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  • av Degregori and Partners

    Con la parola "spread" si dà ormai per scontato che il riferimento sia alla differenza di rendimento tra il BTP italiano e il Bund tedesco. Prima della crisi del 2011, in pochi conoscevano questo parametro, che oggi, invece, è entrato di prepotenza in tutte le case. Quando questo spread sale di 20, 30 o 50 punti in una giornata scatta un senso generalizzato di allarme.Lo spread è misurato in punti base ed è, in pratica, il gap tra i tassi sui titoli pubblici di due paesi presi in esame. Ogni punto base equivale allo 0,01%. In realtà, cos'è veramente lo spread, quali sono le conseguenze di un suo aumento, o diminuzione, come si misura in termini reali, quali conseguenze comporta un innalzamento o un abbassamento e, soprattutto, perché ogni variazione dello spread provoca tanto allarmismo.Tutte risposte che sono dettagliatamente spiegate nel presente volume.

  • av French Academy

    The second chakra controls the Essential and Sensual body. This chakra regulates sexuality, reproduction, emotions, instincts, food and general communication of the body with the consciousness that inhabits it. The first chakra controls the male component of sexuality and the second chakra controls the female one. This chakra is more sensual than sexual. It tells us how we feel about sex and about having children, where the first chakra controls sex for fun, for power and for procreation. In addition to reproduction, the second chakra also controls other types of creativity. Swimming, nature walks and gardening use the connection of the second chakra with nature. Sculpture and carving use materials and objects of nature as a medium and often nature is the "subject" of painters and photographers. With dance and martial arts, the sacral area is seen as a base, the area that must be kept in alignment with the earth, so that a perfect balance can be maintained. Like the first chakra, the second chakra controls survival, but with female polarity. The first chakra controls the struggle for survival, while the second chakra controls the instincts for survival. The first chakra urges us to fight and protect, where the second chakra helps us to use our instincts to find a safe place to hide, to live and to raise our children. Like the first chakra, the second chakra also controls money, but again, in a different way. The first chakra controls the money and power it has, where the second chakra controls the money and security it gives. Svadhishtana is related to the element of water and contains the ability to feel emotions, is connected with the desire for sexual union with the other and reproduction, oversees the need to socialize and expose our personality, the balance between giving and having. The qualities that characterize it are sensitivity and creativity.

  • av French Academy

    With the word Chakra, which derives from Sanskrit and means "wheel", we want to indicate the seven basic centers of energy in the human body. The chakras are centers of subtle psychic energy located along the spine. Each of these centers is connected, at the level of subtle energies, to the main ganglia of the nerves that branch out from the vertebral column. In addition, the chakras are related to the levels of consciousness, to the archetypal elements, to the phases inherent in the development of life, to colors, which are closely related to the Chakras, because they are located outside of our body, but within the aura, that is to say the electromagnetic field that surrounds each person, to the sounds, to the functions of the body and to much, much more. In this third volume (of the seven dedicated to each chakra) we will go on to study Manipura in detail, the Third Chakra, also called the Solar Plexus Chakra, located at the height of the diaphragm, just below the breastbone. This center is the fulcrum of individual and collective well-being. The Third Chakra is responsible for the well-being and evolution of mankind. Money is considered important to satisfy primary desires and needs, provided it does not become a priority. From a physical point of view, the Third Chakra deals with the organs corresponding to the solar plexus area such as the intestine, the stomach, the liver and the biliary vesicle. Its geometric symbol is the equilateral triangle, corresponding to the Fire element. Its Color is Yellow, it is bipolar and is oriented horizontally. The Third Chakra represents the strength of will, efficiency and charisma.

  • av Mantelli - Brown - Kittel - Graf

    The Boeing B 29 Superfortress will be remembered as the apparatus to have made use of the atomic weapon in war action; in fact, airplanes of this type that dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan to surrender in August 1945. Apart from that, however, the Boeing B 29 was an excellent aircraft, with avant-garde features, including turrets with automatically maneuverable weapons at a distance and pressurized compartments for the crew. The American interest in a bomber capable of carrying a considerable offensive load over long distances and at high speeds dates back to the Boeing XB 15 of 1933. Although in the second half of that decade, the interest in such a weapon fades, Boeing continued to elaborate the design of similar projects, culminating in the 341 model, which was believed to be capable of carrying a cargo of 2,240 pounds (just over 1,000 kg) of bombs with a flight range of 7,000 miles (11,265 km) at a speed of over 400 miles / h (644 km / h). However, with the outbreak of World War II in Europe and the possibility of a forthcoming American involvement in it, the US Air Force Corps (USAC) again showed interest in any weapon that would put the United States in the possibility of bombing the enemy even at very great distances. So in February 1940, the request was made of the so-called "Hemisphere Defense Weapon" (weapon for the defense of the hemisphere), namely a bomber capable of transporting 2,000 pounds (907 km) of bombs over a distance of 5,333 miles (8,600 km) at a speed of 400 miles/h (644 km/h). The bomber should have also self-supporting tanks, good armored protection, heavy defensive armament and a chance to transport 16,000 pounds (7,250 kg) of offensive cargo.

  • av Degregori and Partners

    Gli ETF si caratterizzano come una via di mezzo tra un'azione e un fondo e consentono di sfruttare i punti di forza di entrambi gli strumenti. In particolare acquistando un ETF è possibile realizzare la diversificazione e la riduzione dei rischi tipica di un fondo di investimento, scambiando le quote del fondo come una normale azione. Questi strumenti offrono il vantaggio di essere quotati su un mercato regolamentato con un lotto minimo di un titolo: con una sola operazione, si acquista/vende l'intero portafoglio di titoli che compongono l'indice, garantendo l'accesso a un investimento diversificato anche con importi limitati. Dal primo ETF lanciato nel 1993, il settore ha sperimentato una crescita esponenziale. Oggi, più di 2.000 miliardi di dollari statunitensi sono investiti in oltre 4.500 ETF in tutto il mondo.Una delle caratteristiche peculiari di questo strumento è costituita dall'indicizzazione: gli ETF replicano, infatti, passivamente la composizione di un indice di mercato - geografico, settoriale, azionario o obbligazionario - e di conseguenza anche il suo rendimento. Così, se ad esempio l'indice S&P 500 si apprezza del 2%, l'ETF legato allo S&P 500 registrerà un rialzo della stessa proporzione. Un ETF riassume, quindi, in sé le caratteristiche proprie di un fondo e di un'azione, consentendo agli investitori di sfruttare i punti di forza di entrambi gli strumenti: -Diversificazione e riduzione del rischio proprie dei fondi. -Flessibilità e trasparenza informativa della negoziazione in tempo reale delle azioni.

  • av Degregori and Partners

    Un'accurata analisi delle strategie di investimento e di gestione dei capitali sul mercato internazionale delle valute.

  • av Manteli - Brown - Kittel - Graf

    The Macchi M.C.200 "Saetta" was a single-engine low-wing fighter aircraft developed by the Italian aeronautical company Aeronautica Macchi in the 1930s. He made his first flight on December 24, 1937 and entered online in 1939. Although equipped with a low-powered engine and armed with only a pair of 12.7 mm caliber machine guns, the design of the Saetta was very valid. He had no particular flaws and was endowed with excellent skills for close combat.The Macchi M.C.202 Folgore was the best Italian fighter plane fielded by the Regia Aeronautica in a significant number of specimens during the Second World War. The plane showed that Italy was certainly able to design and build high-class aircraft. The high performance of which M.C.202 was capable, as well as making it superior as a hunter to the Hawker Hurricane and the Curtiss P-40, made it an excellent interceptor.The Macchi M.C.205V Veltro was a single-engine single-wing plane designed by Mario Castoldi and built by the Air Force Macchi from the second half of the Second World War. Together with the Reggiane Re.2005 and the Fiat G.55, the Macchi MC205 was one of the three Italian "5 series" fighters designed to use the German engine Daimler-Benz DB 605. The "Veltro" was a development of the Macchi MC 202 Folgore and was used by the Regia Aeronautica since February 1943. Able to reach a top speed of 642 km / h, equipped with a pair of 20 mm guns or with two 12.7 mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns, the Macchi MC205 "Veltro" was, according to some, among the best Italian aircraft of the second world war. In combat he proved to be able to compete with enemy aircraft of the time, destroying several enemy bombers and easily coping with fighter planes such as the North American P-51D Mustang

  • av Maria Papachristos

    A complete work, unique in its kind, in which the myths and legends of ancient Greece are examined and illustrated with precision and accuracy. An accurate analysis that starts from the primordial Deities passing through the Titans, the Giants, the Cyclops, the Gods of Olympus and the Underworld, to arrive, through the Semidèis, the Muses, the Nymphs and all the other mythological figures, until more known and not legends of ancient Greece.In this third volume we talk about: The Muses: -Clio-Euterpe-Talia-Melpomene-Terpsichore-Erato-Polyimnia-Urania-CalliopeThe Moire or ParcheThe Erinni or FuriesThe CabiriThe GorgonsThe Hours or SeasonsThe Nymphs: -Alseadi-Oreadi-Napee-Auloniadi-Menadi-Dryads-Amadriadi-Meliadi-Epimelids-Dafnaie-Naiads-Nereids-Oceanine-Pleiades-Iadi-Eliadi-HesperidesOther Gods: -Night-Apate-Eris-Geras-Hypnos-Ker-Momo-Moros-Nemesis-Tanato-Achlys-Oneiroi

  • av Maria Papachristos

    A complete work, unique in its kind, in which the myths and legends of ancient Greece are examined and illustrated with precision and accuracy. An accurate analysis that starts from the primordial Deities passing through the Titans, the Giants, the Cyclops, the Gods of Olympus and the gods of the Underworld, to arrive, through the Semidèis, the Muses, the Nymphs and all the other mythological figures, up to the most known, and not, legends of ancient Greece.In this first volume we talk about: Greek mythologyThe myth of creationThe primordial deitiesThe TitansThe EcatonchirsThe CyclopsThe GiantsThe Gods of Olympus: -Aphrodite - Venus-Apollo-Ares - Mars-Artemide - Diana-Athena - Minerva-Demeter - Ceres-Hephaestus - Vulcan-Era - Juno-Hermes - Mercury-Estia - Vesta-Dionysus - Bacchus-Poseidon - Neptune-Zeus - JupiterThe Gods of the Underworld

  • av Degregori and Partners

    Concettualmente l'aumento di capitale consiste in un incremento del capitale della società mediante l'emissione di nuovi titoli oppure mediante l'incremento del valore nominale delle azioni già esistenti. Trattandosi di un atto che va a impattare su quello che è il capitale sociale indicato nello statuto, l'aumento di capitale, solitamente proposto da consiglio di amministrazione, deve ottenere il via libera dell'assemblea degli azionisti convocata in sessione straordinaria che, a sua volta, darà al Consiglio di Amministrazione la delega per l'esercizio dell'operazione indicando il termine massimo entro il quale concretizzare l'operazione.Nel testo saranno analizzate tutte le tipologie di aumenti di capitale, con relativi esempi numerici: -Aumenti di capitale gratuiti, con assegnazione di azioni o altri titoli.-Aumenti di capitale a pagamento con emissione di azioni della stessa categoria.-Aumenti di capitale a pagamento con emissione di azioni e warrant.-Aumenti di capitale a pagamento con emissione di obbligazioni convertibili e warrant.-Aumenti di capitale a pagamento con emissione di titoli di categoria diversa.-Aumenti di capitale in forma mista, che sono una combinazione dei due precedenti (aumenti gratuiti e aumenti a pagamento).

  • av French Academy

    Anahata, the fourth chakra, located at the level of the heart and connected to the thymus, is the center of identity, of the courage to be oneself, of impersonal and unconditional love, of the sense of communion and of unity with all that surrounds us .It is the center of the entire chakra system because it connects the three lower physical and emotional centers to the three higher mental and spiritual centers. All the other Chakras therefore depend on this, since the heart is considered the seat of the spirit and the center from which all human emotions are born, especially love. Its main functions are love, compassion, patience and humility. The associated keyword is Io Amo. Both the air element and the sense of touch are connected to the fourth chakra, which reveals the sensitivity of the heart, the ability to establish relationships, its predisposition to emotion and its ability to resonate with everything.From this chakra comes our ability to empathize, to sympathize with others, to tune in and to enter into communion with the cosmic vibrations.Also through this energetic center, we can grasp the beauty of nature, as well as that sense of harmony that exists in music, visual arts and poetry. It is in the fourth chakra that images, sounds and words are transformed into feelings. The end of the fourth chakra is the attainment of perfect union through love. Every search for deep and intimate relationships, unity, harmony and love is expressed in the heart chakra, even when such feelings come to us in the form of suffering, pain, fear of detachment or loss of affection. The energy of the Heart Chakra is associated with the vibration of the green color, which symbolizes balance, compassion and harmony and transmits love for nature. It is the color that represents the union between terrestrial nature and celestial nature.

  • av French Academy

    With the word Chakra, which derives from Sanskrit and means "wheel", we want to indicate the seven basic centers of energy in the human body. The chakras are centers of subtle psychic energy located along the spine. Each of these centers is connected, at the level of subtle energies, to the main ganglia of the nerves that branch out from the vertebral column. In addition, the chakras are related to the levels of consciousness, to the archetypal elements, to the phases inherent in the development of life, to colors, which are closely related to the Chakras, because they are located outside of our body, but within the aura, that is to say the electromagnetic field that surrounds each person, to the sounds, to the functions of the body and to much, much more. The Eastern doctrine that has spread knowledge in the Western world considers the Chakras as openings, access doors to the essence of the human body. Chakras are usually represented inside a lotus flower, with a variable number of open petals. The open petals represent the chakra in its full opening.In this first volume (of the seven dedicated to each chakra) we will study in detail Muladhara, the First Chakra, called the base chakra or root chakra, the first of the seven energy centers of our body, located at the base of the spine, in the perineum area. The Muladhara chakra is the foundation and root of the energy system of the chakras, because through it the energy emanating from the earth and from nature is collected and then transformed. It is therefore the foundation of the other chakras, it is the earth in which to anchor the roots and give stability, security and defense. Its main function is survival and the associated keyword: I exist. Next to the analysis of the first chakra, essential oils, Bach flowers, physical exercises and crystals associated with the first chakra will also be examined.

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