memorize and imitate. Schools, teachers, and parents today emphasize what we should think, rather than teaching how to think, question, and analyze, so we can recognize the facts, deal with them intelligently, and experience the truth for ourselves. "What is the value of accumulating much knowledge within our minds if we continue to be confused? What is the value of technical and industrial skills if we use them for the destruction of our fellows? It is worthless to receive instruction, to attend classes, to study, if in the process of our daily living we are miserably destroying one another. Indeed, the true objective of a fundamental education must be to create true men and women, who--because of their psychological integration--are cognizant and intelligent." When our consciousness is liberated from the conditioning and restrictions imposed upon it by imitation, bad habits, defects, vices, and mistaken beliefs, then we can see and experience the truth for ourselves. In this way, we no longer need to believe anything or follow anyone, but are free to express our fundamental nature and realize our full potential. This book guides us towards that experience, that gnosis. We need the union of superior logic and tremendous love, heart and mind balanced by conscious awareness of facts. This psychological equilibrium empowers us to alter the painful conditions that we suffer within. Therefore, we need a gnostic education: an education based on personal experience of the truth.

  • - A Spiritual Diary from Prison: Get Spiritual Strength by Having Eucharist at Home
    av Samael Aun Weor

    "This man, in addition to committing the crime of healing the ill, is also the author of a book entitled The Perfect Matrimony, which is an outrage against public morality and the good customs of the citizens." So stated the official document demanding the arrest and imprisonment of Samael Aun Weor. So began his diary written from prison, in which he documented his meditations and insights, and the process of spiritual initiation related to his imprisonment. This book is full of details about dream interpretation, meditation, degrees of initiation, the awakening of the sacred fire, and much more. Most significantly, he emphasized the necessity for spiritual aspirants to consume blessed food and drink at home, that sacred meal known in every religion by names like communion, eucharist, kiddush, tsog, prasad, etc. He also provided a complete ritual for families to practice at home around their dinner table, to invoke the help of the supreme savior known as Christ, Avalokitesvara, Quetzalcoatl, etc. Thus, instead of being cowed by the attempts of the dominate religions to suppress him, they served to increase his efforts to help humanity, resulting in this beautiful and deeply mystical book. "The Holy Eucharist should be practiced in the houses of all our Gnostic brothers and sisters... Thus, each home can become a Gnostic temple, and the head of each family is a priest. No more lodges, no more schools, no more sects, no more infamies, no more exploitation! The temple is within ourselves, and the High Priest is Christ... When a group of people around a table are verifying the Holy Eucharist, the ceremony reverberates in all the seven planes of cosmic consciousness, and opens a channel through the seven worlds through which the sublime energies of the Solar Logos descend: and thus the bread and wine become true accumulators of Christic atoms, which upon reaching our stomach are diffused throughout our organism, Christifying and sublimating it for the initiation." --Samael Aun Weor

  • - The Gnostic Method of Real Spiritual Awakening
    av Samael Aun Weor

    This book begins by asking the questions, "Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? What are we living for? Why are we living?" The answers to these questions can be discovered if one knows where and how to look. No matter who we are, we feel fulfillment, happiness, and purpose inside of ourselves. These qualities are not felt outside of ourselves, and cannot be found in external things or circumstances. Similarly, knowledge of ourselves and our purpose cannot be found in external things, but are found inside. By knowing what is in our hearts and minds, by seeing what we usually ignore, we learn not only what we are capable of, but also what prevents us from developing our full potential. By knowing ourselves, we acquire the knowledge of how to change for the better. As we improve ourselves and awaken to our true nature, we spontaneously begin to radiate the light of divinity in everything we do, increasing our own happiness, and spreading it to others. This is how we begin to live the Gnostic message, which states that the light of the Divine is within us. By knowing ourselves, we also learn about that light, and can bring it into the world to benefit everyone. "All things, all circumstances that occur outside ourselves on the stage of this world, are exclusively the reflection of what we carry within. With good reason then, we can solemnly declare that the 'exterior is the reflection of the interior.' When someone changes internally-and if that change is radical-then circumstances, life, and the external also change." - Samael Aun Weor This book reflects and illuminates the spiritual psychology of all genuine religions and mystical traditions. With the practical guidance in this book, anyone can awaken to see the light for the Divine for themselves.

  • - Consciousness, Astral Projection, and the Transformation of the Dream State
    av Samael Aun Weor

    Among the ancient mystics, shamans, Egyptians, Tibetans and even modern investigators like Carl Jung, consciousness and the dream state have been of the utmost spiritual and psychological importance. Astral projection, lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences and vision quests are all part of the extensive practical science of dream yoga, the sacred knowledge of consciously harnessing the power of the dream state. Any sincere practitioner who actively utilises the clues in this book can open the doors to the inner dimensions of nature and the soul and, thereby, come to know the truth of the mysteries that exist beyond the reach of our physical senses.

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