This book has the truth behind the psychological warfare conducted on worldwide citizens, and the truth of biological weapon vaccines, the people behind the vaccines and their agendas and their intentions, from the elites cult, the fallen collectives, a cult of blood sacrifice. The truth that the vaccines are not just to cull and mass murder humanity, but to put nano technologies in your body to delete your ancestral information, and rewrite your DNA, via your RNA building blocks of DNA, then you are not the original DNA strain of human on Planet Earth, the fallen angel bloodlines corporations then can patent and own you. Their main agenda is to stop you and humanities future children from accessing your schematic blueprint within your DNA, that allows you to open and access your eternal light body, allowing you to stop the cycles of life and death, and allowing you to ascend, and transcend the Templar Light Time Hyper-dimensional Matrix, of Creation. This means you can be fully embodied living on a 4th/5th dimensional Planet Earth but able to travel in the Stars, the Cosmos, in the Hyper-dimensional Matrix at will via instant teleportation, and by opening a sixty foot field of light around your body and travelling through the Sun filaments from Solar System to Solar System. Vaccines are biological weapons of war, that are used against you and your children, against humanity, against us the Christos Collectives manifesting on the Planet, us eternal light being Angels, manifesting onto Planet Earth to effect change while having a human experience. This book explains our human cells & their functions & relationship to poisons, and this book has an introduction to the DNA Blueprint of instructions to grow your Light Body.