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  • av Jeffrey W Mardis

    One of the many names the Bible ascribes to the Devil is the Prince of the Power of the Air (Eph. 2:2). While it's easy to overlook such details, this ominous title communicates far-reaching implications. Its various meanings and ties will lead to profound potentials that help expose the sweeping extent of the Devil's hand in our time. Fascinating things you will read about include: ¿ Fowl and what they teach us about the spirit realm. ¿ Satan and the manipulation of storms, tornadoes, lightning, and other atmospheric phenomena. ¿ The Industrial Revolution, the end-times explosion of knowledge, and the Age of Ever-Learning. ¿ How demons impart wisdom and why some technologies thrive in certain eras and not others. ¿ How scripture demonstrates two distinct forms of supernaturalism: Overt and Covert. ¿ You'll also explore spiritism, necromancy, electricity, urbanization, modern technology, Bible technology, unexplained orbs of light, cities ...AND MORE!¿¿One of the objectives of this book is to give the reader an opportunity to shed any feeble beliefs they may have about Satan. You might even say that this study does an "about face," and travels one hundred and eighty degrees in the opposite direction. Scripture doesn't present any sort of weak presence on the part of the Devil, so we have no excuse to hold beliefs reflective of such things. Satan is alive and well in the twenty-first-century-and working!

  • av Donna Howell

    Seventeen years ago, Ebenezer Scrooge was visited by three spirits in the middle of the night, each with the same mission: to see the old miser redeemed. Through a painstaking journey through the past, present and future, Ebenezer faced the terrifying truths of his existence, to wake up the next morning a new man, putting aside his love of money, and embracing instead, the love of mankind and charity. But what happens when people from all over London witness this change and hear that the motivation behind it was ghostly visitations? Whatever becomes of Tiny Tim? New mysteries unfold when Ebenezer must face the challenges of being daily rejected as a lunatic or revered as a spiritual leader. Tiny Tim -- not so tiny anymore -- fears he is being watched by someone or something, and a familiar looking young boy wanders into Mr. Scrooge's office...

  • av Terry James

    When you look into the happy, dancing eyes of your pet, you see a spark of love that warms your heart. These furry children give absolute, unconditional adoration to us--asking nothing but that we hug them, ruffle the fuzzy places between their ears, and give them a lilted-voiced, "Good boy!" or "Good girl!" We believe there is a bond between them and us that just had to be cemented by supernatural influence--by the Creator--and we've included Scripture to back up our contention. Do Our Pets Go to Heaven? is a book intended to explore the relationship between you and your, as far as possible, embrace the understanding that the death of those wonderful family members we love so much can be the door to a forever that is filled with unending love. The world of pets--for that matter, of animals in general--is a phenomenal mix of interaction and curiosity. This book presents some of the facets of those interactions and curiosities that we believe will cause you to want to keep returning to its pages time after time. The writers of Do Our Pets Go to Heaven? have poured much of ourselves into this volume. It is an investment of love we want to share with you, who we know also love your furry family members with all your hearts.

  • av Thomas R Horn

    : "WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, WE ARE SUMMONING THE DEMON."-Elon Musk at the MITAeronautics and Astronautics Department's 2014 Centennial Symposium "AND HE HAD POWER TO GIVE LIFE UNTO THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST, THAT THE IMAGE OF THEBEAST SHOULD BOTH SPEAK, AND CAUSE THAT AS MANY AS WOULD NOT WORSHIP THEIMAGE OF THE BEAST SHOULD BE KILLED."-Revelation 13:15 In recent years, astonishing technological developments have pushed the frontiers of humanitytoward far-reaching morphological transformation that promises in the very near future toproduce what the book of Revelation describes as the living "image of the beast," followed by adevoted new form of humanity. Will this mysterious image become realized through the emerging technologies oftranshumanism, artificial intelligence, technological singularity, and the ungodly ambitions ofa hive mind?The dynamic changes detailed in this book unveil how godlike machines with the capability ofcrossing over species and extradimensional barriers put in place by God will soon be ushered in.As a result, vast numbers of believers could be paralyzed by the staggering supernaturalimplications. But is there a way for citizens to be prepared for what is coming?In SUMMONING THE DEMON, you will discover definitive answers to these questions, as well as:· How technological singularity will bring an all-powerful artificial mind to "life" · The trigger event that will make 666 mandatory overnight· What the future of "marked" humanity will look like· How Antichrist will use AI-empowered, deepfake technology to deceive the entire world· The government's plans to BORG (Biological Organic Robotic Group) all of humankind· The spirit behind AI and transhumanism· What a powerful AI told us about its hidden plan to destroy humans· The transhuman new face of supernatural warfare

  • av Terry James

    Some of the world's top scientists have, since 1947, been setting the imaginary "doomsday clock" to keep up with how near we might be to atomic destruction. They believe that when the hour and minute hand reach midnight, humankind will have completely been destroyed through atomic warfare.Movement of that symbolic indicator of the last time grows more frightening with each tick. But there is only one accurate timepiece that signals when the midnight hour approaches for humankind: God's prophetic Word-the Holy Bible.In Nearing Midnight: As It Was in the Days of Lot, noted biblical prophecy expert Terry James explores, in detail and through the prism of God's Word, long-ago prophesied matters now unfolding hourly, including:· The potential for nuclear war to break out at any moment;· America and the world facing imminent financial collapse that will bring about a dictatorial digital monetary system;· Demonic entities from the abyss that seemingly have been unleashed upon humanity in the form of every sort of perversion, with even very small children in the crosshairs of the purveyors of wickedness;· Mother Earth worship, in the form of climate-change insanity, as the anti-God religion being forced upon humanity; and· The determination of the globalists elite, driven by the entities of Ephesians 6:12, to establish control through a New World Order.James explores the strange wickedness and evil that are accelerating and threatening world-rending cataclysm at every level. Jesus Christ's prophecies regarding this very time in which we live help us know precisely how near we are to the midnight hour and offer us the peace we have in the blessed hope of His soon return.

  • av Zev Porat

    The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt. - Exodus 12:13Have you heard of God's threshold covenant? If you haven't, you're in for a roller-coaster ride of biblical discovery that will enhance your understanding of God's Word and its application to your daily life like never before. Even if you are familiar with this ancient biblical concept, in Blood Alliance, Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat will take you on a deeper dive into the subject than you've ever before experienced. This incredible journey will produce more moments of explosive insight than you can imagine.Rabbi Porat is uniquely qualified to explore these topics with you-not only because of his riveting test

  • av Donna Howell

    By far, the leading interpretation of today's Church regarding the age of this planet, Earth, takes us back to approximately 4004 BC: the year believed to be Adam's creation. However, just as Galileo challenged the Church to accept that Earth circles the sun (not the other way around), it is far beyond time for traditional interpretations regarding our planet's earliest ages-and what occurred between God and Lucifer during those eras-to be updated in light of what we know today. Once this is done, the evidence overwhelmingly stacks in favor of a harmony between science and theology.Dr. Thomas Horn and his research assistant, Donna Howell, have waded through thousands of scholarly journals, books, articles, videos, and other media to present an astounding work like none other in this field of study that brings a fresh, modern perspective to contemporary sciences, the age-old question of what God's first enemy did to Earth in the days it was "without form, and void" (Genesis 1:2), and what may have really happened in the days of Adam.In Before Genesis, you will learn: · The basics of the debate raging between the "Old Earth" and "Young Earth" Creationist groups and the often-overlooked answers to these issues straight from the Word of God;· How ancient archeological sites such as Gobekli Tepe, Puerta de Hayu Marca (aka, "the Doorway of the Serpent"), Tiahuanaco, Baalbek, Catalhoyuk, and Mehgarh-alongside bizarre, out-of-place-artifact (OOPArt) findings-point to an intelligent race of beings on Earth alive before the time of Adam and under Lucifer's fallen influence;· What Earth was like during the "without form, and void" era of Genesis 1:2, who the key players were at that time, and what they were up to;· Lucifer's biblically recognized role as Earth's "serpentine king"; what the biblical prophets said about this fallen "cherub that covereth"; who the perpetrator in Eden really was; and the origin of the "great lizards" we've come to know as dinosaurs;· And, finally, for the first time: the conclusion to the events of Genesis that shockingly merges all contributing voices (Young and Old Creationist groups, as well as science) into one balanced and agreeable climax.

  • av Michael Lake

    The Kingdom Warrior: Full-Spectrum Spiritual Warfare for the Remnant in the Last Days In The Kingdom Priesthood, the Remnant discovered the biblical priesthood they had been called to and again entered that sacred service to Almighty God. Now, it is time for the Remnant to learn how to fight for their King in the last days.The Kingdom Warrior is a training manual for the Remnant in the art of war from a biblical and Kingdom perspective. Too many books have been written about spiritual warfare that is a patchwork of truth but leaves holes in the defenses of the believer. As the stakes are raised in the final conflict, it is time for the Kingdom warrior to understand a full-spectrum concept of spiritual warfare that is both offensive and defensive. In this book, you will discover:· The five Aspects of Grace· The Binary Nature of the Spirit Realm· An Unexpected Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) in the Arsenal of the Believer· How to Expel the "ites" and Establish a Parameter of Safety for You and Your Family· How to Overcome the Psychological Warfare of the Enemy· How Winning the War Within Places You on Solid Footing to Fight the War Without· How Each Enemy has a Different Protocol for Engagement· And MoreIn this prophetic hour, God is calling the Remnant to fight with Holy Spirit-anointed precision, and with a passion that has been forged by the fire of God.

  • av Tyler Gilreath

    No book of the Bible has enchanted its readers quite like the book of Revelation. Its fantasticallanguage of fierce dragons, seven-headed beasts, warring angels, and a new heaven and newearth has captivated humanity for nearly two thousand years. Interestingly, no book of the Biblehas confused and frustrated its readers quite like the book of Revelation, either. Herein lies theglaring problem: the interpretive elephant in the room. Can anyone really know what it all means? Now you can. As a follow-up to his bestselling book, Gospel Over Gods, Tyler Gilreath reveals like neverbefore how the book of Revelation describes Jesus' war with the powers of darkness-a cosmic,end-time struggle between the Hebrew King of promise and the Old Testament gods of Babylon.Gilreath asserts that within Revelation is a hidden Babylonian framework, one that can only beseen through ancient, Near Eastern eyes. Gilreath investigates many questions, such as: · Are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse Babylonian gods?· How does Babylonian astrology impact the way we interpret the astronomical parts of· Revelation?· How do the New Heavens and New Earth dethrone Marduk, king of the gods at Babylon,· and his recreative claims?· Could the cosmic "sea" in Revelation connect to Babylonian creation myths and thetemple of Marduk? If you're ready to finally decode Revelation and unmask "Babylon the great," then this book willnot only stir your senses, it will shatter your biblical paradigm on earth's past, present, andprophetic future.

  • av Jonathan C. Brentner

    Why read a book about biblical characters who messed up? Because we can learn so much from them by taking a close look at what led to their disastrous decisions and lack of sound judgment at critical times in their lives. Bad Guys of the Bible examines how anger, bitterness, greed, pride, and unforgiving spirit, and a desire for vengeance led these men down dark paths that ultimately shipwrecked their lives. Asa remedy for such errant emotions, the book explains how we can apply the Gospel to critical times in our lives when our feelings tend to lead us away from the Lord .It all comes down to understanding God's grace and the full scope of His forgiveness of our sins. It's on that basis that we forgive others. To help further integrate the powerful lessons we can learn from these men, each chapter concludes with thought-provoking questions to help readers apply solid biblical truths to their own lives through personal or group Bible study.

  • av Terry James

    The tell-tale signs of the impending collapse of Western civilization are all around us: out-of-controlnational debt; corruption at every level of governmental bureaucracy; every major city suffering fromrampant crime and lawlessness; general breakdown of Western education systems; and open bordersallowing a tsunami of illegal drugs and human trafficking to flood our nations. Everywhere we look,there is an existential danger just waiting to upend centuries of civilization-building.And it's not just the growing potential for nuclear war hanging over everyone's heads these days that isproblematic. It's the general departure from common sense we see from top to bottom-stirring upconfusion about even things like where life begins, what it means to be human, and how many actualgenders there are-that does not bode well for our way of life. In other words, if we can't get the basic,common-sense things right, how do we expect to deal with the cataclysmic threats that seem to bemultiplying by the day?Leading the charge are the political-left factions of progressives, liberals, and globalists. They areobsessed with merging ancient paganism into modern technology to excise God's created order via theGreat Reset. Even the biological order the Creator determined is under assault from the human anddemonic powers and principalities of Ephesians 6:12.The New World Order, called for by those who control the World Economic Forum, is much like the pre-Flood world order of Genesis chapter 6, which God said He regretted making.New World Order: Worlds in Collision and The Rebirth of Liberty is devoted to pointing to the degree towhich humankind has been deluded, causing the God of Heaven to bring an end to this Age of Grace. Hewill call forth His own Great Reset. It will be magnificent beyond imagination...and the process is aboutto begin!

  • av Thomas Horn, Donna Howell & Allie Anderson
    359 - 375,-

  • av Jonathan C. Brentner

    Where does your mind run to in the midst of adversity? How do you cope with these perilous times that touch all of our lives in some significant way?Although most believers say they possess a hope of living forever in heaven, more often than not they pin their expectations on temporal outcomes when battered by the storms of life.The Triumph of the Redeemed reveals how the specifics of our eternal inheritance enable us to put the chaos that surrounds us into a biblical prophetic framework that both calms and encourages our hearts. It's the details of our future life in paradise that redirect our attention to the joys ahead for us when all seems lost.The author, Jonathan Brentner, learned the necessity of an eternal perspective when painful circumstances turned his life upside down. Despite loving to preach on prophecy as a young pastor, he tried in vain to maintain his earthly dreams when adversity struck. A forever outlook on life would not have calmed the seas in the midst of his storm, but it would have made the path to healing much less distressing.The neglect of Bible prophecy not only adds to the pain we endure, but it also leaves us ill-prepared to live in a fear-ridden society. It's the particulars of our future that provide us with a hopeful context into which we can place the violence, chaos, and lawlessness of our day.

  • av Donna Howell

    When Rudolph's red nose hit the screens in homes across the nation in 1964 via Rankin & Bass' holiday movie special entitled Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, people everywhere fell in love with this glowy-snouted oddball. When the outcast heroically saved Christmas by guiding Santa's sleigh through a stormy Christmas Eve, the world cheered as his eccentricity became the source of his triumph. But when the film ended without redemption for those many exiled toys which he met on the Island of Misfit Toys, public outcry was so strong that production was re-initiated and the movie's ending was modified to include a resolution for these other banished playthings. Why was this necessary?Viewer protest was strong enough to prompt a validation for these misfits for a profound reason: deep down, each of us sees a little of ourselves in outcasts. We relate to those who do not fit in, are regarded as unlovable, or are simply perceived as "odd." And, it is each of our deep-seeded desire to see this ostracization reversed; to see the outcast find a place to belong; and for the unloved to find comfort and affection. By leaving the toys behind, it was as though the statement being made was that such oddballs deserved to be left behind as well¿and people were allowing no such standard to be raised.Many of us have an inner misfit: a lonely or out-of-place individual who we often keep hidden. Behind the veil of success, wealth, charm, charisma, humor, I've-got-it-together-isms, and many other types of fronts, hides segments of ourselves that we often keep out of view of others. The result is a deep type of isolation and separation from our communities, our families, friends, and sometimes even the Body of Christ and our God-ordained calling. We hide our true selves because of fear, insecurity, guardedness, and a seeming certainty that we are the only one who feels the way we do.But this is a lie, designed to keep us from reaching our potential in many ways; and to keep us feeling as though we are all alone. What can we learn from the outcast playthings of the 1964 stop action film: The Charlie in the Box, the spotted elephant, the seemingly unblemished Dolly for Sue, a square-wheeled caboose, the squirt gun that only shoots jelly, or the other exiles? The answer is quite enlightening, and, when pursued to its fullest, could lead to a life of connection with family, peers and church. It could empower us to find our God-ordained calling; to see ourselves with new, grace-filled eyes, and even unleash us to embrace our destiny.

  • av Carl Gallups

    Have you ever wanted to discover deep and glorious truths from God's Word-from Genesis to Revelation-and yet accomplish that task through a book that feels as though you're reading a novel? Glimpses of Glory is what you've been waiting for!In this incredibly unique work and writing style-from longtime pastor, media personality, conference speaker, and internationally acclaimed bestselling author Carl Gallups-you'll walk directly into the Garden of Eden - where Adam and Eve encountered the great tempter. You'll be placed inside the ark, experiencing the horror of Noah's family as they heard the agonized cries of their neighbors, struggling in vain to survive the deluge. The anguish of our Savior will explode into intense reality as He struggles with his human emotions-and the goading of the tempter-on the night He was betrayed. And that's just the beginning of this stunning journey of biblical truth and majesty!Glimpses of Glory makes God's love for us come alive, and it's all done in a riveting, biblically accurate manner!

  • av LTC Robert L. Maginnis

    Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism examines what current American leaders likePresident Joe Biden and his globalist allies intend for America and the world, anoutcome that may well usher in the prophetic end times. The evidence for thispossible result comes from an objective review of the histories of past Marxist-regimes, accounts that are juxtaposed with the contemporary political proposalsby those who seek a global "Great Reset" that could produce a radically differentAmerica which becomes subordinate to a godless, totalitarian one-worldgovernment ruled by the Chinese Communist Party.

  • av Thomas R Horn

    Behold, I show you a mysteryWhat do the Jewish Feasts, prophetic Seals and Bowls from the book of Revelation, and an Earth-bound asteroid have in common? This is the question on the lips of every individual who sees the potential correlation between the impending coming of Christ and the imminent approach of the asteroid Apophis.Since the dawn of time, God has had a plan for all humanity s salvation, and through His time here on Earth, Jesus fulfilled his portion of that plan by purchasing our Redemption. He confirmed this through His revolutionizing of the Old Testament tradition. He spelled it out, hidden in plain sight, for those who observed the Jewish Feasts. He left a promise upon His departure, that He would be back to complete and confirm the final phases of His plan through the final prophetic Jewish Feasts.Now something cataclysmic this way comesWhen Jesus spoke of His return, He warned that the coming of the age would be filled with war, pestilence, famine, and even catastrophic cosmic events which would permanently damage the Earth as we know it. We are warned in Revelation about the personified star, Wormwood, which would collide with our planet, bringing poison to our waters and death to one-third of humanity. With such looming threats above as the asteroid Apophis and other Near-Earth Objects, could we be approaching the era in which these prophecies are finally about to be realized? More important, does a hidden message connected Apophis point to an imminent, mysterious end-times countdown?

  • av Thomas R Horn

    It's been assumed for centuries that a prerequisite for the coming of Antichrist would be a "revived" world order--an umbrella under which national boundaries dissolve and ethnic groups, ideologies, religions, and economics from around the world orchestrate a single and dominant sovereignty. At the head of the utopian administration, a single personality will surface. He will appear to be a man of distinguished character, but will ultimately become "a king of fierce countenance" (Daniel 8:23). With imperious decree, he will facilitate a One-World Government, universal religion, and global socialism. Those who refuse his New World Order will inevitably be imprisoned or destroyed until at last he exalts himself "above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Bible prophecy depicts this coming tyrant as the deadliest in human history. He will try to carry out a satanic "Final Solution" to inflict genocide far beyond that done through Adolf Hitler's plan by the same name. And this soon-to-come era is closer than many can imagine, yet most don't comprehend the events that lie just ahead.

  • av Carl Gallups

    Think of the young people who are being raised during our own prophetic times. Consider the institutions of education, entertainment, "science," information and communication technology, and even "the church," that have been distorted and/or completely usurped by the demonic realm. Contemplate the sheer deluge of the "doctrines of demons" that continues to pour forth upon humanity from all these sources. And think of the younger citizens of this planet who have only known this kind of diabolical fakery - for their entire lives.Is there any wonder that so much confusion reigns across the planet? What kind of world-to-come is being created by this torrent of filth and fraud? The Bible gives us the answer. It's all hurtling toward the kingdom reign of the man of lawlessness. The deception continues to unfold before us - every single day. It commenced, ages ago, with a steady drip, drip, drip. Then it eventually evolved into a rapidly flowing stream. Then it blossomed into a raging river. Now it's bearing down upon us like a devastating tsunami. And much of today's church is sound asleep as it approaches.

  • av Thomas R. Horn

    Shadowland soberly and frighteningly exposes occult influences hidden especially within Washington s Deep State and modern culture. From Jeffrey Epstein to the Clintons from Obama and Biden to the Occult Elite Dr. Thomas Horn uncovers terrifying realities behind today s polarizing culture war and the energies operating behind the contest for dominance over values, beliefs, and religious practices.Now, for the first time ever, readers will discover:Occult practices and enthroned Egregores over the mysterious shadow empireDiabolical body count lists and sacrificed whistleblowersJeffrey Epstein and Shadowland s deals with the DevilHillary Clinton and the bizarre effort to summon AntichristWhether some in Christianity have joined Luciferian objectivesWhat really was behind the Russia Hoax and Trump impeachment effortShocking facts about Obama and his so-called Birth CertificateContrasting visions for America Progressives vs. Conservatives and much more!

  • av Michael S. Heiser

    The Book of Enoch was read and revered across the spectrum of Second Temple Judaism-those forms of Judaism that thrived in the "Intertestamental" period (ca. 500 B.C. to 100 A. D.). The book is more properly referred to as 1 Enoch in order to distinguish it from other books that bore the name Enoch which were composed later than this period (e.g., 2 Enoch, 3 Enoch). Though 1 Enoch was and is not considered canonical Scripture by the majority of Jewis and Christian authorities in antiquity, the book had a very wide readership, including the authors of New Testament books. This fact is well known to scholars who work in the original languages of both the New Testament and 1 Enoch. The content of 1 Enoch can be found in a number of passages in the New Testament as well as certain of its theological conceptions. Though the scholarly literature on 1 Enoch is plentiful, no commentary for the interested lay person exists-until now. A Companion to the Book of Enoch: A Reader's Commentary, Volume 1: The Book of the Watchers (1 Enoch 1-36) was written to fill this void and help students of the Bible understand and appreciate this important and influential ancient book. This "reader's commentary" does not require original language facility on the part of its user. Rather, the purpose of a Reader's Commentary is to help readers of 1 Enoch comprehend what the book's content with greater insight and clarity. Consequently, this Reader's Commentary on 1 Enoch is not written for scholars. Anyone who has decided to devote the time to reading 1 Enoch, perhaps for the first time, will find this resource eminently useful. A Companion to the Book of Enoch: A Reader's Commentary is based on the translation of 1 Enoch by R. H. Charles (1917). Important original language insights and differences in manuscripts of 1 Enoch are noted and explained as are theological concepts.

  • av Derek P Gilbert

    Unveiling the Ancient Realms of Demonic Kings and Satan s Battle Plan for Armageddon Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming:It stirreth up the Rephaim for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth;It hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. (Isa. 14:9)There were giants in the earth in those days. The same became mighty men which were ofold, men of renown.These were the heroes of legend; kings and warriors called Rephaim, whose deeds inspiredworship long after they passed from the earth, a false, demonic religion that corrupted God schosen people even before they entered the Promised Land.What s more, the prophets of Israel foretell a day when these mighty men return from Sheol to fightalongside the Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon.In this groundbreaking book, husband and wife authors Derek P. Gilbert and Sharon K. Gilbert showhow the giants of old shaped the worldview and religion of the Hebrews and the terrifying rolethey ll play in the end times.

  • av Allie Anderson

    Millennials. It seems the very mention of the word draws equally passionate and polarized responses from society members of all ages. With labels such as The Unreachable Generation, The Me Me Me Generation, and The Worst Generation, it is no wonder that our young people are the most notorious this world has ever seen. But beneath the surface, crises linger which drive an individual to wonder what is really going on within the minds of our youth. Suicide rates among this age group have escalated to an all-time high, while drug and alcohol abuse-related conditions have become top reported killers. Simultaneously, this populace is leaving the church by the scores, while such religions as New Age, Wicca, and Muslimism continue to gain momentum.Are Millennials really the narcissistic, self-centered, entitled, and lazy collective that they are accused of being, or is there a deeper problem lurking which creates division between this generation and those previous? Are young people of today truly the worst the world has ever seen, or has our modern church missed the opportunity to reach the most cause oriented, activist generation in the history of the world? Furthermore, if the Church were to combine efforts with this powerful, zealous populace, could this usher in the next Great Awakening?

  • av Derek Gilbert

    Islam will be the world's largest religion by 2075. Why? Derek P. Gilbert, author of the groundbreaking books The Great Inception and Last Clash of the Titans, argues that Islam is too big and too successful to be the work of just one spirit. Tracing the pagan religions of the nations around ancient Israel, Gilbert makes the bold claim that the religion of Muhammad is actually a collaboration by the old gods of Mesopotamia, a desperate partnership of fallen angels who were caught off-guard by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.Bad Moon Rising reveals: - Why Islam is the supernatural equivalent of a corporate merger - How "the iniquity of the Amorites" is affecting the world today - The importance of the moon-god, then and now - How Islam's history reflects the characteristics of the gods of Mesopotamia - Shocking links between Mount Hermon, Petra, and Mecca - The prophesied death of the gods at Armageddon - Islam's tragic role in the end timesDrawing on peer-reviewed academic research, Gilbert exposes Islam as a dark alliance of pagan gods and lays out a scenario of the end times that reveals the bloody role of Islam on the road to Armageddon.

  • av Joe Horn

    Did you know YOU have God-given gifts? That you've been designed for fellowship with--and service to--the King of Kings?! Yet perhaps you find yourself bewildered whenever you hear teachings on the "Gifts of the Spirit"? Do you sometimes feel as if those supernatural talents were given to everyone you know, while you, yourself, struggle to identify with any of them? Do you wonder if your work in the Lord's service would be more efficient if you identified with a gift? What God installed in YOU for such a time as this? If so, you're not alone. Joe Ardis Horn was, like many, confused about his role in the Body of Christ for most of his life. From his youngest years, religious people outside his family exposed him to mystifying (and completely false) theologies and church practices, while simultaneously expecting him to live up to an ever-changing list of behavioral standards that differed from one church leader to another. His understanding of--and relationship with--the Lord was born from these perplexing years, and ruthless bullying in school exacerbated his search to find his place in the Kingdom of God. The perpetual hard knocks left him drifting like a leaf in life's windstorm: destination unknown. Yet from the ashes of this turmoil arose the unexpected heroes, the champions, the few people whose seemingly minuscule investments into Joe's life revealed the rock-solid Kingdom call upon him from well as a sudden, intense, God-given message for every Christ-follower: The Holy-Spirit-given gifts you seek might not be what you think they are. The book you now hold in your hands reveals how to pinpoint and connect to what God gifted you to be in His service. In Everyday Champions, you will: - Learn how God designed you to be an Everyday Champion - Recognize how to identify and unleash your supernatural, God-given gifts - Discover the most overlooked spiritual gifts in the Bible - Ascertain what the true meaning of faithful ministry is - Journey with Joe as he walks you step by step through his experiences in both the authentic and superficial religious institutions - Meet real-life heroes whose small investments in Joe's life brought clarity and purpose - Learn what Paul meant when he wrote about the Uncomely Parts of the body of Christ!

  • av Michael S. Heiser

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