av Zacharias Tanee Fomum
This book is strange because it speaks of the divine transactions of Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum with the various persons of the Godhead or Deity-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This book is strange, but true, in that it talks about the author's encounters with the triune God and the angels, and his reactions and actions in response to these encounters.His giving to God, its divine connotations, his obedience to God, his goals in giving, and the dramatic spiritual ping-pong games he plays with God are detailed in this book.You will be gripped by the author's giving to people, critical spiritual experiences of God the Father, appearances of God the Son, and the Pentecost experiences. His intercession experiences, an open curtain to the ministry of the angels and the Bank of Heaven, will shake you, frighten you, and then calm you down.Revelations of Heaven and Hell, visions and dreams, worship experiences, outward sufferings, and sacrifices, as well as inward sufferings and sacrifices, are intricately woven together to produce fruit that is visible for all to see in character transformation, souls won and kept, churches planted, disciples made, the advancement kingdom of God, and much more.We release this book with a prayer that each reader or listener will be lifted from the ordinary to the extraordinary and from a flat or fruitless life to an eventful and fruitful one.