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  • av Andy Tomlinson

    這本書以簡單精確的方式描寫了前世和來世,並附有大量的案例,對於幫助他人與自己永恆部分連接的治療師們來說,這是一個十分寶貴的資源。 本書也為那些「困」在自己的生活中,或者被前世中帶來的痛苦殘餘所困擾的人們帶來希望。 安迪在本書與我們分享的這些方法,給了我們一把打開靈魂之門和超然知識的鑰匙。 這本書對於回溯治療領域來說,是無價的貢獻和進步。 更重要的是,這是一個非常有趣的書!安迪.湯姆林森是一名心理學畢業生和註冊心理治療師。他曾接受埃里克森催眠治療培訓,並且是一位認證回溯治療師和認證兩世之間治療師。他目前是前世回溯學院(Past Life Regression Academy)的培訓總監,該學院為全球治療師們提供回溯治療、兩世之間回溯和靈魂進化工作坊的培訓。

  • - Doing More Good than Harm in Conversation
    av Reggie Marra

  • - Integrity in Sport and Life for Student-Athletes, Parents and Coaches
    av Reggie Marra

  • - более глубокое изучение регрессионной те
    av Andy Tomlinson

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  • - Mindfulness for Schools and Universities
    av Mack Peter Mack

  • - Perspective adiționale din terapia prin regresie in vieți anterioare
    av Andy Tomlinson

    Cartea lui Andy Tomlinson, Transformarea Sufletului Etern abordeaz¿ tehnicile utilizate în regresia în vie¿i anterioare ¿i în terapia prin regresie, demonstrându-le eficien¿a în transformarea vie¿ilor oamenilor. Acest manual practic editat de Andy, este o continuare a volumului anterior ¿i con¿ine tehnici specializate prezentate de c¿tre terapeu¿i specializäi în regresii, exper¿i în diferite arii. Bog¿¿ia studiilor de caz atât de relevante, acoper¿ interesul terapeu¿ilor ¿i a publicului în general. Capitolele includ;Modalit¿¿i de integrare a terapiei în cadrul vie¿ii curente a clientuluiTerapia spiritual¿ a copilului interiorDep¿¿irea de c¿tre client a unei Urgen¿e SpiritualeAbordarea clien¿ilor dificiliUtilizarea cristalelor în terapia prin regresieCur¿¿area energiei intruzive dificileTransferarea puterii c¿tre clientUtilizarea terapiei prin regresie în practica medical¿Armonie - vindecarea holistic¿ prin intermediul sunetului

  • - perspectives de la regression dans les vies anterieures et de la regression spirituelle
    av Andy Tomlinson

    Ecrit avec précision et simplicité et illustré de nombreuses études de cas, ce livre est une ressource inestimable, pour tous ceux qui en accompagnent d'autres sur le chemin de leur quête spirituelle. Il redonne espoir à tous ceux qui se sentent empétrés dans leurs existences ou dont les mémoires douloureuses de leurs vies antérieures pèsent lourdement dans leurs vies. De plus, il est formidablement agréable et intéressant à lire !Andy Tomlinson dirige la formation de la Past Life Regression Academy et est un des membres fondateurs de la Earth Association of Regression Therapy, de la Spiritual Regression Therapy Association et de la Society for Medical Advance and Research using Regression Therapy. Il enseigne, et fait des conférences sur le plan international au sujet de ses recherches et de ses expériences portant sur les vies antérieures et les mémoires d'âmes de la vie entre les vies.

  • - Biblical Revelations Through Past Life Journeys
    av Reena Kumarasingham

    A fascinating, surreal elaboration of Christian stories and characters Kirkus ReviewsAward Winner of the 2018 Soul-Bridge Body, Mind, Spirit, Book Awards in Christian Spirituality Award Winner Finalist of the 3rd Annual Body, Mind, Spirit, Book Awards in ReincarnationTwo thousand years ago, the Biblical time, was a time of great change. Jesus and those closest to him were inspiring in their ability to tap into their inner radiant light to navigate a challenging period of chaos. Over time, their heroic and heart warming stories have been cloaked in shadows Until now. Through the past life journeys of eight souls, Shrouded Truth unveils the dramatic adventures and emotional experiences of those closest to Jesus, in a quest to unravel false entanglements whilst pursuing a path of spiritual purity. Backed by tradition and documentary evidence, discover little known information that will challenge previously held beliefs about the Biblical Era, answer some questions and raise a few new ones. Explore revelations that inspire the recognition and embodiment of our own radiant light.Shrouded Truth is the first book in the Radiant Light Series, which helps us to explore of the true relationship between the spirit of man and the spirit of the God. It challenges us to look deeply into our inner core to illuminate the biggest shrouded truth of them all - our own radiant divinity.A must read for anyone interested in religion and open-minded enough to read about past lives, or those who are interested in past lives and are open-minded enough to read about religion's origins.

  • av Andy Tomlinson

    Andy Tomlinson's first book, 'Healing the Eternal Soul', introduced readers to the amazing world of current, past life and life between lives regression. It showed just how effective this is in transforming ordinary people's lives. Written as a follow-up, this practical manual is packed with illuminating case studies and more specialised techniques. Contributions have been made by medical practitioners, psychologists and regression therapists. It is mainly aimed at therapists, but general readers will discover much of interest too. The chapters cover: Regression therapy in a medical practice, Empowering a client, Working with difficult clients, Spiritual inner child regression, Parts therapy in regression, Clearing dark energy, Crystal therapy in regression, Integrating therapy into a client's current life, techniques to handle a spiritual emergency, working by proxy and between lives regression for non human soul clients..

  • - Perspective din regresia spirituală şi din vieţi anterioare
    av Andy Tomlinson

  • - Metaphoric Narratives in Healing
    av Peter Mack & Nicole Lee

  • - Le Chemin de Transformation d'une Jeune Patiente en Therapie de Regression
    av Peter Mack

  • - A Medical Perspective
    av Peter Mack

  • - Erkenntnisse Aus Regressionen in Vorleben Und Das Spirituelle Leben Zwischen Leben
    av Andy Tomlinson

  • - Insights from Past Life and Spiritual Regression
    av Andy Tomlinson

  • - Insights from the Life Between Lives
    av Andy Tomlinson

  • - The Transformational Journey of a Young Patient Undergoing Regression Therapy
    av Peter Mack

  • - En Ung Kvinnas Forvandling Med Regressionsterapi
    av Peter Mack

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