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  • av Jack Chinchen

    "I have known the Chinchen family for many years and have admired their commitment to service in foreign lands in the name of the Lord. When I was with Jack in Liberia, I never dreamed it would be the last time on earth. It is with great joy that he was able to pen his thoughts in this book that will bless every reader. I recall a time in Monrovia, Liberia when Jack and his wife Nell were with us for a crusade. People jammed the national stadium and when the invitation was given, Jack was amazed at the number of people who responded to God''s call to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. He made the comment afterwards, "I''ve never seen people actually ''run'' to meet Jesus!" Seeing souls won to the Kingdom of God was Jack''s desire, and he gave his life to this passion. Hearts will be blessed reading how he put his "faith into action" as he obeyed and followed the Lord." FRANKLIN GRAHAM President and CEO, Samaritan''s Purse Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

  • - Applied to Life in This World
    av Gordon Kenworthy Reed

  • av Gordon Kenworthy Reed

    Gordon Reed is a skillful writer and gifted preacher, with years of pastoral experience. He brings a lifetime of experience to this exposition of the Catechism. He not only knows the theology ofthe Catechism, he lives it. He is such a good popular communicator that he will make difficult topics seem more accessible (you will see his warmth and sense of humor page after page), and he is such a good theologian that he will challenge and stimulate you with his biblical insights. (He never ceases to amaze me with his ability to summarize an important truth in a single simple sentence.) Forpreachers and teachers, he not only supplies an excellent explanation of each question of the Catechism, but he offers numerous helpful illustrations and applications of these biblical truths. For students of Scripture, young and old, he clearly explains Bible doctrine in an enjoyable and engaging way. Thus, this volume will helpfully serve both as a devotional help and as a teaching aid.--J. Ligon Duncan

  • - Lex, Rex - A New Annotated Version in Contemporary English
    av Michael a Milton

    What if we had a guide to help us understand God’s will for human government? In fact, we do.There are two books that help us navigate through the overgrown thicket of human ideas about governance: The Holy Bible and Lex, Rex. The Bible speaks directly and indirectly, by teaching and by example, of the principles of human government. The great work by Rutherford, Lex, Rex, exposits these principles and truths in 44 assertions. Until now, Lex, Rex was largely inaccessible to the modern reader. Rutherford’s words need to be communicated in a fresh, informed, and relevant way for today’s readers.A new abridged, annotated, Standard English edition of Samuel Rutherford‘s Lex, Rex by Dr. Michael A. Milton is needed, now more than ever, so that we might return to the sacred ideas of human government that were foundational to the establishment of government in the United States and influential to the constitutional monarchy in Great Britain.Until now, Lex, Rex was largely inaccessible to the modern reader. Moreover, Rutherford's words needed to be communicated in a fresh, informed, and relevant way for today’s readers. “We owe many thanks to Mike Milton for careful work, analyzing and paraphrasing Rutherford for modern readers. He has used well his gifts as a linguist, a pastor, and a theological scholar. As we endure this historical period of radically divisive political debate, it is hard to imagine a better gift to the American people than this restoration of Rutherford’s important work.”  - John M. Frame, PhD


    This new publication, known as The Fortress Edition, is based on the Burgess manuscript and the Caruthers edition, with minor exceptions added by the First American Presbyterian Assembly of 1789 and the First General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. Also, this edition will include a new historical background by Dr. David Calhoun and wordsmithing and editing by Rev. Brian Kinney. Words and phrases such as maketh, giveth, withal, sundry times, divers manners, etc. will be edited to reflect standard English usage; however, all theological terms will be retained. All proof texts will be cited at the bottom each page.

  • - Simon Peter the Second Epistle
    av Gordon Kenworthy Reed

    Now the execution has taken place. Peter and many other great and godly leaders are gone, and the Church is scattered. Somehow this letter was smuggled out of prison before Peter was taken to his cross to die. In secret, copies were made and circulated. You are a frightened believer in hiding and wondering about all that has happened and why. You have just been given a copy of the great Simon Peter's last will and testimony. This little scroll is the only thing standing between you and utter despair. You will treasure every line, every word. You will pray for understanding because you know the Holy Spirit has spoken through this apostle of Christ. You find a secret place and begin to read, even as unbidden tears pour down your face, almost blinding you.

  • - From the Resurrection to Ascension
    av Gordon Kenworthy Reed

    Possibly the most overlooked and under-preached sections of the New Testament are the records we have in all four of the Gospels concerning the forty days after our Lord Jesus rose from the dead and before He ascended to His rightful throne.

  • - A Study in the Ten Commandments
    av Gordon Kenworthy Reed

    I know of no subject more pertinent to the need in America today than that herein treated. As Gordon Reed says, "Across our beloved land ... there is sweeping a dreadful malady that threatens to destroy the foundation ... lawlessness." How does one counter lawlessness? The Gospel of Jesus Christ counters lawlessness as the law is inscribed afresh in those hearts that are quickened by God's spirit."I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts, and I will be their God and they shall be My people." (Jeremiah 31:33)But the law prepares the way for the Gospel. And then the Gospel sends us back to the law as God's standard. If the believer is to live a holy life, if he is to bear fruit, he must understand and obey these commandments.--from the Preface by Frank M. Barker, Jr., Pastor Emeritus, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama

  • av Gordon Kenworthy Reed
    255 - 375

  • av Gordon Kenworthy Reed

    This prayer is the most comprehensive and the most concise of all prayers. It speaks to every need of man, and tells of all which he may expect from God. If a believer will master this prayer and its meaning, he will know how to pray. --Gordon Kenworthy Reed, author

  • - Solemnly Warn Them

    Statism II: Solemnly Warn Them, and the sequel to Statism: The Shadows of Another Night, moves from the general to the specific in the discussion over statism within all forms of governmental organizations. In Statism II there is special emphasis on radical Islam, The Establishment, The Media, etc."which happens when government is perceived as or claims to be ultimate reality" (R.C. Sproul). There is even a form of statism within religious organizations, including Christianity, which of necessity must have a form of government.

  • - The Shadows of Another Night

    Statism: The Shadow of Another Night is an anthology on the subject of statism, with a special emphasis on early indicators and movements. Many aspects of statism, and even the word "statism" itself are clearly unknown to the public; so a book warning about these dangers that are faced "when the government is seen as ultimate reality" (R.C. Sproul) is urgently needed. The cover (the memorial at Dachau concentration camp), depicting the "final solution" of a statist government gone completely mad, is deliberately ominous and serious as this subject should be. The winds of war can be halted, but only when law-abiding citizens, who understand what is at stake, are willing to engage the enemy and teach others to do the same. Article contributions and documents from: Peter Lillback, C.S. Lewis, R.C. Sproul, Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower, Tim Keller, John Frame, Francis Schaeffer, Michael Milton, Richard Hannula, Nell Chinchen, D. James Kennedy, Douglas Kelly, Jerry Newcombe, Mostyn Roberts, George Grant

  • av Paula Rodriguez

    The Westminster Shorter Catechism has served for many years as an instrument to help believers understand the truths of Scripture, but its brevity on each question leaves room for further study. Paula Rodriguez's Bible studies on the Catechism is meeting this need. I highly recommend them." --Jerry Bridges, author, The Pursuit of Holiness"Real help for learning and teaching the Shorter Catechism will be found here." --J.I. Packer, theologian"Outstanding! the worship of God is serious business."Your statement summarizes your approach to the Decalogue and to the Christian life. I am thankful for this and commend it. Great work and thoroughly Biblical." --Michael A. Milton, Ph.D.

  • av Michael a Milton

    Something has happened. There was an old you. Yet in Christ there is a new you. Indeed, you sense that all things are new. They are. In His resurrection and in His life He is making all things new. This book is about taking the hand of the One who saved you, by faith, and following Him exactly the way He has prescribed. This is not a human author's ideas about how to follow God. It's the unfolding of a divine travel map from Another World, helping you to get through this one to safely arrive at home. So open the pages in prayer and let the journey begin. -Michael A. Milton

  • av Gordon Kenworthy Reed

    The killing of Jesus of Nazareth was an act of injustice and evil so great as to stagger the imagination and forever destroy the popular and stubborn myth that human nature is basically good. The killing was out and out assassination. Mob violence was involved. Judicial lynching and miscarriage of justice were also a part of this terrible crime. The ugly scene of the suffering and dying Jesus being taunted by the spiritual leaders of Israel was shocking to say the least. Yet some who saw in Jesus the fulfillment of the promised Messiah, would become the remnant of the "true Israel of God." However, the killing of Jesus was the end result of many interwoven strands of cause and effect which we will explore in this work. The complete story, therefore, has not been told by popular historical writer and television personality, Bill O'Reilly, who attempted a strictly objective, neutral reporting of the immediate facts surrounding Jesus' death. There is so much more to the story than this.

  • av Gordon Kenworthy Reed

    Dr. Gordon Reed is not only one of the most respected preachers in the pulpit today, he is one of the most prolific writers. His writing, like his preaching, is thoroughly Biblical, warmly Reformed, keenly insightful, always helpful, & perfectly timed. May many know the reality of the resurrected Christ as they read this new work from my friend. Michael A. Milton, Ph.D. Chancellor/CEO elect Reformed Theo. Seminary


    The Confessions of Our Faith with ESV Proofs is based on the Burgess manuscript and the Caruthers edition, with minor exceptions added by the First American Presbyterian Assembly of 1789 and the First General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. Also, this edition will include a new historical background by Dr. David Calhoun, wordsmithing and editing by Rev. Brian Kinney, and a Westminster Abbey Historical Tour (pictorial). Words and phrases such as maketh, giveth, withal, sundry times, divers manners, etc. will be edited to reflect standard English usage; however, all theological terms will be retained. Endorsers include: Iain H. Murray, Jerry Bridges, Dominic Aquila, Charles Dunahoo, Timothy Russell.

  • av Paula Rodriguez

    The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter Catechism which grew out of it are statements of doctrine, of what many people believe are the teachings of the Bible. We who were involved in writing this study believe that they contain the best summary of what God has revealed to us through His Word. We also believe that if a person understands these teachings, they will bring much peace and comfort to his or her life in Christ. But we do not believe that understanding all of this doctrine is necessary to salvation.

  • - A Biblical Call for the Church to Speak to State and Culture
    av Michael A. Milton

    Publisher Marketing Anything that presents itself as a force to hurt the souls of men is fair game for the pastor according to the author. An introduction by Dr. Douglas Kelly to the issues of Statism, and Milton's own concern for the pastoral-prophetic voice on matters of public morality and "bringing every thought captive" to the Gospel, make this a particularly relevant book in this season of thinking through politics and faith. The volume is complete with a bibliography on the matter of Christian voices in the public square and an index. It is profitable reading for the classroom, in the office or study, on the back porch, or on a plane. Endorsements "God bless Dr. Mike Milton for challenging the conventional wisdom that Christians need to mind their own business and stay out of the public square. He correctly diagnoses the root of our society's problems as spiritual and calls on the church to step up to the plate in an effort to save our culture. There is no inconsistency between spreading the Gospel and being engaged in the culture and in politics in a Christlike way." David Limbaugh, NYT bestselling author, syndicated columnist, constitutional attorney, contributor, FoxNews Silent No More "is a must read if we are to save our nation. The Church must take the lead in this effort." Michael Reagan, national Radio Talk Show Host, Author, columnist, son of U.S. President Ronald Reagan. "Dr. Michael Milton's book is, among other things, a tribute to the martyrs of atheistic communism, of which there were countless millions. Christians in America today face their own unique challenges. The threats to religious freedom are not as deadly as what Christians endured under communism, but they are serious, and they seem to get worse year by year--and they often stem from the same statist impulse. We must, above all, not remain silent. It is indeed true that all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Paul Kengor, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, Grove City College; Executive Director, The Center for Vision & Values; Fellow, The Hoover Institute, NY Times best-selling author, and nationally syndicated columnist, contributor to FoxNews, and frequent speaker and recognized leading scholar on the history of the Cold War and Presidential studies of Ronald Reagan. "In a culture where biblical standards are routinely being ignored or marginalized God's voice needs to be heard loud and clear, however unwelcome it may be. Old Testament prophets provide a powerful paradigm of this, and while biblical prophets have no like-for-like successors today, Christian pastors have a similar responsibility to 'reprove, rebuke and exhort', directly challenging what seems to be the relentless drive towards framing a totally secular society. Michael Milton's book is an urgent, relevant and powerful wake-up call. Every pastor should read it--and encourage his church members to do so." John Blanchard, Internationally known Christian preacher, teacher, apologist, and author Biographical Information Michael A. Milton and his family live in Charlotte, North Carolina and is the host of the national Bible teaching television program Faith for Living, a songwriter and recording artist, and the author of numerous books and articles. Previously he was the senior minister of the historic First Presbyterian Church of Chattanooga, Tennessee and is currently Chancellor and CEO elect of Reformed Theological Seminary and the James M. Baird Jr. Professor of Pastoral Theology, there.

  • av Ceil Humphreys

    Writing a research paper can seem as impossible as eating an elephant, but it can be done one bite at a time. Author Ceil Humphreys has created a workbook based on 20 years of classroom experience to help elementary, middle school, high school, and college students with their research paper assignments. It is broken into seven easy action steps and includes evaluation guides. This light-hearted and encouraging book is also for teachers, homeschool moms, college professors, or anyone else who wants to help students learn how to research, organize, write, and present the best paper possible. Whether for an elementary report or a doctoral thesis, this book will enable anyone to eat that elephant of a paper bite by bite.

  • av Gordon Kenworthy Reed

  • av William Hendriksen

    The life hereafter is a subject of universal and timeless interest. This is as it should be. Man is created for eternity. This book is for anyone desiring to know God's plan for man's life. It is constructed in such a way that it can as readily be used for group study and discussion as for personal reference. It is a major contribution to the literature on the future life.

  • av Paula Rodriguez & Lael Olsson

    The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter Catechism which grew out of it are statements of doctrine, of what many people believe are the teachings of the Bible. This is the first of three volumes exploring the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and it contains many of the basic doctrines of the Reformed faith. It is designed be used for either individual or group study. Each lesson contains discussion questions and an explanation of the doctrine by the author.

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