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  • av Jaimelee Iolani Rizzo, David Baker & Robert Engel
    2 369

  • av Rebecca R. Sametz

    Work-Life Imbalance: Evaluating Work Cultures as Women in Leadership brings together stories from women from all employment sectors on how they were able to overcome gender-based disadvantages and challenging work cultures to survive, thrive, and become successful. The opening chapter addresses how toxic work cultures can destroy employees. The remaining chapters offer insight into navigating and evaluating work cultures from the perspective of a woman. Each contributor speaks her truth, addressing work situations she's faced and emphasizing the unique challenges women face in leadership positions. Throughout, the stories are infused with humor, insight, lessons learned, and practical advice. Dedicated chapters address preconceived ideas of what women should and shouldn't do; embedded work culture based on geographic location; leadership styles women are forced into because of workplace culture; navigating political relationships and creating alliances; minority women leaders; and much more. Work-Life Imbalance is an essential resource for emerging women leaders, allies, inclusive workplaces, and anyone interested in furthering their career. It is also an excellent supplementary resource for courses and programs in leadership and women's studies.

  • av Michael French
    1 489,-

    Bioethics in Our World: A Reader explores issues related to public health, psychiatry, genetics, and more, and examines the moral worth of actions within these fields. The anthology features collected cases that examine various topics and encourage readers to consider the ethical dilemmas they may face in their futures as clinicians, researchers, and citizens.The book is organized into seven units. The first unit presents the theories of utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and care ethics. Additional units cover topics that are salient to understanding the nature of bioethics and the world in which bioethics exists. These units address ethical issues in research; the history of eugenics and its relationship to eugenic practices today; and reproductive rights and technologies. Readers learn about experiences faced by patients, researchers, and healthcare professionals with regard to race, gender, age, and ability, and how these experiences are the result of a history of bias and stereotyping. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, stem cell research, gene-editing technology, and medicalization are explored.Timely, thought-provoking, and essential, Bioethics in Our World is an exemplary text for courses in public health, psychiatry, genetics, medical research, or any other course that explores bioethics.

  • av Geoffrey Buckley
    1 045,-

    Growing Groups: A Journey of Healing, Growth, and Renewal provides readers with the knowledge and insight they need to effectively develop, nurture, participate in, and lead groups.The opening chapter explores different types of groups, their characteristics, and the benefits of belonging to a group. Readers learn the importance of ensuring emotional safety in group contexts through informed consent, cultural awareness and sensitivity, and the promise of confidentiality. Dedicated chapters outline the stages of group development and examine the neural process of psychological healing that occurs as a result of successful group interactions. Readers learn about the nature and function of emotions, internal and external conflict, how to deal with differences, and more. The closing chapter speaks to how human beings are wired for connection and how a lack of connection can lead to loneliness, isolation, and physical illness.Featuring a bevy of practical tools for group leaders-including warm-up questions to inspire connection, discussion prompts, handouts, and more-Growing Groups is an accessible and valuable resource for courses in leading groups and group therapy.

  • av Penina Kamina
    1 135,-

    Mathematics and Technology in Elementary Education combines knowledge-based mathematical content, foundational pedagogy, and research-based methods for teaching and learning. The material helps pre-service and novice K-6 educators learn how to teach mathematics for conceptual understanding.The book explores K-6 mathematics and enables readers to benefit from directly experiencing how intended curriculum is implemented and enacted in the classroom. They are first introduced to general pedagogy, the pre-K-6 mathematics curriculum, and pedagogy specific to mathematics. Additional chapters provide readers with lesson plan templates, discuss the assessment of mathematics, and provide strategies for classroom management. Closing chapters offer resources for teaching mathematics and select examples of Pre-K-6 mathematics content.The second edition includes new material on how to write feedback and comments, as well as new and improved figures on operation and algebraic thinking, and intended and enacted curriculum.Designed to help ground teachers in best practices for meeting the needs of today's students, Mathematics and Technology in Elementary Education is ideal for courses in mathematics methodology or in-service courses for elementary educators.

  • av Yvette G. Flores & Mónica Torreiro-Casal
    1 329

  • av Scott Gardner, Arthur W. Blume & Monica Skewes

  • av Melanie Keel
    2 169,-

    Teaching Exceptional Children: A Curated Anthology provides pre-service educators with deeper insight into the lives and realities of individuals with exceptionalities, and the challenges they, their families, and their teachers experience. The collection is comprised of illuminating articles from a variety of perspectives that help readers build the critical thinking necessary to thoughtfully consider and approach their work with students with exceptionalities.The anthology is organized into 21 chapters that build conceptually beginning with general information about special education, laws, response to intervention, and individualized education programs. Additional chapters focus on specific exceptionalities such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, communication disorders, and traumatic brain injury, among others. Universal design for learning, teaching multicultural and bilingual students, and working with the parents of students with exceptionalities are covered. Each chapter features an introduction to establish context for the readings and reflection questions to stimulate critical thought and lively discussion.Written to well prepare future educators, Teaching Exceptional Children is an ideal resource for courses and programs in education.

  • av Breanne Jones
    1 379,-

    Forensic Science: An Anthology familiarizes readers with the methods and techniques currently employed by forensic scientists to identify and analyze evidence collected from a crime scene and presented at trial. The collection features carefully selected articles that present students with contemporary research and explore the depth and breadth of forensic science.The anthology is divided into 11 chapters. The opening chapter provides students with an historical overview of the development of forensic scientific evidence and the court's rule. Additional chapters examine how to properly identify, collect, transport, and preserve physical evidence, and why physical evidence plays an important role in most criminal court cases. Students read articles that explore trace evidence, drugs, arson investigation, forensic serology, and DNA. Fingerprinting and document examination are covered. The final chapter discusses technology and the future of forensic science. Each chapter provides additional information and challenging discussion questions to advance readers' knowledge and stimulate critical thought.Featuring modern perspectives, Forensic Science is an ideal supplementary resource for courses in criminal justice, criminology, sociology, and forensic psychology.

  • av Jennifer Chandler
    1 805,-

    Entertainment Operations: Project Management and Platforms in Media-Based Entertainment helps students learn how to apply management theories to media-oriented industries, including film, music, and video games, among others. The book is divided into three units. Unit I provides students with a brief history of projects in media-based entertainment and presents key principles of project management. The readings in Unit II help students understand the business and economic impact of entertainment, as well as the operations and transformational processes that create value and competitive advantage within the industry. In Unit III, students learn how to apply relevant management theories to time-sensitive, fast-paced, rapid multi-product release businesses. Entertainment Operations is an enlightening and contemporary resource for courses in entertainment operations and management.

  • av Amrinder Arora
    1 879

    Analysis and Design of Algorithms provides a structured view of algorithm design techniques in a concise, easy-to-read manner. The book was written with an express purpose of being easy - to understand, read, and carry.It presents a pioneering approach in the teaching of algorithms, based on learning algorithm design techniques, and not merely solving a collection of problems. This allows students to master one design technique at a time and apply it to a rich variety of problems.Analysis and Design of Algorithms covers the algorithmic design techniques of divide and conquer, greedy, dynamic programming, branch and bound, and graph traversal. For each of these techniques, there are templates and guidelines on when to use and not to use each technique. Many sections contain innovative mnemonics to aid the readers in remembering the templates and key takeaways. Additionally, the book covers NP-completeness and the inherent hardness of problems. The third edition includes a new section on polynomial multiplication, as well as additional exercise problems, and an updated appendix.Written with input from students and professionals, Analysis and Design of Algorithms is well suited for introductory algorithm courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The structured organization of the text makes it especially appropriate for online and distance learning.

  • av Kenneth A. Kiewra
    1 379,-

    Many students learn content like math and history in school, but not how to learn such content. Consequently, many students use weak learning strategies and struggle academically.SOAR to College Success and Beyond teaches students how to learn any type of content effectively and helps them thrive in school and in the real world. At the book's core is a unique learning method called SOAR that Dr. Kiewra developed, scientifically validated, and has disseminated through his writings and teachings to thousands of students. When students Select, Organize, Associate, and Regulate, they SOAR to success.The text introduces students to SOAR, offers a chapter about each SOAR component, and shows how to apply SOAR across academic subjects and outside academia. In addition, it covers vital SOAR-related topics such as memory, mindset, motivation, and life and time management.The book is written in an engaging and enjoyable way, features memorable stories and powerful examples, and includes chapter objectives, focus questions with answers, and activities that guide the student learning experience.SOAR to College Success and Beyond is ideal for freshman orientation courses, academic success courses, and any student seeks to become an expert learner.

  • av Ron Cegnar
    2 185,-

    Unchained: Building Next Generation Supply Chain Systems for the Changing Restaurant Industry explores the vital characteristics and attributes that are critical for building efficient and successful supply chains.Unchained is organized into three distinct parts. Part I provides a background baseline knowledge of the restaurant industry, the changing agricultural and geopolitical world, and the role of foodservice supply chains as vital to the success of the foodservice industry. In Part II, the eight key pillars that are essential for creating high-performing foodservice supply chains are presented. Part III provides a diagnostic methodology for assessing the performance of a supply system, including the determination of its benefits and return on investment. Each chapter includes learning objectives, key terms, discussion questions, and a case example that runs throughout the book to support connections between critical concepts and real-world application.Unchained is an essential resource for future and current foodservice industry professionals committed to building effective supply chain systems.

  • av Matthew Davis
    2 185,-

    The sixth edition of Meaningful Statistics introduces students to foundational concepts and demonstrates how statistics are an integral aspect of their everyday lives-from baseball batting averages to reports on the median cost of buying a home to the projected outcomes of an upcoming election.Each chapter begins with a question and scenario that is then explored through statistical concepts, demonstrating to students how research and statistics can help us to answer questions and solve problems. The opening chapter focuses on the process of collecting data and uses this information to explore whether multivitamins are a waste of money. Additional chapters explore linear regression and whether junk food is harmful to a child's IQ; normal distribution and the issue of a tie for Olympic downhill gold; confidence intervals and a simulation of the NBA draft lottery; and more.Students learn about descriptive measures for populations and samples; probability and random variables; and sampling distributions, with each concept corresponding to real-world examples. Closing chapters cover the testing of hypotheses, tests using the chi-square distribution; and inferences with two or more populations. For the sixth edition, exercises and examples have been updated throughout.Designed to bring key concepts to life, Meaningful Statistics is an ideal resource for courses in mathematics and statistics.

  • av Othello Harris
    2 259,-

    Social Justice: Critical Readings in Relevant Theory and Contemporary Life Issues presents students with a collection of multidisciplinary readings that discuss a variety of issues related to justice and society. Readers are invited to read diverse perspectives on what constitutes a just society and how inequities can be resolved. They are then challenged to think critically about what they've learned and how they can apply the lessons to their future careers and their lives.The opening section introduces students to two perspectives on justice-societal justice and distributive justice. Additional sections feature readings that discuss utilitarianism, libertarianism, communitarianism, ecological living and environmental justice, and human rights and restorative justice. Students read about war and its consequences, including articles on the war on terror and human rights; the rights of refugees, displaced individuals, and war-affected women; and acts of genocide. Dedicated sections discuss solitary confinement; race and ethnicity, and the causes of inequality; and issues related to gender expression and disabilities. Closing readings explore social justice and the future of fairness in society.Featuring contemporary, relevant research, Social Justice is an ideal anthology for courses in sociology and social justice.

  • av Biman Kumar Ghosh
    2 849

    Simulation Using ProModel helps students build competence and confidence in the use of simulation through hands-on application. The text features a blend of theory and practice, real-life examples, case studies, and lab exercises using ProModel to help students develop their knowledge and abilities. Part I consists of 14 study chapters. The first four chapters introduce simulation, its application to system design and improvement, and how simulation works. Chapters 5 through 11 cover the practical and theoretical aspects of conducting a simulation project, including applying simulation optimization. Chapters 12 through 14 cover applications of simulation to manufacturing, material handling, and service systems. Part II features 14 labs that correlate with the 14 chapters in Part I. Each lab guides students through the steps of modeling a situation using ProModel and then provides exercises to further develop their skills.

  • av Claudia J. Ford
    1 669,-

    Introduction to Environmental Studies: Interdisciplinary Readings provides students with a carefully selected collection of articles that help them navigate the most important topics in environmental studies, focusing on different connections between humans and the environment. The anthology emphasizes voices outside the white, male canon to provide students with diverse perspectives and a broader understanding of contemporary issues within the discipline.Opening chapters introduce environmental studies, sustainability, and the connection between humans and the resources we extract from the environment. Subsequent chapters examine the history of environmentalism in North America, how our relationship to the environment has evolved over time, a concise survey of key environmental processes, and issues related to climate change and our climate crisis. Students read about the environmental impact of our food production processes on different countries and groups of people; issues related to environmental justice; the ways in which human population affects the environmental sustainability of our future; and sustainable energy issues. The anthology's final chapters address environmental legislation and policies; ethical issues around consumption and collective responsibility; and the future of our environment.Featuring compelling and timely readings, Introduction to Environmental Studies is an ideal resource for courses within the discipline.

  • av Laura Wheeler Poms
    1 865

    Understanding Epidemiology: Concepts, Skills, and Application teaches students the skills required to think critically about public health challenges. The text takes an interdisciplinary approach to solving epidemiological problems that mirrors epidemiology in practice. Students are exposed to the foundational principles of epidemiology and practice the application of these principles using multiple methods. Students learn to read and use public health and health science literature to design appropriate epidemiological studies, ultimately becoming intelligent consumers of health information.The third edition has been updated in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching effects on the field of epidemiology. The text includes new coverage of the connection between clinical medicine, biomedical research, and epidemiology and public health. Modeling, interventions, mitigation, contract tracing, quarantine, isolation, social media and communication, spillover, coordination, public health education, and evaluation are covered.Written for undergraduate students, the book does not assume a working knowledge of biostatistics. Understanding Epidemiology can be used in introductory epidemiology courses, as well as public health study design and health sciences research methods courses.

  • av Theodore F. Sheckels

    Featuring a balance of practical advice and sound instruction, Speechwriting: A Rhetorical Guide provides readers with essential knowledge to prepare and deliver well-constructed and well-researched speeches appropriate for a variety of contexts.The first part of the book discusses traditional rhetorical theory in a way that is direct and easy for students to understand. The chapters cover such topics as audience and the rhetorical canons of invention, elocution or style, disposition or organization, delivery, and memory. Chapters in the second part then apply the rhetorical principles to four different types of speeches: inaugural addresses, commencement addresses, a variety of persuasive speeches, and a number of ceremonial ones.The text includes excerpts from actual speeches, illustrative speechwriting samples with commentary from a prospective speech writer, and a set of exercises that encourage readers to think about how the sample speech might be improved upon or modified if they were the one writing it.Speechwriting connects rhetorical theory to modern situations and settings to emphasize real-world application. The text is an exemplary resource for courses in speech and writing as found in departments of communication studies, English and composition, political science, education, and any other discipline in which people are frequently asked to speak or address an audience.

  • av Chad Luke

    Applying Neuroscience to Counseling Children and Adolescents: A Guide to Brain-Based, Experiential Interventions explores the neurobiological underpinnings of child and adolescent development and encourages readers to apply neuroscience-informed interventions and strategies to counseling practice. The book provides an overview and foundational perspective on neuroscience-informed child and adolescent counseling; covers models and modes of counseling from a neuroscience perspective; and examines common clinical presentations when working with children and adolescents. Individual chapters address ethical and cultural considerations, counseling theory and neuroscience, neuroscience of play, using neuroscience in working with parents and caregivers, and neuroscience-informed interventions to treat anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, substance misuse, and attention and behavioral issues. Each chapter features two primary cases, one for a young child and one for an adolescent, conceptualized from real-life clients. The chapters present practical interventions and a sample of counselor-client dialogue to help readers understand how an intervention might unfold during a session. Applying Neuroscience to Counseling Children and Adolescents bridges the gap between textbooks that cover neuroscience and counseling children and adolescents independently. It is an ideal supplemental text for courses on incorporating neuroscience in counseling.

  • av Ann Hilliard
    1 425,-

    Being Smarter: Managing Financial Resources More Effectively provides future educational leaders with readings that help them build their financial acumen and learn how to present compelling narratives to secure resources and effectively manage school systems. Opening chapters contain readings that address COVID-19 and the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats posed by the pandemic; ethical issues related to disaster planning; effective communication strategies; issues to consider when developing a budget; and collaborative approaches to decision-making. Readers learn how to align budget and financial proposals with the goals of educational institutions. Concluding articles discuss teaching capacity and staff development as a budget priority and a cornerstone to having an impact on student achievement. Each reading is aligned with the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL). The chapters feature guide questions and post-reading discussion questions to increase content retention, relevance, and personal meaning. Being Smarter is designed to give readers a foundation in understanding school finance. It helps them develop the necessary skills to create effective budget, communication, and professional development strategies to lead schools for the current generation of students.

  • av Debra M. Perez, Tricia M. Mikolon & Sherry M. Todd
    1 165,-

  • av Teri J. Walker
    2 735,-

    The Introduction to Politics Anthology: Knowledge, Power, Action provides students with a curated collection of articles that familiarize them with key concepts and perspectives related to the study of politics and political science. The anthology is organized into 11 units. The opening units introduce students to the concept of politics and the discipline of political science; explore the interconnectedness of political philosophies, ideologies, and beliefs; and underscore the importance of political participation, active citizenship, and collective action. Additional units discuss civil rights, civil liberties, the relationship between media and politics, power dynamics within political systems, and the influence of money on power and politics. Students read about the effects of political institutions on policy outcomes in legal, economic, and social systems; the policymaking process and those who play roles in creating, developing, implementing, and enforcing public policy; international relations; and how to prepare to enter the globalized workforce. Questions for reflection, discussion, and research complement each reading to stimulate critical thought, support discussion, and increase retention of the material. The Introduction to Politics Anthology is an ideal resource for foundational courses in politics and political science.

  • av Richard D. Parsons
    1 269,-

    Introduction to School Counseling: Becoming a Leader, Advocate, and Change Agent introduces readers to the evolution of the role and function of the school counselor and their emergence as leaders, advocates, and collaborators in the provision of quality and equitable education for all students.The primary goal of the text is to provide readers with not only information but inspiration in service of their developing professional identity as a school counselor. Each chapter opens with a reflection from a school counselor, which provides readers with valuable insight into the lived experience of the school counselor. The chapters also employ case illustrations and guided exercises to foster greater understanding of the profession.Dedicated chapters explore the unique dynamic and breadth of the role of the school counselor, how to advocate for systemic change within school environments, ethical standards and behavior, and multi-tiered systems of support. Readers learn how to assist those with educational challenges, address threats to socioemotional development, connect with parents and caregivers, and better understand the nuances and requirements for serving in elementary, middle, and high school environments.Introduction to School Counseling is an inspiring and informative resource for foundational courses in school counseling.

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