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Böcker utgivna av Birkhauser Verlag AG

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  • av Daniel Parrochia & Pierre Neuville
    1 339

    This book is an essay on the epistemology of classifications. Its main purpose is not to provide an exposition of an actual mathematical theory of classifications, that is, a general theory which would be available to any kind of them: hierarchical or non-hierarchical, ordinary or fuzzy, overlapping or non-overlapping, finite or infinite, and so on, establishing a basis for all possible divisions of the real world. For the moment, such a theory remains nothing but a dream. Instead, the authors essentially put forward a number of key questions. Their aim is rather to reveal the "e;state of art"e; of this dynamic field and the philosophy one may eventually adopt to go further. To this end they present some advances made in the course of the last century, discuss a few tricky problems that remain to be solved, and show the avenues open to those who no longer wish to stay on the wrong track. Researchers and professionals interested in the epistemology and philosophy of science, library science, logic and set theory, order theory or cluster analysis will find this book a comprehensive, original and progressive introduction to the main questions in this field.

    1 455,-

    The use of diagrams has a long but unequal history in logic: The golden age of diagrammatic logic of the 19th century thanks to Euler and Venn diagrams was followed by the early 20th century's symbolization of modern logic by Frege and Russell.


    An interdisciplinary study explaining the dynamics underlying biological motion - one of the most obvious expressions of self-organization. Designed for a broad audience from bioscientists to applied mathematicians, this book considers possible synergetic mechanisms of interaction and cooperation on different microscopic levels.

    2 189,-

    Most organisms and populations have to cope with hostile environments, threatening their existence. Their ability to respond phenotypically and genetically to these challenges and to evolve adaptive mechanisms is, therefore, crucial. The contributions to this book aim at understanding, from a evolutionary perspective, the impact of stress on biological systems. Scientists, applying different approaches spanning from the molecular and the protein level to individuals, populations and ecosystems, explore how organisms adapt to extreme environments, how stress changes genetic structure and affects life histories, how organisms cope with thermal stress through acclimation, and how environmental and genetic stress induce fluctuating asymmetry, shape selection pressure and cause extinction of populations. Finally, it discusses the role of stress in evolutionary change, from stress induced mutations and selection to speciation and evolution at the geological time scale. The book contains reviews and novel scientific results on the subject. It will be of interest to both researchers and graduate students and may serve as a text for graduate courses.

  • - Function Theory According to Chebyshev Ordinary Differential Equations Calculus of Variations Theory of Finite Differences
    1 339

    The editors of the present series had originally intended to publish an integrated work on the history of mathematics in the nineteenth century, passing systemati cally from one discipline to another in some natural order.

  • - Volume I: Emphysema and Infection

  • - Seventh International Conference in Zurich, February 1998 Volume I

  • av UDIAS

    Reprint from Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH), Volume 136 (1991), No. 4

  • - Workshop on Operator Theory and Complex Analysis Sapporo (Japan) June 1991
    av I. Gohberg & T. Ando
    1 195,-


    Uncertainty principles for time-frequency operators.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Sampling results for time-frequency transformations.- 3. Uncertainty principles for exact Gabor and wavelet frames.- References.- Distribution of zeros of matrix-valued continuous analogues of orthogonal polynomials.- 1. Preliminary results.- 1.1. Matrix-valued Krein functions of the first and second kinds.- 1.2. Partitioned integral operators.- 2. Orthogonal operator-valued polynomials.- 2.1. Stein equations for operators.- 2.2. Zeros of orthogonal polynomials.- 2.3. On Toeplitz matrices with operator entries.- 3. Zeros of mat rix-valued Krein functions.- 3.1 On Wiener-Hopf operators.- 3.2. Proof of the main theorem.- References.- The band extension of the real line as a limit of discrete band extensions, II. The entropy principle.- 0. Introduction.- I. Preliminaries.- II. Main results.- References.- Weakly positive matrix measures, generalized Toeplitz forms, and their applications to Hankel and Hilbert transform operators.- 1. Lifting properties of generalized Toeplitz forms and weakly positive matrix measures.- 2. The GBT and the theorems of Helson-Szeg¿ and Nehari.- 3. GNS construction, Wold decomposition and abstract lifting theorems.- 4. Multiparameter and n-conditional lifting theorems, the A-A-K theorem and applications in several variables.- References.- Reduction of the abstract four block problem to a Nehari problem.- 0. Introduction.- 1. Main theorems.- 2. Proofs of the main theorems.- References.- The state space method for integro-differential equations of Wiener-Hopf type with rational matrix symbols.- 1. Introduction and main theorems.- 2. Preliminaries on matrix pencils.- 3. Singular differential equations on the full-line.- 4. Singular differential equations on the half-line.- 5. Preliminaries on realizations.- 6. Proof of theorem 1.1.- 7. Proofs of theorems 1.2 and 1.3.- 8. An example.- References.- Symbols and asymptotic expansions.- 0. Introduction.- I. Smooth symbols on Rn.- II. Piecewise smooth symbols on T.- III. Piecewise smooth symbols on Rn.- IV. Symbols discontinuous across a hyperplane in Rn ¿Rn.- References.- Program of Workshop.

  • av Heinz-Otto Kreiss

    This book studies time-dependent partial differential equations and their numerical solution, developing the analytic and the numerical theory in parallel, and placing special emphasis on the discretization of boundary conditions.

  • av Vladimir Nazaikinskii, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze & Boris Sternin

    The book deals with the localization approach to the index problem for elliptic operators. Localization ideas have been widely used for solving various specific index problems for a long time, but the fact that there is actually a fundamental localization principle underlying all these solutions has mostly passed unnoticed. The ignorance of this general principle has often necessitated using various artificial tricks and hindered the solution of new important problems in index theory. So far, the localization principle has been only scarcely covered in journal papers and not covered at all in monographs. The suggested book is intended to fill the gap. So far, it is the first and only monograph dealing with the topic. Both the general localization principle and its applications to specific problems, existing and new, are covered. The book will be of interest to working mathematicians as well as graduate and postgraduate university students specializing in differential equations and related topics.

    1 999

    This volume provides an in-depth overview of the current state of psoriasis and its management. It reviews the clinical manifestations of psoriasis as well as psoriatic arthritis and emphasizes the evolving paradigm of therapy. Coverage includes topical and ultraviolet therapies as well as traditional systemic therapy.

  • av Rolf-Peter Holzapfel

    one should succeed in finding and discussing those functions which play the part for any algebraic number field corresponding to that of the exponential function in the field of rational numbers and of the elliptic modular functions in the imaginary quadratic number field".

  • - Translated by John Stillwell
    av Horst Knorrer & Egbert Brieskorn
    1 625 - 1 775,-

    In a detailed and comprehensive introduction to the theory of plane algebraic curves, the authors examine this classical area of mathematics that both figured prominently in ancient Greek studies and remains a source of inspiration and a topic of research to this day. Arising from notes for a course given at the University of Bonn in Germany, "e;Plane Algebraic Curves"e; reflects the authorsE concern for the student audience through its emphasis on motivation, development of imagination, and understanding of basic ideas. As classical objects, curves may be viewed from many angles. This text also provides a foundation for the comprehension and exploration of modern work on singularities. --- In the first chapter one finds many special curves with very attractive geometric presentations the wealth of illustrations is a distinctive characteristic of this book and an introduction to projective geometry (over the complex numbers). In the second chapter one finds a very simple proof of Bezout's theorem and a detailed discussion of cubics. The heart of this book and how else could it be with the first author is the chapter on the resolution of singularities (always over the complex numbers). (...) Especially remarkable is the outlook to further work on the topics discussed, with numerous references to the literature. Many examples round off this successful representation of a classical and yet still very much alive subject. (Mathematical Reviews)


    The journal "Aequationes Mathematicae" publishes papers in pure and applied mathematics in general and, in particular, articles focusing on functional equations, combinatorics and dynamical systems. This work contains invited survey papers to celebrate the 50th volume of this journal.

  • - Meilensteine DES Wissens
    av Sander Bais

    Seit Jahrtausenden versuchen wir, die Natur zu verstehen. Wir konnten einige der grossen Mysterien enträtseln, die uns umgeben, indem wir den Makro- und Mikrokosmos mit immer raffinierteren Werkzeugen untersuchen. Nicht nur, dass wir dabei eine überwältigende Vielfalt an Fakten gesammelt haben, wir enthüllten sogar Grundgesetze, welche die Struktur und Entwicklung der physikalischen Realität steuern. Insbesondere lernten wir aus diesen Beobachtungen, dass die Natur sich uns in der Sprache der Mathematik mitteilt. Die künstlichste aller Sprachen wird so zur natürlichsten. Die Gesetze stellen sich uns als Gleichungen dar, vielleicht der kompakteste und eindeutigste Ausdruck menschlichen Wissens. Dieses Buch ist ein Reiseführer zu den Gleichungen, den Meilensteinen des Wissens, die entscheidende Wendepunkte unseres Verständnises markieren.Wir wandern vom Herzstück der klassischen Physik, den Gesetzen von Newton und Maxwell, einerseits zu Einsteins scharfsinnigen Erkenntnissen über die Struktur von Raum und Zeit, und andererseits zu den Gleichungen von Schrödinger und Dirac und dem Standardmodell der Elementarteilchenphysik, das die Türen zum Mikrokosmos öffnete. Am Ende stehen wir vor den Super-Strings als mögliche Grundlage einer allumfassenden Theorie.

  • av Alfons Hadener & Heinz Kaufmann

    Die 11. Auflage dieser etablierten Einführung wurde sorgfältig überarbeitet und erweitert. Das Buch vermittelt Studierenden der Chemie im Haupt- und Nebenfach das Verständnis für die Grundprinzipien der organischen Chemie und ermöglicht darüber hinaus auch eine Vertiefung des in der Schule gebotenen Lehrstoffes. Das bewährte Konzept, die Bindungsverhältnisse in organischen Molekülen, ihren räumlichen Bau und die grundlegenden Reaktionstypen getrennt von Nomenklatur und Systematik zu behandeln, wurde beibehalten. Metallorganische Reagenzien, Methoden der asymmetrischen Synthese und die Prinzipien katalytischer Prozesse werden ebenso berücksichtigt wie die wichtigsten Methoden zur Charakterisierung organischer Verbindungen. Eine Übersicht über eine Reihe von Naturstoffklassen vermittelt die Grundlagen zum Verständnis biochemischer Prinzipien. Zahlreiche Übungen vertiefen den Stoff und erleichtern die Selbstkontrolle.

  • av Willi Freeden & Martin Gutting
    1 469,-

    Special functions enable us to formulate a scientific problem by reduction such that a new, more concrete problem can be attacked within a well-structured framework, usually in the context of differential equations. A good understanding of special functions provides the capacity to recognize the causality between the abstractness of the mathematical concept and both the impact on and cross-sectional importance to the scientific reality. The special functions to be discussed in this monograph vary greatly, depending on the measurement parameters examined (gravitation, electric and magnetic fields, deformation, climate observables, fluid flow, etc.) and on the respective field characteristic (potential field, diffusion field, wave field). The differential equation under consideration determines the type of special functions that are needed in the desired reduction process. Each chapter closes with exercises that reflect significant topics, mostly in computational applications. As a result, readers are not only directly confronted with the specific contents of each chapter, but also with additional knowledge on mathematical fields of research, where special functions are essential to application. All in all, the book is an equally valuable resource for education in geomathematics and the study of applied and harmonic analysis. Students who wish to continue with further studies should consult the literature given as supplements for each topic covered in the exercises.

  • av Alfred Kersch

    Of these methods, the Monte Carlo approach is perhaps most fundamentally suited to mod eling physical events occurring on microscopic scales which are intricately connected to the particle structure of nature.

  • - Translation of Paul Finsler's papers on set theory with introductory comments

    Finsler's papers on set theory are presented, here for the first time in English translation, in three parts, and each is preceded by an introduction to the field written by the editors.

    1 405

    LCA - Quo vadis? discusses overarching topics, new developments and major problems of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and compares LCA with site-specific environmental management. *What requirements should a software tool for LCA meet? A concept of site-specific LCA is proposed in response to criticism of the current approach of LCA.

  • - Biologic Basis and Treatment Outcome

    It is fashionable in professional circles to deplore the difficulty of intellectual discourse between "academicians" - men of letters, researchers, rationalist- and "practitioners" - surgeons, radiologists, physical therapists.

  • av François Golse, Yan Guo, Carlos E. Kenig, m.fl.

    The book covers several topics of current interest in the field of nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications to the physics of continuous media and particle interactions. It treats the quasigeostrophic equation, integral diffusions, periodic Lorentz gas, Boltzmann equation, and critical dispersive nonlinear Schrodinger and wave equations. The book describes in a careful and expository manner several powerful methods from recent top research articles.


    This book explores Persian architecture and mathematics, including domed structures and two-dimensional patterns, elaborate geometry and complex three-dimensional structures of historic monuments, from mathematical ideas to architectonic structures.

  • av Alessandra Lunardi
    1 339

    This book shows how the abstract methods of analytic semigroups and evolution equations in Banach spaces can be applied to the study of parabolic problems. It presents known theorems from a novel perspective and teaches how to exploit basic techniques.

  • - An Elementary Functional Analytic Approach
    av Hermann Sohr
    1 305 - 1 775,-

    The primary objective of this monograph is to develop an elementary and se- containedapproachtothemathematicaltheoryofaviscousincompressible?uid n in a domain ? of the Euclidean spaceR , described by the equations of Navier- Stokes. The book is mainly directed to students familiar with basic functional analytic tools in Hilbert and Banach spaces. However, for readers' convenience, in the ?rst two chapters we collect, without proof some fundamental properties of Sobolev spaces, distributions, operators, etc. Another important objective is to formulate the theory for a completely general domain ?. In particular, the theory applies to arbitrary unbounded, non-smooth domains. For this reason, in the nonlinear case, we have to restrict ourselves to space dimensions n=2,3 that are also most signi?cant from the physical point of view. For mathematical generality, we will develop the l- earized theory for all n? 2. Although the functional-analytic approach developed here is, in principle, known to specialists, its systematic treatment is not available, and even the diverseaspectsavailablearespreadoutintheliterature.However,theliterature is very wide, and I did not even try to include a full list of related papers, also because this could be confusing for the student. In this regard, I would like to apologize for not quoting all the works that, directly or indirectly, have inspired this monograph.

  • av Thodoris Andriopoulos

    This graphic novel is both a historical novel as well as an entertaining way of using mathematics to solve a crime. The plot, the possible motive of every suspect, and the elements of his or her character are based on actual historical figures. The 2nd International Congress of Mathematicians is being held in Paris in 1900.

  • av Yuming Qin, Xin Liu & Taige Wang
    1 185

    This book presents recent results on nonlinear evolutionary fluid equations such as the compressible (radiative) magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations, compressible viscous micropolar fluid equations, the full non-Newtonian fluid equations and non-autonomous compressible Navier-Stokes equations. These types of partial differential equations arise in many fields of mathematics, but also in other branches of science such as physics and fluid dynamics.This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers interested in partial differential equations, and will also benefit practitioners in physics and engineering.

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