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Böcker utgivna av Birkhauser

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  • - Planning, Education, and Society
    av Lucius Burckhardt

  • - Berger+Parkkinen Architekten
    av Francisco Barrachina Pastor

  • - Materialien, Techniken, Bauelemente
    av Astrid Zimmermann
    1 095,-


    The works awarded prizes by the Deutscher Designer Club (DDC, German Designer Club) in its annual Gute Gestaltung (Good Design) competition demonstrate design excellence and skilful use of form. This book presents prizewinning designs from all disciplines.

  • - Design zwischen Archaik und Hightech / Design Between Archaic and High-Tech
    av EOOS Design GmbH

    EOOS, founded in Vienna 20 years ago, is one of the most successful design studios. This is verified by more than 130 design awards and an impressive number of patents. This elaborately designed monograph on EOOS, presented on the occasion of the exhibition at MAK, contains all produced designs as well as design experiments.

  • - Bundesweiter UEberwachungsplan 2013

    Der Bundesweite Überwachungsplan (BÜp) ist ein für ein Jahr festgelegter Plan über die zwischen den Ländern abgestimmte Durchführung von amtlichen Kontrollen zur Überprüfung der Einhaltung der lebensmittelrechtlichen, weinrechtlichen und tabakrechtlichen Vorschriften. Er kann Programme zu Produkt- und Betriebskontrollen oder eine Kombination aus beidem enthalten. Insgesamt wurden 16 Programme für den BÜp 2013 ausgewählt, an denen sich die Länder und die Bundeswehr mit ca. 4.900 Proben und ca. 6.000 Betriebskontrollen beteiligten:Untersuchung von Lebensmitteln auf Stoffe und die Anwendung von Verfahren· Oxidativer Zustand von raffinierten, linolsäurereichen Speiseölen aus dem Einzelhandel· Nicht dioxinähnliche polychlorierte Biphenyle (ndl-PCB) in Eiern aus Freilandhaltung· Überprüfung der Deklaration ¿Laktosefrei¿ in Fleischerzeugnissen und Wurstwaren· Milchallergene in Schokoladen ohne deklarierten Zusatz von Milchbestandteilen· Schwefeldioxid (Sulfite) in ¿Konfitüre exträ/¿Gelee exträ· trans-Fettsäuren in fetterhitzten Lebensmitteln und den zugehörigen FettenUntersuchung von Lebensmitteln auf Mikroorganismen· Vorkommen von pathogenen Yersinia enterocolitica in Schweinehackfleisch ohne Erhitzungshinweis und Hackepeter· Temperatureinhaltung und mikrobiologischer Status von vorverpackten Mischsalaten mit beigegebenen tierischen Lebensmitteln in Bäckereien, Metzgereien und Schnellrestaurants· Mikrobiologisch-hygienische Beschaffenheit von rohen Garnelen· Hygienestatus von Teilgerichten aus der GastronomieUntersuchung von Bedarfsgegenständen und kosmetischen Mitteln· Isothiazolone in kosmetischen MittelnBetriebskontrollen· Einhaltung der Heißhaltetemperatur und Ausstattung von Essenausgabestellen· Überwachung vonLieferserviceunternehmen· Überprüfung der Einhaltung der Produkttemperatur von Räucherlachsprodukten in Kühleinrichtungen und der betrieblichen Temperaturmessverfahren· Temperaturüberwachung in Transportfahrzeugen für kühlpflichtige Lebensmittel· Überprüfung des Hygienemanagements der Herstellung und Verteilung von Speisen in Altenheimen

  • av Angelo Guerraggio & Giovanni Paoloni
    1 069

    Der Mathematiker Vito Volterra (1860 - 1940) war nicht nur ein großer Mathematiker, sondern auch ein guter Wissenschaftsorganisator. Über Jahrzehnte galt er als der bedeutendste Repräsentant der Wissenschaft in Italien. Die Autoren rekonstruieren seine wichtigsten Beiträge zur Wissenschaft und zur Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Institutionen in Italien und der Welt: von der Entwicklung der Funktionalanalysis über die Untersuchung der Populationsdynamik bis zu seiner Lehrtätigkeit und der Gründung des staatlichen italienischen Forschungsrates.

  • av Peter Wotschke

    Electrical installations in buildings are becoming increasingly complex. BASICS Electrical Installations conveys the basic concepts of electrical installations in buildings in practical applications.

  • av Roman Skowranek

    The good provision of daylight and matching artificial lighting installations make an important contribution to energy conservation.


    Basics Building Technology covers the fields of water supply and disposal, electric installations and energy-related subjects, i.e. The compendium combines the successful volumes Room Conditioning and Water Cycles and supplements these with the two hitherto unpublished volumes Electric Installation and Lighting Design.

  • - The Science of Strollology
    av Lucius Burckhardt

    Lucius Burckhardt (1925-2003) lehrte an der Universitat Kassel Architekturtheorie und grundete in den 1980er Jahren die Promenadologie, die Spaziergangswissenschaft, und entwickelte sie zu einer komplexen und weitsichtigen Planungs- und Designdisziplin. Weil die Landschaft"e; als Idee nur in unseren Kopfen existiert, handeln Burckhardts Texte (und Zeichnungen) weniger von den schonen Aussichten, sondern davon, welche mannigfaltigen Beziehungen ein einfacher Spazierganger mit seiner Umwelt eingeht. Wer mit wachen Augen die Umgebung beobachtet, dem stellen sich interessante Fragen: Warum etwa Stadt"e; und Land"e; in Zeiten der fortschreitenden Zersiedelung gar nicht mehr so einfach zu trennen sind. Oder weshalb wir einen Viadukt als schon, ein Atomkraftwerk jedoch als eine Storung empfinden. Aber auch, warum Garten wie Kunstwerke sind und deshalb genau wie diese befragt werden sollten.Dieses Buch veroffentlicht erstmals in englischer Sprache 28 Texte des Design- und Planungskritikers, in deren Zentrum die Aspekte Landschaft, Gartenkunst und Spaziergangswissenschaft stehen.

  • - Metalithikum III

    Deals with the rapidly happening "deterritorialization" of everything which was once regarded stable and binding.

  • av Wolfgang Rudorf, Liliane Wong & Nolan Lushington
    1 115

    A handbook on the design and the planning of libraries. It features contributions by experts from architecture and library science who analyze specific aspects of the building type; a typology of some 40 exemplary international projects that provides inspiration and a range of options.

  • - Contemporary Housing Types and Territories
    av Har Ye Kan & Peter G. Rowe

    Accomodation of diversity and the creation of urban density are a focus of world-wide building and planning activities today. This book combines the architectural and urban scales to demonstrate that it is a specific quality, urban intensity, which determines the success of housing. The authors provide a typology of housing according to the ways in which diversity and density are created. Comparisons with historical models and critical appraisals based on the authors' unique standing give ample information on the pros and cons of major types of housing, their pitfalls and successful examples. Newly created sets of drawings, from floor plans to spectacular 3D aerial views of the buildings in their urban contexts, accompany each of the more than twenty case studies that are described and analyzed in detail. The approach taken here relates to many pressing issues in contemporary housing, including the avoidance of urban sprawl, the revival of city centers and the ongoing search for innovative housing types.

  • - Advancements in adaptive architecture

    In times where the very concept of `nature' is questioned not only in its philosophical dimension, but in the core of its biological materiality, we need to reconsider the interrelations between architecture and nature.


    Presents a broader view of the effects and consequences of current remix practices and the recombination of existing digital cultural content. This book unveils some of the key drivers leading to the participatory engagement of the User.

  • - New Creative Practices out of Diversity

    Presents a detailed review of vectors of creative and artistic coded and cultures, focusing on digital media-related art projects and observation models on the intersection of disciplines like art, science, technology and design.

  • av Martin Ziegler

    Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die verschiedenen Aspekte der mathematischen Logik, die jeder Mathematiker und Informatiker kennen sollte. Nach dem Prädikatenkalkül und seinen Anwendungen auf die Anfänge der künstlichen Intelligenz wird die Mengenlehre axiomatisch dargestellt. Im dritten und vierten Teil werden die notwendigen Grundbegriffe der Berechenbarkeitstheorie und die Hierarchie der in den natürlichen Zahlen definierbaren Teilmengen eingeführt, um schließlich die Gödelschen Unvollständigkeitssätze zu beweisen. Durch seinen klaren Stil und die eingefügten Übungsaufgaben ist dieses Buch eine konzise Einführung in diese Grundlagen der gesamten Mathematik.Für die zweite Auflage wurde an einigen Stellen wurde die Darstellung verbessert und eine Reihe von Fehlern,insbesondere in den Aufgaben, korrigiert.

  • av Kenny Cupers

    How has Berlin's urban landscape changed in its remarkable transformation from divided city to creative capital? Despite the monumental heritage and grand development projects, Berlin still conjures up images of urban fragmentation and vacant inner-city land. The book reveals the changing nature and complex politics of this open space. A rephotographing of sites between 2001 and 2016 shows how no man's land has made way for new apartments and underground hangouts have changed into commercial hubs, but it also transports us to remaining pockets of urban wilderness and unexpected freedom right next to the city's most iconic squares. The accompanying essays by noted urban thinkers explore this little-known but vital reserve-forcing us to reflect on our unrelenting efforts to chart the future of the city at large.

  • - Entwurfe seit 2000 / Design since 2000
    av Andreas Rath

    At the time the Viennese company Glasverlag J. & L. Lobmeyr was founded in 1823, glass was becoming the favorite material of designers. Later on cooperations with architects like Josef Hoffmann, Oswald Haerdtl and Adolf Loos resulted in design classics, many of which are still produced unchanged to this day. Lobmeyr, since 2000 under its sixth generation management, has been reconnecting with the heyday of Viennese glass design of the past century. In cooperation with designers from Vienna and the international scene, Lobmeyr is developing impressive design strategies characterized by a sense of quality and willingness to experiment. This book is a bibliophilic statement demonstrating this exceptional product portfolio, illustrating Lobmeyr's recent design developments.

  • - Using natural forces to maximize performance
    av Brian Cody

  • - A Time Travel through Garden History
    av Nadine Olonetzky

    Every garden is an imagined paradise - a garden paradise that incorporates the personality of the individual who created it, but also the long history of horticulture. Although the famous and influential gardens often needed extensive funds for their creation, gardens are not designed for the privileged of this world.

  • - Criteria and Architectural Design
    av Nurgul Ece

    It makes the link between architecture as a design task and a building biology approach to design. Using the building of the Institute of Building Biology + Sustainability (IBN) as a model, building biology criteria and approaches are explained in detail.

  • av Rudolf von Alt

    Rudolf (von) Alt malte und aquarellierte Menschen, Landschaften, Doerfer und Stadte in den Kronlandern der Habsburger Monarchie, auf der Krim, in Italien und in Deutschland. Stefan Olah fotografiert Architektur, Lebens- und Kulturraume vom Himalaya bis Brasilien - und in Wien.

  • av Cordula Rau

    "e;Why is it really that architects wear black?"e; was a question put to Cordula Rau by an automotive industry manager during an architectural competition. Even though she herself is an architect, and wears black, she did not have an answer on the spot. So she decided to ask other architects, as well as artists and designers. She has been collecting their handwritten replies in a notebook since 2001. In 2008, this collection of autographs appeared as a small publication - obviously bound in black. For the purpose of the new edition, this legendary collection was expanded by new notable, amusing, pragmatic, and quirky reasons: "e;Please read - and don't ask me why architects wear black!"e;. (Cordula Rau)


    The dimensions of the core elements of office workplaces - desk and chair - together with the necessary circulation areas determine the design of office buildings.

  • - Acoustic Concepts and Parameters for Architectural Design
    av Michael Fowler

    Architects are used to designing visually. By introducing a metatheory of "critical hearing", designers are able to acoustically test their projects and contribute to their design with auditive input, already at the design stage.

  • - Architecture's Role in Film
    av Dietmar Froehlich

    Architecture and film have many things in common. With its systematic analysis, this book offers a scientifically researched history of mutual influence, starting with filmography as a typology of well-known film sets through to the description of the chameleon effect between film and architecture.

  • - Non-Orthogonal Geometries in Building with Steel
    av Terri Meyer Boake

    Complexity in architecture, construction and material manipulation is constantly increasing due to our present ability to design, calculate and fabricate an extending range of geometric shapes and systems. This volume addresses the design of complexity in the planning, fabrication and construction of steel structures based on non-orthogonal geometries: curved and chaotic geometries, poly-diagrid systems, lattice-grid structures and others. Topical photographs by the author on a wide range of international projects present innovative methods and techniques, providing an excellent understanding of the possibilities and requirements of complex steel structures.

  • - Eine Architekturtheorie mit Widerspruchen
    av Angelika Schnell

    2016 New editorship Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Günther Fischer, Angelika Schnell Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a new editorial committee was formed to continue their work: Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Günther Fischer and Angelika Schnell. As the future editors of this series, it is our aim to maintain the course set by our forerunners. The series has fulfilled its original aim of taking stock of the constructional and urban planning ideas and realizations formulated and achieved over the twentieth century in exemplary fashion. The Bauwelt Fundament series actually represents a history of ideas in the fields of planning and building that extends from the beginning of the twentieth century into the present. The second objective of the series, one that is anchored in its very name, will also continue to guide the development of the series, namely the publication of foundational thought – authoritative and fundamental – rather than passing opinion, of theses and polemics relating to the burning architectural and urban planning themes of the time. Penetrating complex interrelationships and probing them with systematic analysis provides the prerequisite for fruitful discourse and ongoing debate. As a forum for such discourses and contributions, the Bauwelt Fundamente series is maintaining its focus on the areas of architecture and urbanism, supplementing it with the always necessary historical investigation of important questions and texts and its extension into other cultural and social fields. A strong international orientation and the desire for more female authors are self-evident in such a context. The original graphic design approach taken by Helmut Lortz to the series is being maintained. As is fitting for a working library, Bauwelt Fundamente titles remain simply designed, using black and white for the logo, the images on the front and back, and the eleven-line summary of the volume’s contents. This is indicative of the broad orientation of Bauwelt Fundamente to all those interested in the cultural and social development that provides the context for the creation of cities, houses and other objects, which in turn create contexts for the world. "Architects, it is said – or hoped – have always been interested in the world beyond the boundaries of their profession." (1) (1) Peter Neitzke, manuscript of his address Nicht mit dem Rücken zur Gesellschaft (Not with one’s back to society) given to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Bauwelt Fundamente in Berlin, 2013.

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