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  • av Paul Murano

    In July, 1968, Pope Paul VI promulgated Humanae Vitae in which he observed that "a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection." In this book, Paul Murano demonstrates through a dialogue between two friends, spanning the 60-year period between the close of Vatican II and the present day, how the Pope's observation proved to be prophetic and how the catalyst of contraceptive technologies has led to the descent of human civilization into an age of insanity.

  • av Gerard Verschuuren

    Everyone's life has landmarks: when you were born, when you graduated from school, when you got your first job, when you got married, and so many more. There must be many landmarks in the history of the Catholic Church, too. Just think of issues such as the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Protestant Reformation, the Holocaust, and several more. What all of them also have in common is that they are disputed, challenged, and contested-ripe for discussion and open to various interpretations. Is it possible to dispel misinformation from people's minds that are filled with prejudiced opinions? Verschuuren endeavors in this book to do just that, separating truths from untruths, facts from fictions, and information from disinformation.

  • av Bob Sizemore

    In a culture of death, St. Francis restores us to life. This book invites the reader into Franciscanism as the answer to Modernism.

  • av Thomas R Kagumisa

    This book is a synthesis of Tanzanian educators' core beliefs and perspectives on the effectiveness of translanguaging strategies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to secondary school students. While the existing literature informs and addresses the topic of translanguaging in a general way, the present study does so with a particular focus on the Tanzanian educational context. The data collected from select participants through an online survey confirmed that translanguaging strategies facilitate lesson comprehension, active engagement, satisfaction, and less stress during the lesson. Conversely, adherence to the English Only Policy (EOP) acts as a barrier toward lesson comprehension, causes tension and a stressful atmosphere, and creates fear and lack of confidence, especially among students with little background in literacy. As a solution, the author recommends adapting specific translanguaging techniques such as the use of insertional and alternating methods, creating opportunities for professional development of English educators, and prioritizing instructional strategies that sustain students' cultural identities.

  • av Joan Kingsland

    Ian est un PDG visionnaire connu pour son plaidoyer en faveur de la subsidiarité sur le lieu de travail. Dans son livre, il partage des idées pratiques et des exemples concrets sur la façon dont ce concept favorise l'innovation, la collaboration et le succès. En encourageant l'autonomie et en reconnaissant les talents individuels, Ian propose un plan pour transformer les structures traditionnelles en lieux de travail dynamiques. Grâce à ses idées stimulantes, il invite les dirigeants à libérer le plein potentiel de leurs équipes, en aidant les chefs d'entreprise ou les cadres à répondre à des questions telles que celles-ci: Que signifie la subsidiarité et quel est son rapport avec la gestion et la prise de décision dans votre entreprise?Comment aligner la prise de décision sur l'autorité dans votre organisation?Comment introduire le concept de subsidiarité auprès des nouveaux employés?Quel rôle jouent la mission et l'autorité dans la mise en oeuvre de la subsidiarité au sein de votre entreprise?Comment encouragez-vous la confiance, l'autonomie et la transparence au sein de votre organisation?Pouvez-vous donner des exemples de la manière dont votre système de gestion financière s'aligne sur les principes de subsidiarité?En tant que chef d'entreprise ou manager, quelles sont vos responsabilités dans la promotion et le maintien d'une culture de la subsidiarité au sein de votre organisation?Comment évaluez-vous et mesurez-vous le succès de la subsidiarité au sein de votre organisation?

  • av Rachel Heise

    The author endeavors in this book of poetry to demonstrate an alertness to the divine glorious moments in time that often pass by underappreciated. She encourages all readers to be on the lookout for a trail of lights that lead back to our Heavenly Father and reminds them there is still so much good to be found on that path.

  • av Donald G. Boland

    In studying natural wisdom, Dr. Boland takes a look at how Aristotle defends the principle of non-contradiction, focusing on the great philosopher's treatment of the causes that prompted the ancients to deny or doubt it. Boland then examines human knowledge and the problems raised with regard to its truth and certainty, which in essence can be reduced to a denial of this fundamental principle of non-contradiction during the revolt from reason that inevitably followed the rejection of Christian Faith and the divine authority of Christ's Church.

  • av Donald G. Boland

    Based on the works of St. Thomas, in particular his two Summas and his commentaries on Aristotle's Physics and Metaphysics, this book is divided into three parts: 1) The Existence of God; 2) His Essence; 3) His Attributes, so is concerned ultimately with the question of being.

  • av Missio Dei

    The Eucharist Revival Project is Missio Dei's response to Pope Francis' call to rediscover "the real and loving presence of the Lord" in the Eucharist. The Missio Dei Team's belief in the power of Holy Communion is manifested in this book, inviting everyone who reads it to understand the historical, prophetic, and present-day miracle of Christ in the Eucharist and to seek this Sacrament of Love with a renewed fervor.Contributing authors include Phillip Hadden, Kaleb Hammond, Chantal LaFortune, Fr. Chris Pietraszko, Dr. Joseph J. Plaud, Fr. Dominic Rankin, Christina M. Sorrentino, Kelly Ann Tallent, John Tuttle, and Joseph Tuttle.Testimonials: "The Eucharistic Revival Project, developed by Missio Dei, a networked publication of Catholic authors, offers an important contribution to the National Eucharistic Revival, which began on the Feast of Corpus Christi, 2022. This book provides an enjoyable, reflective encounter with the Real Presence of Christ in our everyday Eucharistic celebrations." - Dan Burke, founder and President of the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation"Missio Dei's The Eucharistic Revival Project is a feast for the mind, heart, and soul, replete with thought-provoking and devotion-deepening insights and stories from, great saints, popes, literary figures, and modern-day clerical and lay Catholics. Listen carefully as they lay out their reasons to be grateful for Christ's mysterious gift through which His very Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity should enter under the roofs of our mouths and cleave to our inmost parts. Your hunger, thirst, and love for the Eucharist will surely revive and thrive." - Kevin Vost, Psy.D., author of two dozen Catholic books from Memorize the Faith! to What is God?"The Eucharist Revival is a journey into the love for the Eucharist understanding deeply the Real Presence of Jesus Christ. More than ever, this is needed not only for non-Catholics to understand, but for many Catholics to revive their experience of Christ in the Eucharist. This is a book with many experiences of the Eucharist that will put a fire on anyone who has even a simple doubt. Each chapter with a new writer will inspire you to love Christ and to run to the nearest church to spend time with Him." - Father Goyo Hidalgo, Priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Associate pastor of St. Philomena Parish, Carson, California, and author of From Prodigal to Priest: A Journey Home to Family, Faith, and the Father's Embrace"I enthusiastically recommend reading and reflection upon the essays contained within this gem of a book, The Eucharistic Revival Project. May the one who ponders these essays grow in devotion to the eucharistic true body, blood, soul, and divinity of our risen Lord Jesus." - Very Rev. Peter S. Kucer, MSA, STD, President-Rector, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, and author of Catholic Apologetics: Witnessing to and Defending the Faith"Every resource that draws us closer to our Eucharistic Lord, in accordance with sound theology and Catholic tradition, is something to be grateful for, as we work and pray for a renewal of the Church's first love. I congratulate the contributors to this volume on their efforts to focus (or refocus) minds and hearts on God's greatest gift to us in this valley of tears, our manna in the desert as we go on pilgrimage to the heavenly Jerusalem." - Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, author of The Holy Bread of Eternal Life: Restoring Eucharistic Reverence in an Age of Impiety

  • av Donald Boland

    The social encyclicals of the Catholic Church provide an opportunity to treat human behavior from a practical moral philosophical point of view grounded in Aristotle as interpreted by Saint Thomas Aquinas. Because any attempt to remedy the social disorder by the efforts of reason alone will not only fail but will also result in a worse condition even for the oppressed, the author acknowledges that Christ and his Church have the true and only answer. The social encyclicals are intended, after all, to shift our focus from the philosophical (natural) to the theological (supernatural) level of human life and association, restoring the relationship between the two orders of Faith and Reason. This book was written to explain the philosophical foundation of that relationship, which modernity has threatened, in the hope that it will help heal the widening breach.

  • av Roger Skrenes

  • av Glenn Morrow

  • av Ronda Chervin

    This book is an anthology of soundbytes -- 77 to be exact -- drawn from almost one hundred philosophical works of Ronda Chervin written over the past half century. Why 77? It's a number signifying the triumph of the spirit over matter and the personal freedom to pursue things of interest. That's the goal for our readers - to set their souls free to partake in a spiritual journey to a more authentic self. Readers will engage a soundbyte a day, journaling as they go, trying to live by the spiritual truth expressed over the course of their time with it before advancing to the next soundbyte.

  • av Richard Bishirjian

    Conscience and Power examines how civilization in "the West" arose after the fall of the Roman Empire and has grappled ever after with a desire of citizens of nations of Western civilization for justice and the necessities of political order. This contest between Western man's sense of justice and the rule of nation states has had consequences for democracy in America and in the centers of Western Europe, and the reason is that Roman religion was replaced by a new truth of social order-the order of Christendom. Consciousness of that new Christian faith defined a new era, from the 5th century to the 14th century, which historians call "First Europe," during which period Christian monastics and theologians celebrated faith in Christ and replaced the old order with a new tradition. Their "conscience" contested with monarchs who resisted their claim to dominance and gave us insight into the truths of Christendom. What we in the West inherited from ancient Israel, the ancient Greeks and Romans and an enduring Christendom formed during the Middle Ages, however, is no longer central to the lives of citizens of Western nation states. Because the death of everything living is preceded by a natural process of birth, growth and senescence, death is an end point for all "being things." Conscience and Power asks, therefore, how much longer can democracies in the West live before they, too, meet their end?

  • av Anne Stokes

    Born into a devoutly Fundamentalist Baptist home, and baptized at the age of six, I was raised to believe that Baptists practiced the truest form of New Testament Christianity. My father was a pastor, and my parents were both dedicated in their service to the Lord, and I could never thank them enough for my Bible-based upbringing. There came a time, however, when an inherited belief proved to be an insufficient foundation for life, if life was to be lived on a deeper level. The key word in the sentence above are "inherited belief" for to truly believe, is to personally understand beyond the superficial. This book is a personal story that reflects a thought process, fueled by a complex spiritual journey where, at times, perseverance was my only hope. In my travels, and with great quantities of time spent on discovery, I was able to conclude that the Catholic Church today is the successor of the Apostles and the continuation of the Church of the New Testament. This is my story.

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