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  • av Troy A Brewer

    Discover the Prophetic Voice In History's HeadlinesIn Numbers That Prophesy, Troy A. Brewer offers a unique perspective on history's most pivotal moments through a fresh, prophetic lens.From the assassination of President Lincoln to the sinking of the Titanic, Brewer uncovers the divine messages woven into these historic events. By exploring the numbers, dates, and symbols connected to these events, Brewer reveals how God communicates through both extraordinary and everyday occurrences.Rather than focusing solely on predicting the future, Brewer emphasizes the importance of recognizing divine significance in the past and present. Through a blend of biblical insight and historical exploration, he invites readers to tune into God's prophetic voice in their own lives.More than just a recounting of history, Numbers That Prophesy calls you to discover the spiritual truths embedded in our world. Whether you're familiar with prophetic teachings or new to the concept, Brewer's insights will deepen your faith and sharpen your spiritual awareness.Unveil the mysteries of the past.Hear God's voice today.Step into a prophetic future.

  • av Jeremiah Johnson

    Amplify God's Voice. Steward His Message. Transform Your World.How do you-as a man or woman of God-navigate the perilous waters of influence? The Lord wants to amplify His voice through a bold remnant, shielding them from the principalities, powers, and demonic spirits that relentlessly seek to tear them down publicly.Jeremiah Johnson, a bestselling author, global prophetic leader, and seasoned media influencer, knows firsthand the trials and triumphs of wielding influence for the Kingdom. In a pivotal moment of obedience, he chose to dismantle his thriving ministry and significant social media presence in obedience to the Holy Spirit's conviction. This act of faith resulted in unparalleled growth and amplified influence. Yet it also brought intense spiritual warfare and personal attacks.With striking transparency and refreshing candor, Jeremiah Johnson imparts prophetic strategies that mentor, educate, warn, instruct, and guide you as God's prophetic voice in the public square. Opening his journey as a testament for those called to influence, you'll learn how to:Identify and resist demonic entities that wage war against godly influence.Heed prophetic warnings that protect you from common pitfalls and failures.Reject the allure of "celebrity christianity"-and stay grounded in Christ.Receive divine protection through healthy community and accountability.Walk in the fear of the Lord, your cornerstone of true influence.Steward God's message effectively in times of obscurity and visibility.Become the sharp, disciplined, and submitted voice that truly represents Jesus in your generation. Partner with the Holy Spirit, and let your voice carry the weight of heaven's mandate.

  • av Guillermo Maldonado

    ACTIVE LA ATMÓSFERA CELESTIAL Y CONVIÉRTASE EN UN PORTADOR DE LA GLORIA DE DIOSMientras el fin de los tiempos arrecia y la segunda venida de Jesús se acerca, las soluciones aportadas por los hombres siguen fracasando en un mundo consumido por el caos. Los días de crisis exigen un remanente que viva impregnado de la atmósfera de la gloria de Dios.¡Necesitamos afrontar estos tiempos con la máxima intensidad para que la gloria de Dios cumpla nuestro llamado para esta hora; porque en la gloria postrera, nosotros descansamos y Dios es quien hace todo!El autor de bestsellers, apóstol, y notable líder mundial Guillermo Maldonado nos revela el plan de los últimos tiempos a fin de tener encuentros con la gloria de Dios y quedar marcados por ella. El apóstol Maldonado recibió esta carga específica para el remanente de Dios en los últimos tiempos. Este plan no está basado en teología o teoría, sino en el mover de la gloria de Dios que él ha venido experimentando mientras viaja alrededor del mundo predicando el evangelio de Jesucristo. Usted también puede caminar en esa atmósfera de encuentros divinos, milagros, liberación y cosecha-una poderosa presencia en la que, incluso los que no son salvos, vean la gloria tangible de Dios y pregunten: "¿Qué debo hacer para ser salvo?"En sus páginas, usted descubrirá cómo: Vivir victoriosamente en tiempos turbulentos, caminando bajo la nube de gloria.Experimentar las dimensiones del poder sobrenatural, donde los milagros suceden sin esfuerzo humano.Ser portador de la nube de la gloria de Dios en su vida diaria, de forma visible, pode-rosa y tangible.Conviértase en portador de la gloria de Dios en su esfera de influencia y sature la atmósfera que le rodea con poder del cielo. Como Moisés en el monte, su vida será ¡marcada por la gloria de Dios que mora en usted!

  • av Guillermo Maldonado

    ACTIVATE THE HEAVENLY ATMOSPHERE AND BECOME A BEARER OF GOD'S GLORY As the end times rage and the second coming of Jesus draws near, man-made solutions continue to fail in a world consumed by chaos. The days of crisis demand a remnant that lives imbued with the atmosphere of God's glory.We need to face these times with the utmost intensity so that the glory of God fulfills our calling for this hour, because in the latter glory, we rest, and God is the One who does everything!Bestselling author, apostle, and notable global leader Guillermo Maldonado reveals to us the end-time blueprint for having encounters with God's glory and being marked by it. Apostle Maldonado received this specific burden for the end-time remnant of God. This blueprint is not based on theology or theory but on the moving of God's glory, which he experiences as he travels the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. You, too, can walk in that atmosphere of divine encounters, miracles, deliverance, and harvest-a powerful presence in which even the unsaved see God's tangible glory and ask, "What must I do to be saved?"On its pages, you'll discover how to: Live victoriously in turbulent times, walking under the glory's cloud.Experience dimensions of supernatural power, where miracles happen with no human effort.Be a bearer of God's glory cloud in your daily life in a visible, powerful, and tangible way.Become a bearer of God's glory in your sphere of influence and saturate the atmosphere around you with heavenly power. Like Moses on the mountain, your life will be marked by the glory of God dwelling in you!

  • av Mario Murillo

    "Satan hates books like this."Why? They equip and deploy spiritual change agents! When revival pundits offer their ideas for spiritual awakening, it often leads to temporary revivals that fizzle out. Once reality sets in, you're left with unchanged nations, the celebration of sin, and fear for the future. What does the future look like for you and your kids?But then there are experienced voices that mobilize believers. They aren't predicting something to come "one day, some day"; they are provoking us to not settle for anything less than God's supernatural plan of revival and awakening here and now.And they give us a battle plan and strategy for how to get there!Bestselling author Mario Murillo is a signs and wonders evangelist, prophetic forerunner for the nation of America, and a bold voice to release truth and sanity in times of cultural upheaval. He hasn't merely been an eyewitness to the great moves of God over these last decades; he's stood on the frontlines.After a season of painstaking research, Mario Murillo reveals it's possible to have revival now and provides time-tested, biblical "how-to's" that answer questions like:What are revivals and how do they happen?Is there a Bible blueprint to experience true awakening?Why do "rude awakenings" come before great awakenings?What are the seven stages of revival, and how do we recognize which one we are currently in?You have two options in this hour: 1) Sit idly and watch society collapse around you, leaving no hope for future generations; or 2) embrace the call that you are commissioned for: a revivalist who brings dead things back to life!

  • av Robert Henderson

    Find Freedom from Demonic Cycles That Hold You CaptiveDo you have a sense of purpose and destiny, but it feels beyond your grasp? Have you received prophetic words that are not coming to pass? Or maybe it just feels like nothing is making progress in your life?For years, bestselling author and global apostolic leader Robert Henderson has helped believers around the world access the Courts of Heaven and receive life-changing breakthroughs straight from Heaven's Throne Room.In this transformational new message, he reveals how the Courts of Heaven hold your God-given destiny-and how to take hold of it, break free from spiritual holding patterns, and partner with the prophetic words spoken over you by God Himself to usher you into a powerful new season.With encouragement, key biblical truth, and practical application, Robert gives you a prophetic map for moving into where God has designed and destined you to go. Along the way you will learn how to:Come into agreement with what God has written about you in your Book of Destiny.Break off the spirit of delay that tries to hinder your progress.Hear, declare, embrace, and obey God's prophetic words.Thrive in God no matter what is going on around you.Don't waste one more day feeling stuck or stagnant. Now is your time to move out of where you are and activate and advance the fullness of your divine destiny.

  • av Christy Johnston

    What You Do Next Will Rewrite The Future.While the enemy is ruthlessly advancing his demonic assault on this generation, God has released an antidote-the mantle of Esther. The Father is pouring this anointing upon an entire generation of His daughters-young and old-to counteract and overthrow the plans of Haman in our day.Throughout scripture, we find that God has hidden secret weapons in the midst of times of trial and chaos: his daughters, empowered by His Spirit. Queen Esther was one such daughter, and through her life, we can find keys and strategies for the vile evils we are facing in this hour.Driven to see a generation of Esthers mantled for such a time as this, prophetic intercessor and advocate Christy Johnston empowers you to identify and embrace your pivotal role in this urgent moment in history, arising with supernatural boldness, power, and truth that prevails over the demonic destruction of our day.With passion, prophetic insight, and Spirit-filled wisdom, Christy reveals how to:Recognize your Kingdom position and influence.Reject the demonic narrative redefining sin, morality, and family.Raise a standard of bold truth in love for the generations to come.Disarm and dismantle the enemy's tactics to deceive and disciple this generation.Walk in the mantle of Esther to transform and raise this generation for His glory.Shift the culture of our day by releasing the solutions of God through Esther's example.The King's scepter has been extended toward you, daughter. Now is the time to approach the throne of the King with confidence and boldness, for you have been anointed for this very moment to see Haman fall over this generation-for such a time as this.

  • av Emma Stark

    In A World of Political Turmoil and Spiritual Confusion, Where Should You Stand?Countless believers are ensnared in a web of confusion-unsure about how to engage, vote, and pray in these tumultuous times. How does God see your nation? What is He truly saying? And most importantly, are you ready to listen?Bestselling author and leading prophetic voice Emma Stark unveils a heavenly road map for those perplexed about how to pray, vote, and engage with the burning issues of our time. You're invited to shift beyond earthly solutions into a heavenly perspective where spiritual clarity reigns.Through divine insights and years of experience, Emma reveals: The pivotal role that prophets play in molding society and guiding nations to their divine purpose.Insights into discerning the whispers of the Holy Spirit amidst the clamor of politics and governance.Practical strategies to sidestep satan's traps and avoid mere temporal fixes for profound spiritual challenges.This isn't just about the future of nations. It's a call to rise higher and aim beyond mere human strategies. This is about the legacy you will leave for the generations to come. Step into a prophetic perspective and become a transformative force for the Kingdom.

  • av Chazdon Strickland

    Is Your Life Demon Proof?Are you plagued by the same sins? Have you repeatedly repented, yet still feel caught in cycles of captivity? Have you followed the programs and tried the medications but still struggle against tormenting thoughts or addiction?When our sin looms large, we forget who is ultimately in charge. We overcomplicate the process of deliverance, forgetting one simple yet key truth that Jesus demonstrated over and over again: it's in the simple power of His presence that our demons have to flee.By following the Gospel examples of Jesus's deliverance ministry, internationally respected pastor and revivalist Chazdon Strickland prepares you to partner with the manifest presence of God so that you can live saturated by His holy fire and glory, expel demons once and for all, and walk in lasting liberty. Through Holy Spirit-inspired teaching and practical application, Chazdon equips you with supernatural strategies and hands-on tools to: Host God's manifest presence every day.Recognize signs when demons are present.Cast out demons the way Jesus did.Make your life a spiritual fortress no demon can enter.Bring freedom to those in demonic captivity around you.Don't remain in bondage one moment longer! Saturate yourself in God's holy fire and let His presence burn away your chains and deliver you into blazing freedom.

  • av Dr Francis Myles

    Become a Threat to the Powers of DarknessAre you doing everything you can-saying the right prayers, doing the right things-yet still finding yourself swallowed up by circumstances, devoid of peace, or constantly falling short of victory?It's in these desperate spiritual fights that you face a critical choice: let your problems overcome you or overcome your problems. There is no middle ground.Shifting you from defense to offense, globally respected apostolic leader Dr. Francis Myles equips you to triumphantly wage war in the spiritual realm through powerful, Bible-based warfare decrees and declarations that re-route the enemy and secure your ultimate victory.From sickness, anxiety, and trauma to relationships, sexuality, and finances, Dr. Myles arms you with effective battle strategies, unstoppable weapons, and supernatural prayers that empower you to: Partner with the Lord of Hosts.Confess the Word of God.Uproot the demonic source of your earthly problems.Break the power of witchcraft, freemasonry, familiar spirits, and false prophesies.Prevail against demonic attacks and strongholds.Unleash unthinkable breakthrough.Stop allowing the forces of darkness to threaten you-now is your time to release dangerous decrees and become a threat to them.

  • av Cindy Jacobs

    Demolish the Demonic Agenda By Partnering with the Legislation of HeavenDo the news headlines cause your heart to faint with fear and worry? Are you concerned about the society your children are growing up in? When you look at how dark things seem to be getting, do you feel an increased sense of hopelessness and helplessness? Prophet and spiritual warfare leader, Cindy Jacobs, has been training believers in effective intercession for many years. Through the decades, she has witnessed significant and supernatural results where entire nations have felt the impact of everyday believers practicing these proven prayer strategies. Now you have access to these same strategies.In Invading the Enemy's Strongholds, Cindy Jacobs upgrades your prayer arsenal by equipping you with the keys to defeat demonic strongholds. We are living in urgent days, pregnant with the possibility of revival, awakening, and even societal reformation. For these God-willed results to take place, you need to engage in prayer like never before. Get ready to:Identify strongholds and gates that hell seeks to influence and occupy.Target your prayers to overthrow the powers of darkness.Prepare for Jesus's return by occupying until He comes, not surrendering ground to the enemy.Legislate in the heavens by practicing reformation intercession.Stop feeling powerless about the godless direction the world is going in! Interrupt hell's agenda and pray targeted prayers that spiritually enforce the will of God to demolish demonic strongholds and overthrow forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.Featuring Powerful New Reflections, Prayers, and Decrees from Cindy Jacobs

  • av Jareb Nott

    Do Your Thoughts Invite the Demonic or the Divine?Is your mind clouded with thoughts of depression or anxiety, even anger or bitterness? Have you tried to rise up and renew your mind only to be weighed down by exhaustion or laid low by hopelessness?The truth is that what you think controls who has access to your mind. Even seemingly harmless thoughts can open gates in your mind that allow the enemy to secretly infiltrate, build strongholds, and turn your mind to wage war against the very One that you long to serve.But what's been opened can always be closed.Having helped multitudes experience spiritual freedom from demonic forces, Jareb Nott shows how you can seal off the powers of darkness from your mind and tear down their strongholds, empowering you to think thoughts that host the peace, presence, and power of God. Through scientific and biblical research, he offers a step-by-step process to help you transform your mind into a supernaturally impenetrable fortress of hope and joy!In this revolutionary yet practical book, Jareb not only exposes the enemy's insidious strategies for infecting your mind, but he also reveals how to: Silence the enemy's tormenting thoughts.Think the kind of thoughts that host God's presence.Wield the power of biblical meditation, prayer, and intercession to renew your mind.Build supernatural strongholds in your mind that open the gates of Heaven.Protect your life and mind from the powers of darkness.And more!A deeper dimension of fellowship and encounter with the Holy Spirit awaits you! Stop empowering the darkness to dominate your thoughts. It's time to dominate the darkness-and flood your mind with the transforming light of God's presence.

  • av Mario Murillo

    Ignite Your Spirit, Unleash Holy Fire & Transform The WorldAre you prepared to be ignited with a fresh baptism of Holy Spirit fire, unleashing its mighty flow within you? Since the Day of Pentecost, Heaven's power has been available for any believer fully surrendered to Jesus, transforming them into vessels brimming with Holy Spirit power.You are called to be a catalyst for healing, deliverance, and miracles. This is your inheritance!Mario Murillo, a seasoned signs and wonders evangelist and prophetic voice, imparts fresh baptism of fire and invites you into a realm of miracles, signs, and wonders. With decades of firsthand experience witnessing the mighty hand of God and standing alongside legendary spiritual warriors, he delivers vital strategies to unlock a life saturated with God's power and presence.With more than 100,000 copies sold, this power-packed resource has proven you will be equipped to:Ignite a passionate, dynamic relationship with God.Release God's supernatural power in your daily life as a vessel saturated in His holy fire.Demolish spiritual obstacles that hinder signs, miracles, wonders, and prophetic clarity.Become an unstoppable conduit of Jesus' dynamic power, living saturated with His holy fire. With this fresh baptism, every moment will become a chance to unleash the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and see lives transformed forever.

  • av Alan Didio

  • av Tim Sheets

  • av T D Jakes

    You Were Meant to Soar When Everything Around You is Shaking!Everyday life is a journey of peaks and valleys. Circumstances, trials, and challenges are unavoidable. But it is possible for you to rise above whatever comes against you and experience God's abundant blessings in every season. In this dynamic new 90-day devotional, New York Times bestselling author Bishop T.D. Jakes offers timeless wisdom for soaring above your challenging seasons. When economies are failing, crises headline the news, and instability seems to be the common theme, the children of God-you-have received an advantage. An unfair advantage. It's called favor!Through daily words of encouragement, Bible-based teachings, inspiring reflections, and thought-provoking journal prompts, Bishop Jakes exhorts you to: Walk in God's abundant provision despite the economic situation. Discover your rights and privileges as a child of God who radiates divine favor. Live like a citizen of Heaven when it seems like all hell is breaking loose in the world.Experience peace and strength in any storm.Don't let your circumstances discourage, define, or disempower you. You are a child of God, a citizen of Heaven. Learn how to position yourself to walk in the King's favor and experience the peace, power, and provision of Heaven in every season-no matter what is shaking around you!

  • av Rick Renner

    Hundreds of Quotes...Decades of Your Fingertips!Has your mind ever buzzed with questions about the Bible that you couldn't find answers for? Have you wished you had a resource to turn to for quick answers to life's perplexing problems?With nearly 50 years of ministry experience, prolific author Rick Renner shares hundreds of his own comments and quotes on hundreds of topics to bring you helpful advice on how to answer life's questions with God's wisdom and live a committed life in Christ.Features include:1,780 alphabetically arranged comments and quotes by Rick on more than 400 important subjects.Easy-to-navigate pages.Counsel at your fingertips to meditate on and apply to your life!This comprehensive resource is sure to answer long-held questions and bring insight to a wide variety of topics. Whether you're looking to deepen your personal study of the Bible or you're interested in what Scripture has to say on a particular subject, this book is fun and easy to use and is sure to be an invaluable addition to your Christian library.

  • av David Diga Hernandez

    Are You the Victim of Decisions from Previous Generations?Does it feel like you inherited cycles of sin and bondage, addictions, tendencies, or strongholds from your family line? Do generational curses even still happen today?Having witnessed the supernatural power of God miraculously heal even the toughest cases of demonic oppression and bondage, bestselling author and evangelist David Diga Hernandez has wrestled with and biblically researched the popular belief of generational curses. What he found will surprise you-and give you hope!Diving deep into the biblical truth about curses-and how to break them-David reveals how the enemy will attack you generationally, equipping you with the wisdom, courage, and revelation you need to expose and eliminate every spiritual attack.Through dynamic, biblically grounded, and hope-infused teaching, David also empowers you to partner with the Holy Spirit so you can:Expose the lies, myths, and false teachings of generational curses.Discern the difference between curses and consequences.Confront the struggles, addictions, and bondages that appear to pass down through bloodlines.Close every door to the demonic in your life.Make victorious decisions in everyday life.Access the bloodline blessings of Jesus' finished work of the cross.Stop perpetuating generational cycles of addiction, sin, and struggle. Through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, it's time to rise and walk in the complete freedom that belongs to you in Christ.

  • av Robert Henderson

    Cancel Cycles of Defeat and Dysfunction in Your Bloodline!Are the chains of ancestral sin, addiction, and bondage pulling you away from the abundant life promised to you? Are generational curses overshadowing your life's purpose? Imagine a life where the dark shadows of your lineage are replaced by God's glory and promise-where the cycle of dysfunction ends with you.Building on the years of experience in biblical teaching and countless sessions in the Courts of Heaven, Robert Henderson has witnessed innumerable people receive the miraculous cleansing of their spiritual ancestry. The result? A cascade of answered prayers, breakthroughs, and a legacy of blessings.In this next-level teaching in the Courts of Heaven series, apostolic leader and international bestselling author Robert Henderson equips you to enter the Courts of Heaven and cancel the cycles of defeat that ensnare your bloodline.With accessible teaching and biblical revelation, you will learn how to:Cleanse your generational bloodline of sin and iniquity as the Holy Spirit leads and guides the process.Discern Heaven's vision for you, aligning your life with God's Word regardless of your past or generational history.Decree your God-ordained destiny, drawing from the wisdom written in the Books of Heaven.Interrupt satan's generational agenda, breaking free from the relentless cycles of defeat that seek to ensnare you and your lineage.Restore prodigals to the family of God, witnessing the supernatural redemption and restoration to the lost.Establish a legacy of victory and blessing, not just for yourself but for the generations to follow.Embrace the freedom, victory, and breakthrough meant for you. With Jesus as your advocate, you can herald a future where your descendants inherit everlasting breakthrough, blessings, and transformation.

  • av Judy Jacobs

    Prayers that Secure SupernaturalAnswers and Breakthrough!Do you have unanswered prayers? Do you wonder if God hears you or if your prayers are even making a difference? Do you long to see more results when you pray?Imparting fresh passion and power into your prayer life, internationally renowned pastor and author Judy Jacobs guides you through a life-changing 40-day prayer encounter, showing you how to persevere in prayer with grit and grace, infuse your prayer life with strength and authority, and experience supernatural answers and breakthroughs.Full of encouragement, practical strategies, and dynamic declarations, this book is more than a devotional-it's your handbook to a more powerful, effective, and persevering prayer life, showing you how to:Persist in prayer no matter your circumstances.Fuel your trust and confidence in God as you wait for answers.Keep your heart humble and hopeful and your prayers strong and active.Prevail against the powers of darkness that oppose you.Experience breakthroughs you never imagined.Whether you've been praying for decades or days, it's time to reignite the fire of persevering prayer and grab the horns of the altar-not letting go until you prevail and experience your supernatural breakthrough and provision."This book holds the secret to receiving your miracle from God for those who pray believing prayers. And here's the secret: call unto Him!" -Judy Jacobs

  • av Rodrigo Luna

    Break Free from the Demonic Chains Holding You BackAre you trapped in a cycle of torment, harassment, and dysfunction? Are persistent habits and uncontrollable thoughts weighing you down? If so, the root of your problems may be deeper and darker than you realize.Seasoned spiritual warrior and deliverance expert Rodrigo Zablah joins Apostle John Eckhart to expose the hidden demonic roots sabotaging your life and sever those demonic entanglements. Based on Rodrigo's extensive experience in spiritual warfare and deliverance, you can close every door to demonic forces and propel yourself into your God-ordained destiny.This transformative guide holds powerful revelation that will teach you how to: Identify the effects, influences, and symptoms of demonic root systems in operation.Unmask demonic spirits sowing chaos in your life.Pray potent prayers that uproot--not just treat--demonic influences.Immediately recognize and halt demonic activities at their source.Seal off demonic access that sabotages your progress.Enough is enough! Seize control of your destiny by disarming the demonic gatekeepers blocking your path. Get to the root of your spiritual resistance, liberate yourself from satanic influences, and step into your God-ordained future!

  • av Eric Gilmour
    345 - 515,-

  • av Brenda Kunneman

    God Wants You to Thrive in This Life-and It's Time to Declare It!If the Bible promises God's children health and wholeness, do you wonder why you still struggle? If Jesus already paid the ultimate price for your healing, how do you access it?The answer lies in God's Word: It brings life, and it's time to declare it!In this hope-infused installment of the best-selling Daily Decree series, internationally respected teacher and pastor Brenda Kunneman helps you unlock the transformative power of biblical decrees, empowering you to proclaim God's promises over your life, experience healing, and live free from pain and sickness.Through powerful Holy Spirit-inspired, carefully curated biblical decrees, Brenda prepares you to:Release the miraculous with your words.Witness the profound impact of declaring the Word.Embrace the power of unwavering faith.Create life-giving habits through making daily decrees.Receive eye-opening Bible teaching that will fuel your faith for divine healing.Claim your healing in Jesus's name.Your healing breakthrough is a declaration away. When you use your words to proclaim God's Word, you will unleash the healing power of Heaven-and live a healthier, more fulfilling life."Decree today that your entire person is made whole from all that is not right and that you are new and renewed in every part of your being!"Brenda KunnemanCopastor of Lord of Hosts Church and best-selling author of the Daily Decree series

  • av Guillermo Maldonado

    ACTIVE LA ATMÓSFERA CELESTIAL Y CONVIÉRTASE EN UN PORTADOR DE LA GLORIA DE DIOSMientras el fin de los tiempos arrecia y la segunda venida de Jesús se acerca, las soluciones aportadas por los hombres siguen fracasando en un mundo consumido por el caos. Los días de crisis exigen un remanente que viva impregnado de la atmósfera de la gloria de Dios.¡Necesitamos afrontar estos tiempos con la máxima intensidad para que la gloria de Dios cumpla nuestro llamado para esta hora; porque en la gloria postrera, nosotros descansamos y Dios es quien hace todo!El autor de bestsellers, apóstol, y notable líder mundial Guillermo Maldonado nos revela el plan de los últimos tiempos a fin de tener encuentros con la gloria de Dios y quedar marcados por ella.El apóstol Maldonado recibió esta carga específica para el remanente de Dios en los últimos tiempos. Este plan no está basado en teología o teoría, sino en el mover de la gloria de Dios que él ha venido experimentando mientras viaja alrededor del mundo predicando el evangelio de Jesucristo. Usted también puede caminar en esa atmósfera de encuentros divinos, milagros, liberación y cosecha-una poderosa presencia en la que, incluso los que no son salvos, vean la gloria tangible de Dios y pregunten: "¿Qué debo hacer para ser salvo?"En sus páginas, usted descubrirá cómo:Vivir victoriosamente en tiempos turbulentos, caminando bajo la nube de gloria.Experimentar las dimensiones del poder sobrenatural, donde los milagros suceden sin esfuerzo humano.Ser portador de la nube de la gloria de Dios en su vida diaria, de forma visible, poderosa y tangible.Conviértase en portador de la gloria de Dios en su esfera de influencia y sature la atmósfera que le rodea con poder del cielo. Como Moisés en el monte, su vida será ¡marcada por la gloria de Dios que mora en usted!

  • av Shaun Tabatt

    What Really Awaits Us Beyond the Veil? You've read the amazing accounts and heard the incredible interviews of people who've died, experienced the afterlife, and come back to tell about it--but can you actually believe them? As one of the most trusted Christian voices in the NDE space, bestselling author and podcaster Shaun Tabatt has spent years researching and investigating testimonies of near-death experiences throughout history. His interviews with survivors have been heard by millions around the world, and what he's found will fundamentally change the way you think about afterlife accounts. In this astonishing, eye-opening book, Shaun reveals the truths, the lies, and the ugly sides of NDE accounts, empowering you to discern what's trustworthy, disprove what's dangerous, and confidently know what awaits you on the other side. Full of never-before-published testimonies of heaven and hell, penetrating research, notable stories and documentation throughout history, and real-world wisdom, this vital, accessible book turns a critical eye on afterlife accounts and the NDE industry, helping you: Stay grounded in biblical truth and a biblical worldview. Understand the 9-point NDE framework and standard terminology. Separate the truth from the lies in NDE and afterlife descriptions. Expose perilous pitfalls, such as psychics, mediums, aliens, spirits, and memories of past lives. Share the true hope of the afterlife with others. Don't fall for false witnesses or half-truths. What lies beyond the veil is more amazing than you can imagine--it's time to discover the truth for yourself!

  • av Guillermo Maldonado

    ACTIVATE THE HEAVENLY ATMOSPHERE AND BECOME A BEARER OF GOD'S GLORY As the end times rage and the second coming of Jesus draws near, man-made solutions continue to fail in a world consumed by chaos. The days of crisis demand a remnant that lives imbued with the atmosphere of God's glory.We need to face these times with the utmost intensity so that the glory of God fulfills our calling for this hour, because in the latter glory, we rest, and God is the One who does everything!Bestselling author, apostle, and notable global leader Guillermo Maldonado reveals to us the end-time blueprint for having encounters with God's glory and being marked by it. Apostle Maldonado received this specific burden for the end-time remnant of God. This blueprint is not based on theology or theory but on the moving of God's glory, which he experiences as he travels the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. You, too, can walk in that atmosphere of divine encounters, miracles, deliverance, and harvest-a powerful presence in which even the unsaved see God's tangible glory and ask, "What must I do to be saved?"On its pages, you'll discover how to: Live victoriously in turbulent times, walking under the glory's cloud.Experience dimensions of supernatural power, where miracles happen with no human effort.Be a bearer of God's glory cloud in your daily life in a visible, powerful, and tangible way.Become a bearer of God's glory in your sphere of influence and saturate the atmosphere around you with heavenly power. Like Moses on the mountain, your life will be marked by the glory of God dwelling in you!

  • av Rebecca Greenwood
    319 - 479,-

  • av Myles Munroe

    It's Time to Unlock Your Potential and Discover Your Destiny!Do you long to make a difference with your life, only to find yourself burned out by unfulfilling work? Have setbacks, failures, and criticism stolen your joy and left you questioning your worth and purpose?The truth that the enemy doesn't want you to know is that you were created with a purpose and destiny. And not just any purpose or destiny-a world-changing, history-making role only YOU can fill!Known for activating potential and igniting purpose in those he ministered to, internationally beloved pastor Dr. Myles Munroe takes you on a 40-day journey that will transform your life-and your heart-calling forth who you truly are, unlocking the gifts inside of you, and releasing the fullness of your destiny.Weaving the most impactful, life-changing teachings of Dr. Munroe with powerful, life-giving Scriptures, this interactive journal empowers you to:Awaken to everything God created you to be.Activate dormant abilities, dreams, and the treasure trove of giftings you possess.Discover your unique place in God's eternal storyline.Experience the excitement and joy of new possibilities.Put your gifts and unique abilities to work. Know the deep satisfaction of fulfilling your God-ordained purpose.The chaos and crisis of the world are waiting for you to release your God-given purpose and potential-and become the history-maker you were created to be.

  • av Jody Keck

    Encounter the Realand Living God of Glory!Do you desire a deeper relationship and a more tangible experience with God? Is it even possible to experience the actual glory of God's presence today like the saints of old did?Absolutely yes! You were not born again to just know about God-you were created to know Him intimately. And it's easier than you think.Showing how your knowledge of God and your relationship with the Holy Spirit can be the gateway to powerful encounters, international revivalist and media personality Jody Keck ushers you into your personal Upper Room experience where the living God of glory becomes more than a person in Scripture-He becomes real and radiates as an ever-present force!Through 52 powerful and profound chapters, Jody shares Bible-based insight, Spirit-inspired teachings, and supernatural testimonies and stories that empower you to:Stir your hunger for a more intimate, miracle-filled relationship with Jesus, your savior.Accept the invitation to encounter Him and walk in your God-given authority and power.Discover the profound impact of unwavering belief and the limitless possibilities that unfold when you dare to walk in faith.Receive deeper understanding and profound revelation as you learn to commune with Him daily.Live a life filled with purpose, joy, and overflowing abundance.Embark on a journey where faith meets the miraculous. Open the door to the heavenly realm and encounter the presence of the Lord in your everyday life. You have the keys to unlock the magnificent river of God's glory in your life-it's time to use them and immerse yourself today!

  • av Javan Smith

    Learn to live beyondyour natural limitationsAre you yearning for a life of true significance? Are doubts about your qualifications holding you back? Javan Smith, Bible teacher and international speaker, invites you to discover the power of the "overshadowed life," in which God's divine wisdom overshadows your inadequacies. In the Bible, there is a unique example of an often-overlooked man who embodied the "overshadowed life."Meet Bezalel-the craftsman whom God selected by name to make the Ark of the Covenant and Israel's Tabernacle of Meeting. To this day, Bezalel's work is widely studied, though few could identify his name. Despite his lack of recognition, however, it is impossible to overstate the magnitude of Bezalel's impact.Because the Spirit of the Lord overshadowed his human frailties, Bezalel was empowered to accomplish a task that far transcended his natural capacity, intellect, and talent. If you apply the principles contained in this book, the same will one day be said about you!Do you want to know more? With practical teaching, the message in this book will prepare you to:Fulfill your God-given assignment, even when it seems beyond your reach.Identify and appropriate God's abundant supply to bring vision to reality.Avoid the pitfalls of the comparison trap and live free from the need for external validation.Exchange your limitations for God's limitless power and step into a life of fulfillment, purpose, and success in Christ!

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