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  • av Davide Vezzoli

  • av Francesco Cheynet & Lucio Schina

    A young police officer moves in the dark and contradictory Victorian London to uncover those responsible of four heinous murders. For that he will need to use his acuity that will permit him to reconstruct refined plans, complex interactions.

  • av Paolo Antonio Magri

  • - Journal Intime
    av Vittorio Graziosi

    Jusqu'où peut-père qui a perdu son fils dans un acte terroriste aller?Sang de rose écarlate est le voyage d'une conscience déchirée et nous invite à prendre note de ce qu'il y a de plus profond s'agite en chacun de nous.

  • av Lucio Schina & Francesco Cheynet

  • av Paolo Antonio Magri

  • av Reale Degli Antoni

    Gigì - An Italian in Nottingham deals with a young composer coming from Italy experiencing the English University, its ways, its girls, the general environment, finding out his own illusions struggling for staying alive. In the first part, there's a focus on the drinking culture and clubbing, especially on the lack of honesty and frankness between people, including strange ways of chatting girls up, ways which I describe from my outcast position while I am trying to integrate within these manners, hating myself for failing and even attempting to suicide because of it. The title An Italian in Nottingham says already everything, for it enlightens comically the absurdity of the story since the very start. On the other hand, the second part is characterised by a stronger and grown attitude toward issues and life, flowing into a romantic and troubled love story ending in an ambiguous way with Gigì, a Chinese girl studying in Nottingham for few months.


  • av Davide Vezzoli

    Età di lettura: da 5 anni.

  • av Davide Vezzoli

  • av Francesco Cheynet & Lucio Schina

    27 October 1750: A boy runs breathless on a dark autumn night. The letter Bishop Matthews'' deacon has to deliver to Arthur William Harrington, an aristocrat and secret member of the Ambactus Danu sect, contains news that could upset the peaceful existence of the Greystone people. A terrible and evil force is awakening and threatens to bring death and terror on the night of Samhain. To prevent evil from reaping its victims, the four masters will have to perform an ancient ritual that will imprison the beast and plunge it back into the underworld.20 October 1884. Scotland Yard Inspector Dorian Bayley is sent to the remote town of Greystone in the north of England to investigate the theft of an ancient manuscript and the mysterious disappearance of local inspector Nevil Morgan a few days later. As soon as he arrives in the village, however, the inspector learns that a horrendous murder was committed inside the church during the night. The rationality with which Dorian Bayley will conduct the investigation will soon clash with the beliefs and superstitions that envelop Greystone and affect the lives of its inhabitants.A detective story that weaves past and present in a complex game of puzzles that will bring to the surface a surprising truth, veiled by the thousand mysteries that grip Greystone, where the border between rational and supernatural blurs into a vision of horrific and ambiguous reality.

  • av Gian Paolo Lorenzelli

    Nel lontano mondo di Arvh├¿ia, Gherson (conosciuto con il nome di battaglia Vartaxar), principe di Urwan, fu allontanato sette anni prima dal dispotico re e zio Varanis. Ricompare dal suo esilio dopo l''incontro con un misterioso personaggio che lo invita a difendere gli Adamaint, nazione da sempre in guerra contro il suo popolo d''origine, dalle mire espansionistiche dello zio. Dopo aver sconfitto l''esercito nemico Gherson parte alla ricerca di Elazar, figlio perduto di cui ignorava fin allora l''esistenza. L''impresa si dimostrer├á pi├╣ complicata del previsto e Gherson dovr├á affrontare pericoli d''ogni sorta rischiando anche la propria vita. Nel corso della vicenda inoltre, andranno delineandosi sempre pi├╣ i tratti di alcuni personaggi gi├á conosciuti, mentre altri, faranno per la prima volta la loro comparsa aiutando Gherson a comprendere la complessit├á della sua missione...  


    Art catalogue of the painter Stephen Najda - Exhibition in New York City 2019 (Agora Gallery)

  • - The Dragon Child
    av Roberta Calandra

  • av Paolo Antonio Magri

  • - ll Diario
    av Vittorio Graziosi


    The encyclopaedic series "The Art in Monography" - Italian painters volume 1 is dedicated to Fabrizio Vatta.PREFACETogether with the Editor of Black Wolf Edition & Publishing Ltd. we have created the encyclopaedic series "The Art in Monography" dedicated initially only to painting. The editor, believing firmly in the validity of this unprecedented editorial project, has improved and expanded it to the other fine arts, dividing The Art in Monography in sections (Italian Painters, Sculptors, Drawers, Illustrators, Photographers, Mosaicists) and inserting historic-technical volumes for every field realizing a more prestigious monograph work. Both in Italy and in Europe, publishers usually follow the practice to favour only the artists of certain galleries who decide according to the market profits. Therefore, the aim is to promulgate and make known contemporary artists still not entirely consecrated in Italy and in Europe.This valuable series wants first of all to emphasize the creativity of 40 Italian artists who express themselves with various pictorial expressions with differ- ent styles and trends. What most has pushed us to propose with enthusiasm this idea to the publisher was the awareness of the urgent need to give a new face to the contemporary painting, looking for artists of undoubted quality more or less known in the national territory. Moreover, aware that the ostra- cism of the official critic often relegates new talents preferring choices closer to the demands of the market, we, with even greater conviction, wanted to give space and visibility to artists who have not yet entered the elitist enclo- sure of the national and international contemporary art market. We believe that this series is the flower to the eyelet to give value to the good painting that is still unknown, that has not found the applause of the large public of the art. Here we present the various styles and the multiple creative expressions with themes and propositions completely respectable, with the works of artists of certain and undoubted talent.The criteria of selection of the artists took place in complete freedom, limiting their number to present only a restrained group. Knowing that others would have deserved the same consideration, this series does not intend to make any census of the most significant artistic presences on the national territory. It is clear that the amount of them examined here is small, and cannot determine a decisive premise and much axiom in a single direction. We wanted to focus on artists of undisputed technical capacity, reiterating the word of mouth and concentrating on the knowledge acquired in the years. It should be specified, in conclusion, that no gallery has been consulted, neither by us nor by the publisher, because we keep respectfully...the distance when we get into the choices of valuable artists.Alfonso and Nicola Vaccari

  • av Lucio Schina

    A distant island in the North hidden among the waves of the ocean. An ancient legend that hides a mystery to discover. The memory of an echo that hovers between reality and magic. An anthropologist who embarks his journey in search of the truth. A story that combines adventure and mysteries, where time redefines its cycles to create an alternative reality.

  • - (The Diary)
    av Vittorio Graziosi

    Blood of Scarlet Rose is the journey of loss and redemption. Only if we don't repress our feelings, we are able to not lose ourselves.Roberto receives a grievous news, his son is one of the victims of the 7th July 2005 attempt in London. The world falls down with its sky. As far as can a father go after losing his son in a terrorist attack?

  • av Alfonso Vaccari & Nicola Vaccari

    Non fiction novel by Alfonso and Nicola Vaccari.È un racconto autobiografico, che gli autori hanno voluto scrivere per omaggiare uno dei più bei ricordi della loro fanciullezza. La storia si svolge negli anni 70, in una città di provincia romagnola: Forlì. A quell’epoca gli autori, gemelli, avevano poco più di tredici anni e...

  • av Roberta Calandra

    La ti¿a es soltera, no tiene hijos y no tiene un ex-marido.A lo sumo estä involucrada en lo que Facebook llamari¿a "Una relacio¿n complicada".Habitualmente tiene un perro o dos gatos. La ti¿a dari¿a incluso el u¿ltimo modelo de iPhone recie¿n comprado para la felicidad de la nieta. Lo importante es no estar juntos mäs de tres horas y media, como mäximo cuatro.Al final de las cuales, por supuesto, el iPhone se irä con ella.

  • av Roberta Calandra

    Un libro per nipoti, grandi e piccini, dedicato interamente alle ZIE!– La zia è single, non ha figli, non ha un ex marito. Al massimo è coinvolta in quella che Facebook definirebbe “Una relazione complicata”. Di solito ha un cane o due gatti. – 

  • av Roberta Calandra

    A book for nephews, young and old, dedicated to all the AUNTIES!– Auntie is single, has no children, has no ex-husband. At most she is involved in what Facebook would call "A complicated relationship". She usually has a dog or two cats. – 

  • av Hazel Stevens

  • av James Ashley Nicholson

    Children book by James Ashley Nicholson and illustrations by Catherine Kay Corner.Freddy is desperate to find treasure. But instead of finding dazzling diamonds, he discovers a dull piece of coal. But sometimes looks can be deceiving.

  • av Hazel Stevens

    Children book dedicated to the character Poppy by Hazel Stevens.Poppy, left at home because ill, wants to make a cake but...The book includes original drawings by Roberto Minguzzi.

  • av Ilaria Di Roberto

    Debut poetry book by Ilaria Di Roberto, an Italian young writer.Poetry collection about "Anima" (soul). The reader could recognize personal life experience in one or more poems.

  • av Nick Gonzalez

    George Cardinal is a depressed car dealer with underworld connections whose family becomes subject to an ill thought out kidnapping and extortion attempt by a mentally unstable American and his hapless accomplice. We move back and forward through time to reveal the intricacies of a plot which very quickly spirals out of control and careers towards its inevitable conclusion.

  • - Whoever you will die!
    av Gabriele Erno Palandri

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