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  • av Sharon Maas

    Während ein schrecklicher Krieg immer näher rückt, versucht eine junge Frau verzweifelt, ihre Liebsten zu schützen. Indien, 1940: Als Rosie ihre Mutter verliert und nach Sri Lanka geschickt wird, um bei der Freundin ihrer Mutter und deren drei Söhnen zu leben, ändert sich ihre Welt im Handumdrehen. Aber sie wird in den Schoß einer lauten Familie mit Jungen, die sie wie Brüder liebt, aufgenommen und beginnt, sich schließlich zu Hause zu fühlen. Doch der Krieg in Europa bewegt sich unaufhaltsam auf Asien zu. Auf der Suche nach Trost vor den fürchterlichen Nachrichten und den Bombenangriffen trifft Rosie einen heldenhaften Soldaten auf Urlaub und verliebt sich zum ersten Mal. Aber bald muss sie sich von ihm verabschieden, wohl wissend, dass sie ihn vielleicht nie wiedersehen wird. In der Zwischenzeit werden die Männer, die sie als Brüder betrachtet, einer nach dem anderen eingezogen. Während Rosie verzweifelt auf Briefe von ihren Lieben wartet, wird ihr klar, dass auch sie ihren Beitrag leisten muss. Sie meldet sich freiwillig beim militärischen Nachrichtendienst. Doch dann treffen zwei Telegramme ein mit den erschreckenden Worten vermisst, für gefangen gehalten und vermisst, für tot gehalten. Wer von ihren Liebsten wird den verheerenden Krieg überleben und wen wird Rosie für immer verlieren?Ein atemberaubender Roman über den Zweiten Weltkrieg, über verlorene und wiedergefundene Liebe und die Unverwüstlichkeit des menschlichen Strebens, zu überleben und neu anzufangen. Fictionvixenreads, ¿¿¿¿¿ Es hat mich komplett in seinen Bann gezogen ... Mehr als eindrucksvoll ... Fesselnd ... Unvergesslich ... Das ist ohne Zweifel ein Muss ... Muss man gelesen haben. Page Turners, ¿¿¿¿¿ Eine emotionale und herzzerreißende Geschichte ... Dieses Buch wird euch die ganze Nacht wach halten! ... Fünf Sterne! Tropical Girl Reads Books, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Lisa Regan

    Josies Arme schmerzen, als die Sanitäter eintreffen und sie sanft vom kalten, zerbrechlichen Körper der Frau wegziehen. Noahs Stimme zittert, als er den Todeszeitpunkt seiner eigenen, geliebten Mutter festhält. Detective Josie Quinn trifft mit ihrem Partner Noah zum Abendessen in dem makellosen Landhaus seiner Familie ein und ist am Boden zerstört, als sie Noahs Mutter Colette leblos im Garten liegen sieht, den Mund mit Erde vollgestopft. Josies Team sucht im Haus nach Antworten und weiß nicht, was es von den Rosenkranzperlen halten soll, die in der Nähe der Leiche in der Erde vergraben sind, oder von der versteckten Akte mit der Aufschrift Drew Pratt, der berühmtesten vermissten Person der Kleinstadt Denton. Als sie sich näher mit dem Fall Pratt befasst, findet Josie schnell heraus, dass er einen Bruder hatte, dessen Leiche auf mysteriöse Weise an das Ufer eines Flusses gespült wurde. Außerdem gibt es einen Tagebucheintrag, der darauf hindeutet, dass Colette ihn am letzten Tag, an dem er lebend gesehen wurde, getroffen haben könnte. Kann Josie das Undenkbare glauben, dass eine freundliche, sanfte Seele wie Colette in diese Morde verwickelt gewesen sein könnte? Und wird Josies neue Beziehung zu Noah die Anschuldigungen überstehen? Josies einzige Hoffnung besteht darin, Pratts Tochter aufzuspüren. Aber als sie bei ihr zu Hause ankommt und feststellt, dass sie nur wenige Minuten zuvor ermordet wurde, weiß Josie, dass der wahre Mörder ihr einen Schritt voraus ist und nicht aufhören wird, bis Colettes Geheimnis für immer begraben ist. Wie tief ist Josie bereit zu graben, um die Wahrheit herauszufinden, wenn noch viele weitere unschuldige Leben auf dem Spiel stehen? Ein absolut spannender Krimi, der einen die ganze Nacht wachhalten wird! Wenn dir Angela Marsons, Robert Dugoni oder Rachel Caine gefallen, wirst du garantiert von der ersten Seite an gefesselt sein. Was Leser über Ihre begrabenen Geheimnisse sagen: Ich habe es einfach geliebt!!! ... Ich konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen ... erstaunliche Charaktere ... unglaubliche Wendungen in der Handlung, die den Leser dazu bringen, die Seiten rasant umzublättern, um zum Ende zu kommen ... VERPASST DIESE SERIE NICHT! Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich habe auf meinen Kindle rumgeklopft wie ein verrückter Specht, so viele Verdächtige und so viel Spannung ... und das Ende hat mich umgehauen!!!!! ... Eine weitere fesselnde und packende Serie, die einfach immer besser wird. HABE ES GELIEBT!!!!! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Eine höchst unterhaltsame, erstklassige Lektüre, die man nicht aus der Hand legen kann, gepaart mit einer intelligenten, kämpferischen Protagonistin, und schon hat man einen ganz klaren Fünf-Sterne-Krimi. Reader's Retreat, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wow, dieses Buch hat mich von der ersten Seite an gepackt ... so viele Wendungen, die mich Seite für Seite lesen ließen. Gerade als ich dachte, ich sei auf der richtigen Spur, merkte ich, dass ich danebenlag. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich nehme mir vor, vor dem Schlafengehen nur noch ein paar Kapitel zu lesen. Das nächste, was ich weiß, ist, dass es 2 Uhr morgens ist und ich nur noch ein paar Seiten davon entfernt bin, fertig zu sein!!! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Carol Wyer

    Nicht vergeben. Nicht vergessen. Als ein hingebungsvoller Familienvater ermordet und seine Leiche gut für seine Familie sichtbar auf einem Feld gefunden wird, beginnt für Detective Robyn Carter ein neuer, entsetzlicher Fall. Gerade als Robyn mit ihren Ermittlungen beginnt, wird eine beliebte Ärztin und junge Mutter tot vor ihrer Praxis aufgefunden. Als Robyn versucht, eine Verbindung zwischen den Opfern zu finden, deckt sie ein düsteres Netz aus Geheimnissen auf. Waren die Opfer doch nicht so unschuldig, wie sie schienen? Der Mörder will Robyn und seinen sorgfältig ausgewählten Opfern etwas mitteilen. Doch was? Und kann Robyn der Wahrheit auf den Grund gehen, bevor sie das nächste Opfer wird? Fans von Angela Marsons, Patricia Gibney und Rachel Abbott werden von diesem Thriller begeistert sein. Die Auserwählten wird Leser bis zur letzten Seite fesseln. Was Leser über Die Auserwählten sagen: Hand auf den Mund! Ja, das war meine Reaktion! ... Mir sträubten sich die Haare im Nacken. Oh je! ... Ich habe eine neue Lieblingsautorin entdeckt! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wow, wow, wow ... Ich war von Anfang bis Ende gefesselt ... Es ist wirklich spannend ... Bereitet euch darauf vor, verblüfft zu sein, denn es ist wirklich schockierend. Jen Med's Book Reviews Fesselnd, rasant, packend, spannend ... Man kann nicht aufhören zu raten ... So viele Wendungen, dass einem der Kopf schwirrt. Man will dieses Buch nicht aus der Hand legen, also stellt euch auf einige lange Nächte ein. Book In One Hand Coffee in Another, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wow ... Spannend ... Ein echter Nervenkitzel, der mich durch die Seiten fliegen ließ ... Spannung ohne Ende, ich habe jede Seite verschlungen, ich habe dieses Buch absolut geliebt, es war brillant und der Cliffhanger am Ende OMG! Bonnie's Book Talk, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wow, was für eine Lektüre! ... Ich habe es sehr genossen! ... Spannend zu lesen, und jeder Krimi-Fan wird dieses Buch lieben, ich bin total hin und weg. I Love Reading, ¿¿¿¿¿ Was soll ich sagen? Ich war total gefesselt! ... Die Autorin hat es geschafft, mich sehr lange im Dunkeln zu lassen ... Unwiderstehlich. B for Bookreview, ¿¿¿¿¿ Carol Wyer ist eine brillante Krimiautorin! ... Ein bemerkenswerter Plot, der einen bis zum Ende miträtseln lässt! Genial! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sharon Maas

    Eine fesselnde Geschichte voller Menschlichkeit, die Kulturen und Kontinente verbindet. Katie Fforde, ¿¿¿¿¿ Die fünfjährige Jyothi lebt auf den Straßen von Bombay und seit ihre Mutter in einen tragischen Unfall verwickelt wurde, ist sie vollkommen auf sich allein gestellt. Doch nach einer zufälligen Begegnung mit Monika und Jack Kingsley ändert sich Jyothis Leben für immer. Denn das junge englische Paar beschließt, sie zu adoptieren. Gemeinsam kehrt die neue Familie nach England zurück, aber Jyothi fällt es schwer, sich anzupassen. Als die Beziehung von Monika und Jack in die Brüche geht, ist Jyothi einsamer denn je und die Musik wird zu ihrem Trost. Doch selbst als sich ihr außergewöhnliches musikalisches Talent in eine vielversprechende Karriere verwandelt, hat Jyothi immer noch nicht das Gefühl, dazuzugehören. Dann bringt eine turbulente Liebesbeziehung sie dazu, alles in Frage zu stellen. Und Jyothi erkennt, dass sie sich dem Schmerz ihrer Vergangenheit stellen muss, bevor sie ihre Zukunft in Angriff nehmen kann ... Ein stimmungsvoller und herzzerreißender Roman über die Bedeutung von Familie, Liebe und Selbstachtung. Perfekt für Fans von Dinah Jefferies, Corina Bomann und Jan-Philipp Sendker. Was Leser über Das indische Waisenkind sagen: Sharon Maas ist zu meiner Lieblingsautorin geworden ... Das indische Waisenkind ist ein weiteres wunderbares Buch von Maas, das all die charakteristischen Gedanken und die Sorgfalt aufweist, die in ihren Werken mitschwingen. Eine herzzerreißende, epische Geschichte über Verlust und Identität, die ans Herz geht. Bloomin' Brilliant Books, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wunderbar! ... Ich wollte nicht, dass es zu Ende geht. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Der Schreibstil ist atemberaubend anregend und sinnlich ... Ich fühlte mich von Anfang an in die Geschichte und den Schauplatz hineinversetzt. The Book Trail, ¿¿¿¿¿ Was für ein großartiges Buch, es wird mich noch lange begleiten. Ich bin niemand, der leicht 5 Sterne vergibt ... ein unglaubliches Buch, das ich wärmstens empfehlen kann. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Samantha Hayes

    Du dachtest, du wärst sicher. Bis er nebenan eingezogen ist ...Wir wohnen noch nicht lange hier. Das Haus ist klein und etwas heruntergekommen, aber es ist die zweite Chance, die ich beinahe nie gehabt hätte. Endlich kann ich anziehen, was ich will, und muss keine Angst mehr um meine Kinder haben.Doch dann sehe ich, wie mein Ex-Mann Craig an meinem Fenster vorbeischlendert und in das Haus nebenan geht. Die Angst erdrückt mich. Wie hat er uns gefunden? Will er mich zurück, oder will er mich endgültig vernichten?Als der Umzugswagen wegfährt, versichert Craig mir, dass es nur ein Zufall ist und dass wir sicherlich gute Nachbarn sein können. Aber nachts liege ich wach und frage mich, ob seine neue Freundin in Sicherheit ist. Und morgens wühle ich durch seinen Müll, um herauszufinden, was er als Nächstes vorhat. Ich weiß, wie verrückt ich aussehe, doch ich würde alles tun, um meine Kinder zu schützen.Wochen später, als sich die Nachtluft mit Rauch und Polizeisirenen füllt, kommt die Wahrheit ans Licht. Aber wird man mir nach allem, was passiert ist, noch glauben, dass ich unschuldig bin?Ein absolut spannungsgeladener Psychothriller von der Amazon-Bestsellerautorin, der dich die ganze Nacht an die Seiten fesseln wird. Perfekt für Fans von Melanie Raabe, Sue Watson und Romy Hausmann.Leser:innen lieben Der Ex-Mann:Fesselnd! Clever, wendungsreich und alles in allem unheimlich! NetGalley RezensentinHeiliger Strohsack ... ein Twist nach dem anderen. Wooooooow, sooooooooo gut!! ... Wenn das nicht auf deiner Leseliste steht, frage ich dich, warum nicht?!!!! Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿Wow, einfach nur wow!!!!! Ich bin sprachlos!!!!! ... Ich habe dieses düstere und verworrene Buch absolut geliebt ... ich habe die ganze Zeit mitgerätselt. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, was von einer Minute auf die andere passieren würde ... so viele Twists. Blue Moon Blogger, ¿¿¿¿¿Ich habe dieses Buch innerhalb von zwei Stunden gelesen. Die Twists haben mich nach Luft schnappen lassen. NetGalley Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Ich habe dieses Buch wirklich sehr gemocht! Es war fesselnd und hat mich vom ersten Kapitel an in seinen Bann gezogen! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Gefesselt bis zum Ende. Ich konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen. Ich hab es auf meinem Handy bis in die frühen Morgenstunden gelesen ... Genau, was ich an einem Psychothriller liebe ... Und die Twists waren genial. Goodreads RezensentinBerauschend, fesselnd und einfach eine Geschichte, die man nicht aus der Hand legen kann. Rubie Reads, ¿¿¿¿¿ICH LIEBE ES!!!!!! DU WERDEN DIE TWISTS NICHT GLAUBEN UND DAS ENDE NICHT ERRATEN! DIESES BUCH MUSS VON JEDEM GELESEN WERDEN. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Daniel Hurst

    She trusted him. Now she's paying the price...I loved my husband, Doctor Drew Devlin, but he betrayed me. And now he's dead.As I put the key in the lock and open the door to the luxurious new home I've purchased with Drew's life insurance money, I'm certain the worst days are behind me. My secret is safe, and I can't wait to enjoy my new wealth and freedom.Then I meet handsome Roger. I wasn't looking for a relationship but as we spend our evenings drinking wine on my sunny terrace, I realise he's just what I need right now. Roger is nothing like Drew, he's spontaneous and romantic. And most of all, he's honest.He thinks I'm a rich, lonely woman. He's wrong of course, there's so much more to me...But then one night, when we're curled up in bed together, Roger says something that makes my blood run cold. I think he knows the truth about my life as the doctor's wife.I will do anything to stop my past from catching up with me... But is Roger really who he says he is? Or is my life now in danger?An absolutely gripping psychological thriller packed with jaw-dropping twists from the number one bestselling author of The Doctor's Wife. If you love Behind Closed Doors, Gone Girl and The Girl on the Train you'll be hooked on The Doctor's Widow¿¿¿What readers are saying about Daniel Hurst:'OMG... binge read!... WOWZERS!... Curveballs that made my head just spin?!!... Deserves way more than 5 stars as it is a must-read book!' Heidi Lynn's Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿'Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. I mean wow. This book was so freakin good!!... really exciting plot... I was thrown for a loop, and then another one.' @thrilleraddict1986, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Rose Alexander

    Germany, 1945. As the ground shakes and the air raid sirens wail, Katja holds her tiny baby to her chest. She pictures Karl's handsome face and kind blue eyes, her breath catching at the thought of him heading back to the front. She must never tell anyone about the letters she delivered for him, or the other secret she is hiding... London, present day. In the midst of a divorce and with her mother Katja recovering from major surgery, Jo is heartbroken and lost: especially because Katja has always been distant, even when Jo was a child. Now, Katja is too frail to be alone, and has moved in to Jo's cosy bungalow - where Jo hopes they can finally find peace with each other. But clearing out her mother's empty home, Jo discovers a dog-eared black diary hidden in a tiny kitchen cupboard. Tucked within the pages is a yellowed envelope with an unfamiliar, faded postmark. The scrawled handwriting reveals a shocking past Jo can scarcely believe, and she realises that she must finally learn the truth about where she came from, before time runs out... As Katja slowly opens up, she is thrown back to the war-ravaged German countryside: where a brave young woman in love risked everything to memorise detailed maps by candlelight, and had to flee from soldiers in the early light of dawn to save herself and her child. But Jo can see the pain in Katja's eyes. She is still holding something back, and the key to her silence lies within the pages of the diary. Will uncovering the devastating truth about a forbidden love affair kept secret for decades tear mother and daughter apart forever? Or will confronting the past finally help Jo and Katja heal? Fans of The Letter, The Nightingale and We Were the Lucky Ones will be utterly swept away by this heart-wrenching read. Based on an incredible true story, The Lost Diary is a gripping and unforgettable tale about bravery in the face of unimaginable terror and how a woman pushed to the brink was forced to make a terrible choice. Readers love Rose Alexander: 'Beautiful... it just took my breath away. Definitely had to wipe a tear away.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Ann O'Loughlin

    Pushing her key into the gate lock, Katie looks up nervously at the grand tree-lined entrance sweeping up to Kilcashel House. This was not her home by choice, but if she was ever to move on from her past and uncover the truth about her beloved Harry, she would make it her home... Perched on the edge of the roaring Irish Sea, Kilcashel House was somewhere New Yorker Katie never imagined she would live. But when her partner Harry dies suddenly with a diamond engagement ring in his top pocket, Katie is shocked to learn that he has left a house in Ireland to her. But that is not the only secret Harry was keeping. Katie soon learns that Harry also left the house to his ex-wife Maggie. The two women could not be more different but are left with no choice but to go to Ireland together to try and uncover Harry's past. But arriving at Kilcashel, they are met with unpaid bills and a huge list of repairs. As they walk through the house, they start to encounter little signs of the life Harry was building here - a new kitchen, clearly for Katie, a beloved horse for Maggie. Bit by bit they uncover a new side to the man they both loved.With the help of handsome local gardener Dan and a band of friendly locals, together they turn the crumbling house into a stunning home full of life once again. Soon Katie realises that it is more than just the house that has stolen her heart. Could this be where she finally realises her lifelong dream of starting a bakery? And as she gets closer to Dan, might she be able to open her heart once more after such a tragic loss?But when a letter arrives revealing the truth about Harry's past and an unexpected tragedy strikes the house, will Katie want to realise her Irish dream or be forced home for good?An absolutely glorious and emotional read about family secrets, friendship and finding home. Perfect for fans of Susanne O'Leary, Cathy Kelly and Kathleen McGurl.What readers are saying about Ann O'Loughlin:'OMG! OMG!!... I was utterly glued to the pages and I had tears absolutely streaming down my face... I was devastated when I turned the last page... Will stay with me for a long time... I LOVED it.' Bookworm86 ¿¿¿¿¿'I was swept away... I could almost feel the fresh air fill my lungs... Brilliant... Incredible... Beautiful... A wonderful five star read.' Sarah Kingsnorth ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Claire Cooper

    My whole body is shaking, my breath catches in my throat. I'm stuck here. Trapped. With the one person who will do anything to destroy me...When I step into the elevator that sweltering morning, I barely notice the woman standing next to me. She seems out of place, with her floaty linen clothes in a building full of suits. But that's none of my business.A minute later, there's a sudden jerk. The elevator stops. The lights go out.The other woman's face is deathly pale. She's breathing noisily, clearly panicking. As we sit slumped against the mirrored walls, we start talking to try and keep calm.I tell her I moved halfway round the world to start again where no one knew what I was hiding. I tell her my darkest secrets, because she seems to understand, and we're never going to see each other again, right?But I'm wrong.We're not strangers.None of this is an accident.And when the truth comes out, there'll be nowhere to hide... A brilliantly twisty ride from start to finish, that will have you gasping out loud at the twists. Perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell, Freida McFadden and Claire McGowan.See what everyone is saying about The Elevator: 'So captivating... one word WOW!... brilliant... kept me guessing throughout... so good I read it in a day!... I thoroughly enjoyed this book and all the plot twists that it presented!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'For lovers of Freida McFadden this novel is for you! Twisted with an ending you don't see coming! I loved this.' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I really Loved it!!! What a twist... a WOW read!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'What a ride!... gripping... jaw-dropping reveals.' Goodreads reviewer'Captivating! First of all, I imagined being stuck in an elevator - that is scary enough! Then to find out the person you are stuck in the elevator with is someone who wishes you dead!! I couldn't put this book down!' Goodreads reviewer'A must-read... tense claustrophobic atmosphere... packs a punch and the surprises keep coming... however it has done little to encourage me to venture into a lift (elevator) again!' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Sensational... a plot that unrolls like clockwork, and simmering tension that never lets up. Betrayal, double-crossing and the most delicious sting in the tail... I couldn't put it down.' Goodreads reviewer'A tangled web of lies that has an explosive ending... The tension ratcheted up at the end and literally had me gasping with my jaw on the floor... riveting.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'At times my heart was pounding and I had to stop reading, which was hard as it was so good! Loved it!' Goodreads reviewer

  • av Laura Elliot

    'Welcome to Serenity Falls,' I say, forcing a smile as I guide our new guests across the courtyard and through the doors of the old house. This should be a fresh new start for the couple, but how can I help them when my own life is being torn apart?My husband Victor and I have been married for twenty-five years and we've created a successful marriage retreat business together. The tranquil hotel, with its cherry blossom trees and the sound of the waterfall in the backdrop, is the perfect setting for couples to repair their fractured relationships. My own marriage has been a shining example of honesty and trust. Or at least that's what I believed...When a police officer knocks on my door to tell me the man I loved has been killed in a tragic accident, I'm left trembling with shock. But that isn't all. An unnamed woman was by his side when Victor died, and she now lies in a coma. As my husband's secrets unravel, I discover that my whole life has been a lie.Now my future is at stake and my life is in danger. And I have to make a choice to protect myself and my family.A choice that will turn me into a liar, just like Victor.And will end in murder...What readers are saying about The Marriage Retreat:'Holy hell... What an absolute mind-blowing thriller. I cannot put into enough words how phenomenal this was... Like nothing was as simple as it seems, there was so many possible options that I didn't even see them coming... page-turning.' @book_brilliance_xo, ¿¿¿¿¿'EXCELLENT... kept me glued to my kindle!!!!... WOW!!!!... This book I will NOT FORGET for a long time, definitely will be telling my friends about it.' Goodreads Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'A fantastic gripping dark thriller which had me up late reading needed to know how it was going to end... intriguing... excellent... A fantastic gripping story.' Goodreads Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'A wild ride and one that kept me on my toes with reveal after reveal... I was gripped throughout... I encourage you to pick up if you enjoy psychological mysteries full of twists.' Goodreads Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'I raced through this book. Gripping from the start and everything that a psychological thriller should be. Don't take my word for it, read it! You wont' be disappointed... Awesome.' Goodreads Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Brilliant... Will hook you from the beginning until the very end... Loved it.' Goodreads Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Samantha Hayes

    I thought he took my secret to the grave. But the truth can't stay buried forever... In the wake of my darling husband's death, I am so lucky to have my three beautiful, grown-up daughters by my side at our holiday home in Scotland. We need some time together, to recover from the shock. But I also need to set some things straight about their beloved father... I've always known this house was the perfect place to bury secrets - remote, isolated, surrounded by nothing but miles of dense forest. But this time I'm not here to hide more of my lies. I'm here to expose one. I promise everything I've ever done has been to protect my daughters. I just hope they understand that too... By the end of the trip, nothing will ever be the same again. I knew revealing the truth about the inheritance would have consequences, but I could never have imagined we wouldn't all survive it. And now the truth is out, am I in danger too...? A totally gripping psychological thriller from an Amazon No1. bestseller that will have your head spinning and your jaw on the floor with every twist. Fans of The Housemaid, Gone Girl and The Family Upstairs won't be able to put this down! What readers are saying about Samantha Hayes: 'Wow!!!!! Loved!!!!! Unforgettable!!!!!... a jaw-dropping ending that I never saw coming, not in a million years.' Blue Moon Blogger, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'THIS. WAS. INCREDIBLE... Nail-biting... Kept me up way past my bedtime. I was sucked into the drama and couldn't put it down. I cannot find a single flaw... Every plot twist had me gasping... A wild ride... Gosh this was incredible.' @mariaareadss, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Dee MacDonald

    Cornish cream teas in the sun, dog walks on the beach and... a murder investigation? Can Kate Palmer - part-time nurse and cake-loving sleuth - solve her most baffling case yet?Kate Palmer is delighted when she learns that her home, the beautiful seaside village of Tinworthy, is the setting for a new TV show. She's even more excited when she, her handsome husband Woody and her drama queen sister Angie are all invited to be extras. But when the cameras start rolling, the trio are in for a nasty surprise when the film's writer and producer, Crispin Wyngarde, drops dead...Before long, rumours start flying and Angie is in the spotlight for murder. Kate knows her sister had a brief, stormy fling with Crispin during her younger days as an actress, but surely Angie couldn't have hated him that much, could she? Kate is certain of her sister's innocence, and is determined to prove it. But who would want to kill Crispin and set the stage for Angie to take the fall? Could it be Fergal, Angie's jealous boyfriend? Sonia, the eccentric director, who had a love-hate relationship with Crispin? Or gorgeous Guy, the hairdresser who's held a grudge against the problematic producer for years?Armed with a list of possible culprits, Kate sets out to interview everyone she can. Over cups of tea, secrets start to spill out about overheard conversations and mysterious money transfers. But just as Kate thinks she's finally on the right track, her main suspect is found dead after a party in the village. To make matters worse, he's one of Angie's old flames too... Kate needs to solve the crime - and quick - to save her feisty sister. Can she untangle the clues and get to the truth, before it's curtains down for Angie?If you love murder mysteries with a brilliant cast of characters, twisty plots and plenty of tea and cake, A Body in a Cornish Village will have you hooked until the very last page! Perfect for fans of Agatha Christie, Faith Martin and Joy Ellis. What readers are saying about the Kate Palmer mysteries: 'I absolutely LOVE this series... The plot really sucked me in... I was so absorbed I read it in one sitting... I was completely shocked by the mega twist... absolutely fantastic read filled with suspense, mystery, twists and much more.' Bookworm86, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Fantastic... I devoured in a single sitting... Plenty of red herrings, twists and turns... Kept me hooked from page one until the very last... Fast-paced, compelling and immensely enjoyable' Bookish Jottings, ¿¿¿¿ 'An absolute delight and a must-read... This rapid page-turner is one that will keep you up reading, unable to stop until the very end. I absolutely loved it!' Page Turners, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Superb cosy mystery with plenty of substance... A quality, well-plotted cosy... the perfect novel to curl up with... delightful.' Brianne's Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Catherine Miller

    As I stare at the girl, I feel my heart pound inside my chest. There she is, my daughter, right in front of me after all this time. I have to reach her, to hold her, before I lose her all over again... I have experienced what no mother should: I have lost my child. Many years ago, after my divorce, my daughter moved in with her father, and then went missing... For years, I searched everywhere for my darling girl, but she had vanished without a trace. But even on my darkest days, when my heart felt truly broken, I kept a hope alive inside - a hope that my little girl would, one day, find her way back to me. And now, standing in front of me, so close I could touch her, is a young woman who looks just like my beloved Tilly. I've been reminded of her so many times over the years, but this is different. The curve of her face, the sound of her voice... But just as my heart leaps with unimaginable joy, she disappears into the crowd and I lose sight of her. I can't believe she has gone before I had the chance to reach her. As I desperately scan the faces around me, my heart pounding in my chest, I realise I am certain that she was my little girl, back after all these years. But why would she seek me out now, just to vanish all over again? And how can I find her? Because no matter how much time has passed, she will always be my little girl... And I will do whatever it takes to hold her in my arms once more. An absolutely unputdownable and gripping story about one mother's quest to find her little girl. Fans of Jojo Moyes, Jodi Picoult and Diane Chamberlain will be hooked on this emotional book until the very final page. Praise for Catherine Miller: 'Fantastic page-turner!!! An absolute must-read... Heartbreaking... I was completely absorbed from the first page... My heart was in my throat... ABSOLUTELY loved this.' Bookworm 86 ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿'I absolutely loved this!... I was hooked... read this in one sitting.' Nat's Bookish Corner ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Emma Jameson

    Join Jemima Jago-librarian, cake lover and fearless super-sleuth-on her next puzzling case, when an entry at a baking competition proves delicious... but deadly! It's time for the Bay View Hotel's annual bake-off and Jem is looking forward to sampling all the cake she can. But when head judge and successful local critic Lemmy Beaglehole drops dead in the middle of tasting a chocolate gateau, Jem can't resist throwing herself into the investigation. Jem interviews everyone present and discovers that Lemmy had plenty of enemies at the bake-off and was famous for his venomous reviews. But who could have hated him enough to actually poison him? Was it the long-suffering hotel manager? The local busybody who hated Lemmy enough to stage a protest over his inclusion as head judge? Or the aspiring baker, whose dreams of running his own pastry shop were dashed by a terrible review? Finding a crumpled rose-patterned envelope that may have contained the poison, Jem feels certain she's close to the truth. But when a huge storm blows in over the Isles of Scilly, trapping everyone-bake-off contestants, staff and guests-in the hotel overnight, Jem must work fast to untangle the clues and catch the killer before their next toxic treat ends up on her plate! A fun and page-turning cozy mystery set in the beautiful Isles of Scilly, from the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Emma Jameson. Fans of Agatha Christie, Faith Martin and Betty Rowlands will be utterly hooked! What readers are saying about Emma Jameson: "Wow. I love it... So fabulous that I stayed up half the night finishing it! Joy!" Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "AMAZING story! I just loved the humorous banter." Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "So much fun... The plot twists and turns kept me flying through the pages. Just when you think you have it figured out, something else pops up, and keeps you guessing... A wonderful escape... Definitely a must-read." Page Turners Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Deserves ten stars. I don't remember breathing as I read the last third of this book." Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Crackles with revenge, intrigue and murder. I couldn't put it down... Captivating." Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Helena Dixon

    Murder at the Village Fair: An utterly gripping historical cozy murder mystery (A Miss Underhay Mystery Book 13)By Helena Dixon Kitty Underhay is riding a carousel... with death. Summer 1935. Enjoying a belated honeymoon visiting her new husband Matt's family in the rolling Yorkshire hills, Kitty strolls through a village fair. But when Kitty persuades Matt to visit the fortune teller's tent, the lovebirds are shocked to find the body of Madame Zaza slumped over her crystal ball, pearl necklace askew and a half-drunk cup of tea at her elbow. After predicting so many of the villagers' misfortunes, how did she not foresee her own murder? From a pompous old colonel to a reticent reverend and a dodgy village doctor, Kitty soon feels like half the village had a motive for murder. But with more suspects than tarot cards, she and Matt are no closer to finding the culprit. Madame Zaza had been a part of the community's life for decades and discovering a photograph album of the villagers through the years gives Kitty and Matt the breakthrough they've been searching for. Kitty is soon hot on the killer's trail when her sleuthing puts her in terrible danger. Will her lucky stars align or is her life line about to run out? An utterly sensational and addictive Golden Age murder mystery. Perfect for fans of Agatha Christie, T.E. Kinsey and Lee Strauss. Readers love the Miss Underhay mysteries: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'I could not put this down!! I read this in one sitting. I need more than 5 stars for this book! I absolutely loved it!' NetGalley reviewer 'I cannot put it down... I tore through this book!' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'I read it in one sitting, a page-turner I couldn't put down.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'What can I say? I loved it.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'I love this... It kept me guessing right until the final scene.' Roberta Reads ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'This murder mystery is perfect... This story has it all. An absolute page-turner with characters to care about.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'A page-turner that will keep you guessing.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 'After the first chapter I wasn't able to stop reading and turning pages as fast as I could.' Scrapping and Playing

  • av D. K. Hood

  • av Sue Roberts

  • av Joanna Bolouri

    Five old friends. Two new partners. One big problem... In Erin's beachfront home in Ireland, I blink at my former best friends and laugh. Is it awkward we haven't seen each other in ten years and nobody really knows why? Yes. So I pull out the champagne with a flourish and start blasting our old playlist. It's a reunion weekend, after all... But it's not long before my determination to have fun starts to fizzle. Perhaps inviting new partners was a mistake. I'm already exhausted by Becky's new girlfriend, and Beth's husband is trying too hard with the compliments. No, I'm not trying out a "cool silver highlights" look. It's a grey hair. Still, at least the others have partners. The most exciting romantic development I can report is a quick flirt with a handsome stranger on the plane over. Even flighty, non-committal Tara is bringing someone. But if that wasn't surprising enough, I could never have anticipated Tara's 'someone' would be the man from my flight. If things weren't already awkward, they certainly are now... The weekend was meant to finally bring us all back together. But will this reunion only push us further apart? A hilarious and uplifting page-turner about the power (and pitfalls) of friendship and romance. Fans of rom-coms by Sophie Kinsella, Marian Keyes and Mhairi McFarlane will devour this laugh-out-loud tale. What readers are saying about Joanna Bolouri: 'The perfect summer read... LOL funny, packed with awkward moments, and romance for a cherry on top. Blissful.' Bobs and Books, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'The quintessential summer beach read! I LOVED this book because it gave me all the things I want in a modern-day love story... Prepare to laugh out loud, and to absolutely love this fabulously fresh new read... witty, humorous and fun.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Funny, romantic and surprisingly insightful... I legit laughed out loud.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Unputdownable.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Shannon Hollinger

  • av Shannon Hollinger

  • av Heather van Fleet

    Ich bin Slade. Ich bin bei den Red Dragons zum Mann geworden, trage Tattoos und die Narben von den Kämpfen, in die ich verwickelt war, mit Stolz. Ich habe schlimme Dinge getan. Dinge, von denen ich nicht dachte, zu ihnen fähig zu sein. Aber der Club ist im Krieg, und ich werde alles tun, um meine Brüder zu beschützen. Vor acht Jahren wurde Sebastian ¿Slade¿ Lattimore in den Red Dragon MC gepatcht. Er wollte nur eins: Die Frau vergessen, die ihm das Herz gebrochen hatte. Doch seine Pläne werden zunichte gemacht, als er nun beauftragt wird, durchs halbe Land zu fahren, um genau diese Frau sicher zum Club zu bringen. Und sobald sich ihre Blicke treffen, kommen alte Gefühle an die Oberfläche, obwohl sie ihn nicht mal erkennt. Doch das kann er nicht zulassen ... Maya Davenport hat vor Jahren die Red Dragons verlassen und hatte nie vor, je zurückzukommen. Aber jetzt steht ein Biker vor ihr, der sie zu ihrem eigenen Schutz zurückbringen soll - auch wenn es das Letzte ist, was sie will. Ihr mysteriöser Bodyguard mit dem durchdringenden Blick und markanten Narben bringt ihre Haut zum Kribbeln. Und er hat etwas schrecklich Vertrautes an sich ... Der zweite Band der Red Dragon MC-Serie kann auch als Standalone gelesen werden. Garantiert mit Happy End, ohne Cliffhanger und ohne Betrug. Perfekt für Fans von Christine Feehan, Sara Rivers und Liz Rosen. Was die Leser:innen über Rough Ride sagen: Sobald ich das Buch angefangen hatte, war ich komplett drin! ... Die Chemie zwischen den beiden war geradezu greifbar und es gab genau die richtige Menge an Sexiness und Flirtereien!! ... Ich habe dieses Buch in Rekordzeit durchgelesen! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wow! Was für ein Hammer ... Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr von dieser Serie zu lesen. Definitiv zu empfehlen. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Dieses Buch hat so ziemlich alles, was man in einer Biker Romance braucht ... ich war so gefesselt ... ich konnte es wirklich nicht weglegen. Und ich kann den nächsten Teil kaum erwarten!!!! Stephanie's Book Reports Oh, dieses Buch hat Gefühle in mir ausgelöst! ... Genau die richtige Mischung aus romantisch und sexy ... Ich habe das Buch bis spät in die Nacht gelesen und darauf gewartet, dass die beiden sich einfach sagen, was sie fühlen ... Spannend, fesselnd und mitreißend! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Hat mich in den Bann gezogen und mich die Seiten umblättern lassen, auch wenn ich kaum die Augen offenhalten konnte. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Heather Van Fleet hat es wieder geschafft!!! ... wenn ihr es noch nicht getan habt, solltet ihr euch diese Reihe unbedingt ansehen! Steph and Chris Book Review, ¿¿¿¿¿ Als ich dieses Buch einmal angefangen hatte, konnte ich es nicht mehr aus der Hand legen. Die Spannung zwischen Slade und Maya zieht einen in den Bann und lässt einen an jeder Seite hängen. Eine tolle MC-Romance und eine Geschichte über zweite Chancen. At A Glance Book Reviews Die Anziehung zwischen diesen beiden ist nicht zu toppen. Eine Slow Burn Romance mit ein bisschen Tragik und Herzschmerz ... hat mich gefesselt. Goodreads Rezensentin

  • av Ann O'Loughlin

    Cora's eyes filled with tears as she thought of the only man she had ever loved. She knew suddenly what she had to do. 'I have to go to Dublin, visit his house when the smell of him is still there. I need to...' she stuttered over her words, 'I need to know about his wife.' Cora smiles as she sees the bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table of her New York home. Her handsome long-term partner Jack never fails to surprise her. But as she leans in to smell the sweet pink roses, there is a sharp rap on the door and her world shatters as she is told that her darling Jack has been killed in a car crash in Ireland. But Jack wasn't the only victim. There was another woman in the car: a wife he never told her about. Distraught, she flies to Ireland to learn more about his secret life. She moves into his beautiful townhouse in central Dublin, determined to make sense of all the lies he told her. As she grieves, she immerses herself in the local community, who need her as much as she needs them. The square they live on is under threat from developers, and Cora only realises when her new home is in danger how much it has come to mean to her. She must learn to work with her neighbours if they have any chance of protecting the place they all love, and the house that has become a new start to Cora despite her heartbreak. As Cora's heart slowly begins to heal, will she be able to move forward from Jack's betrayal and look towards a hopeful future in Ireland? Or will saving her new home prove impossible and force her back to New York? Previously published as The Secrets of de Courcy Square and An Ocean Between Us An absolutely glorious and emotional read about family secrets perfect for fans of Susanne O'Leary, Cathy Kelly and Kathleen McGurl.What readers are saying about Ann O'Loughlin:'OMG! OMG!!... I was utterly glued to the pages and I had tears absolutely streaming down my face... I was devastated when I turned the last page... Will stay with me for a long time... I LOVED it.' Bookworm86 ¿¿¿¿¿¿'Outstanding... Brilliant... Melts your heart... I really can't praise it enough.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Sam Hepburn

    A man is dead. And only I know why.¿As we sit drinking wine by the river and I gaze into his dark brown eyes, I know I have finally met the man of my dreams. I have been hurt before, but this time will be different.He has a terrible past and everyone tells me he can't be trusted, but they don't know what I know. I know deep down that together we can overcome anything.Because sure he has secrets, but who doesn't?But now a man is dead. And the police are knocking on my door.Was trusting him the biggest mistake I could make...? I don't know where to go or who to turn to. What if I am next?This addictive and gripping psychological thriller is perfect for fans of The Housemaid, The Family Across the Street and The Family Upstairs. What readers are saying about Sam Hepburn: 'WOW!!! What an unexpected ending!!!!... Fantastic page turning psychological thriller!!!!... I was kept on the edge of my seat and biting my nails while my heart was in my throat... Explosive twists... I LOVED it.' Bookworm86, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'OMG... Tornado type twists... Wow... a heart-pounding read... 5 stars!' Two Girls and a Book Obsession, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Hooks you from the get go... Fantastic... Kept me turning the pages... Truly brilliant... LOVED IT! LOVED IT! LOVED IT!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Wow I loved this book... Fantastic... Exceptional twists and turns... I could not put it down... I stayed up into the early hours to finish it.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Brilliantly twisty... Kept me up way past bedtime because I was so absorbed... Absolutely worth losing sleep!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Holy Moly this book is flipping awesome... Finished this in two sittings it was that good... Literally had me holding my breath.' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Arianne Richmonde

    She signed the papers. And now her life is in danger... Then: I gaze at my new husband and smile. It's our wedding day and I feel like the luckiest woman alive. Lucas is perfect. He brings me coffee in the morning, flowers in the evening, and never leaves the room without a kiss. So I try to ignore the niggling doubt in the back of my mind about the prenup he made me sign. Does he think I'm a gold digger? I reassure myself that it doesn't matter, because I know we'll be together forever... Now: Three years in, Lucas has changed. I don't feel safe in my own house, and when I look at my husband, I don't recognize the man I married. And now I'm trapped in this house with a man I'm beginning to realize I never really knew at all-and I'm terrified I might not make it out alive... An absolutely gripping psychological thriller. Impossible to put down and packed with whiplash-inducing twists, perfect for fans of The Couple Next Door, The Silent Wife and The Marriage. What readers are saying about Arianne Richmonde: "5 stars! Wow!... Filled with twists and turns... I was not expecting that ending! You think it is going one way then you are thrown another twist... So good! I loved that it kept me guessing and on my toes... Excellent... Highly recommend!" Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "A total WOW read with twist after twist... Will keep anyone on the edge of their seat... An easy five stars from me." NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "I did not see that coming!!?? Best psychological thriller I've read in a long time! My mind is spinning... Wow, so many twists and turns... Had me on edge... So many twists that I did not even see coming! This book is perfect!" Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Omg what a thrill... Twisty and full of suspense. I was on the edge of my seat. Gripped from start to finish. Read in one sitting. Couldn't put it down. Definitely recommend." Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Umm, that twist?! A suspenseful, gripping psychological thriller that keeps you guessing throughout... I was captivated throughout... But that twist had me shocked, such a gripping turn of events!" Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Kate Hewitt

    As Ellie looked at the inn, with its white walls and purple flowers, she couldn't believe this was her new home. It looked like an idyllic image from a postcard, but would her life here be as picture-perfect? When Ellie and her family move to a tiny village in rural Wales, it's meant to be a new beginning for all of them. They have decided to take over her husband's family inn, leaving behind their old life and troubles in America. But soon after they arrive, Ellie realizes everything is in a far worse state than she'd ever imagined. And as her husband, Matthew, begins to tackle the renovations, it's clear that Matthew's mother, Gwen, has very firm ideas about what can and cannot be changed. And although Ellie tries, she finds it's not easy to form a closeness with her prickly mother-in-law, especially now they're living under the same roof. As the children struggle to settle into rural life, Ellie's eldest child, Jessica, makes it clear her parents have made a terrible mistake, and Ellie soon wonders if she's in over her head. Her reality feels a million miles away from the idyllic rural bliss she had hoped to create for her family. When disaster strikes, Ellie is left wondering why she ever brought her family to this place. But even as things go from bad to worse, she feels sure that the Inn on Bluebell Lane needs her family to restore its fortunes, and that perhaps her family need this magical place to bring them all back together once more... A gorgeous, escapist story that will leave you imagining the scent of bluebells on every page. Perfect for fans of heart-warming family dramas by Debbie Macomber and Erica James. Praise for Kate Hewitt's novels: "Stunning and thought-provoking... I loved it... Outstanding." Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿"A firecracker of a novel. I was absolutely unable to stop reading." Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿"Wow. Just wow. What an emotional rollercoaster." Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿"Brilliant... I had to finish this marvellous book in one sitting!" Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿"A heartbreaking story... Worth a complete five stars!" Tropical Girl Reads Books ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Rachel Abbott

    When I open my eyes, I see my sister's pillows are still plump on the bed next to mine, her striped blanket still straight. With cold trickling down my spine, I jump up and open the closet. Her clothes are gone... Eleven years ago, my sister Lola vanished from my aunt's cottage. Now I'm back for the first time, still trying to understand why she ran away. As I go through the house, my mind fills with memories. I should have taken better care of her. If I had, she might have trusted me. What did I miss that summer? What secrets was she keeping? I pore over the photos I took, searching for answers. Lola was so angry, so secretive-laughing with her new friends on the beach, but refusing to meet my eyes. Then a body is discovered hidden in a cave below the cliffs where I walked that summer. No one knows how long it's been there, and I am forced to ask: did Lola run away at all? The police won't tell me anything. Then I come home to find my front door open, my bed made, my camera missing. Who is watching me? I won't stop until I know what happened, but am I ready to face the truth about my family? And if I learn what happened to Lola, will I be in danger too? From the first page to the last shocking twist, you won't be able to put down this heart-poundingly gripping thriller by multi-million-copy-bestselling author Rachel Abbott. Fans of Gone Girl, The Woman in the Window and Ruth Ware will love Don't Look Away. See what readers are saying about Don't Look Away: "Wow! My first Rachel Abbott book but won't be my last!... Lots of secrets, lies and family ties. Totally enjoyed this one and it kept me up way past my bedtime!" NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ "If I want to guarantee a 5 star read I go directly to Rachel Abbott... I got my greedy little paws on Don't Look Away, and my life has never been the same... one heck of a twist!!!!... each book blows my mind but the one to follow is even better!" @thrillbythepage_, ¿¿¿¿¿ "I LOVED this book!... a very fast-paced read with spectacular twists... grips you since the first page." @blueeyesandbooks, ¿¿¿¿¿ "Kept me up all night reading it and should not be missed. Loved it!" Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Heather van Fleet

    Ich bin Hawk. Ich bin kein Held. Ich bin ein böser Mensch, der schlimme Dinge getan hat. Und je schneller sie das begreift, desto besser... Niyol ¿Hawk¿ Lattimore ist frisch aus dem Gefängnis entlassen und will alles hinter sich lassen: Die illegalen Geschäfte des Clubs und die Härte, mit der die Red Dragons einen Verräter wie ihn bestrafen. Doch seine Mitfahrgelegenheit Summer durchkreuzt seine Pläne. Sie ist wunderschön, schlagfertig und sexy. Sie blickt hinter seine Muskeln, seine Tattoos, seine Vergangenheit. Aber er darf seiner Begierde nicht nachgeben. Summer soll ihn eigentlich nur nach Kalifornien bringen. Stattdessen stiehlt sie sich mit jedem gefahrenen Kilometer weiter in sein kaltes Herz ... Summer will weg. Weg von ihrem Ex-Verlobten, weg aus Illinois. Sie hat einen Reiseplan, ein vollgetanktes Auto und plötzlich einen mürrischen Mitfahrer, dessen dunkle Augen sie abwechselnd voller Wut und Begehren ansehen. Doch Niyol passt nicht zu ihr. Er ist ein Red Dragon, seine Welt ist erbarmungslos und brutal. Aber das Spiel mit dem Feuer ist zu verlockend, als dass Summer sich zurückhalten könnte. Selbst wenn es sie in tödliche Gefahr bringt ... Dies ist der erste fesselnde Band der Red Dragon MC-Serie. Garantiert mit Happy End, ohne Cliffhanger und ohne Betrug. Perfekt für Fans von Christine Feehan, Sara Rivers und Liz Rosen. Was Leser:innen über Wild Ride sagen: Dieses Buch hat alles, was man braucht, um es zu einer perfekten, heißen, knisternden Lektüre zu machen!!! Ich kann den zweiten Band kaum erwarten. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich habe dieses Buch geliebt!! Summer und Niyols Geschichte hat mich von der ersten Seite an mitfiebern lassen ... Kann das nächste Buch kaum erwarten! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Heilige Scheiße, Plot-Twist!!! Meine Gefühle fuhren während des gesamten Buches Achterbahn ... Bitte sag mir, dass es eine Fortsetzung geben wird!!!! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Große Empfehlung für Fans von sexy Liebesromanen ... Du wirst während des gesamten Buches gefesselt sein und wirst nur so dahinschmelzen! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich war so aufgeregt, in Wild Ride einzutauchen ... Ich wusste einfach, dass Heather Van Fleet mich umhauen würde ... Ein großartiger Serienauftakt ... und auch eine gute Portion Spannung, die mich an meinen Kindle fesselte ... Ein Must-Read. Steph and Chris' Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ein köstliches Konzept. Niyol ist die Art von verletztem, hartem Kerl, dem ich einfach nicht widerstehen kann, und seine Verletzlichkeit macht ihn absolut unwiderstehlich! Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Shalini Boland

    Zwei Familien. Ein Haustausch. Ein Urlaub, zum Sterben schön.Die weiße italienische Villa ist perfekt. Ich dachte, es würde sich seltsam anfühlen, den Sommer über im Haus eines Fremden zu leben, aber während mein Mann und meine Kinder im Pool planschen, fange ich an, mich endlich zu entspannen. Doch als ich auspacke, finde ich in einem Schrank ein Foto, das mir das Blut in den Adern gefrieren lässt ...Funkelnde grüne Augen, kantiges Kinn, schiefes Lächeln. Ein junger Mann, der seinen Arm um eine schöne Frau legt. Das Bild ist alt und verblasst, aber ich würde ihn überall wiedererkennen. Der Mann auf dem Foto ist mein Ehemann.Aber wir haben die Familie, mit der wir unser Haus getauscht haben, nie kennengelernt, und mein Mann schwört, dass er nicht die Person auf dem Foto ist. Er lügt. Wir streiten uns und ich stürme hinaus. Als ich mich endlich beruhigt habe und zur Villa zurückkehre, finde ich ihn auf der Veranda ... tot.Warum sollte jemand meinen Mann umbringen? Bin ich in Gefahr? Und wie gut kannte ich den Mann, den ich geheiratet habe, wirklich?Leser:innen sind von Der Familienurlaub begeistert:Unglaublich und spannend ... muss man verschlingen ... Dieser rasante und süchtig machende Pageturner hat ... mir eine Gänsehaut beschert. Ich habe es absolut geliebt! Rubie Reads, ¿¿¿¿¿Ich konnte dieses Buch nicht aus der Hand legen, jede freie Sekunde habe ich so viele Seiten wie möglich verschlungen und bin bis spät in die Nacht aufgeblieben, um herauszufinden, was als Nächstes passiert ... Und o mein Gott, mit dieser Wendung am Ende habe ich nicht gerechnet. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Wow! Dieses Buch hatte so viele Twists! Es gab Spannung, Intrigen, Mord ... Es war ein absolut packender Thriller! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Ich konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen ... eine perfekte Kombination aus Spannung, Intrigen und Twists ... ein echter Pageturner! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Hat mich von Anfang bis Ende gefesselt ... Shalini lässt eine Bombe von Geheimnissen nach der anderen platzen ... Die unerwarteten Twists waren der Knaller. @buzy_reading, ¿¿¿¿¿Macht süchtig ... Wer Frau Bolands Schreibstil noch nicht kennt, sollte dieses Buch und alle anderen Titel von ihr sofort auf die Leseliste setzen. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Rebecca Alexander

    As Olivia watches the island grow larger on the horizon, she wonders if returning to this place was the right decision... When Olivia Elliott decides to spend the summer on the remote Morwen Island where she grew up, she can't help but wonder if returning home is a good idea. After all, she still remembers the heartbreak she left behind on those shores many years ago. Back on the island, Olivia soon adjusts to life as an islander and rents a cottage for the summer. But, before long, she runs into her first love, Jory Trethewey, a handsome local boatbuilder who never left the remote community. And despite the fact she can still recall their painful breakup, Olivia finds she now can't stop thinking about him... When Jory offers to help Olivia fix up the cottage, the two begin to spend more time together. And as they renovate, they realise the house has its own secrets and they decide to put the past behind them and investigate its history. Soon they uncover a story dating back to the Second World War, of a wounded airman who came to this island to hide from the world, and of the woman who fell in love with him, and risked everything to be with him... As Olivia tries to find out what happened to the young woman and her airman, she finds herself frustrated by the lack of answers. What became of their story? Did risking everything for love work out for them? And, if it did, should she follow in the lovers' footsteps, and finally trust her heart? A totally heartbreaking and unputdownable read, perfect for fans of gripping family dramas, and for those who enjoy the novels of Debbie Macomber, Fiona Valpy and Nancy Thayer. Praise for Rebecca Alexander's Island Cottage series: 'Oh my goodness... Wish I could give the book more than five stars.' Netgalley reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Outstanding. I'll be sorry to not have it to read tonight, but couldn't put the book down!' Netgalley reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Absolutely spectacular... best I've read... will pull at your heartstrings.' Goodreads reviewer ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Amy Miller

    Hattie gazes at her husband's empty green-and-white-striped deckchair, the fabric blowing in the breeze. Blinking away tears, she clutches her own chair's wooden frame with trembling hands. 'What will I do without him?' Olivia's heart breaks watching her mother Hattie withdraw after her husband's sudden death. Without him, she's never been lonelier. Every morning, Hattie places a pair of tired old deckchairs looking out to sea. Staring at the empty chair beside Hattie, Olivia comes up with a plan: One deckchair for hire! Must bring good conversation and have own flask. Posting the advert in a beachfront café, responses from other lonely locals start flooding in. There's psychic medium Miriam who, besides talking to the dead, finds it therapeutic to belt songs from musicals. Glamorous Glenda has a penchant for teapot wine and skinny dipping. And even a reluctant Hattie can't resist the endearing quirkiness of Jacob, walking the south-west coastal path in memory of his wife. Everyone who sits in Hattie's deckchair has a little pearl of wisdom to share, each bringing a tiny bit of the familiar sparkle back to Hattie's eyes. But as more and more visitors take up residence in Hattie's deckchair - and her heart - will Hattie ever find a way to return to the woman she once was? And in the process, can Olivia also learn a lesson or two about reopening her own heart to love? The Lonely Hearts Beach Club is an absolutely heart-warming story about the power of the mother-daughter bond, family secrets and second chances, perfect for readers who love Jojo Moyes, Faith Hogan and Sheila O'Flanagan. What readers are saying about Amy Miller: 'Wonderful... I literally could not put down... I loved every minute of it and I didn't want it to end... A heartfelt and truly wonderful read. A story that you will lose yourself in.' By the Letter Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Brilliant... I couldn't stop reading from the beginning to the end... I loved every page.' NetGalley reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

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