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  • av Anita B Harmon

    "Maggie is terminal. But she isn't terminal all the time. Her death comes as tearful minutes, painful hours, or bad days, but her life in between is all vital and full of hope." Many books have been written about grief and the grieving process. This is a particularly honest one. It is a memoir about the death of the author's best friend, in Italy, written over a three month period in 1984. "Because her cancer was so relentless," Anita Harmon writes, "I kept notes to clear my head. I wanted to be as fully present with her as I could - as true to as our friendship as I could be, unencumbered by my own horrified reactions. I hope that no one today has to go through what Maggie went through. I hope pain management is more effective than it was 40 years ago. Because this was not a good death. The only dignity there was came from Maggie herself." Because she thought her journal would remain private, Harmon is very frank about her reactions. "At the time I wrote these pages it didn't occur to me that they might be helpful to other people faced with a similar situation. People who, in their turn, may be ashamed of their own response to unbearable loss." Over the years, she shared the manuscript with friends. Inspired by her honesty, by the vivid portraits of Maggie's Italian family, by the humor and love that emerged in the face of loss, they urged her to share Maggie's story more widely. This book is the result. Anita Harmon is a British born artist, poet and former therapist. She has worked in private practice and as a consultant to organizations in business and government in the UK and US.

  • av Occult Hours

    For everyone that always asks "Where do I start?" Foundations of Magic provides lessons that are designed to give "novices" a huge advantage in their learning process and to circumnavigate them through years of trial and error (and self doubt). Comes equipped with many spells, rituals, and instructions on how to improve your life, your luck, your finances, your psychic abilities, and many more!FOM is a reliable book for all seekers of truth to learn natural magic and to start harboring powerful results. A guide for every seeker of truth to safely start practicing magic, this book provides valuable guidelines for discernment that can be applied throughout the rest of one's magical journey. The lessons in this book are designed to be very fluid towards other paths and traditions; meaning that with this book, you can easily excel in learning any tradition of magical practice. This is a book filled with everything I wish I had known while coming up in witchcraft. If you want powerful results with your spells and witchcraft, this is where to start! By the end of the book, you'll be able to craft your own spells, cast your own circle, and start cultivating results with magic that drastically improves the quality of your life! Visit for extensive video classes on magical practice, I also provide services and readings.>Sincerely, OH

  • av Carrie Reichartz

    Are you feeling called by God to pursue a purpose-filled life, but fear and uncertainty are holding you back?>In "Rocket Your Nonprofit: Accelerate Your Mission and Impact, Eliminate Obstacles & Feeling Overwhelmed" lawyer Carrie Reichartz a leading nonprofit expert, shares her personal journey of stepping out in faith and offers practical advice for those who feel called to do the same.>With real-life examples and actionable steps, this book will show you how to trust God and take the necessary steps to achieve your nonprofit goals.Whether you are just starting out or have been on this journey for a while, this book will inspire you to keep moving forward.

  • av Juanita Lightfoot

    Speak: Stepping Out in My Truth reveals my journey with Life. As a sheltered child growing up, I felt like I was missing out, but was unprepared for the downward spiral journey that Life would take me, including the heavy toll of abuse. Courageously, I stepped out, using my voice against my abusers for the violence I received by their hands. Domestic Violence creates silence, it's time to pull away from that dynamic and SPEAK.

  • av Shari Mitchell

    In a digital age where the virtual realm intersects with our daily lives, cybersecurity stands as the guardian of our digital domains. "Cyber Crown" is a powerful and comprehensive guide that not only beckons women to seize their rightful place in this dynamic field but empowers all, regardless of gender, with essential knowledge for navigating the digital landscape safely. Discover the world of cybersecurity as it unveils its secrets, demystifies jargon, and illuminates the crucial role it plays in safeguarding our interconnected society. This book transcends mere career guidance; it is a call to action, inspiring women to chart their course in a field ripe for innovation and change. But it doesn't stop there. "Cyber Crown" invites everyone to take a closer look at their digital interactions, recognizing that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. Learn the fundamental principles and practices that can protect you, your loved ones, and your digital footprint from the lurking threats of the virtual world. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey-one that equips you with the knowledge, confidence, and motivation to not only excel in the cybersecurity landscape but to champion a safer digital future for us all. Whether you're considering a career in this cutting-edge field or simply seeking to fortify your digital defenses, this book is your key to unlocking the cyber frontier.

  • av Heather Helmering

    Seeking God at the Sink is a 31-day devotional for the woman seeking to grow in her role, responsibility, influence, and attitude as a godly woman. This devotional seeks to bring your mind to the Lord every day while you go about your responsibilities. Getting ahold of these truths is vital to building your home, rather than tearing it down from the inside.

  • av Miguel Maldonado

    El amor es la necesidad más grande que tenemos los seres humanos, porque la mayoría de los problemas emocionales son causados cuando no se tiene amor propio, o no te sientes amado por los que están a tu alrededor. Esta puede ser la razón por la cual te sientes desanimado, con baja autoestima, inseguro y con temor de ser rechazado.El amor alivia el dolor, sana las heridas emocionales y transforma la vida de una persona. Sin embargo, cuando no se comprende de forma correcta lo poderoso que es el amor, nos conformamos a vivir una vida de soledad y sufrimiento, llorando por los rincones de esta vida, sintiendo ese vacío que solamente el amor puede llenar.En este libro aprenderás a tener amor por ti mismo y, cuando termines de leerlo, estarás capacitado para fortalecer tu relación de amor con tu cónyuge, tu familia, tus amigos, compañeros de trabajo y hasta con las personas que no conoces, pero que a diario te rodean.El amor o la falta amor es también la fuente de inspiración más grande del mundo para la creación de la música, las novelas, los libros, películas, etc.El amor también es el mejor recurso que tienes para esforzarte y conseguir los sueños que deseas lograr.Te aseguro que así como un día te has encontrado en alguna fila de personas esperando tu turno para recibir un servicio que te beneficiará, asimismo será este libro, el turno que esperabas para recibir la información que necesitas para convertirte en una persona segura de sí misma, que se ama y sabe dar y recibir amor de los demás.

  • av John R. Ruggiano

    The doctor-patient relationship was once the all-important factor in the work of a psychiatrist. That relationship has been torn apart by the massive system of insurance companies, lawyers, quality assurance managers, administrative assistants, prescription monitoring programs, and of course the very essential counselors. I wonder where the psychiatrist fits into all of this.

  • av J. C. Mel

    Rescue Mom is busy making preparations for the arrival of a new resident to the Rescue Buddies Sanctuary. She wants to make sure that everything is ready for this little one to have all it takes to get healthy in a snap. The Rescue Buddies, the sanctuary residents, can definitely sense the excitement and can't wait to find out who is the lucky baby who, like them, has been brought from abandonment to a loving home. The anticipation builds as they see the big grin on Rescue Mom's face. Is it a kitten? A puppy? Perhaps something else? Inspired by real-life events, I Promise You a Home is one of the books in the Rescue Storytime series, a collection of endearing and inspirational stories about the Rescue Buddies, a Rescue Mom, and their individual journeys of healing and growth. I Promise You a Home is a story about the will to help others and the commitments that are needed to do so. Would you be willing to fulfill the promises that Rescue Mom makes to each rescued fur baby that reaches the Sanctuary?

  • av Alicia Pierre

    For decades, I was stuck in emotional cycles of anger, fear, sadness, control, and manipulation. I felt down and defeated and was not aware of God's unconditional love for me. There was a blockage in my chest that I couldn't get past. My heart was numb. I felt mostly anger and fear. Joy didn't come as often or as easily. I wanted to change but didn't know where to begin.My self-worth was determined by the moods, words, and actions of those around me. I was both filled with rage and afraid of not being approved of.I'd been raised in church but didn't know that religion is different than a relationship with My Creator. I thought God was angry and waiting to punish me at the slightest misstep. Because of the emotional abuse I'd endured, I'd developed untrue beliefs about myself. I felt unworthy, rejected, disapproved of, and ashamed.Once I started telling my truth and taking responsibility for my thoughts and feelings, I began to process what had taken place in my life that led me here. Told with humor, honesty, and encouragement, you'll read my stories of success and failure along with the practical mindsets and spiritual measures I discovered on my path to inner peace.This book is for those who want to find freedom from pain, anger, and emotional hell, those who want to feel peace in their hearts, but don't know where to begin. You're not alone.This is the story about how I got in touch with my heart and my God who lives there.It's the extension of my hand to a brother or sister, saying, "I'll walk back into my hell to help you get free from yours." For God's glory and your freedom in Christ Jesus, may you know the peace only He can give.

  • av Martin H. Mandel

    The Ballad of Breath "On a cool spring day/A gal and a lad/Met to cast 'way/Myths for a ballad" Guided by one gal, "Part I: The Meeting" begins with one lad's journey of experiencing the meaning of breath in the context of water. Sensory signals widen the eyes, drum the heart, raise the hairs, and breeze the lungs "All while phalanges/Attached to our feet/Displace barely an inch/Of crystal-clear liquid." Entering "The Great Nose Versus Mouth Bubble Bout Debate," Part II introduces "the only unnatural thing... surrounded by water" - "to always exhale out nostrils meant normally to inhale." Part III practices "first breaths and steps," leaning in on the benefits (and necessity) of hum breathing. Deepening the habit building purpose of the hum, Part IV contrasts a change in body position from vertical to horizontal. And, before this lad meets the Brothers Bob, "A Buoyant Belly Breath" in Part V connects the depth of breath with the changing nature of balancing a body in water. Ultimately, in Part VI, the 4 Brothers aim "to birth a belief in buoyancy you can count on!" The final words end where our gal began, swaying an audience to develop an automatic habit -to "breathe above and hum below" - the foundation and counter balance to easing emotions with water.

  • av Vinni George

    Work hard, play harder? Not when it's my name on the side of the building and my family's legacy. Unfortunately, my parents think I need a break, specifically in the form of a nonrefundable, nontransferable, nonnegotiable forced vacation.Which sounds awful until a handsome hipster drops into the seat next to me on the plane.He isn't my type, but there's something magnetic about him, and in a totally out-of-character move, I ask him to stay with me for the week.Cole thinks everything is an adventure and wants to pull me along for the ride, but when things heat up between us, I wonder if maybe the risk I took asking him to stay is actually a hazard to my heart.Can a vacation fling turn into more once we're back to business as usual?>The Time-Out is book one in the LGBTQ+ Business as Usual series and features Oscar-a CEO who has forgotten to make time to live, Cole-a data analyst who treats everyday like an adventure, and a chance meeting that leads to a week of discovery and a happily ever after.

  • av Aiysha Swallowgren

    The steamiest, dreamiest poetry yet. After Dangerously Disobeying Daddy and then Delibertely Disobeying Daddy this collection with stimulate and touch all your senses. A collection of over one hundred original erotic poems that is sure to make things hotter and spicier than ever before.

  • av Aiysha Swallowgren

    After the experience of dangerously disobeying Daddy it was now a real issue. The deliberate actions that lead to chaos mixed with sensationalism. In this edition there is a further exploration of boundaries. Just when it was thought that thinks couldn't get more interesting, they deliberately take another twisted turn.

  • av Besim Dervishi

    In this book, I want to shed some light on the ancient sites around Tomor. I want to polish the artifacts, ancient cities, place names, and legends of this mountain. I will write about the archeological sites around it, the tales, the old cities, the ancient writings on the stones, the worship of the oak cult, and other symbols. I will bring artifacts to show the antiquity of this mountain; everything that serves as clue for the discovery of the Oracle of Dodona.I write about the history of Mount Tomor, a mountain located in the south of Albania. I will quote previous and recent authors of historical books and events including recent archaeological finding. In addition, I will present ancient writings and symbols on stones and old artifacts. It is a known fact that many Albanians, western scholars and historians have written about the mountain.There is strong archaeological evidence that leads to the conclusion that this area was the city of the sun or the star. It is known that the name Ilion or in Latin Ilium, is called Troy. According to historian Arthur B. Cook: "Zeus is called the god of heaven, the god of light. But he is also identified with the Sun. The Iliad thus describes the crash of a battle between Argives and Trojans: The din of both rose to the upper sky and the rays of Zeus.

  • av Anna St Claire

    A Noble Hearts Regency Romance A tragic past...>A fateful future...>But when danger threatens, can John and Lilian overcome their painful pasts and dare hope for a future together?

  • av Charles Shelton

    FINALLY a cure! In this book learn how I cured myself of depression and bipolar disorder."The Amazing Story of How I Cured my Bipolar Disorder," highlights in (step-by-step) detail how I was able to make a complete 100% turnaround in my mental health. As a result, today, I am finally at peace with myself and happy and healthy in all respects!This is both wonderful and exciting news! Not only for me, but for others too. Because it provides real comfort, encouragement, and hope to other victims of mental illness, and to their families and love ones-providing positive, genuine hope that they too may someday be cured of their illness too!Also, besides being an encouragement to other victims of mental illness, this book can also prove be a real source of inspiration to anyone and everyone, even to people without depression and bipolar disorder, for it shows how an ordinary person can bolster up incredible strength and courage to fight and overcome great odds to defeat any foe that they may face in life, even major illnesses like chronic depression and bipolar disorder!

  • av Media and Publications & D_r Smart

    Jabari and Nia are being hunted by a mysterious group. While being hunted, they discover powers they are searching to understand. Their search connects them with people and a world bigger than their dimension. With all they have learned, they are not prepared for the battle yet to come.

  • av E. M. Leiva, A. Y. Gottschalk & M. E. Gottschalk

  • av Dakota Kemp

    Jack Booker, a gangster from Victorian's Underworld, finds himself thrust onto the world stage as a prophesied savior when he is used by a goddess to further her rebellion against the imperial regime. Hunted by the Primal Empire and struggling to accept his new role, Jack must decide if he will accept the power given to him or discard it to save himself, all while trying to free his people from oppression. But the situation is more desperate than he realizes. The Empire musters an overwhelming force, allies harbor festering grievances, and sinister gods seek to sabotage his efforts every step of the way. The greatest danger, however, may lie within - in the treachery of his own soul.

  • av Isha' Mina

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