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Böcker utgivna av CODESRIA

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  • av Rekopantswe Mate

    This study of the town of Beitbridge on the Zimbabwe/South African border shows how neoliberalism, prevaricated by HIV/AIDS, has brought about far-reaching social change in the country, and unprecedented levels of poverty and social precariousness. It argues that these circumstances have led to insecurities in identity and 'insider-outsider' sociological configurations, and to identity politics assuming a role in the desperate and unprecedented struggles over access to resources.


  • - The Genocides of Non-Whites and Non-Aryans from 1492 to Date
    av Rosa Amelia Plumelle-Uribe


    Eighteen of Africa's most distinguished scholars have contributed to this major and timely work, including Claude Ake, Archie Mafeje, Ali Mazrui, Issa Shivji and Joseph Ki-Zerbo. As a first step towards greater consideration of the nature of the research environment in Africa and to reflect on the social and material context of research as an intellectual activity, CODESRIA co-organised a major conference on academic freedom and research in Africa in Kampala in 1990. A selection of the conferencepapers are contained in this volume. The papers cover the relationship of capital and the state to academic freedom, the historical processes which have shaped intellectuals in Africa, issue of autonomy and democracy andthe question of funding relationships, and the difficulty of alliances that question the right to independence. The book is divided into fivesections: Reflections; Methodological Perspectives; Global Influences andLocal Constraints; Intelligentsia and Activism; and Organizing Academics.


    When, why and how can religion and culture be both sources, and places of expression for fundamentalisms, particularly in relation to politics? Those are the central questions asked throughout this book alongside a discussion on the result when religion, strenthened by culture, is used as a political tool to access moral and social power. Cultural and religious messages often form the basis of decisions, laws and programs made in politics, and have a direct effect on society in general, and on women and gender relations in particular. The various forms taken by fundamentalisms in some African countries and the contexts under which they have emerged, the ways in which they (re)shape identities and relationships between men and women are also analysed in this book. These fundamentalisms are frequently sources of concern in social debates, in feminist and feminine organizations as well as in academia and politics. The manipulation of cultures and religions are becoming progressively political, and consequently can cause social discrimination, or even physical, moral, and symbolic violence.

  • - A Quest for African Holism
    av Sanya Osha

  • - Une Exp rience Africaine
    av Abdou Salam Sall

    A la lumière d'une expérience propre, cet ouvrage présente différentes problématiques de gouvernance universitaire en Afrique avec un accent spécifique sur les dynamiques en cours. Il permet de mieux comprendre les mutations aux niveaux des structures de gouvernance des établissements d'enseignement supérieur avec le nouveau management public et les périmètres de responsabilités des dirigeants tant sur le plan du financement, de la formation, que des modes et canaux de délivrance des enseignements et de l'organisation de la recherche. Ce livre propose un outil à la mesure des défis de l'Afrique : la Fondation Africaine pour la Recherche, l'Innovation et la Mobilité (FARIM) fondée dans une certaine mesure sur les orientations du développement durable. Il propose aussi un canevas pour l'élaboration d'un plan stratégique. Pour une meilleure internalisation de l'enseignement supérieur, une attention particulière est portée sur les valeurs ainsi que leur promotion et convoque à la communication.Cet ouvrage est recommandé à tous ceux qui désirent découvrir le trésor caché dans l'enseignement supérieur. C'est un bon outil pour tous, pour l'ensemble la communauté universitaire, notamment pour ceux qui veulent transformer l'Afrique dans ce contexte de l'économie du savoir, ceux qui dirigent ou veulent diriger les établissements d'enseignement supérieur car quand la résultante des forces en présence ne parvient pas à créer la dynamique, il est fait recours au leader pour indiquer le chemin et y mobiliser le plus grand nombre.Abdou Salam Sall est professeur de Chimie Inorganique spécialisé dans la Chimie Bioinorganique. Il a une expérience de vingt-trois années dans le management universitaire durant lesquelles il a occupé différents postes en tant que Secrétaire Général du Syndicat Autonome de l'Enseignement Supérieur du Sénégal (SAES), Recteur de l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), et expert et consultant de l'enseignement supérieur. Le Professeur Sall est l'initiateur de la Visio-actions de l'UCAD. Il a été de 2013 à 2014, Président du Comité National de Pilotage des Assises de l'Éducation et de la Formation du Sénégal. Le Professeur Sall est auteur de deux ouvrages et co-auteur d'un ouvrage sur l'enseignement supérieur, ainsi qu'auteur ou co-auteur d'une cinquantaine de publications scientifiques.This book discusses various issues related to university governance in Africa, with a specific focus on current dynamics. It provides an understanding of the changes in the governance structures of higher education institutions. The book will appeal to those who wish to transform Africa in the context of the knowledge economy.

  • av Tukumbi (Wells College USA) Lumumba-Kasongo

    The Great Lakes region of Africa is characterized by protest politics, partial democratization, political illegitimacy and unstable economic growth. Many of the countries that are members of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) which are: Burundi, Angola, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Zambia, have experienced political violence and bloodshed at one time or another. While a few states have been advancing electoral democracy, environmental protection and peaceful state building, the overall intensity of violence in the region has led to civil wars, invasion, genocide, dictatorships, political instability, and underdevelopment. Efforts to establish sustainable peace, meaningful socio-economic development and participatory democracy have not been quite successful. Using various methodologies and paradigms, this book interrogates the complexity of the causes of these conflicts; and examines their impact and implications for socio-economic development of the region. The non-consensual actions related to these conflicts and imperatives of power struggles supported by the agents of 'savage' capitalism have paralysed efforts toward progress. The book therefore recommends new policy frameworks within regionalist lenses and neo-realist politics to bring about sustainable peace in the region.


    This book focuses on African childhood and youth within the context of development and socialization where children are expected to be moulded in the image of adults. In many African societies children are generally held as passive bearers of the demands of adults, regardless of the fact that they are often exposed to a multitude of challenges that originate from the capriciousness of those adults. However, buoyed by international conventions and national legislations that offer them greater protection, and the ubiquitous internet that exposes them to childhood and youth experiences elsewhere, many of them are increasingly becoming assertive in homes, schools, and communities as well as re-invigorating their survival and self-preservation instincts. It is in this regard that this book, through the various chapters, engages with their competencies, skills and creativity to respond to experiential challenges as independent migrants or ones under coercion working in city streets and markets or cocoa farms or juggling work and schooling in pursuit of some education. Confronted with their parents' and siblings' health predicaments and the inadequacies of state and familial care, or urgent negotiation of their sexualities, they demonstrate incredible resilience. Similarly, their perceptiveness is demonstrated in a unique appreciation of politics and its actors and a capacity to assume responsibilities beyond their chronological age. Thus while highlighting some of the challenges confronting African children, the book provides gripping evidence of how they resiliently negotiate those challenges.

  • - An African Perspective
    av Stephen M Kapunda

  • - Conscience d'Une Renaissance ?
    av Issiaka-P Latoundji Laleye

    Revendiquer sa culture, exiger son droit à la diversité culturelle ou procla-mer son appartenance à un groupe de croyants et s'emparer du fanion de cette croyance pour perpétrer des actions dès lors qualifiées de « saintes », pour terroriser ses semblables en leur imposant sa vision des choses et sa loi, telles sont, à n'en pas douter, deux des caractéristiques les plus préoccupantes de l'entrée de nos sociétés dans ce vingt-et-unième siècle qui commence. C'est pourquoi les textes réunis ici ont été jugés aptes, à ouvrir une réflexion sérieuse et méthodique sur la religion et la culture en Afrique au seuil du 21ème siècle. Les contributions réunies dans ce volume s'ouvrent par une interrogation et, plutôt que de se fermer, elles se terminent par une ouverture sur des horizons de recherche. Il y a là de quoi ouvrir et alimenter les enquêtes que seuls ou en groupes structurés les spécialistes des sciences de l'homme sont invités à imaginer et conduire sur la religion et la culture de l'Afrique d'aujourd'hui.Claiming its culture, demanding its right to cultural diversity, or proclaiming its membership of a group of believers and taking possession of the flag of that belief in order to perpetrate actions that are then called "holy", to terrorize its fellows by imposing on them His vision of things and his law, are undoubtedly two of the most worrying features of the entry of our societies in the twenty-first century. For this reason, the texts gathered here have been deemed fit, to open a serious and methodical reflection on religion and culture in Africa at the threshold of the 21st century.

  • av Emily Achieng' Akuno, Donald Otoyo Ondieki & Peter Barasa

    The role of higher education in establishing structures and procedures in society and industry is clearly articulated in scholarly discussions. The narrative has recently taken a new momentum in Kenya with acknowledgement of the creative industry involves many youth, as an area that impacts on the economy. In unravelling the link between higher education and industry, the authors focus on leadership and governance in higher education and its expected and perceived contribution to the shaping of the creative industry. Through analysis of cases, the authors interrogate the processes and structures that govern the teaching and practice of the creative subjects, noting how these affect the creative industry in Kenya. This book approaches the creative disciplines from the perspectives of the students, lecturers and university administrators. The three voices provide a balanced view of what higher creative arts education in Kenya is. The multiple authorship of the book further provides a balanced account of the development of these disciplines in higher education, and their growth in industry. The key concepts here are the development of the creative industry and how higher education should contribute to the same.

  • - The Case of Public and Private Universities
    av M Mulinge

  • av Vusi Gumede

    The book, made up of three parts, covers a wide spectrum of political economy issues on post-apartheid South Africa. Although the text is mainly descriptive, to explain various areas of the political economy of post-apartheid South Africa, the first and the last parts provide illuminating insights on the kind of society that is emerging during the twenty-one years of democracy in the country. The book discusses important aspects of the political history of apartheid South Africa and the evolution of post-apartheid society, including an important recap of the history of southern Africa before colonialism. The text is a comprehensive description of numerous political economy phenomena since South Africa gained its political independence and covers some important themes that have not been discussed in detail in other publications on post-apartheid South Africa. The book also updates earlier work of the author on policy and law making, land and agriculture, education and training as well as on poverty and inequality in post-apartheid South Africa thereby providing a wide-ranging overview of the socio-economic development approaches followed by the successive post-apartheid administrations. Interestingly, three chapters focus on various aspects of the post-apartheid South African economy: economic policies, economic empowerment and industrial development. Through the lens of the notion of democratic developmental state and taking apartheid colonialism as a point of departure, the book suggests that, so far, post-apartheid South Africa has mixed socio-economic progress. The author's extensive experience in the South African government ensures that the book has policy relevance while it is also theoretically sound. The text is useful for anyone who wants to understand the totality of the policies and legislation as well as the political economy interventions pursued since 1994 by the South African Government.

  • av Kwame A Ninsin

    Ghana attained independence in 1957. From 1992, when a new constitution came into force and established a new - democratic - framework for governing the country, elections have been organized every four years to choose the governing elites. The essays in this volume are about those elections because elections give meaning to the role of citizens in democratic governance. The chapters depart from the study of formal structures by which the electorate choose their representatives. They evaluate the institutional forms that representation take in the Ghanaian context, and study elections outside the specific institutional forms that according to democratic theory are necessary for arriving at the nature of the relationships that are formed between the voters and their representatives and the nature and quality of their contribution to the democratic process.

  • av Vijayalakshmi Teelock & Satyendra Peerthum

    This book presents a comparative history of slavery and the transition from slavery to free labour in Zanzibar and Mauritius, within the context of a wider comparative study of the subject in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean worlds. Both countries are islands, with roughly the same size of area and populations, a common colonial history, and both are multicultural societies. However, despite inhabiting and using the same oceanic space, there are differences in experiences and structures which deserve to be explored. In the nineteenth century, two types of slave systems developed on the islands - while Zanzibar represented a variant of an Indian Ocean slave system, Mauritius represented a variant of the Atlantic system - yet both flourished when the world was already under the hegemony of the global capitalist mode of production. This comparison, therefore, has to be seen in the context of their specific historical conjunctures and the types of slave systems in the overall theoretical conception of modes of production within which they manifested themselves, a concept that has become unfashionable but which is still essential. The starting point of many such efforts to compare slave systems has naturally been the much-studied slavery in the Atlantic region which has been used to provide a paradigm with which to study any type of slavery anywhere in the world. However, while Mauritian slavery was 100 per cent colonial slavery, slavery in Zanzibar has been described as 'Islamic slavery'. Both established plantation economies, although with different products, Zanzibar with cloves and Mauritius with sugar, and in both cases, the slaves faced a potential conflictual situation between former masters and slaves in the post-emancipation period. Another interesting focus in this book is the largely un-researched subject of female slaves. In Zanzibar, the privileged role of the suria whose status was defined by Sharia law was explored; and in Mauritius, the manumission of female slaves was explored as they formed the majority among manumitted slaves. The book will certainly prove helpful to those involved in comparing the Atlantic slave system with that of the Indian Ocean for the better understanding of both.

  • av Osita Agbu

    Elections and Governance in Nigeria's Fourth Republic is a book about Nigerian politics, governance and democracy. It at once encompasses Nigeria's post-colonial character, its political economy, party formation since independence, the role of Electoral Commissions, as well as, indepth analyses of the 1999, 2003 and 2007 general elections that involved extensive fieldwork. It also presents aspects of the 2011 and 2015 general elections, while discussing the state of democratic consolidation, and lessons learned for achieving good governance in the country. It is indeed, a must read for students of politics, academics, politicians, statesmen and policy makers, and in fact, stakeholders in the Nigerian democracy project. The book stands out as a well-researched and rich documentary material about elections in Nigeria, and the efforts so far made in growing democracy.

  • - Impact and Responses
    av Theresa Moyo & Luis Leon-Manriquez

    This book is the outcome of a South-South conference jointly organized by the Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA), the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) in Dakar, Senegal, May 2012. The conference was organised in response to the financial crisis of 2008 which started in the United States and Europe, with reverberating effects on a global scale. Economic problems emanating from such crises usually leave major social and structural impacts on important sectors of the society internationally. They affect living standards and constrain the well-being of people, especially in poor countries. Persistent problems include high unemployment, increased debt and low growth in developed countries, as well as greater difficulties in accessing finance for investment in the developing world. There is a need for countries in the South to examine the available options for appropriate national and regional responses to the different problems emanating from the economic crisis. This book attempts to provide ideas on some strategic responses to the disastrous impact of the crisis, while keeping in mind the global common interest of the South. It is hoped that the book will contribute significantly towards the agenda to rethink development and the quest for alternative paradigms for a just, stable and equitable global political, economic and social system. A system in which Africa, Asia, and Latin America are emancipated from the shackles of hegemonic and anachronistic neoliberal dictates that have nothing more to offer than crises, vulnerabilities and dependency.

  • av Kenneth (United States International University (USIU)) Omeje

  • - Mise A l'Epreuve Et Nouvelles Perspectives

  • - Les intellectuels, l'Etat et la societe
    av Kimba Idrissa

  • - Reflections on Philosophy in Africa
    av Souleymane Bachir (Columbia University) Diagne

  • - D fis de la Mondialisation

  • - Cas du bassin cotonnier de Mali sud Zone Office du Niger et region CMDT de Koutiala
    av Bakary Camara

    The book highlights, the gradual change in the status of the land and relationships with land in Mali in general and in the Niger river basin in particular. It is suggested that despite these inevitable transformations, institutional reforms need to be measured. They must be done in a prudent, methodical way with patience and determination while taking into account certain realities to mitigate its impact on the rural populations.

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