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  • - From the Middle Ages to Modern Times
    av Mercedes García-Arenal
    1 645,-

    Due to the long presence of Muslims in Islamic territories (Al-Andalus and Granada) and of Muslims minorities in the Christians parts, the Iberian Peninsula provides a fertile soil for the study of the Qur'an and Qur'an translations made by both Muslims and Christians. From the mid-twelfth century to at least the end of the seventeenth, the efforts undertaken by Christian scholars and churchmen, by converts, by Muslims (both Mudejars and Moriscos) to transmit, interpret and translate the Holy Book are of the utmost importance for the understanding of Islam in Europe. This book reflects on a context where Arabic books and Arabic speakers who were familiar with the Qur'an and its exegesis coexisted with Christian scholars. The latter not only intended to convert Muslims, and polemize with them but also to adquire solid knowledge about them and about Islam. Qur'ans were seized during battle, bought, copied, translated, transmitted, recited, and studied. The different features and uses of the Qur'an on Iberian soil, its circulation as well as the lives and works of those who wrote about it and the responses of their audiences, are the object of this book.

  • av Borja García Ferrer
    1 645,-

    Contemplada en perspectiva histórica, la cultura barroca, con todos sus acervos y experiencias, se ha visto relegada a un segundo plano, cuando no ha sido silenciada y ninguneada, en beneficio de la racionalidad científico-económica hegemónica en Europa. En este contexto, se hace necesario mostrar, desde una óptica amplia e integradora, los factores y procesos determinantes en la configuración del espacio cultural barroco en América Latina, valorando en su justa medida cómo ese mundo inventado, singular y único, ha terminado cristalizando un ethos transgresor y mestizo, alternativo a la modernidad dominante, irreductible al barroco ibérico y practicable todavía en el presente inmediato: el ethos barroco latinoamericano. ¿Es el ethos barroco latinoamericano una alternativa real para contrarrestar el avance de la actual crisis civilizatoria? Consumida por sus propias contradicciones e incongruencias hasta la extenuación, el nuevo malestar de la cultura y sus devastadores efectos sobre el ser humano y la naturaleza imprimen la necesidad de idear estrategias radicales de resistencia, es decir, estrategias de construcción del mundo de la vida donde el Barroco propiamente latinoamericano encuentre su sentido liberador.

  • - The Evolution of an Extraordinary Magistracy
    av Bradley Jordan
    1 359,-

    The magister equitum, a subordinate to the Roman dictator during the Roman Republic, has been little studied to-date, in part due to the scattered and antiquarian nature of the evidence. This book addresses this gap by providing a definitive description and analysis of the office, focusing on three core questions: first, and most importantly, what were the powers and role of the office?; second, what senatorial rank did the magister equitum have?; finally, how did the magister equitum evolve under the first century BCE dictators, Sulla and Caesar? The book engages with recent advances in understanding the constitutional foundations and development of the Republican state to re-assess the role played by the office and its occupants in crucial moments of Roman history. It argues that the magister equitum was, and was understood by Romans to be, a central and significant part of the Roman Republican constitution.

  • av Sina Dell'anno
    1 945,-

    Eine Theorie der Prosa liegt in der Literaturwissenschaft bislang nicht vor. Die Bände dieser Reihe schlagen ein literaturwissenschaftliches Format vor, das sich in einem ganz eigenen Zugang um das Konzept poetischer Selbstreferenz gruppiert und Prosa nicht als Prosakunst, Stillehre oder als allgemeine Texttheorie fasst, sie zudem nicht auf der Ebene der gängigen Form- und Gattungskonzepte verortet. Angestrebt wird eine umfassende Theorie der Prosa, die einerseits durch literaturtheoretische Grundlagenarbeit, andererseits durch exemplarische Lektüren begründet wird.

  • - Teoría, Vida, Política
    av Azucena G Blanco
    1 219,-

    Este volumen está dedicado al pensamiento literario de Michel Foucault, a la luz de las publicaciones recientes de los inéditos de su primera época. Aquí proponemos hacer una arqueología de los textos que Foucault dedica a la teoría literaria y a conceptos claramente literarios como ficción, afuera o transgresión, para comprender cómo ideas clave del segundo Foucault -tales como parresía, cuidado de sí, veridicción- responden a genealogías que el autor ya trazó en sus trabajos sobre conceptos literarios. De este modo, se relacionan sus trabajos literarios de los primeros años con sus aportaciones filosóficas fundamentales de los últimos años. Todo ello a la luz de tres ejes que consideramos clave: el de ficción, el de política de la literatura y el de experiencia como vida. Se trabajan, además, las relaciones de Foucault con otras teorías contemporáneas (M. Blanchot, G. Bataille, R. Barthes, L. Althusser, J. Rancière, G. Deleuze) y con conceptos precedents de autores que fueron de destacada influencia en su pensamiento (F. Nietzsche, M. Merleau-Ponty, G. W. F. Hegel, I. Kant).

  • av Doris Sung

  • - Rethinking Humanity After Western Universalism / Penser l'Humanité Après l'Universalisme Occidental
    av Markus Messling
    1 665,-

    The circulation and entanglements of human beings, data, and goods have not necessarily and by themselves generated a universalising consciousness. The "global" and the "universal", in other words, are not the same. The idea of a world-society remains highly contested. Our times are marked by the fragmentation of a double relativistic character: the inevitable critique of Western universalism on the one hand, and resurgent identitarian and neo-nationalistic claims to identity on the other. Sources of an argumentation for a strong universalism brought forward by Western traditions such as Christianity, Marxism, and Liberalism have largely lost their legitimation. All the while, manifold and situated narratives of a common world that re-address the universal are under way of being produced and gain significance. This volume tracks the development and relevance of such cultural and social practices that posit forms of what we call minor universality. It asks: Where and how do contemporary practices open up concrete settings so as to create experiences, reflections and agencies of a shared humanity? With contributions by Isaac Bazié, Anil Bhatti, Jean-Luc Chappey, Elsie Cohen, Leyla Dakhli, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Nicole Fischer, Albert Gouaffo, Stefan Helgesson, Fatma Hotait, Christopher M. Hutton, Ananya Jahanara Kabir, Mario Laarmann, Rukmini Bhaya Nair, Olivier Remaud, Gisèle Sapiro, Bénédicte Savoy, Maria-Anna Schiffers, Laurens Schlicht, Sergio Ugalde Quintana, Hélène Thierard, Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll.

  • - Translation, Dissemination and Mediality
    av Rita Schlusemann
    1 359,-

    This volume examines the ten most popular fictional narratives in early modern Europe between 1470 and 1800. Each of these narratives was marketed in numerous European languages and circulated throughout several centuries. Combining literary studies and book history, this work offers for the first time a transnational perspective on a selected text corpus of this genre. It explores the spatio-temporal transmission of the texts in different languages and the materiality of the editions: the narratives were bought, sold, read, translated and adapted across European borders, from the south of Spain to Iceland and from Great Britain to Poland. Thus, the study analyses the multi-faceted processes of cultural circulation, translation and adaptation of the texts. In their diverse forms of mediality such as romance, drama, ballad and penny prints, they also make a significant contribution to a European identity in the early modern period. The narrative texts examined here include Apollonius, Septem sapientum, Amadis de Gaula, Fortunatus, Pierre de Provence et la belle Maguelonne, Melusine, Griseldis, Aesopus' Life and Fables, Reynaert de vos and Till Ulenspiegel.

  • av Ludwig Jäger

    Mehr als hundert Jahre nach dem Erscheinen des Cours de linguistique générale (Grundfragen der allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft) gilt der Schweizer Indoeuropäist, Sprachphilosoph und Zeichentheoretiker Ferdinand de Saussure noch immer als der 'revolutionäre Begründer' des Strukturalismus, jenes Strukturalismus, den Cassirer als eine 'allgemeine Tendenz des Denkens' und Lévi-Strauss als ein 'epistemologisches Modell' bezeichnet hatte, dem eine 'unvergleichliche Bedeutung für die Humanwissenschaften' zukomme. Die Rolle des Paradigmengründers wird Saussure vor allem als 'Autor' des Cours zugeschrieben, eines Buches, das er nicht verfasst hat und dessen Autorschaft er sich auch nicht hätte zuschreiben lassen. Das 1916 erschienene Werk, das wohl die am meisten zitierte sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlung des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts darstellt, hatte eine spektakuläre Wirkungsgeschichte, in der eine geradezu symbiotische Verbindung zwischen dem Autornamen 'Saussure' und der epistemologischen Bewegung des Strukturalismus entstand. Die Autoren dieses Bandes öffnen aus verschiedenen disziplinären Perspektiven den Blick für ein Saussure'sches Denken auch jenseits der Grenzen der strukturalistischen Episteme.

  • av Julius Wellhausen
    1 795,-

  • - Allusion, Interaction, and Reception from Homer to the 21st Century
    av Maciej Paprocki
    2 195,-

    In 1991, Laura Slatkin published The Power of Thetis: Allusion and Interpretation in the Iliad, in which she argued that Homer knowingly situated the storyworld of the Iliad against the backdrop of an older world of mythos by which the events in the Iliad are explained and given traction. Slatkin's focus was on Achilles' mother, Thetis: an ostensibly marginal and powerless goddess, Thetis nevertheless drives the plot of the Iliad, being allusively credited with the power to uphold or challenge the rule of Zeus. Now, almost thirty years after Slatkin's publication, this timely volume re-examines depictions and receptions of this ambiguous goddess, in works ranging from archaic Greek poetry to twenty-first century cinema. Twenty authors build upon Slatkin's readings to explore Thetis and multiple roles she played in Western literature, art, material culture, religion, and myth. Ever the shapeshifter, Thetis has been and continues to be reconceptualised: supporter or opponent of Zeus' regime, model bride or unwilling victim of Peleus' rape, good mother or child-murderess, figure of comedy or monstrous witch. Hers is an enduring power of transformation, resonating within art and literature.

  • - Studien Zur Byzantinischen Geschichte Und Kultur. Festschrift Für Albrecht Berger Anlässlich Seines 65. Geburtstags
    av Isabel Grimm-Stadelmann
    2 645,-

    Der Band bietet mit über 50 Beiträgen zu Schriftquellen und archäologischen Funden zahlreiche Neueditionen und -interpretationen, die unsere Kenntnis von Byzanz durch die Jahrhunderte und aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln erweitern. Autorinnen und Autoren sind sowohl international renommierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler als auch jüngere Byzantinistinnen und Byzantinisten, der zeitliche Horizont der Beiträge reicht vom 4. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert. Besondere Schwerpunkte bilden Topographie, Hagiographie, Editionsphilologie und Kunstgeschichte, die zugleich die unterschiedlichen Forschungsbereiche Albrecht Bergers widerspiegeln; ihm ist dieser Band gewidmet. Ein Vorwort, Schriftenverzeichnis des Geehrten sowie eine ihm gewidmete Tabula gratulatoria komplettieren den Band.

  • - Subversive Expressions in Early Modern Art and Literature
    av Carin Franzén
    1 019,-

    The body, touch and its sensations are present, sometimes viewed in contradictory ways, both expressed, visualized, and rejected, in early modern art and literature. In seven essays moving from the 16th to the mid-18th century, and from Italy and Spain to France and Sweden, this volume explores strategies used by early modern women poets, philosophers, and artists in order to create subversive expressions of the body, gender and the senses. Showing how body and soul, the carnal and the divine, the senses and the mind, could be represented as intertwined and dependent on each other in various ways, it gives due attention to European women writers and artists that in unconventional ways responded to the period's two main intellectual and philosophical attitudes - Epicurean and Stoic - towards the body and its senses. These attitudes not only intersect in the period's discussions of virtue and other moral phenomena, but are central to critical assessment of the relations between emotions, perception, and reason. By following this topic from a gender perspective, the book highlights other forms of subjectivity than the ones usually related to the early modern period's dominating subjectivation of female bodies, thinking and desires.

  • - Text, Performativity, and Materiality of Islamic Religious Speech
    av Ay&#351, e Alm&#305 & la Akca
    1 335,-

    Preaching, a practice composed of and accompanied by a myriad of different activities, is an essential element of Muslim religious life both within and beyond mosques. As such, Islamic preaching is a common means of religious promulgation and knowledge transfer, of pastoral guidance and uplift, but also of communication between believers, and as a source of negotiating religious normativity, power relations, and societal topics. Given the centrality of preaching in Muslims' religious life, this collective volume presents contributions on various aspects of performance, text, space, and materiality of Islamic preaching in history and present. The interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary framework captures Islamic preaching as it unfolds in its social setting. The volume aims at representing the inner-Islamic diversity by depicting the practice of preaching as it came about in different times and geographical locations, shedding light onto Friday gatherings and sermons (ḫutba), and other forms of preaching (e. g. waʿẓ), be it during Ramadan, at religious feasts and commemorations, or on personal occasions such as weddings and funerals. Therefore, each chapter offers a different insight into the interwoven character of sermons' contents, the preacher him/herself, and the audience by emphasising the role of their bodily performance, of the temporality and spatiality of preaching, and of the objects and items involved.

  • - A Study of the Adaptation of Bon Religious Practices in the West
    av Mara Lisa Arizaga
    1 785,-

    This book provides an in-depth examination of the Yungdrung Bon religion in light of globalization. In its global dimension, Bon has been attracting a growing number of Westerners, particularly to its Dzogchen teachings and meditation practices. In this expansion, Bon operates in a dynamic context where forces that create changes in the tradition coexist, sometimes in tension and sometimes in tandem, with other forces that aim to preserve it. In tracing the process through which Bon has become a global religion, this monograph narrates the story of the principal figures who initially facilitated this transmission, following their journey from Tibet to India and Nepal. The narrative then moves to explore the dynamics taking place in the transmission and reception of Yungdrung Bon in Western countries, opening up a new viewpoint on the expansion of Tibetan religious traditions into the West and painting a comprehensive picture of the modern history of the Yungdrung Bon religion as narrated by its participants. In so doing, it makes an invaluable contribution to the study of Tibetan traditions in the West as well as to the wider history of religions, social anthropology, psychology, and conversion studies.

  • av Zacharoula Petraki
    1 789,-

    Plato's Timaeus is unique in Greek Antiquity for presenting the creation of the world as the work of a divine demiurge. The maker bestows order on sensible things and imitates the world of the intellect by using the Forms as models. While the creation-myth of the Timaeus seems unparalleled, this book argues that it is not the first of Plato's dialogues to use artistic language to articulate the relationship of the objects of the material world to the world of the intellect. The book adopts an interpretative angle that is sensitive to the visual and art-historical developments of Classical Athens to argue that sculpture, revolutionized by the advent of the lost-wax technique for the production of bronze statues, lies at the heart of Plato's conception of the relation of the human soul and body to the Forms. It shows that, despite the severe criticism of mimēsis in the Republic, Plato's use of artistic language rests on a positive model of mimēsis. Plato was in fact engaged in a constructive dialogue with material culture and he found in the technical processes and the cultural semantics of sculpture and of the art of weaving a valuable way to conceptualise and communicate complex ideas about humans' relation to the Forms.

  • av Christoph Böttigheimer

    This volume of the series "Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses" investigates the roots of the concept of "soul" in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.The human soul fascinates not only believers in the three monotheistic faiths. Believing in an immortal entitiy, surpassing body, materia and their temporality and thus seeming to be closer to the creator that the mere body was and remains to be a vividly discussed theme in theological and practical debates. Even our secular, postreligious environment is unable to disengage from the key concept of the soul. Numerous proverbs, undefined concepts and hopes prove this fact. Asking for the soul means asking fundamental questions like life after death and therefor asking for one of the most fundamental and uniting hopes of human beings, be they secular or religious.The volume presents the concept of "soul" in its different aspects as anchored in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It unfolds commonalities and differences between the three monotheistic religions as well as the manifold discourses about peace within these three traditions. The book offers fundamental knowledge about the specific understanding of the soul in each one of these traditions, their interdependencies and their relationship to secular world views.

  • av Christoph Böttigheimer

    This volume of the series "Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses" investigates the roots of the concept of "body" in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.The Body and being a created being stands in the focus of all the thre major monotheistic faiths. It is not just by the christian idea of man's likeness to God that indicates that the human body is a central object of religious thinking, both culturally and theologically charged. Here, the body stands in the crossfire of terms like "pure" and "unpure", "sacred" and "profane", "male" and "femal". And besides the theological controversies, everyday experiences like sexuality, gender equality and how to dispose of the own body (and that of others) are undoubtly recent and highly contentious discussion points in the debate of a peaceful living together of different religions and cultures.The volume presents the concept of "body" in its different aspects as anchored in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It unfolds commonalities and differences between the three monotheistic religions as well as the manifold discourses about peace within these three traditions. The book offers fundamental knowledge about the specific understanding of the body in each one of these traditions, their interdependencies and their relationship to secular world views.

  • - Religious Transcendence Beyond Monism and Theism, Between Personality and Impersonality
    av Bernhard Nitsche
    1 515,-

    Is there a language of transcendence which does not fall under the well-worn categories of monism, theism, pantheism, biblical or pagan monotheism, personal or tripersonal God, or an impersonal absolute, conceived as immanent and/or transcendent? The present set of studies from different fields of research centers on the question whether it is possible to speak at all of transcendence or a divinity, and if it is, under what limitations does such speech proceed. In current discussion in theology and in philosophy of religion, there is a pervasive awareness that the inherited terms and alternatives, developed in the western tradition, no longer facilitate an adequate understanding of the divine. Increasing familiarity with the languages of 'immanence' and 'transcendence' (under erasure) in Hindu and Buddhist thought has further jumbled our coordinates, while holding out the promise of a more subtle and vital engagement with the matter itself of religious inquiry. A further long-established distinction, between 'personal' and 'impersonal, ' also takes on rich new hues in Asian contexts, where the very notion of 'person' may undergo unsettling critiques. Transgressing the categories of 'personal' and 'impersonal' points to the mystical depth of religious traditions, emphasizes their openness and reintegrates essential elements of both perspectives. Advancing with curiosity and caution, all the contributors take seriously the diversity of historical religious traditions, while nevertheless searching for a fresh language that may connect these traditions and provide a common ground of understanding.

  • av Josephine Klingebeil
    1 645,-

    The Dresden manuscript Ob.47 is a completely unknown, vernacular translation of the life of Alexander by Quintus Curtius Rufus, of which only one transmission exists. The text and manuscript were written in the mid-fifteenth century in Milan, with the historian Lodrisio Crivelli named as the translator. This volume provides a comprehensive philological analysis of the artifact, accompanied by an edition that is freely available online.

  • - Addressing the Gap between Study and Chemical Industry
    av Michael Kleiber
    1 385 - 1 465,-

    This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to chemical process engineering, linking the fundamental theory and concepts to the industrial day-to-day practice. It bridges the gap between chemical sciences and the practical chemical industry. It enables the reader to integrate fundamental knowledge of the basic disciplines, to understand the most important chemical processes, and to apply this knowledge to the practice in the industry.

  • av Jacob Abell
    1 245,-

    The Earthly Paradise was a vibrant symbol at the heart of medieval Christian geographies of the cosmos. As humanity's primal home now lost through the sins of Adam of Eve, the Earthly Paradise figured prominently in Old French tales of lands beyond the mundane world. This study proposes a fresh look at the complex roles played by the Earthly Paradise in three medieval French poems: Marie de France's The Purgatory of St. Patrick, Benedeit's Voyage of Saint Brendan the Abbot, and Guillaume de Lorris's The Romance of the Rose. By examining the literary, cultural, and artistic components that informed each poem, this book advances the thesis that the exterior walls of the Earthly Paradise served evolving purposes as contemplative objects that implicitly engaged complex notions of economic solidarity and idealized community. These visions of the Earthly Paradise stand to provide a striking contribution to a historically informed response to the contemporary legacies of colonialism and the international refugee crisis.

  • av Edward Stratford
    1 705,-

    This study proposes a new historical approach to Old Assyrian economic texts and archives - most especially the archive of PuSu-ken. Drawing on the work of Paul Ricoeur, it seeks to understand economic documents and interactions from within an historico-narrative framework. Rather than treating the data isolation, this study seeks to reconstruct the larger series of economic exchanges and relations in which their significance can be understood.


    In many contemporary societies we encounter iconoclasm breaking out with renewed violence. Iconoclastic actions against objects of visual material culture and testimonials of history act as dynamite in the public sphere. They are expressions of political, religious, national, and identity conflicts. Even the freedom of art is threatened by censorship and cancel culture. Based on case studies from different world regions, contemporary iconoclasms in art, media, and cultural heritage are critically analyzed from both a global and an interdisciplinary perspective. Divided into three sections, the book discusses attacks on monuments and memorials, idol disputes in museums and the visual arts, and forms of mediated iconoclasm in contemporary art.

  • av Mihnea Moldoveanu

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