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Böcker utgivna av Cognella Academic Publishing

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  • av J Edward Lee
    1 025,99

    Excerpting American History from 1877 to 2001: Primary Sources and Commentary provides students with a collection of government documents, newspaper accounts, manuscripts, letters, diaries, speeches, and more to provide them with an immersive and intimate exploration of the United States from the dawn of the Gilded Age to the harrowing events of September 11, 2001.This volume, the second in a two-book series, analyzes American history from 1877 to 2001. Each chapter features an introductory essay by the author to provide readers with critical context and perspective, excerpts from primary documents, and questions to stimulate reflection and deep learning.Readers learn about the industry, invention, and economic growth that boomed during the Gilded Age, but which also excluded many Americans, including new immigrants, farmers, African Americans, and women. They read about the progressive policies of Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. Select primary sources share perspectives on the Great War, the Second World War, the Jazz Age, the Harlem Renaissance, the Great Depression, the economic challenges of the 1970s, and more.Excerpting American History from 1877 to 2001 is an exemplary text for courses in American history. Students can rewind their exploration of American history and revisit the past in the first volume in the series, which features primary sources and commentary chronicling 1492 to 1877.

    1 989

    Recognizing that teachers are human beings who bring their own experiences regarding race, language, gender, socioeconomic status, family structure, sexual orientation, political ideology, and more to the classroom, Exploring Diversity in Education challenges future educators to look inward and engage in self-reflection to better understand their own personal beliefs and identities. Equipped with this information, readers can begin to locate their blind spots and biases, nuances that can affect their teaching and interactions with students. The text helps readers develop greater cultural and self-awareness so they can competently work in schools and communities with evolving demographics.The text is divided into 10 chapters, which feature an introduction, an engaging reading on a specific topic, and For Your Consideration section that provides readers with thought-provoking questions and reflection opportunities. Opening chapters discuss how knowing oneself can help them know others, the dynamics of privilege, the impact of poverty on learning and education, and religious diversity in schools. Additional readings address linguistically diverse learning, policies and practices that impact immigrant students, and issues related to gender and racial hierarchy. The final chapters explore what multicultural education looks like in action and the importance of incorporating social justice in curriculum.Designed to prepare the teachers of today and tomorrow connect in meaningful ways with their students, Exploring Diversity in Education is an essential text for courses and programs in teacher education.

  • av Adel Al-Bataineh, Majedah Abu Al-Rub & Mohammad Bataineh
    2 085

    The Principles of Teaching and Learning provides preservice and inservice teachers with skillsets and knowledge base to become competent and effective teachers. Specifically, this book is intended to help teachers understand student learning, utilize effective teaching skills, develop sound curriculum, plan effective instruction, apply fair and effective assessment plans, and efficiently manage the classroom environment.Over the course of 12 chapters, readers will examine and consider educational philosophies; learning theories and instructional models; instructional activities; planning lessons; preparing and administering tests; student assessment and teacher evaluation; classroom management; and educational technology. Each chapter includes a brief introduction, learning outcomes, a list of key terms, people, and ideas, discussion questions, and references.Designed to encourage discussion, analysis, and debate, The Principles of Teaching and Learning is an ideal resource for courses and programs in education. It is also an exemplary text for preservice and inservice teachers at all levels.

  • av Angela B Shiflet, George W Shiflet & Murray P Pendarvis
    3 269

    Biology for the Global Citizen is an accessible, introductory learning resource for students with varying backgrounds in biology. The text encourages students to be inquisitive, sensible, and attentive, so they may seek and demand truth in all areas of life and act as informed global citizens. Through engaging material, personal applications, and active learning experiences, students develop a basic understanding of how science, and biology in particular, are pertinent to their lives.The text is comprised of a series of modules that include related laboratories. Each module explores key concepts in biology and features sections on applying science to life, quick review questions, and points of inquiry to facilitate learning. The laboratories, using computer simulations accessible through the free software tool NetLogo, reinforce the material, apply the scientific method, enhance students' quantitative literacy, employ data to support conclusions, and emphasize critical thinking and analysis. The units within the text cover essential chemistry concepts, cells, genetics, evolution and natural selection, and ecology and the environment.Developed to increase students' interest in biology and demonstrate how key concepts in the discipline have application in their everyday lives, Biology for the Global Citizen is an exemplary resource for foundational courses in science and biology.

  • av Eileen O'Brien & Ninochka McTaggart
    1 369,-

    White Privilege: The Persistence of Racial Hierarchy in a Culture of Denial approaches the discussion of racism by focusing on majority group advantage, or white privilege. The book explores the construct of race and the definition of white privilege and then examines the ways in which white privilege manifests in economy, education, criminal justice, and especially within media and pop culture.The book balances scholarly research on racial discrimination and disparity with narratives that provide the reader with highly personal accounts of injustice. Dedicated chapters demonstrate how microaggressions emerge in unexpected places and situations, as well as how they contribute to the development and maintenance of institutional racism. Intersectionality sections throughout the book explore how class, gender, and sexual orientation shape how white privilege is experienced by individuals. Finally, the text offers a myriad of strategies and approaches to end injustice and cultivate anti-racist practices.The revised first edition features a new final chapter, which brings the text's content up to date and addresses healthcare and white privilege; #BlackLivesMatter, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and justice; implicit bias and systemic racism; white terrorism; COVID-19 and economic sexism; and anti-Asian violence.White Privilege is an ideal supplementary resource for courses on race, diversity, and social inequality.

    1 449,-

    Representations of Stereotypical Images in Popular Culture: A Critical Approach engages students to examine the perpetuation of stereotypical images of marginalized groups found in popular media and to challenge those frameworks that are responsible for the creation and maintenance of these negative images.Focusing on film, television, social media, and lifestyles, the book applies critical theory to explain the impact of capitalism on the construction of images of minorities in popular culture. It examines how the maintenance of these images becomes embedded in our culture and directly impacts our belief systems regarding social expectations of racial, gender, and class groups.The book begins with chapters that define popular culture, introduce critical theory and racialized ideology, and examine the ways race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality are represented. Additional chapters explain how racialized stereotypes are historically rooted in chattel slavery and trace the perpetuation of these images over three major stages of capitalist development. The final three chapters explore the perpetuation of negative images of other subordinated groups, how stereotypes are represented in social media, and the overall impact of the perpetuation of negative images on society. Throughout, reflection questions, chapter vignettes, comprehension questions, and real-world observations enrich the learning experience.

  • av Annette M Holba
    1 154,99

    In Philosophy of Communication Inquiry: An Introduction, multidisciplinary scholar Annette M. Holba seamlessly connects philosophical traditions with the communicative experience and contemporary political, social, and cultural issues. The text reinforces the position that philosophy of communication is not an abstract concept, but rather rooted in real-life experiences. The text features a unique approach that maps the application of key concepts and theory to public moral argument.The book provides readers with a comprehensive survey of the history of the ideas and metaphors that guide philosophy of communication inquiry. The four parts of the text provide students with foundational explorations of the philosophical traditions, approaches, fundamental questions, and emergent metaphors that guide philosophy of communication inquiry. Each chapter and part conclude with a section titled "Connections, Currency, Meaning," which ties the content to its application in public moral argument. This provides students with ample opportunities for meaningful debate and discourse.Emphasizing its relevance in everyday life, Philosophy of Communication Inquiry is ideal for courses in philosophy of communication.

  • av Stephen K Hunt & Kevin R Meyer
    2 155

    Engaged Persuasion in a Post-Truth World provides an innovative approach to inspire students' interest in persuasive communication in today's ever-evolving world. The book moves beyond theory and addresses new media, engaged citizenship, and deconstructing messages in a post-truth world to deepen students' exploration of persuasion.This multi-disciplinary, research-driven textbook highlights contemporary studies in persuasion. It covers the dynamics of persuasion, including important source, receiver, and message components while also exploring the effects of persuasive communication on receivers' attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors. Students examine the application of persuasive communication concepts and theories to their lives in multiple contemporary contexts, such as campus, residence, workplace, classroom, and online communities.Unique themes explored in the book include the application of contemporary persuasion theory and research to the post-truth era, the influence of new media on persuasive communication, and how students can use persuasion to become civically engaged and advance the common good.A highly relevant and wholly original approach, Engaged Persuasion in a Post-Truth World is an exemplary text for courses in persuasive communication.

  • av Mitchell Sherman
    1 489

    Management of Human Resources: A Student-Centered Approach is designed to change the way in which students view the field of human resources and to provide them with an engaging and interactive learning experience.Each topic within the text is presented in an historical, psychological, or organizational context. The book features coverage on the strategic selection of employees, equal employment opportunity issues, training employees, compensating employees, employee benefits, motivating employees, employee performance evaluations, and organizational change.Students are guided through an interactive learning process that systematically builds the reader's knowledge and expertise. The text employs examples, applications, and interactive problem-solving opportunities that enrich the learning experience and challenge students to develop a practical system of problem recognition, assessment, and solution development.Management of Human Resources is an ideal textbook for courses in organizational development and human resource management. In addition, each chapter can be used as a training resource in a business setting for human resource personnel.

  • av Christine Berven
    1 449

    Physics Problem-Solving Techniques for Understanding and Success in First Year Mechanics: A Structured Approach for Scientists and Engineers addresses a topic generally skipped in first-year textbooks: how conceptual understanding of the laws of physics are applied to problem-solving in a systematic way, as experts do. The book was written to empower students with the knowledge and skills necessary for them to have confidence solving any problem in mechanics, and later, to those in related disciplines. The opening chapter is on the topic of word problems featuring examples from 1D kinematics. Chapters 2 through 6 mirror the same order found in most standard first-year physics textbooks: Newton's Second Law, Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem, Conservation of Energy, Conservation of Momentum, and Rotational Dynamics and Angular Momentum. An appendix contains a review of unit analysis and unit conversion. Each chapter begins by reviewing a principle of mechanics in the context of its application to problem-solving, ending with a summary of the problem-solving steps for that principle. The second half of each chapter has example solutions in a two-column format with the solution steps on the left and annotations on the right, describing the steps so that students learn how the same steps are applied to all problems using the same principle.

  • av Jiping Zuo & Sylvester Amara Lamin
    1 358

    Chinese Family Culture: Change, Continuity, and Counseling Implications enhances social sciences and counseling students' cultural understanding, sensitivity, and communication skills so they can provide competent and appropriate care for Chinese families around the world.The text focuses on cultural and historical characteristics of Chinese families and features illustrative stories and examples to facilitate greater cultural understanding. Readers examine Chinese families from indigenous perspectives of lived experiences of Chinese individuals and their families. Chinese meanings of family life, such as marriage, sexuality, love, gender, reproduction, intergenerational relations, disability, and death, are covered.Dedicated chapters explore cultural links between family collectivism, ancestor worship, and families' intimate relationship with the land; marriage's social role in expanding social networks and ensuring family continuity; the impact of China's one-child policy on reproductive behavior; the rule of rituals in handling family and clan disputes and conflict; illness and death in Chinese families; and more. Each chapter includes counseling implications to connect student learning with practice.Chinese Family Culture is a timely and essential textbook for programs and courses in the social sciences and counseling.

    2 169

    Introduction to 21st Century Counseling: A Multicultural and Social Justice Approach provides readers with an overview of the counseling discipline with emphasis on developing a culturally responsive practice rooted in social justice. Featuring chapters authored by seasoned experts and rising stars in the counseling profession, the text offers traditional information integrated with evidence-based techniques and practices based upon key multicultural and social justice competencies.Using a multicultural framework, the text dismantles commonly stigmatized statuses and identities by proposing that all individuals have intersectional identities. Through this unique lens, readers are prompted to intentionally challenge Westernized ideologies that are oppressive and may impede the development of a culturally responsive practice. The Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies (MSJCC), as endorsed by the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD), are infused within each chapter, helping readers to develop the awareness, knowledge, skills, and practices necessary to successfully serve a myriad of diverse clients.Designed to help readers develop a compassionate and thoroughly modern practice, Introduction to 21st Century Counseling is ideal for graduate-level courses in counseling. It is also valuable for clinicians interested in refreshing their personal practice or increasing their multicultural and social justice competence.

  • av William R Knapp
    1 935

    Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry equips future hospitality and tourism managers with the skills and knowledge they need to create systems and cultures within their organizations that address the growing demand for sustainability. The text helps students recognize and embrace the opportunity to become leaders in sustainability and help set the standards for other industry professionals to adopt.Opening chapters provide readers with an overview of the breadth of sustainability in the hospitality industry, as well as current sustainable trends and practices. Additional chapters cover sustainability in the foodservice and lodging industries, tourism, and supply chains. Students learn strategies for sustainable beverage production, personnel management, marketing, and finance. The text expands its coverage to also address casino, cruise ship, and sport and entertainment venue management. The closing chapter summarizes the various strategies and concerns addressed throughout the book.To enrich the student learning experience, each chapter includes learning objectives, an introduction, a chapter summary, key terms, discussion questions, and an industry spotlight, which demonstrates how various companies around the world have implemented a variety of sustainable practices.Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry is well suited for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in hospitality and tourism management.

    1 349

    An International Approach to Social Work: Connecting Across Cultures to Inform Practice examines the full range of challenges that social workers around the world are called to address, including forced migration, environmental justice, human trafficking, and more. This text bridges the gap between community-based social work and global systems, encouraging students and practitioners to broaden their perspectives, while providing them with the competencies they need to confront globally interconnected challenges.The book features chapters written by experts from varied backgrounds and professional contexts. Section One focuses on the international and intercultural context of social work education. The chapters cover field placements, the role of culture in social work practice, and the importance of multicultural competencies for social workers. Section Two presents applications of multicultural competencies from global perspectives. These chapters explore topics ranging from community well-being to gender education and youth leadership to the development of refugee populations. Section Three presents additional considerations for life and work abroad for social workers.An International Approach to Social Work is an ideal resource for students and new professionals in social work, counseling, psychology, sociology, and other related professions.

  • av Nicole M Phelps
    1 759

    Americans and International Affairs to 1921 offers an interpretation of US diplomatic history that incorporates recent expansions in the field, focusing on the construction and contestation of US sovereignty and borders by both official and private institutions and individuals. Foregrounding relations with Britain and Native Americans, the book emphasizes changes in law and norms; property rights; the scope of government power; finances and revenue; immigration policy; and the racialized and gendered rhetoric of "civilization." The chronologically organized chapters cover the colonial period through the Articles of Confederation; the Constitution and the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars; the collapse of the Spanish New World empire and related conflicts over the future of slavery; the Civil War and resulting changes to citizenship and the federal government; the development of a federal immigration bureaucracy and formal empire; and a temporally and geographically capacious approach to World War I. The book can stand alone as a survey of the United States in the world to 1921, but it was designed to be used in US diplomatic history courses in which instructors can combine it with material from their own areas of expertise and/or with student research projects. Each chapter contains notes and a bibliography to support the chapter, as well as an additional bibliography of scholarship on topics beyond the scope of the chapter. The book includes a number of original maps, plus a variety of primary source images and essential documents, as well as a guide to online primary source collections.

  • av Anthony R Fellow
    1 815

    American Media History is the story of a nation and of the events in the long battle to disseminate information, entertainment, and opinion in a democratic society. It is the story of the men and women whose inventions, ideas, and struggles shaped the nation and its media system and fought to keep both free.The text is organized chronologically and emphasizes the role the press played in the American Revolution to the present. Each chapter presents a story about media development, featuring a colorful and impressive cast of characters that includes, among others, James Franklin, Ida Tarbell, Bob Woodward, Margaret Bourke-White, Walter Cronkite, and Tarana Burke. Some of the players set standards for aspiring media professionals and others reveal tales of triumph, deceit, and the undeniable importance of freedom of speech and a free press.The fourth edition features new chapters that cover women's rights, civil rights movements, significant moments in media history (such as 9/11 and the 2020 pandemic), fake news, bias news, and the social media presences of Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump. The text includes a streamlined introductory chapter, expanded coverage of women journalists during the Civil War, new American Media Profiles and timelines, new chapter opening quotations from famous communicators, and probing History Matters boxes that relate historical events and effects to the present day.At once an enjoyable and highly compelling text, American Media History is ideal for introductory courses in journalism, mass communication, and media history.

  • av Michael Reisch
    1 825 - 2 415

  • av Howard Williams
    1 969

    Following the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and other unfortunate events related to excessive force and police brutality, law enforcement officials in America are facing many renewed threats to their legitimacy. Police in American Society: Selected Readings for the Student Practitionerprovides students with information on the specific challenges and issues that individuals in police management must confront to rebuild public trust. The book begins with readings that present the historical perspective of policing, as well as new approaches to the profession. Later readings speak to legitimacy, professionalism, and accountability. The book concludes with selections on recruiting, ethics, and use of force. Specific topics addressed include the functions of police in modern society, the militarization of the police force, police legitimacy, and police shootings and citizen behavior. Police in American Society is well-suited for undergraduate courses in sociology, criminal justice, and criminology, especially those that address police and citizen behavior.Howard E. Williams earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in criminal justice from Texas State University. He is a lecturer in criminal justice at Texas State University. His research focuses on topics related to police management and police use of force. Williams has been published by Criminal Justice Policy Review and Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences on topics relating to auto theft crimes, racial profiling, and fatal officer-involved shootings in the United States.

  • av Sebahattin Ziyanak
    1 935

  • av Philip Mongan

  • av Eric Stewart Harvey
    1 269,-

  • av John P. Herzog
    1 849 - 2 579,-

  • av Mary Ellen Mastrorilli
    1 899,-

  • av Jonathan Golding

  • av Steven Harris-Scott
    1 805,-

  • av Daniel P. Greenfield

    Imbued with humility, humanity, and humor, A Practical Guide to Forensic Mental Health Consultation through Aphorisms and Caveats equips future and practicing forensic mental health consultants with valuable insights "from the trenches." The book employs pithy observations, conditions, and limitations to the process, as well as covering the challenges and opportunities intrinsic to a forensic mental health consulting practice.The nine chapters of the book follow the flow of the consulting forensic mental health process. The chapters feature a collection of aphorisms and caveats that frame and complement the discussion of each step in the process, from engaging with a potential consultee to preparing an effective report to testifying in court to collecting professional fees. Presented in a succinct and approachable way, the book is designed to help professionals avoid some of the inevitable pitfalls and land mines that might occur in a forensic mental health consulting practice.Brief, valuable, and minimally technical, A Practical Guide to Forensic Mental Health Consultation through Aphorisms and Caveats is an ideal resource for new and experienced forensic experts alike.

  • av Shiv Ganesh, Betsy Wackernagel Bach & Dawn O. Braithwaite
    705 - 985,-

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