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  • av Birger Sevaldson
    755 - 995,-


    Το βιβλίο Συνηθισμένοι Άνθρωποι, αποτελείται από 24 ιστορίες ανθρώπων της διπλανής πόρτας, βασισμένες σε πραγματικά γεγονότα και πρόσωπα από την ελληνική διασπορά. Όπου νέοι άνθρωποι, σχεδόν παιδιά, σπρωγμένοι από τη φτώχεια, την ανέχεια και την κατάσταση σε μια Ελλάδα ρημαγμένη από τον Β΄ΠΠ και τον Εμφύλιο τις δεκαετίες του -50 και του -60, αναγκάστηκαν να πάρουν τον, άγνωστο, δρόμο του ξενιτεμού. Σε όλες τις ιστορίες, λίγο-πολύ, κυριαρχεί ο πόνος του χωρισμού από τη γενέθλια γη και όλους τους αγαπημένους, ο φόβος για το άγνωστο, μα και η απελπισία, ότι δε θα δουν ξανά τη μάνα, τον πατέρα, τα αδέλφια. Η ανασφάλεια, για το τι θα βρουν στον ξένο τόπο, η τρομερή απόσταση και η σκέψη, πως δεν υπάρχει γυρισμός. Το σαράκι της νοσταλγίας που ροκανίζει τα σωθικά τους. Οι συνθήκες διαβίωσης αλλά και ο ρατσισμός, ιδίως τα πρώτα χρόνια. Κάποιες φορές, αμφιβολία και μεταμέλεια, αν η απόφαση ήταν σωστή και γιατί να την πάρουν. Μεγαλύτερος εχθρός του ξενιτεμένου η μοναξιά. Αλλά και η άγνοια της γλώσσας. Νέες κοπέλες και παιδιά, παντρεύτηκαν μόνα τους, οι κοπέλες γέννησαν τα παιδιά τους, χωρίς τη μάνα δίπλα τους. Η μεγάλη απώλεια για τα παιδιά τους, που δε γνώρισαν, γιαγιά, παππού, ξαδέλφια. Το Στερνό Αντίο, που δεν αξιώθηκαν να πουν. Οι περισσότεροι, έμαθαν το θάνατο του πατέρα ή της μάνας, όταν έφτανε το γράμμα 4 και 6 βδομάδες αργότερα. Πολλές φορές, διαπιστώνοντας, με απόγνωση, πως όταν τους κήδευαν, εκείνοι, λόγω άγνοιας, βρίσκονταν σε γλέντι! Δεν υπάρχει αρχή και τέλος να εκφραστούν τα συναισθήματα των ανθρώπων της μετανάστευσης. Χειρότερο από όλα, η οδύνη, στην έστω και προσωρινή τους επιστροφή στην πατρίδα, πως δεν ανήκουν πια εκεί. Ξένοι στην ξένη γη, ξένοι και στον τόπο τους, που κρατούσαν φυλαχτό ιερό στην καρδιά, όλα αυτά τα χρόνια.

  • av Luca D'Elia

    In a world facing global crisis after crisis, a new approach to urban development is emerging. This book is the result of three years of iterative research which explores the ways in which technology, community, and urban design can work together to create more sustainable and productive cities. The book offers insights into how enabling technologies and citizen empowerment are leading to new economic models and a collaborative culture. Through an in-depth analysis of the city of Rome, the research demonstrates how a focus on community building and new urban models can lead to more sustainable, resilient, and productive cities. The outcome of the research is a hyper-local tool that enables bottom-up initiatives to respond to specific needs and help develop new economies. This approach, combined with top-down initiatives from administrations could be useful for further creation of proposals that precisely address community needs. Findings of the research will be useful for policymakers, urban planners, makers, designers, and citizens who want to design and advocate for sustainable urban development models and thriving neighborhoods. With its practical insights and real-world examples, this book offers a roadmap for building more resilient and sustainable cities in the 21st century.

  • av James Paul Gee

    This groundbreaking book redefines human learning by placing sensation and experience at its core. The book delves into the essence of what it means to be human and how humans best learn and flourish. Drawing on insights from evolutionary biology, neuroscience, learning science, and the arts, the authors weave together a rich tapestry of ideas that challenge traditional approaches to education. The authors argue that school and educational research often ignore fundamental aspects of human learning, such as empathy, intuition, and balance. By examining what "experience" really means when we say "humans learn from experience," the authors propose a more holistic approach to education-much of which goes on outside school-that goes beyond talk, texts, and analytical reasoning. With examples from various media, particularly the wildly popular Japanese anime series Attack on Titan, the authors treat good teaching as experience design and show how experience can be a powerful force for learning and human flourishing.As our world faces unprecedented challenges and crises, this timely book serves as a clarion call for a transformative approach to teaching and learning that respects the nature of humans as distinctive sorts of creatures, urging us to create environments that nurture the full spectrum of human capacities.

  • av Wisnique Panier

    "After carefully analyzing different models of media systems existing in the scientific literature, including the three models proposed by Halin and Mancini (2004), the author concludes that none of them applies to the Haitian case. In this perspective, he presents a new theoretical model of a media system called: the model of the precarious system of democratic transition. It is based on a dozen fundamental parameters that characterize the Haitian media system and the environment in which it operates. This is a significant contribution to advancing knowledge in media studies and public communication in general. His study confirms the limitations of media system models resulting from Halin and Mancini's comparative studies of the media systems of 18 Western countries. This book is a real reference document that gives a reading grid to analyze the media systems of non-Western countries, particularly African or Latin American countries, which have characteristics similar to that of Haiti"--

  • av Jorg Krieger

    Women in the Olympics traces the history of women in the Olympic Games. This pocket book offer details about important milestones in Olympic history and illustrates the salient themes that have shaped women's involvement in the Games. From ancient times to today, women have always had a tenuous position in the Olympics. When Pierre de Coubertin founded the modern Olympic Movement at the end of the nineteenth century, he did not include women in his vision. He viewed the Olympics as a way for boys to cultivate manliness and men to demonstrate masculinity. Women eventually overcame such prejudices and competed at 1900 Olympics. Despite their inclusion, they remained beset by roadblocks. Sports that Olympic officials considered too grueling, taxing, or physical remained off limits to women. Leaders introduced sex tests to remove muscular female Olympians who breached gender norms from the Games. The Olympics were inaccessible for women in certain countries. And women remained severely underrepresented in the Olympic governance structure. Women in the Olympics shows how women have continuously fought for increased opportunities as athletes, equal access to elite sports, and a place in the decision-making process.

  • av Gul Kacmaz Erk
    1 169

    As suggested in the title, Slicing Spaces: Performance of Architecture in Cinema, this project slices through the multifaceted layers of film space. The text investigates how architecture performs as an altruist, proving that environed space is not merely a backdrop in film scenes, but an active performing character. The performance of architecture varies depending on what the filmmakers wish the viewer to feel, whether it is fear, compassion or joy. Considerations take an interdisciplinary approach, not solely observing film and architecture but also studying the likes of urbanism, politics, philosophy, history, psychology, art and design. The substantial spectrum of opinions from contributing authors allows the reader to absorb the diverse relationships of architecture in cinema, inviting the reader to form their own opinions on the topic and inspiring a new way of thinking. Slicing Spaces explores the interconnected relationship between architecture and film via distinct approaches to spaces of the city, confinement, actuality, the psyche and the imagination. Diverse views on cinematic architecture are probed, such as the psychological ramifications of film architecture, the portrayals of the city as a character and the potentials of exploring fantastic places in film. Overall, the book focuses on the authoritative contribution of architecture to the realm of filmmaking. It uncovers a path to look at lived spaces of architectural design from an alternative perspective, be it interiors, buildings or cities. Utilising the architectural ingenuity of drawings and graphics, the collection takes the reader on a visual journey as well as one through narratives.

  • av Jill Hendron

    "This book explores the emotional, physical, and spiritual toll that affects those in the caring professions. The immediate subject matter focus on clergy is relevant to a wide range of professions who support others as the issue of the cost of caring has become even more salient due to the ongoing pandemic. This book is also an essential text book for clergy training and for other caring professions. The world has changed significantly since the pandemic and the wider concept of wellness and support have gained a wider audience as well"--

  • av Craig Hight

    This book is a response to the question asked by incoming students of the Creative Industries sector: 'what can I do in the Creative Industries'. This volume is designed to provide a source of inspiration to readers in imagining their own futures within fields such as musical performance, media production, drawing and illustration, journalism, public relations, filmmaking, design, documentary, dramatic performance, virtual reality and others covered in these chapters. Presented here are pathways through the lived experience of the Creative Industries, from practitioners and theorists, educators and researchers at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Each chapter offers a partly autobiographical account of the author's journey through their field, engaging with their overall philosophy or the key ideas, the challenges and opportunities that have inspired them in their research and creative practice. Some chapters focus on a singular, pivotal moment or project, while others draw upon the breadth of an entire career. Collectively, these accounts bring to life the career possibilities within a rapidly expanding global sector of creativity and innovation with immense cultural, social, political and economic impact.

  • av Fátima Encinas Prudencio

    Over the past decade, interest in language teacher education and professionalization programs has increased significantly mainly due to global educational reforms, which have been driven by internationalization, multilingualism, the rise of new literacy and the incorporation of technologies. These reforms, based on the challenges of knowledge societies and networks, have created the need to re-evaluate and reconceptualize teacher training and teacher professional development as a "fundamental connection to teaching" (Bryant et al., 2008; Vélaz de Medrano & Vaillant, 2009; Espinosa, 2012; Johnson and Golombeck, 2018). The main objective is, then, to "prepare the new generations within an increasingly uncertain and demanding global scenario" (Pérez Ruíz, 2014, p 114). This publication addresses work on the education of language teachers in a variety of sociocultural, educational and institutional contexts carried out in Mexico and Latin America with various methodological designs and approaches from different theoretical perspectives. Therefore, in the context of current challenges, we seek to promote the exchange, discussions of experience and results of research and reflection that can influence the direction and implementation of language policies regarding teacher education and teacher professionalization for language teaching.

  • av Conor Heffernan

    Physical culture can be crudely defined as those exercise practices designed to physically change the body. In modern parlance we may associate physical culture with weightlifting, physical education, and/or calisthenics of various kinds. While the modern age has experienced an explosion of interest in gym-based activities, the practice of training one's body has a much longer, and fascinating, history. This book provides an engaged and accessible historical overview from the Ancient World to the Modern Day. In it, readers are introduced to the training practices of Ancient Greece, India, and China among other areas. From there, the book explores the evolution of exercise systems and messages in the Western World with reference to three distinct epochs: the Middles Ages and Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and its aftermath and the nineteenth to the present day. Throughout the book, attention is drawn not only to how societies exercised, but why they did so. The purpose of this book is to provide those new to the field of physical culture an historical overview of some of the major trends and developments in exercise practices. More than that, the book challenges readers to reflect on the numerous meanings attached to the body and its training. As is discussed, physical culture was linked to military, religious, educational, aesthetic, and gendered messages. The training of the body, across millennia, was always about much more than muscularity or strength. Here both the exercise systems, and their meanings are studied.

  • av Jesper Andreasson

    How does power work in sport, especially when there seems to be no one enforcing unspoken rules? Power is about influence and relationships, and the ability to discipline, control, and steer the actions - and even the thoughts - of others. This can be done in different ways: directly, using force or "hard" methods such as punishment for breaking laws; or indirectly, without the use of harsh sanctions or physical violence.One way of analyzing power is through the concept of hegemony - a soft form of power exercised through consent rather than force, through ongoing interaction between the powerful and powerless to produce common sense understandings of society and culture. This book focuses on how hegemony works, particularly in sport, to understand how power, dominance, and resistance may manifest in different ways within a variety of contexts, in theory and in practice. It also discusses how hegemony can work within sport and how dominance and power are maintained - as well as sometimes being challenged or resisted. Through discussions to help students develop tools for analyzing issues of power and empirical examples that show how various concepts can bring a deepened understanding of sport and society, this book gives insight into how hegemony works, particularly in sport.

  • av Verner Møller

    Competition is a basic fact of life. Living organisms need resources. When resources are limited, they fight over them. This is natural. Life in the modern world, based on rationality, ingenuity, and co-operative skills, makes it easy to forget this basic truth and to believe that it no longer applies to us human beings. Developments in the western world since the turn of the millennium appear to confirm this perception. Progress made during the 20th century in gender equality and minority rights have been followed up by schemes committed to securing equal access for all to institutions, facilities, and opportunities for success in life. The equality agenda has been pushed further toward equity by initiatives meant to make up for injustices done in the past. It may be tempting to interpret these developments as the consequence of a civilizing process that has subdued the competitive nature of human beings in favor of improved empathy and moral sensibility. Competition, fairness, and equality in sport and society aims to show that this interpretation is wrong. Based on the workings of elite sport, it argues that the fairness and equality agenda, rather than being a manifestation of a mellowing of human nature, is essentially driven by the same innate competitive impulses. What has changed is that, once basic material needs for survival are covered, as is the case in the developed world, people continue to compete in other arenas attempting to improve their position in the human hierarchies and win status and recognition.

  • av Nora M. Basurto Santos
    615 - 747

  • av Eugenia Koleza
    609 - 779,-

  • av John Eger
    609 - 739

  • av Jeorg Krieger

    Athletes Pressing Charges explores the athlete-led protest movement in the Olympic sport of modern pentathlon. The athlete activists protest against the removal of the horse-riding discipline from the sport and blame the sport''s governing body, the International Modern Pentathlon Union, for violating good governance principles and mismanagement. By taking the existing power imbalance between sport organizations and athletes as a starting point, this book argues that providing a voice to independent athletes affected by policy changes, is crucial to understand the ongoing issues in the sport. The protest movement is contextualized against the backdrop of increasingly stronger attempts by athletes from semi-professional Olympic sports to make their voices heard in decision-making processes. Therefore, this study has broader significance for the ongoing challenges by athletes and athletes-led organizations on powerful sport organizations.

  • av Lindsay Parks Pieper, April Henning & Jorg Krieger

  • av Sufian A. Forawi

    This edited volume comprehensively enlightens readers with descriptive, analytical and suggestive research on science and mathematics education in multicultural contexts. The diverse background of the authors renders a wide variety of perspectives on pedagogy, policy, and reform of new directions in science and mathematics education. As such, it provides useful insights for researchers, policy makers, graduate students and teaching professionals at all levels. Through twenty one chapters, the book examines the theory and practice of science and mathematics education, contributes descriptively and empirically to current research, and shares recommendations that have cross-cultural implications. For example, driven by a desire to move away from relying on oil revenue for development, the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries continue to improve education and invest in scientific and engineering advancements. Nevertheless, for many students across the region, schooling is still not synonymous with learning; schools and colleges need to implement new educational directions, those that are more deeply focused on science, mathematics, STEM and inquiry-based curricula and career opportunities in the region. These new directions are suggested and reflected in the forward-looking nature of this book, one that recommends approaches better suited for twenty-first century science, mathematics and STEM education.

  • av Taylor McKee

    Duelism: Confronting Sport Through Its Doubles is a critical collection that adopts a consciously interdisciplinary approach to sport studies. To that end, Duelism reflects the many corollaries of sport studies by including treatments from diverse critical viewpoints and bringing them into direct conversation. This view of sport as a multifaceted area of study carries into our chosen focus: confronting sport through its doubles. This collection thus treats the broader concept of sport by observing how sports and sporting culture are defined through their relationships to diverse facets of life and society. From nationhood to race, to violence and gender, Duelism curates critical readings from sport scholars across many fields that acknowledge and interrogate the concept of sport by exploring it in connection with its significant doubles: an approach we have termed "duelism."The term "duelism" accounts for two important features of sport: first, that the development of sports and the academic legitimatization of sport studies has been defined by intense periods of adversity or struggle. Sporting culture and studies have been marked by a series of conflicts, centering on issues such as the organization and purpose of activities, who can and cannot play them, or how they should be integrated into people's lives. In addition to capturing the spirit of combat and contestation that has so long defined sport in society, Duelism explicitly underscores sports' inherent duality, as a positive and negative force, and highlights our collective approach to reading and critiquing sport through its many doubles.

  • av Stefan Litz

    This book offers a collection of essays that shed light on the urban situation from a variety of scholarly angles. Chapter themes range from examinations of the city through the lens of literature, exploring how literature can be employed to frame the urban experience, to historically informed investigations of the challenges prompted by urbanization along the East Coast of China. Other chapters deal with the experience of the local and the global in the urban context or with the fact that for one and the same city various maps can be drawn to visualize and depict different features. Such maps may range, for example, from dynamic and digital visual representations that mirror real-time data traffic or sound to maps that highlight buildings and infrastructure in a city that originated in distinct historical epochs. The role of cinematic and computerized animations for challenging the existing dominant architectural paradigms is discussed in another chapter. Two contributions further deal with the development and growth pattern of urban agglomerations and one chapter discusses the proliferation of large shopping centers that offer more than just a conventional shopping experience. Finally, two chapters deal with the instrumentalization of monitoring and fortification for promoting the perception of heightened safety and security in the city.

  • - The Washington College Kiplin Hall Program
    av Richard Gillin

    A Guide to Hiking the Liberal Arts is the highly engaging story of an annual travel abroad experience for students at Washington College, the twelfth oldest college in the United States, and the oldest in Maryland. Fittingly, students visit Kiplin Hall, the ancestral English home of the Calvert family, who founded Maryland. From there, they explore the surrounding countryside of North Yorkshire and that of West Cork, Ireland. Tracking the evolution of the program over twenty years, Richard Gillin vividly details the ways in which daily hiking excursions enable students to deeply connect the experience of landscape to the study of English literature. As students push themselves physically, they are asked to consider how the specific environment informs and textures the poetry and prose they read. Moreover, the visceral struggle of climbing a mountain in cold, wet, windy weather enriches each student''s self-awareness and heightens their connection to the world at large. Students also gain a sense of personal achievement and learn first-hand how to get along with others in often difficult and uncomfortable circumstances. Ultimately, these hikes serve as touchstones that enable students to journey within and without to source tangible insight into the relationship between literature, landscape, and place. 

  • av Rebecca C Harris

    "Voting with your fork" is a common mantra for those concerned with food politics. However, real voting requires one to choose between Democrats and Republicans-and most food voters do not know the partisan history of food politics. Party Food is written for farmers and foodies who want to understand the political history of food policy. Harris is a political scientist who is also a commercial farmer. Her expertise in both fields offers fresh, professional insight into the lay of the land in American food politics. In Party Food, Harris unpacks the political foundations of contemporary farm policy and expertly explains the "team sport" of partisan politics as it plays out in the food politics landscape. In Party Food she introduces the Democratic and Republican Heroes (and Villains!) of food politics, and offers an accessible insight into each political party's policy "menu" and team play in Presidential and Congressional politics. In this way, Party Food offers foodies and farmers a food politics primer on Democrats & Republicans and fills an important gap in the food politics discussion.

  • av Francesco Collura, Laurel Walzak & Danica Vidotto
    625 - 739

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