- Understanding Creationism: English-Chinese Bilingual Edition (Volume 1)
献给加州国际神学院和所有寻求圣经创造论真理的人Dedicated to the California International Theological Seminary and all those who seek the truth of Biblical Creationism本书是美籍华人崔干光牧师最新著作,全书以神学与科学的角度阐释:「如果上帝创造了宇宙,那么谁创造了上帝?」根据定义,上帝是宇宙的非受造物主,所以"谁创造了上帝?"这个问题是不合逻辑的,就像"单身汉嫁给了谁?" 因此,一个更老练的提问者可能会问:"如果宇宙需要一个原因,那么为什么上帝不需要一个原因呢?如果上帝不需要一个原因,为什么宇宙需要一个原因呢?"作为响应,基督徒应该使用以下推理: 1. 凡是 有始的, 都有因缘。2. 宇宙有一个开端。3. 因此,宇宙是有原因的。因为根据定义,上帝是整个宇宙的创造者,他就是时间的创造者。 崔牧师在基督中心兼职牧师20年,在神恩福音宣教兼职牧师13年,在基督教新生命福音堂兼职牧师7年。目前,他是加州国际神学院的兼职教授。 他获得了物理学学士学位、电机工程硕士学位、图书馆和信息科学硕士学位以及神学博士学位。 他担任工程师 20 年,担任科学教师 15 年。 他还写了另外两本书:其中一本书的标题是"上帝是否使用进化来创造?" 这本书已经绝版了。 另一本书《挖掘自然主义的五个坟墓》,仍可在 Amazon.com 上找到。他主持创造科学讲座。12 年来,他一直在撰写有关《科学布道》的 PowerPoint 演示文稿。这些可以在崔牧师的网站 https: //azenterprises.us 上查看。愿神得着一切荣耀!This is Pastor Christopher K. Chui's latest Work, based upon author's theological and scientific perspectives: "If God created the universe, then who created God?"God, by definition, is the uncreated creator of the universe, so the question 'Who created God?' is illogical, just like 'To whom is the bachelor married?' So, a more sophisticated questioner might ask: 'If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn't God need a cause? And if God doesn't need a cause, why should the universe need a cause?' In reply, Christians should use the following reasoning: 1. Everything which has a beginning has a cause.12. The universe has a beginning.3. Therefore, the universe has a cause.Since God, by definition, is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Pastor Christopher Chui has been a part-time pastor at Christ Center for 20 years, at Grace of God Gospel Mission for 13 years, and at New Life Christian Gospel Church for 7 years. Currently, he is an adjunct professor at California International Theological Seminary.He earned a BS in physics, a MS in electrical engineering, a MS in library and information science, and a PhD in theology. He has been an engineer for 20 years, and a science teacher for 15 years. He wrote two other books: One is titled as "Did God Use Evolution to Create?" This book is out of print. The other book is entitled as "Digging Five Graves of Naturalism." This book is still available at Amazon.com.He conducts lectures on creation science. He has been writing PowerPoint presentations on Sermons from Science for 12 years. These can be viewed at my website https: //azenterprises.us. May God have all glory!