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  • av Kate Rudolph

    No one will keep him from his mate.When a rescue mission goes wrong and Erin Jackson is abducted by a mysterious enemy, Jericho Gibson will stop at nothing to bring her home. But reuniting her with the rest of their pack is easier said than done when dark magic hunts them on their journey up the eastern seaboard.Erin and Gibson have spent years denying the pull between them. He's too old for her, he's her boss, they can't be together. But with emotions running high, and no one there to run interference, there's no avoiding the inferno of passion that threatens to consume them. But passion is not their problem. A dark force is stalking them, and if they don't find it's source, no one will be safe.

  • av Kate Rudolph

    Dragon lord Flint's hunger for excitement leads him to Intergalactic Dating Agency: Adventures who promise to find him a mate who matches his own fiery desires.Human Liza has no idea aliens exist - or that she's been talking to an alien dating agency for months, pouring her hear out about her abusive home life. When she finally begs for help, Flint's right there... but she has no idea why. And when he teleports her away from home she's sure she's being abducted.In her desperate bid to escape, Liza sends them hurtling down to a dangerous watery planet full of monsters eager to eat her... or worse. Liza refuses to rely on any man, even if her accidental kidnapper is a better option than a wild water dragon. But as she and Flint are thrown closer together, sparks and flames fly amidst the chaos. Soon Liza's questioning whether she wants to go home again.Maybe abduction isn't such a bad thing, after all.

  • av Kate Rudolph

    Solo il suo compagno predestinato può salvarla dalla maledizione di una strega.Quando una maledizione minaccia Nora, lupo mutaforma e guardia del corpo, lei ha bisogno dell'aiuto di Julian per sopravvivere. Lui è un guaritore, una strega e un ex cliente. Il che significa che Nora deve tenere le mani a posto.Lei non mescola questioni di lavoro e piacere.Ma mentre il pericolo si fa sempre più vicino, non riesce a resistere a quell'uomo affascinante. Cancellare la maledizione che la sta uccidendo dovrebbe essere la fine di tutto, ma quando un vortice di magia e pericoli li avvolge, dovranno fare affidamento l'uno sull'altra per uscirne vivi.

  • av Kate Rudolph

    Als ein außerirdischer Soldat und ein feindlicher Spion zusammenarbeiten müssen, um einen Krieg zu gewinnen, fliegen die Funken ...Jori Harek ist ein loyaler Synnr-Soldat.Er ist entschlossen, dem Verrat der Apsyn auf den Grund zu gehen und die Fäulnis auszurotten, bevor die Feinde noch weiter auf seinen Heimatmond vordringen können. Es ist eine Aufgabe, die ihn mit Stolz erfüllt, aber als er gebeten wird, eine Bande von Apsyn-Sympathisanten zu infiltrieren, werden seine Grenzen getestet.Hanna Karsyn ist eine reformierte Apsyn-Spionin.Als Hanna herausfindet, wie weit ihre Vorgesetzten zu gehen bereit sind, um den Krieg zu gewinnen, läuft sie direkt in die Arme des Synnr-Militärs ... und in eine Arrestzelle. Ihre einzige Chance auf Freiheit besteht darin, Jori zu helfen, eine Bande zu infiltrieren und eine Zelle von Saboteuren zu enttarnen.Obwohl sie keinerlei Zeit für eine Romanze haben, entfacht jeder Moment, den Jori und Hanna miteinander verbringen, ein unauslöschliches Feuer zwischen ihnen - eines, das keiner von ihnen leugnen kann, selbst wenn ihre Leidenschaft die Zukunft der beiden in Gefahr bringt.

  • av Kate Rudolph

    Una settimana di vita...Tyral sta viaggiando verso casa per dare l'ultimo addio. La maledizione del suo popolo lo ha raggiunto e senza una denya, una compagna, morirà il giorno del suo prossimo compleanno. Ma quando la sua nave viene attaccata dai pirati, gli viene concessa un'ultima speranza in qualcosa che non avrebbe mai creduto possibile.Una taglia sulla testa...Nei cinque anni precedenti Dorsey ha volato tra le stelle dopo aver lasciato la Terra senza mai voltarsi indietro. Ma qualcuno la sta cercando e lei non ne conosce il motivo. Catturata dai pirati, deperisce giorno dopo giorno avvicinandosi sempre di più all'inevitabile vendita al miglior offerente.Una passione disperata...Ty riconosce in Dorsey la sua compagna, ma prima di poter stare insieme devono sopravvivere. E anche se riusciranno a sconfiggere i pirati ci sono nemici peggiori che danno la caccia a entrambi. Un uomo che vive con i giorni contati non si preoccupa di farsi dei nemici, ma quando ritroverà la speranza combatterà con tutto se stesso per garantire la sopravvivenza della sua compagna... e la propria.

  • av Kate Rudolph

    A wannabe reformed thief and a dragon lord looking for love...After witnessing the skills of the Intergalactic Dating Agency at finding mates, Knox enlists their services to find a woman of his own. He's collected a hoard of precious stones from across the galaxy, a mate will be his crown jewel. But is he looking for love, or another treasure for his collection?Fresh off a prison colony, Aria wants to go straight. But when her past catches up to her, her only choice to escape a gnarly fate is to infiltrate Knox's home and steal a gigantic diamond right from under his nose. She's got the perfect cover: the Intergalactic Dating Agency.But as she gets closer to the fiery dragon lord, the last thing she wants to do is betray him as he rouses feelings in her she never knew she could feel. When Knox finds out the truth, will he help her or will the betrayal be too much to overcome?How can she keep her dragon mate and escape her past?

  • av Kate Rudolph

    Asher knows what he wants and a mate isn't part of the bargain. But when his boss turns her marriage minded meddling his way, he's forced to take a meeting with the Intergalactic Dating Agency. There's no way the matchmaker can find a lady who will meet his exacting standards. Then Zoe Gershwin crashes into his life and chaos ensues.Zoe's playing the hottest new Alternate Reality game and it's so realistic she'd almost believe she's really in space. There's a hot dragon lord, an alien planet, and really strange game mechanics. It has to be a game, otherwise it means Zoe's been abducted by aliens and plopped down on a strange planet a long way from home. How is she supposed to get out of this mess?When the dragon lord makes an offer, it's her only way home. But why does he need a fake fiance? And can she play the part and keep her hands to herself?

  • av Kate Rudolph

    Sparks fly when an alien soldier and an enemy spy must work together to win a war...Jori Harek is a loyal Synnr soldier.He's determined to get to the bottom of Apsyn treachery and root out the rot before the enemies make any more headway onto his home moon. It's a job he's proud to do, but when he's asked to infiltrate a gang of Apsyn sympathizers, his limits are tested.Hanna Karsyn is a reformed Apsyn spy.When Hanna finds out just how far her superiors were willing to go to win the war, she walked straight into the arms of the Synnr military... and straight into a holding cell. Her only chance at freedom lies in helping Jori infiltrate a gang and uncover a cell of saboteurs.Though there's no time for romance, each moment Jori and Hanna spend together creates an unquenchable blaze between them - one neither can deny, even as their passion puts both of their futures at risk.

  • av Kate Rudolph

  • av Kate Rudolph

  • av Kate Rudolph

  • av Kate Rudolph

    Lupo mutaforma. Guardia del corpo. Compagno. Owen ha un compito: evitare che Stasia venga rapita. Più facile a dirsi che a farsi, dal momento che la sua cliente ferocemente indipendente prova a licenziarlo non appena si incontrano. I suoi sensi da lupo ululano alla vita e lui è certo di una cosa: Stasia è sua.Lei è stanca di uomini prepotenti. Quando il suo facoltoso padre assume una guardia del corpo, Stasia dice di no. Non esattamente una mossa intelligente dopo che qualcuno ha cercato di rapirla in strada. Ma lei non ha bisogno di un babysitter. Soprattutto non di qualcuno che le fa venire il batticuore e fa correre le sue fantasie.Quando Stasia viene strappata al suo mondo scintillante per entrare in quello di Owen, dovrà fare i conti con una nuova impossibile realtà i licantropi esistono. E la sua guardia del corpo dice di essere il suo compagno.

  • av Kate Rudolph

  • av Kate Rudolph

    Las chispas saltan cuando un hombre lobo exmilitar aparece para proteger a su hermosa pareja. Necesita ayuda cuando un extraño monstruo amenaza a Em, famosa artista de rock. Pero cuando el oscuro y misterioso Andre aparece para protegerla, Em está segura de que estaría mejor sola. Es demasiado atractivo para su propio bien.Su cuerpo anhela el de él, pero no entregará su corazón.A medida que el fantasmal monstruo intensifica los ataques, Em no puede sobrevivir sin la ayuda de Andre. Pero la bestia puede ser demasiado poderosa, incluso para un hombre lobo. ¿Cómo puede Andre luchar contra un monstruo que desaparece de la nada?Aún más difícil es convencer a una obstinada mujer de que él es su pareja predestinada. Andre tendrá que solucionarlo antes de que la maliciosa magia los separe.Ingrese al mundo de "Protegida por un Cambiaformas", donde un equipo de guardaespaldas exmilitares son hombres lobo y sus parejas predestinadas están a solo una misión de distancia.

  • av Kate Rudolph

    Hombre Lobo. Guardaespaldas. Pareja.Owen tiene un trabajo: evitar que Stasia sea secuestrada. Esto es más fácil de decir que de hacer cuando su ferozmente independiente clienta intenta despedirlo desde el momento en que se conocen. Sus sentidos de hombre lobo aúllan a la vida y está seguro de algo: Stasia es suya.Ella está harta de los hombres autoritarios.Cuando su adinerado padre contrata a un guardaespaldas, Stasia se niega. No resultó exactamente un movimiento inteligente después de que alguien intentara atraparla en la calle. Pero ella no necesita una niñera. Especialmente no alguien que hace que su corazón lata y que sus fantasías se vuelvan salvajes.Cuando Stasia es sacada de su reluciente mundo hacia el de Owen, tendrá que lidiar con una imposible nueva realidad: los hombres lobo existen. Y su guardaespaldas dice que es su pareja.

  • av Kate Rudolph & Starr Huntress

  • - Werewolf Bodyguard Romance
    av Kate Rudolph

    He's too much trouble. When Vi picks Leland Rowe up after he's spent a night in a jail cell, she knows he's trouble. He's the last man she wants as a bodyguard. But her coven leader insists. Their coven needs protection and Rowe is the man for the job. One thing's certain, she won't fall for the infuriating shifter. He's riding the edge of danger and dancing with a death wish. He can't be her mate.She's a brazen witch. Rowe's wolf stands at attention the second he sees Vi, and that's not the only thing standing. She makes him feel things he's never felt before, and though she riles him up, he wants to leave his mark on her. Forever. He's seen two of his packmates meet their mates. Is it his turn?He'll never have a chance to find out if he can't keep her safe from a rival coven. Rowe is no match against magic, but he'll find a way to do the job. No matter the cost. He's finally found someone worth living for, but he'll have to risk it all to keep her.Step into the Guarded by the Shifter world where a team of ex-military bodyguards are werewolves and fated mates are just one job away.

  • - Intergalactic Dating Agency
    av Kate Rudolph

  • av Kate Rudolph & Starr Huntress

  • - Intergalactic Dating Agency
    av Kate Rudolph

  • - Fated Mate Alien Romance
    av Kate Rudolph & Starr Huntress

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