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  • - A Study of Transformational Leadership
    av Kathleen K Roth

    This study explored the relationships between the transformational leadership attributes of Human Resource (HR) executives and the Internet-based transformed HR services they provide. In general, this research addressed the question whether HR executives, who are more transformational in leader style, are more likely to be successful in transforming their respective HR services.Senior HR executives of Fortune 1000, Forbes 257 and other high performance organizations responded to an online survey regarding their relevant organizational roles, HR experience levels, Information Technology (IT) experience levels, education levels and their involvement levels during their Internet-based system implementations. The primary data came from their assessments of the impact of their Internet-based HR information systems and also self-reports of their individual leadership style using the MLQ-5X instrument. A total of 58 senior HR executives responded to the survey, representing an overall 4.8% response rate from the 1,219 prospective executives. Participating senior HR executives represented public, private and not-for-profit organizations in a variety of industries.

  • - An Analysis of Shareholders Value Creation and Premium Paid to Integrate with Megabanks
    av Ashford Maharaj

    This study focused on factors that have positively influenced the model of economic success for commercial and thrift megabanks involved in merger and acquisition activities for the period 1990 - 1997, a period characterized by an unprecedented flurry of merger and acquisition activities among megabanks in the United States. This study identified and measured key independent variables for identifiable mergers and acquisitions among megabanks and tested the extent to which, such independent variables influenced abnormal returns for underlying equities traded in capital markets. This study also tested the hypothesis that megabanks are attracting significantly higher acquisition premiums than the relatively smaller banks.The data collected and the conclusions drawn were based on the logic of a hypothetico-deductive paradigm, which essentially utilized the techniques of the standard event study methodology, and included parameters of the conventional Capital Asset Pricing Model. This study was based on a scientifically determined sample of over 200 banks in the small bank category and between 68 and 86 banks grouped under the megabank category. The findings revealed that megebank acquirers realized negative abnormal returns and that megabank acquirees did not realize economic value significantly greater than acquirers for those banks that integrated on a merger-of-equals basis. The findings also showed that megabanks seemed more willing to pay higher premiums for the right to integrate with other megabanks vis-a-vis the right to integrate with small banks.

  • av John Fraser

    Terrorism was once a topic limited to certain sectors of the world, such as the Middle East or South Africa. However, in recent years, it appears that no one is safe in any part of the globe. A growing number of countries must take measures to protect citizens and visitors from the threat of terrorism. The Unites States of America is the latest addition to this list. It has become evident in recent years that terrorism is no longer a localized event, but rather an increasing global problem. It has also become obvious that terrorism requires a global solution as well. Evidence has been mounting that terrorist groups are beginning to connect and form alliances. This gives them greater strength and greater resources. It seems they are finding common ground and are beginning to coordinate efforts. This will be the topic of the proposed research. The research contained in this dissertation supports the formation of terrorist coalitions by examining extensive information contained in United States Department of State Annual Reports on Patterns of Global Terrorism. It examines the recent trend towards former single terrorist organizations forming alliances in order to conduct large-scale global acts of terrorism. The findings of this report support the thesis that terrorist groups indeed are cooperating for the purposes of a common cause. The interconnectivity of financing and the sharing of training grounds for these groups are examined in detail. Better communications technology has played a significant role in the formation of these groups and the abilities of these groups to conduct coordinated acts of terrorism against multiple nations.

  • av Peter A Chew

    This dissertation provides a coherent, synchronic, broad-coverage, generative phonology of Russian. I test the grammar empirically in a number of ways to determine its goodness of fit to Russian. In taking this approach, I aim to avoid making untested (or even incoherent) generalizations based on only a handful of examples. In most cases, the tests show that there are exceptions to the theory, but at least we know what the exceptions are, a baseline is set against which future theories can be measured, and in most cases the percentage of exceptional cases is reduced to below 5%. The principal theoretical outcomes of the work are as follows. First, I show that all of the phonological or morphophonological processes reviewed can be described by a grammar no more powerful than context-free. Secondly, I exploit probabilistic constraints in the syllable structure grammar to explain why constraints on word-marginal onsets and codas are weaker than on word-internal onsets and codas. I argue that the features [+/- initial] and [+/- final], and extraprosodicity, are unnecessary for this purpose.

  • - l'Etat dans le discours social de l'Eglise au XXe siecle
    av Dariusz Gora

  • - An Analysis of the Poverty-Focus, Gender-Consciousness and Environmental Sensitivity of British Official Aid
    av Christopher Charles Erswell

  • - With Examples from the United States and the Developing World
    av Jamal K Al-Dabal

  • - Economic Analysis and Political Dimension
    av Patrick Verissimo

  • - A Study on Demand and Supply; Status, Structure, Composition and Effectiveness of Tourism Financing in Nepal
    av Bishnu Prasad Gautam

  • - Cultural Analysis within the Hofstede Model Using Cultural Values to Untangle the Web of Global Pay
    av Linda M Herkenhoff

  • - Creating the Influence Needed for Strategic Success
    av Richard Black

    The strategy team have technology ideas and frameworks that represent the best body of knowledge for creating real business value from technology, but only other teams not the strategy team can create the value, by broadly completing the strategy team s ideas. The delivery teams often ignore the ideas. Sometimes real conflict emerges. It feels like the other teams think differently in a deeply rooted way. Could differences in organisational culture be to blame?This dissertation examines the organisational culture perceived within BP's energy trading technology team known as Integrated Supply and Trading Digital Business (ISTDB). The focus is on the Strategy and Architecture team (S&A) who are responsible for assuring the long-term viability of technology delivered to the business by setting and enforcing technology standards with the technology delivery teams (Regional Businesses or RBs). S&A relies on influence and persuasion to build compliance with the standards as it does not have line management responsibility for the other teams.This research concludes the perception of organisational culture is different between S&A and the RBs, and that it is a cause of conflict. The research also identifies that perceived organisational culture in ISTDB technology team as a whole is non-cohesive and not well aligned with the BP business strategy.This is a suboptimal arrangement for value creation. The author recommends both short-term and long-term shifts in working practices to correct this imbalance. The changes include a new emphasis on communications, new personnel hiring procedures and cross-cultural awareness training.

  • - Corporate Strategy Analysis of Four International Pharmaceutical Companies
    av Hung-Hsin Chen

    This research of corporate strategy analysis implements comparative analysis and benchmarking to analyse and examine the corporate strategy of the pharmaceutical sectors of 4 international pharmaceutical companies. This research adopts the hybrid approach of combining qualitative and quantitative methods in a two stages research design. Quantitative method is applied first to deal with the comparative figures, and then qualitative method is used to find out the problem. The design of this multiple research includes three phases: data collection, analysis, and reporting. The findings of this research can be divided into 4 parts: R&D/marketing, technology alliances, strategic acquisitions and merger, and manufacturing. The drug innovative projects are recommended being developed within the company's familiar therapeutic areas in order to take its marketing advantage. Through this comparative analysis, some of this type of problems of these international pharmaceutical companies is identified. A big pharmaceutical company forming alliances with some small biotechnology companies has become a trend within pharmaceutical industry since 1980s. For pharmaceutical companies, to take advantage of R&D through biotechnology is the main purpose of alliances with small biotechnology companies. It is important to note that most pharmaceutical acquisitions belong to the type of absorption with high resource transferring and low autonomy. Due to the high profit margin and the essential importance of R&D and marketing, the operation management of manufacturing of pharmaceutical industry is relatively poor. The low asset utilisation rate pointed out this problem. Academic researches have revealed that existing theories of operation management of manufacturing, such as action research, set-up reduction, teamwork, continuous improvement, collaboration, and involvement, are applicable and beneficial to pharmaceutical industry rather than waiting for the technology breakthroughs.

  • - How a leader creates and handles an effective unexploded ordnance (UXO) team
    av George J Demetropolis

  • - Nearby Thermally Emitting Neutron Stars and the Compact Central Objects in Supernova Remnants
    av David L Kaplan

    Neutron stars are invaluable tools for exploring stellar death, the physics of ultra-dense matter, and the effects of extremely strong magnetic fields. The observed population of neutron stars is dominated by the >1000 radio pulsars, but there are distinct sub-populations that, while fewer in number, can have significant impact on our understanding of the issues mentioned above. These populations are the nearby, isolated neutron stars discovered by ROSAT, and the central compact objects in supernova remnants. The studies of both of these populations have been greatly accelerated in recent years through observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the XMM-Newton telescope. First, we discuss radio, optical, and X-ray observations of the nearby neutron stars aimed at determining their relation to the Galactic neutron star population and at unraveling their complex physical processes by determining the basic astronomical parameters that define the population---distances, ages, and magnetic fields---the uncertainties in which limit any attempt to derive basic physical parameters for these objects. We conclude that these sources are 1e6 year-old cooling neutron stars with magnetic fields above 1e13 Gauss. Second, we describe the hollow supernova remnant problem: why many of the supernova remnants in the Galaxy have no indication of central neutron stars. We have undertaken an X-ray census of neutron stars in a volume-limited sample of Galactic supernova remnants, and from it conclude that either many supernovae do not produce neutron stars contrary to expectation, or that neutron stars can have a wide range in cooling behavior that makes many sources disappear from the X-ray sky.

  • - The Beasts and Their Lair
    av EDO Berger

    The diversity of stellar death is revealed in the energy, velocity and geometry of the explosion debris ("ejecta''). Using multi-wavelength observations of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows I show that GRBs, arising from the death of massive stars, are marked by relativistic, collimated ejecta ("jets'') with a wide range of opening angles. These results suggest that various cosmic explosions are powered by a common energy source, an "engine'' (possibly an accreting stellar-mass black hole), with their diverse appearances determined solely by the variable high velocity output. On the other hand, using radio observations I show that local type Ibc core-collapse supernovae generally lack relativistic ejecta and are therefore not powered by engines. Instead, the highest velocity debris in these sources, typically with a velocity lower than 100,000 km/sec, are produced in the (effectively) spherical ejection of the stellar envelope. The relative rates of engine- and collapse-powered explosions suggest that the former account for only a small fraction of the stellar death rate. Using the first radio and submillimeter observations of GRB hosts, I show that some are extreme starburst galaxies with the bursts directly associated with the regions of most intense star formation. I suggest, by comparison to other well-studied samples, that GRBs preferentially occur in sub-luminous, low mass galaxies, undergoing the early stages of a starburst process. If confirmed with future observations, this trend will place GRBs in the forefront of star formation and galaxy evolution studies.

  • av Jennifer A Herrick

    Does God change? Does it matter? If God is the immutable God, as interpreted from Classical Christian Tradition, a God who remains unalterable, what is the point of prayer? Does prayer, or any of our actions in the world for that matter, have any effect on God? Can we move God? Is God simply a static Being? Is prayer of use if God is absolutely immutable? Does God respond to prayer or to our actions in the world? Classical Tradition has presented us with a picture of an immutable God, a mono-polar God, who remains unalterable, unchanged, transcendent to our history in the world. Yet scriptural revelation and personal religious experience presents us with a God who, whilst transcendent to the world is also immanent, the God of Love who creates, redeems, a God who is affected by, who responds to, what is happening in the world; a God who listens and relates. William Norris Clarke's neo-Thomistic consideration of the nature of God's immutability rests on the basis of the notion of the Dynamic Being of God and forms the final focus and basis for our seeking a reconciliation of tradition, scripture and personal religious experience with respect to the nature of God's immutability. Discussion of Norris Clarke's work is supplemented by a consideration of the work of Robert A. Connor, and in support, that of David Schindler. Norris Clarke's classical reinterpretation gives credence both to scriptural revelation and personal experience of God's historical relationality and responsiveness to humankind without betraying the Classical Tradition. With independent support by Connor and in dialogue with Schindler, it becomes the favoured viewpoint.

  • - From Human Behavior to Computer Character Animation
    av Michael Kipp

    In an effort to extend traditional human-computer interfaces research has introduced embodied agents to utilize the modalities of everyday human-human communication, like facial expression, gestures and body postures. However, giving computer agents a human-like body introduces new challenges. Since human users are very sensitive and critical concerning bodily behavior the agents must act naturally and individually in order to be believable. This dissertation focuses on conversational gestures. It shows how to generate conversational gestures for an animated embodied agent based on annotated text input. The central idea is to imitate the gestural behavior of a human individual. Using TV show recordings as empirical data, gestural key parameters are extracted for the generation of natural and individual gestures. The gesture generation task is solved in three stages: observation, modeling and generation. For each stage, a software module was developed. For observation, the video annotation research tool ANVIL was created. It allows the efficient transcription of gesture, speech and other modalities on multiple layers. ANVIL is application-independent by allowing users to define their own annotation schemes, it provides various import/export facilities and it is extensible via its plug-in interface. Therefore, the tool is suitable for a wide variety of research fields. For this work, selected clips of the TV talk show ``Das Literarische Quartett'' were transcribed and analyzed, arriving at a total of 1,056 gestures. For the modeling stage, the NOVALIS module was created to compute individual gesture profiles from these transcriptions with statistical methods. A gesture profile models the aspects handedness, timing and function of gestures for a single human individual using estimated conditional probabilities. The profiles are based on a shared lexicon of 68 gestures, assembled from the data. Finally, for generation, the NOVA generator was devised to create gestures based on gesture profiles in an overgenerate-and-filter approach. Annotated text input is processed in a graph-based representation in multiple stages where semantic data is added, the location of potential gestures is determined by heuristic rules, and gestures are added and filtered based on a gesture profile. NOVA outputs a linear, player-independent action script in XML.

  • - In Search for Solutions to Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa
    av Cage Banseka

    This book offers not only a comprehensive analysis of the conflicts in Africa but also a milestone suggestion of what could be a breakthrough in attempts at resolving them. It suggests that underdevelopment lies at the genesis of most of the conflicts. The herein enunciated Developmental Peace Theory offers a more tenacious solution to the conflicts than the traditional Democratic Peace Theory. Conflicts would be avoided if Africans could concentrate on developing those aspects that protect them from preventable morbidity and sporadic hunger. This book is an interesting expose of the often neglected development approach to African conflicts. It contrasts the African democratisation process and development, while providing case study analysis to illustrate the real effects the phenomena have had on political transition and nation-building on the ground.

  • - In the Spectrum of Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa
    av Cage Banseka

    This text marks a little milestone in the understanding of the democratic peace theory in transitional states. It brings in a much needed perspective on the achievements and limitations of democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the role it plays or could play in the search for solutions to conflicts in the sub-region. The author provides a differentiated view of the traditional Western notions of democracy and its role in the search for political stability and nation-building.A series of fragile democratic developments in contemporary politics in the continent have set in processes of change in governance patterns and understandings about the idea of a nation state. However, these processes have been unable to stem the tide of conflicts that continue to raise their bloody heads in the continent. The author takes a critical look at the reasons for this limitation, while probing into the necessity for alternative ways of thinking about the causes and solutions to the conflicts.This text offers students and researchers a quick glance at the sources of conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa and an assessment of the implications of attempting to use democracy alone as a solution.

  • - Using Complexity Science to Theorise Organisational Aliveness
    av Jacco Van Uden

    Students of organisation have used complexity theory in many different ways and for many different reasons. What characterises the writings of most 'management thinkers', however, is that the authors are primarily concerned with the question of "how to make this complexity thing work for us?" This study takes a rather different approach. Ideas and concepts of the science of complexity are borrowed to develop the idea that organisations live lives of their own - an idea that is very much at odds with the dominant view that understands organisations as tools that we use to realise certain goals. To illustrate matters, the book discusses the developments of the organisation of Vitesse, a mediocre Dutch professional football club that according to its president needed to be transformed into a major player in the family entertainment industry.

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