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  • av K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair

    As for the pamphlet, it is a small-folded document that contains information about a product or service in a concise and brief manner. As for the brochure, it is a printed document that carries information and images about a product or service, usually eye-catching and well-organized. The flyer is a single sheet that carries an advertisement or a short message, usually used to promote a specific event or occasion. Regarding the poster, it is a large sheet that carries images and text used to promote a film, event, or product prominently and attractively. The pamphlet: A small folded document used to provide detailed information about a specific product or service. Often used in promotional or educational campaigns. The brochure: A printed document containing detailed information about a product or service, usually displayed in an attractive and colorful design. Brochures contain illustrations and images to make the information more appealing. The flyer: A single sheet carrying an advertisement or brief information about an event or product. Flyers are usually small, easy to read, and distributed in public places to attract attention.

  • av Mohammadreza Yazdanpanah

    Examining the factors of social and emotional competences on the quality of social relationships and success in various fields of life and professional life of teachers. Social skills cannot be easily defined as a single thing that you have or don't have, but rather a collection of abilities and behaviors. Social and emotional abilities and competences are considered as determining and influencing factors on the quality of social relations and success in various fields of life and professional life. As a result, this awareness will lead to better social interactions. In addition, a person with high emotional intelligence is able to create reactions in people that are in accordance with his wishes. The increase in the rate of mental problems such as depression and loneliness, which is partly related to the current conditions of the country and of course the world, can be an opportunity for leaders to consider emotional intelligence much more seriously than in the past.

  • av Oleh Mykhailychenko

    The manual outlines the main concepts, trends and features of the development of general and musical pedagogy in Ukraine. In a single complex, the issues of forming the conceptual and terminological apparatus of music pedagogy in historical and epistemological aspects are considered. The main theoretical concepts, practical possibilities of general and musical education are considered.For students of music majors of higher educational institutions.

  • av Khushnuda Samigova

    The monograph "¿QUIV¿L¿NC¿¿ ¿ND ¿¿D¿QU¿CY¿ IN TR¿NSL¿TI¿N" is intended for the teachers and for students ¿f translation faculty. In the first chapter of the monograph the theoretical point of views and the opinions of scientists on the topic were analyzed. The differences between the terms of translation study ¿adequacy¿ and ¿equivalence¿ have been clarified through samples analysis. In the second chapter, the analysis of achieving adequacy in the translation of poetic, artistic, scientific and technical texts were carried out. The issue of achieving adequacy at the level of words, word combinations and sentences has been studied through examples taken from various sources. In this monograph one can get acquainted with the topic both in English and Uzbek.

  • av B. M. Khalikov

    This book contains information analyzed on the basis of the long past history of cotton growing in our country, the first steps in the science of cotton growing, the first researches, and the fact that cotton growing is one of the main sectors in the agricultural production of Uzbekistan.The book is intended for scientists of the scientific research institute, agricultural specialists, teachers and students of the university, institute, agricultural technical school, and a wide readership.

  • av Muslimabonu Baxtiyorova

    People are showing more and more desire for IELTS these days. With aim of achieving higher score, test takers are paying deep attention for each section of test with variety of methods. During preparation period, I saw that reading is one of the most difficult part, which demand more time more energy. It is true that, it seems impossible that spending time for reading paper based texts and doing some exercises related to them instead of having great time with modern devices in the technological development century. Therefore, we decided to write book (We do not think, we can say it is a book, because it is just like a manual. However, although it looks not as modesty, we did not want to underestimate our work) to help test takers improve their reading skill. Whenever you ask some advice teachers to get higher score from reading, they suggest reading more articles. We also follow this advice with some extra activities. There are 15 articles and some interesting part of books with exercises that help you to adopting IELTS reading questions. This book for intermediate level test takers who want to organize bedtime reading and improve this skill.

  • av Qademay Usanova

    Bu kitobda o¿zbek, rus va qoraqalpoq tillarida ot so¿z turkumi, otlarning turlanishi, jonli va jonsiz otlar qiyosi, otlarda rod va son kategoriyalari, otlarda kelishik formalarining mänolari, har 3 tildagi kelishiklar qiyosi, otlarning egalik kategoriyalari qiyosi, otlarning morfologik sintaktik usullarda yasalishi va ularning qiyosi, o¿xshash va farqli tomonlari, o¿rganishdagi qiyinchiliklari haqida batafsil keltirib o¿tilgan.

  • av Guzal Dadaboyeva

    The term gender has generally been used in social or cultural science in 70 years of twenties century. In the early period of gender linguistics, scholars were busy with analyzing terminological and semantic difference of ¿gender¿ and ¿sex¿. Later, the term of gender has been investigated in linguistics to distinguish male and female features in language in general. Furthermore, it has been studied as Gender linguistics and a great number of scholars have examined the usage of gender in collaborating with different linguistic aspects such as sociolinguistics, pragmatics and psycholinguistics and its peculiarities in the development of literature. That is to say, gender is not only to study as feminine is to female and masculine is to male. Thus, It is also determined by the growing interest of linguists and language learners to the studying the role of gender from the point of view of pragmatics and psycholinguistics in literature. Still much is left to investigate.

  • av Saumya Varghese

    Green synthesis of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles has been a highly attractive research area over the last decade. Numerous kinds of natural extracts i.e., biocomponents like plant, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and plant extract have been employed as efficient resources for the synthesis and/or fabrication of materials. Among them, plant extract has been proven to possess high efficiency as stabilizing and reducing agents for the synthesis of controlled materials (i.e., controlled shapes, sizes, structures, and other specific features). Studies have expanded the self-assembly of nanomaterials, particularly in the fast developing field of building large-scale and long-range ordered structures from multi-component and multidimensional nanomaterials. Here we synthesized metal and metal oxide nanoparticles from plant extracts and characterized using uv visble spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

  • av Khurshida Kholdanova

    This manual book contains information about writing, one of the most important parts of the IELTS system. As we know, the writing part is evaluated based on 4 criteria. There are also 2 types of writing. Writing task 1 and Writing task 2. Each task is also divided into certain types. There are certain rules for writing each type. This guide contains detailed information about the Writing types. This guide details how to score well in Writing.The authors recommend the book for every language learner.

  • av Hac¿yev Akif ¿sg¿r o¿lu

    T¿qdim edil¿n kitabda Veril¿n Bazas¿ ¿dar¿etm¿ Sisteml¿rinin (VB¿S) müxt¿lif idar¿etm¿imkanlar¿ndan söhb¿t aç¿lm¿¿, VB¿S-l¿rin köm¿yi il¿ haz¿rlan¿lm¿¿ proqramdan aktiv elektron poçtünvan¿na daxil olmu¿ s¿n¿dl¿r¿ birbäa baxmaq, Excel format¿nda elektron poçta daxil olmu¿hesabat göst¿ricil¿rinin veril¿nl¿r bazas¿nda ¿lav¿ etm¿k m¿qs¿dil¿ Microsoft Outlook proqram¿ il¿¿laq¿nin yarad¿lmas¿ v¿ qeyd edil¿n ¿m¿liyyatlar¿n apar¿lmas¿n¿n proqram t¿minat¿ndan nümun¿l¿rverilmi¿dir.Bundan bäqa mü¿ssis¿ v¿ t¿¿kilatlarda s¿n¿dl¿rin çap¿n¿n sür¿tl¿ndirilm¿si m¿qs¿di il¿ seriyal¿v¿ sür¿tli çap prosesinin ¿h¿miyy¿ti v¿ praktiki t¿tbiqind¿n, onlar¿n qrafiki imkanlar¿ndan, xüsusi tipmatrisl¿r-heterogen matrisl¿r v¿ onlar¿ müxt¿lif tipl¿ri haqq¿nda söhb¿t aç¿lm¿¿ v¿ bu matrisl¿rüz¿rind¿ ¿m¿ll¿rin nec¿ t¿yin edildiyi göst¿rilmi¿dir. Eyni zamanda elementl¿ri ayr¿-ayr¿kateqoriyalardan, h¿r bir kateqoriyas¿ müxt¿lif s¿viyy¿l¿rd¿n ibar¿t heterogen matrisl¿rd¿ alts¿viyy¿l¿r üzr¿ simvol tipli elementl¿r¿ uy¿un ¿d¿di elementl¿rin c¿minin v¿ ya f¿rqinin h¿r bir üsts¿viyy¿d¿ yerl¿¿dirilm¿si m¿s¿l¿sinin avtomatläd¿r¿lmas¿n¿n xüsusi bir alqoritmi verilimi¿ v¿ onunproqram t¿minat¿ göst¿rilmi¿dir.

  • av Sadegh Sahraei

    of their Use in IndustryThe most important goal of this research is the numerical study of methane self-heating reforming process with the help of three-dimensional modeling. With the help of modeling results, changes in temperature and concentration of components can be studied at any point inside the reactor. The importance of this modeling refers to the provision of information for the design of reforming systems, which can be used to prevent problems such as the formation of hot spots inside the reactor that lead to damage to the catalyst. Therefore, CFD modeling helps to optimize the design of the reactor and determine the conditions that lead to the improvement of fuel conversion efficiency. Also, the time and cost required for the implementation of new ideas and designs will be reduced. A lot of research has been done for self-heating reforming of methane on conventional catalysts such as nickel, platinum, palladium, etc. In many of these studies, the catalyst used for partial oxidation and reforming is different from steam.

  • av Azam Bakhshandeh

    Social capital is considered as one of the emerging and controversial fields in the interdisciplinary studies of sociology and economics. The state of the economic system, benefiting from health and well-being and having friendly relations with others are part of the basic elements needed that are effective in improving the quality of life. After the second world war, most development theories and theories that tried to provide a way to achieve economic development and move towards a welfare society, without considering the context of the society and how the human relations hidden in it affected the economic planning of the governments. While recent researches have shown that the way people interact with each other, the manner and extent of their participation in civil affairs and their common beliefs and values can have a significant effect in reducing time and economic and social costs. Therefore, the concept of social capital has been proposed, which includes institutions, relationships, attitudes and values that guide people's interaction and make them participate in economic and social development.

  • av Khushnuda Samigova
    1 105,-

    The textbook ¿Translation of special texts¿ is intended for students of Translation Faculty. The textbook is divided into thematic, functional and discursive aspects and is aimed at developing students¿ translation skills of various texts. The purpose of this textbook is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of written translation of specialized texts, as well as to develop the basic four English language learning skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening.

  • av Abdug¿afurova Ozodaxon Akmaljon qizi.

    ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿-¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿.

  • av Sarvinoz Axmedova

    Ushbu monografiyada ingliz va özbek ertaklari, afsonalari va dostonlaridagi kömakchi obrazlar, ularning öziga xos xususiyatlari, turlari, har ikkala xalq folklorida kömakchi obrazlarning öxshash va farqli jihatlari tahlilga tortilgan, epik kömakchilarning qush, inson, hayvon va mifologik körinishlarda talqin etilishi yoritib berilgan, kömakchi qahramonlarning bosh qahramon bilan munosabati, vazifalari va poetikasi izohlangan. Monografiya adabiyotshunos, folklorshunos, madaniyatshunos va tilshunos olimlar uchun kerakli manba bölib xizmat qiladi.

  • av Izabella Mali

    Fantasy and Science have often been mutually exclusive terms; if magic, fantasy existed in a creation, there was no room for science in it, and vice versa. Books, movies, TV series tend to use just one of them. Nevertheless, one creation, does mix them. Namely, the 2017 TV series, entitled, Emerald City, an adaptation of Frank L. Baum`s children`s novel The Wizard of Oz. The novel belongs to the gene of Fantasy. Throughout ages, the book had many adaptations. The one mentioned above is interesting in particular. While the other adaptations are created within the same genre, Fantasy, this one seems to change it, for the Science Fiction and present a fresh take on the story. The TV series contains many Science Fiction elements, like cyborgs, or robot flying monkey, but these do not change the genre. My paper`s aim is to prove this, namely; that even if the TV series has many Science Fiction elements, therefore, it seems to belong to the genre of Science Fiction, this is just the appearance, as a matter of fact, it remains a Fantasy creation, just as its original source.

  • av Sugdiyona Turgunboyeva

    "Strategies for learning English as a second language" - is a book aimed to help the language learners to succeed in their adventures to learn English.You can find useful tips and methods for increasing vocabulary, memory strategies and effective techniques for how to teach students too. The importance of the usage of new technologies, brainstorming, and mnemonics in learning and teaching English as a second language has been written in this book.Hope you will enjoy reading and finding more about this.

  • av Oláh Tímea Katalin

    A papagájok a madarak leginkább veszélyeztetett csoportja, a Természetvédelmi Világszövetség a papagájfajok 28%-át (398-ból 11 fajt) nyilvánította veszélyeztetetté. A jákópapagájok él¿helyén, a Kongó-medencében, amely az Amazonas-medence után a világ második legnagyobb trópusi erd¿vidéke, szintén súlyos károkat okoznak az erd¿tüzek, az erd¿k szándékos irtása, a nyersanyagkitermelés, az egyéb ipari tevékenységek és az ott él¿ fajok tömeges pusztítása, befogása. Kiváló hangutánzó képessége és intelligenciája miatt a jákópapagáj világszerte az egyik legnépszer¿bb papagájfaj és gyakran tartják társállatként. Az e madarak iránti hatalmas kereslet ösztönzi mind a legális, mind pedig az illegális kereskedelmet. Jogosan merül fel tehát a kérdés, miként lehet még jobban visszaszorítani a faj vadon fogott példányai iránti keresletet, a már fogságban tartott populációk hogyan tarthatók fenn és tenyészthet¿k hosszú távon újabb vadon fogott madarak nélkül, hogyan segítheti el¿ a vadon él¿ populációk védelmét a fogságban tartás és tenyésztés, valamint a célzott szemléletformálás, ismeretterjesztés.

  • av Dilshodbek Rustamov
    1 045,-

    The monograph reviews the types and analyses of speech communication, the cultural nature of language, the study of linguocultural aspects of everyday communication and the issues such as the concept of intercultural communication, the specific aspects and genres of Internet communication are highlighted.The monograph is intended for linguists, young researchers dealing with linguistics, masters and students of linguistics working in this field.

  • av Laziz Qayimov

    Ushbu o¿quv monografiya 5111700¿boshlang`ich tälim yo¿nalishi talabalari uchun mo¿ljallangan bo¿lib, unda boshlang¿ich sinf matematika darslarida iqtisodiy tushunchalarini o¿rgatish metodikasi, tälim metodlarining tasnifi, matematika fanini o¿qitish jarayonida zamonaviy pedagogik va axborot texnologiyalardan foydalanishning o¿ziga xos xususiyatlari o¿z ifodasini topgan. Mazkur monografiya tayanch doktorantura hamda 5111700-Boshlang¿ich tälim yo¿nalishi talabalari hamda umumtälim maktablari boshlang¿ich sinf o¿qituvchilariga mo¿ljallangan.

  • av Tamás Vraukó

    Some Hungarian linguists often question whether passive voice as such even exists in Hungarian. It apparently does, but its use is different, and more restricted than in English. In this book a number of examples are used from works by prominent Hungarian translators to show how Hungarian passive constructions are used. Also, when it is not possible to find a Hungarian passive to translate an English one, what other options are available.

  • av Mette Maja Mouritsen

  • av Yoqub Siddiqovich Saidov

    O¿zbek adabiy tili tarixida o¿rganilishi muhim bo¿lgan masalalar : 1. O¿zbek tilini o¿zbek xalqining tarixi, madaniyati, adabiyot va san¿at taraqqiyotiga täsirini, o¿ziga xos xususiyatlarini tadqiq etish; 2. O¿zbek adabiy tilini tarixiy-uslubiy jihatdan o¿rganish, uning uslublarida yuz bergan tadrijiy va inqilobiy o¿zgarishlarni ochib berish;3. Hozirgi o¿zbek adabiy tilining qadimgi turkiy til, eski turkiy til, eski o¿zbek adabiy tili va yangi o¿zbek adabiy tiliga munosabatini belgilash; 4. O¿zbek xalqi tarixida o¿zbek tilining ijtimoiy-siyosiy mavqeini belgilash;5. O¿zbek adabiy tilining yangi so¿zlar bilan boyib borishini o¿rganish, uning leksik jihatdan takomillashuvini aniqlash va h.k.

  • av Alina Gheorghe

    Prezenta lucrare ¿Analiza macroeconomic¿ a turismului verde în Româniä abordeaz¿ domeniul turismului verde la nivel näional. Turismul de ni¿¿ se afl¿ într-o continu¿ dezvoltare, reprezentând un interes major pentru speciali¿tii în domeniul turistic. Pornind de la teza de doctorat ¿Metode ¿i tehnici de îmbun¿t¿¿ire a calit¿¿ii serviciilor ecoturistice. Studiu de caz:Jude¿ul S¿laj¿, consider c¿ turismul verde este o arie de interes la nivel mondial. Astfel, a luat fiin¿¿ lucrarea ¿Analiza macroeconomic¿ a turismului verde în Româniä, lucrare ce-¿i propune clarificarea conceptelor teoretice privind turismul de ni¿¿, ¿i totodat¿, identificarea direc¿iilor strategice de îmbun¿t¿¿ire a calit¿¿ii serviciilor ecoturistice näionale. Dat fiind faptul c¿, ecoturismul ar putea deveni solu¿ia care ar conduce ¿ara la performan¿e economico-financiare, ¿Analiza macroeconomic¿ a turismului verde în Româniä îsi propune s¿ eviden¿ieze importan¿a turismului de ni¿¿ în contextul socio-economic local, ¿i totodat¿, în cel näional.Lucrarea este compus¿ din 4 capitole.

  • av Naiem Ahmadinejadfarsangi

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