av Faissal Saud Al Halabi
Oh Lord! With what thanks may I attain your praise? Oh Lord!With what gratitude do I mention your grace? Oh Lord! With which ofyour names do I ask your bounty? Oh Lord! With what of yourattributes do I plead your blessings? All praise is due to you. All thanksis rightfully yours, to you is all grace and grace but returns unto you.You are peace and peace comes from you. Blessed be you oh One ofGlory and Grace.Oh Initiator of Innovative Creation and GuarantorThe Means for all, the clouds of your Grace deliverOh Fulfiller of generous dutifulness and Extender of beautifulconcealmentEncompassing is your Grace and longerOh Knowledgeable of hidden secrets and Loyal6 The Gardens of Virtue Accomplisher of promises, Judgment of your reign is justGrand are your attributes oh Great OneProdigious to account for due praise by uttererSins by your Grace are forgivenAnd repentance of sinners by your tolerance endured.I bear witness that there is no god save Allah alone with noassociate, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger, thetrustworthy guide, bringer of good tidings and warning, shining beacon,best of creatures, most prudent advisor, most gentle with his nation,merciful with his beloved, Allah's prayers and peace be upon him andhis family and companions all together.Oh honorable reader, traveler, pauper, lost, struck by thirst, bent byhunger, exhausted by the journey.Travelers: no matter how long the life. Paupers: no matter howgrand the wealth. Lost: astray from light, in darkness. Thirsty bywrongdoing cannot quench. Bent by the hunger of sin, cannot fill.Exhausted by disorientation, cannot find guidance.Yet a godly light has captured their minds, awakened them fromtheir oblivion, and brought them good tidings post bewilderment."Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of HisLight is as (if there were) a niche and within it a lamp, the lamp is inglass, the glass as it were a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive,neither of the east (i.e. neither it gets sun-rays only in the morning) norof the west (i.e. nor it gets sun-rays only in the afternoon, but it isexposed to the sun all day long), whose oil would almost glow forth (ofitself), though no fire touched it. Light upon Light! Allah guides to HisLight whom He wills. And Allah sets forth parables for mankind, andAllah is All-Knower of everything"1Those who have felt the membrane2 shatter from their hearts, andthat success is near. Their souls rejuvenated, their will resolved. In thedistance their sight caught by a cohesive correlation of greens, theirhearing caressed by trickling water throwing its self onto the waterwaysof vegetation. So they hasted, and raced and when they approached it,they were mesmerized by its trees, and astonished by its fruits, andenchanted by its streams. So what great gardens are these? Whatmarvelous oasis is this? They are the gardens of virtue and the oasis offaith, plentiful shade, sweet water, pleasant breezes, and easy picking.Labor in it is joyful, sincerity illuminant, and honesty is with happiness.No sorrow befalls who enters, no regret by who works in it. These aregardens of true happiness, initiated by Allah for those who love him,created by Allah for those who desire bliss, established by Allah forthose who want salvation in the low life and the end.1 Qura