av Martha Wilson
Over half of the English language is derived from Latin. unicorn-corn¿, horn humble-humus, earth gregarious-grex, flock pantry-p¿nis, bread flamingo-flamma, flame These and thousands of other words we use every day keep this "dead" language-a language of kings and poets, of scrolls and secrets-alive. And this means that when we study Latin, we're not just learning about Rome-we're learning about ourselves. Rediscover this time-honored language, which led classical education innovator Dorothy Sayers to declare that "Latin should be begun as early as possible . . . when the chanting of 'am¿, am¿s, amat' is as ritually agreeable to the feelings as the chanting of 'eeny, meeny, miney, moe.'" In Latin Primer 3, the language basics explored in Primers 1 and 2 continue, with an increasing emphasis on translation. Revised and expanded, this text introduces students (grades 5 and up) to Latin's final noun declensions and verb conjugations, as well as to perfect tense, indirect objects, simple prepositions, and more, opening up broad frontiers for their understanding and enjoyment of this early language. This updated Teacher's Edition includes new teacher's notes, new weekly quizzes, an English-Latin glossary, and a Latin-English glossary.