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  • av Unigastro - National Board of Italian University Professors in Gastroenterology

    Il volume - interamente scritto da docenti universitari di gastroenterologia - è rivolto agli studenti che frequentano i diversi Corsi Integrati della Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia e preparano l¿esame di Gastroenterologia. Il testo, che vuole essere uno strumento facilmente fruibile, adeguato alle nuove conoscenze nel rispetto delle metodologie pedagogiche, si compone di 51 capitoli suddivisi in 6 sezioni: prima sezione: Argomenti introduttivi, focus sulla Gastroenterologia; seconda sezione: Malattie dell'esofago, dello stomaco e del duodeno; terza sezione: Patologie dell¿intestino tenue e del colon; quarta sezione: Malattie del fegato; quinta sezione: Malattie delle vie biliari e del pancreas; sesta sezione: Emergenze in Gastroenterologia. Ogni capitolo riporta all'inizio gli obiettivi didattici, che rappresentano una guida allo studio, e si chiude con l'indicazione dei concetti chiave dell¿argomento trattato. Come nelle precedenti edizioni, l¿opera si compone di un volume cartaceo e di contenuti multimediali, a esso allegati, fruibili online dal sito UNIGASTRO. Lo studente può trovare, organizzati con una metodologia interattiva di gamification, esempi di casi clinici raggruppati per sintomi, di procedure diagnostiche, nonché schede di approfondimento e quiz di autovalutazione a risposta multipla.

  • av Grupo Asis Biomedia S. L.

  • av Rodolfo Bruhl-Day

  • av Grupo Asis Biomedia S. L.

  • av Fernando Laguna Sanz
    1 105

  • av Gianna Pamich

    The white coat has historically symbolised medicine and, more broadly, the scientific endeavour itself. According to recent studies, compared to their colleagues in plain clothes, healthcare professionals wearing white coats still convey a clearer perception of assurance and know-how to their patients. This data confirm the strength of that collective imaginary that was built along the centuries, with the help of the figurative arts, television, and modern-day marketing. The feelings of trust and hope for a quality treatment based on the competence and know-how that are guaranteed by the white coats, the purity inspired by their colour, and the compassion shared by healthcare professionals; all these factors had, and still have, an important role in making the white coats, and those who wear them, the guardians of unshakable values. At the same time, the white coat could also instil feelings of dread, apprehension, nervousness, and anxiety, triggering deep and irrational fears, without undermining the patients' trust in the healthcare professional wearing it. This volume analyses the multifaceted nature of this attire, symbol of the mission pursued by those who wear it, through interviews, memoirs, and the authors' own reflections.

  • av Massimo Spattini

    Diet and food supplements can make a difference when you are doing regular physical activity, but you have to choose carefully and it is not easy to find your own way around the many proposals on the market. This book helps athletes in managing nutrition and choosing supplements that improve athletic performance, based on strong scientific evidence and in complete safety. It covers all the main types of physical activity, from the gym to cycling, from running to crossfit, considering also the needs of special categories of sportsmen, such as senior athletes, diabetics, vegans and paying particular attention to women. Specific nutritional approaches, such as the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, are also described. 86 data sheets report the features and properties supplements that allow an optimal performance. Each supplement is assigned a score, to allow the reader to evaluate its effectiveness in improving the parameters that influence athletic performance (strength, resistant strength, mass, endurance, weight loss, concentration, recovery).

  • av Nicolle L. Barbieri, Catherine M. Logue & Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt

  • av Roberto Kaitsas
    1 245

    The increasing demand for complex rehabilitative dental treatments in the adult patient and in developmental age raises the need for multidisciplinary therapies. The book is intended to trace the orthodontic-periodontal relationships, analyzing how orthodontic procedures can enhance the periodontal treatment plan, increasing its predictability, integrating it, interacting in the surgical approach and, at the same time, how Periodontology increases the potential and predictability of orthodontic treatments, synergically completing them. The Authors describe how orthodontic therapy can also be an aid to implant therapy both as a prostheticrehabilitative treatment plan and as a tissue and bone regenerative treatment, obtaining an enhancement of results that can only be achieved with a combined regenerative orthodontic-periodontal intervention. Supported by the recent international literature, all ortho-perio treatments, the Authors' orthodontic and standardized surgical techniques, and biomechanics, are described with the help of photographs of clinical cases in vestibular and lingual orthodontic techniques.

  • av Christopher G. Byers
    1 379

    Successfully managing emergency patients and those with critical illness requires knowledge and skills often not adequately covered in veterinary school and veterinary technician/nurse training programs. Through this book, the Editors and Authors have created a comprehensive resource to use to grasp the issues and scope of problems inevitably encountered in clinical practice. The book's format is designed to allow readers to digest the broad range of topics inherent to feline emergency and critical care medicine. Each chapter begins with a Summary Section that details practical points about pathophysiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment, including algorithms that attempt to simplify a problem and point the reader in the right direction. Each chapter also has a Comprehensive Section that dives deeper into the topic at hand to satisfy those who appreciate detailed discussions about pathophysiology, diagnostic investigations, and evidence-based therapies. The book has 10 sections and 100 chapters with accompanying images and videos (

  • av Fabio Procoli
    1 475

    The aim of this book is to focus on problems unique to the feline alimentary tract in comparison to dogs and to discuss them in detail, but also to highlight areas where knowledge is lacking or can only be derived from comparison with other companion animal species or humans. Instead of being a comprehensive work of "all things GI" in the cat, this book aims to shine a light on topics that are novel, such as the microbiome or probiotics, and might not have been covered by other standard textbooks. This book focuses on "a medic's perspective" on feline alimentary tract health, which starts with considering differential diagnoses in a structured way based on the most common clinical signs. It also includes the invaluable input from other specialties we so often draw on in clinical practice, namely laboratory diagnostics, diagnostic imaging, clinical pathology and histopathology, and nutrition, which can be a particular challenge in cats. It also covers feline-specific infectious and neoplastic diseases. Appropriate methods for retrieving adequate samples from organs of the alimentary tract in cats are discussed, and a particular focus on the challenges of differentiating inflammation from neoplasia is present in several chapters. Extra materials and videos are available on

  • av Piero Venezia
    1 795

    The concept of "totally edentulous patient" has changed over time and includes not only patients who have lost all their teeth, but also those with terminal dentition or those who must replace prosthetic rehabilitations that have failed. In all these cases, the ability to manage the edentulous space is essential, also to evaluate the most suitable type of prosthesis for the patient (mucosa-supported total denture, overdenture, hybrid prosthesis or full-arch prosthesis on implants). This volume provides dentists and dental technicians with the basics of modern total dentures and illustrates the techniques and technologies used to design and produce "rehabilitative" prostheses. In particular, it describes the B.A.R.I. Technique (Boosted Advanced Rehabilitation on Implants), fundamental for the predictable transfer of all the information received from the removable prosthesis into the fixed one on implants during immediate loading procedures.

  • av Marco Veneziani
    3 865

    The book deals with the reconstruction of posterior teeth with direct and indirect adhesive techniques and consist of two volumes. The first volume describes pathogenesis and diagnosis of the main diseases, the composite and adhesive materials, the instruments required and illustrates direct adhesive techniques in an innovative manner, analysing all the possible restorative solutions with different approaches to deal with issues related to small, medium and large carious lesions. The second volume deals with indirect techniques, defining the current indications but also describing the Morphology Driven Preparation Technique (MDPT), an innovative cavity design applicable to all types of conventional adhesively cemented restorations. An essential added value are all the procedures to treat sub-gingival lesions tackled with restorative methods integrated with surgical procedures related to caries, fractures, cervical root resorption. The two volumes include almost 3000 images and 70 clinical cases described ¿step-by- step¿ with several high quality and detailed figures. Besides, through QR codes or at it is possible to access to Full HD videos of the direct restorations and the surgical and restorative procedures combined.

  • av Aurelio Gisco

    Quando accadono fatti imprevedibili, catastrofici e invalidanti per tutti i settori dell'economia e della vita sociale, è ovvio che l'impatto del cambiamento diventa immediato, con accelerazione dei processi che porta quasi sempre a fenomeni di concentrazione e ristrutturazione delle attività e, nel nostro caso, dell'offerta odontoiatrica. Lo scenario futuro, più che prossimo, è quello di una fisiologica riduzione degli Studi dentistici che saranno mediamente più grandi, organizzati, competitivi, imprenditoriali. In questo contesto, le materie relative al management e economia aziendale devono ormai entrare a far parte del patrimonio culturale degli odontoiatri, perlomeno di coloro che svolgono l'attività in proprio. Queste tematiche sono, inoltre, di grande utilità pratica per tutti coloro che vogliono approfondire la materia nonostante provengano già da un percorso di studi o professionale di tipo economico/ gestionale e che desiderano contestualizzarla all'interno del mercato dentale/medico. ¿Contestualizzazione¿ è la parola chiave di questo manuale, che nasce con una filosofia ben precisa: utilizzare alcuni capisaldi della letteratura di Economia aziendale, di psicologia e di Sociologia del lavoro per adattarli alla pratica quotidiana della gestione dello studio dentistico.

  • av Emanuele Ruga
    1 519

    The diode laser is a versatile and effective solution for oral tissue care. Theadvantages are manifold such as: faster healing, reduced risk of infection, and postoperativecomplications. In addition, sessions are not stressful for patients due totheir mini-invasiveness with reduced intraoperative and postoperative painperception. Thanks to these benefits, the use of the diode laser is spreading andopens up new treatment possibilities in various areas of dentistry: fromendodontics to periodontology; from oral surgery to aesthetic treatments such asteeth whitening. The book responds to the needs of those clinicians who seekspecific and updated training on the use of the diode laser. An extensive set ofimages describes clinical applications in detail, offering professionals acomprehensive learning tool and a useful resource in daily practice. It is alsopossible to access videos on specific topics covered in the text from a smartphoneor tablet via the QR codes printed inside this book.

  • av Ricardo Bruno Caiceaux

  • av Raquel Salguero Fernandez

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