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  • av Stacie Cooper-Roundtree

    It's the morning before Thanksgiving and breakfast is on the table. But, there is something missing...Where are Mimi's house shoes?Little Jordan is off on another adventure! Can you help her solve the mystery before it's too late?

  • av Donald K. Short

    What really happened in 1888? What were the doctrinal issues involved? Who were the personalities involved? What were the results that followed? This book addresses these and other vital questions. It was written originally as a private document for the General Conference. It is now updated and released in response to numerous requests world-wide. In many previously unpublished statements Ellen G. White is permitted at last to speak freely and frankly to 1888 issues of paramount interest. The bulk of these statements were unknown to most of her contemporaries. What she says will come as a surprise to many in this generation.

  • av Alonzo T. Jones

    The separation of religion and the State is one of the most important questions that any people can ever be called upon to consider in connection with Christian patriotism; because the union of religion and the State has marked the greatest apostasies from God, and has caused more misery than any other thing in all history.The complete separation of religion and the State is Christian. Unswerving loyalty to this principle is Christian patriotism. This is not a mere sentiment or side issue of Christianity; it is one of the fundamental principles and chief characteristics of Christianity.

  • av Ellet J Waggoner

    Esaminando meticolosamente un unico libro della Bibbia, E. J. Waggoner ha stabilito quattro principi fondamentali riguardo il carattere di Dio: l'eternità della Sua legge; l'importanza della libera volontà dell'umanita nella scelta di peccare o di non peccare; l'assurdità del peccato, in quanto esso è ribellione contro l'eterno amore di Dio espresso nella morte sacrificale di Cristo; e il dono gratuito per fede di Dio, che fortifica e rende tutti capaci di liberarsi dalla schiavitù del peccato, se noi solo crediamo la "buona novella" insegnata dal nostro Signore Gesù Cristo. Waggoner ha colto lospirito della lettera che l'apostolo Paolo scrisse ai Galati come pochi commentatori, o nessuno, hanno mai fatto. Nelle sue varie edizioniquesto libro ha suscitato fuochi di risveglio personale attraverso il mondo, compresi Australia, Africa, Nord e Sud America. È congrande impazienza che noi presentiamo quest'opera per la prima volta in italiano.

  • av Robert J. Wieland

    If you read the simple record of Jesus' sayings in the four Gospels, you will find over and over that He has good news for sincere people who long forpeace. He said, "The Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound" (Isaiah 61:1).This book is based on the premise that such Good News packs a powerful punch. The power is not in the personality of the messenger, but in themessage itself. Especially is this evident in the New Testament truth of justification by faith.For many people, that doctrine is a dry-as-dust bore; my prayer is that this modest attempt to make it live will set your heart singing for now andfor eternity.

  • av Danielle Nieman

    Rainbow the Unicorn has a secret she's kept covered up for most of her young life. Fitting in with her classmates at Unicorn School means keeping her secret well hidden. As a record-breaking storm rolls through Unicorn Valley, Rainbow must choose between her secret or letting her true self shine.

  • av Robert J. Wieland

    La historia y el contenido del mensaje de 1888 tienen un extraordinario interés para todo adventista en el mundo entero. Ellen White dijo en repetidas ocasiones que el fracaso en comprender y aceptar este mensaje ha retrasado grandemente el progreso de la iglesia, y demorado el triunfo del mensaje del "evangelio eterno".

  • av Ellet J. Waggoner

    A verse-by-verse study of the Book of Romans, which Waggoner said "is doubtless the greatest treatise ever written." He wrote that the truest followers of Jesus were not theologians, but were found among "the common people." It was that class of people to whom Paul wrote his letter in the winter of AD 57-58, therefore the same class of people can understand it today. Republished with an additional Appendix of cross reference notes linked from the chapters, this new volume provides evidence that the Holy Spirit inspired Waggoner with a message that is consistent throughout his work.

  • av Robert J. Wieland

    Faith is the magnificent New Testament treasure of motivating truth, which has not been adequately appreci­ated in many discussions of justification by faith. It means much more than what we call trust, for it has within it no self-centered basis. It is a heart appreciation of God's love [agape] revealed in the sacrifice of Christ. Such faith, being dynamic, enables the gospel to be truly the power of God unto salvation, for it works by love in both justification and sanctification. Justification by faith rests on the legal provisions of the cross, but it is more than a legal declaration: it enables the believer to be obedient to all the commandments of God.Gold Tried in the Fire addresses many questions about righteousness by faith that have been raised over the last 150 years. Is the "imputed" righteousness of Christ all we need for salvation, or do we also need "imparted" righteousness? If we need the latter, what is it and how do we obtain "imparted" righteousness? Does the human nature Christ assumed in His incarnation have anything to do with our salvation? If Christ "took upon" Himself the fallen nature, did He then have the same propensities to sin as we all have? The book explains what real faith is and how "faith works by love."

  • av Robert J. Wieland

    Good news spoken to a despairing person may do more lasting good than drugs. Then why doesn't the Gospel of Jesus solve the world's problems of discouragement and despair?Through the nearly two millennia since Christ's apostles' wrote letters containing the Good News to early Christians, accretions of Bad News have attached themselves to the Gospel like barnacles on a ship. Intelligent human beings are confused. Their natural common sense can't help but perceive contradictions between what the Bible proclaims and what many churches teach. Only a small amount of arsenic ruins an otherwise good meal, and the Gospel can be nullified by man-made Bad News.This book courageously cuts through the Bad News that has mysteriously infiltrated the Gospel, and restores the pure New Testament ideas. That pristine Good News once "turned the world upside down" (to quote the enemies of the apostles in Acts 17:6). Surely the time has come for the world again to hear such Good News proclaimed in clarity.

  • av Robert J. Wieland

    La justicia por la fe sólo puede ser relevante cuando comprendemos en qué consiste la fe. Y no podemos comprender en qué consiste la fe a menos que sepamos sobre qué se fundamenta. Jesús no dice que el remedio a nuestra pobreza espiritual sea hacer más obras. Afirma que nuestra mayor necesidad es "oro afinado en fuego". Pedro lo identifica con la fe genuina. ¿Cómo distinguir entre esa fe y la falsificación magistral de Satanás, perfeccionada a lo largo de miles de años? "También los demonios creen y tiemblan" (Santiago 2:19). ¿Cuál es el significado de la expresión bíblica "la fe de Jesús"? ¿Fue la justicia de Jesús también por la fe? ¿Fue innata? ¿Qué tipo de naturaleza humana tomó el Hijo de Dios al hacerse hombre? ¿La naturaleza de Adán anterior a la caída? ¿Nuestra naturaleza pecaminosa posterior a la caída? ¿O bien una naturaleza a medio camino entre ambas? Este libro será de ayuda para quienes estén interesados en el fondo de esos asuntos de tanta actualidad como importancia.

  • av &#1072, &#1077, &#1085, m.fl.

    Данная книга Радостные вести Эллета Дж. Ваггонера представляет собой комментарий на Послание апостола Павла к Галатам. Ваггонер уделяет особое внимание библейскому учению о праведности по вере посредством великого Божьего обетования - Вечного завета, созданного ради спасения человечества от проклятия греха и вечной смерти.

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