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Böcker utgivna av Birkhauser Verlag AG

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  • - Recollections and Notes, Vol. 2 (1945-1968)
    av Hugo Steinhaus
    1 479 - 1 605,-

  • av Linder & Berchtold

    Mit diesem Band über die am häufigsten verwendeten statistischen Methoden wenden wir uns an einen breiten Kreis von Wissenschaftern und Studenten. Biologen, Medizinern, Ingenieuren, Wirtschaftswissenschaftern und Soziologen wird gezeigt, in welcher Art und Weise Varianzanalyse und Regressionsrechnung beim Auswerten von Beobachtungen und Versuchen anzuwenden sind. Das Buch, als Statistische Methoden Il bezeichnet, schliesst an unsere Ausführungen in Elementare statistische Methoden (UTB 796) an; auf dieses 1979 veröffentlichte Buch nehmen wir jeweils als Band I Bezug. Die neue Nume­ rierung erscheint uns auch deshalb gerechtfertigt, weil für die multivariaten Methoden ein eigener Band III geplant ist; die­ ser wird bald erscheinen. Um das Buch, soweit dies sinnvoll ist, in sich abge­ schlossen zu halten, sind gewisse Teile aus Band I nochmals in knapper Weise entwickelt worden; davon betroffen sind vor allem die einfache Varianzanalyse und die einfache lineare Regression. Wir wiederholen auch die wichtigsten Tafeln. Im Kapitel 1 stellen wir einige Begriffe aus der Wahr­ scheinlichkeitsrechnung, die elementaren Tests und die Grundzüge des Schätzens von Parametern zusammen. Kapi­ tel 2 bringt die varianzanalytischen Methoden, von der einfa­ chen bis zur dreifachen Klassierung. Wir gehen dabei auch auf die Probleme bei ungleichen Besetzungszahlen ein. Die Regressionsrechnung im Kapitel 3 beginnt mit dem einfachen Fall einer einzigen unabhängigen Variablen, dann wird über zwei Regressoren zum allgemeinen Fall von p Regressoren er­ weitert. Anschliessend an diese Grundlagen betrachten wir verschiedene Formen der nichtlinearen Regression, sowie die Spezialfälle der periodischen Regression und der Regression mit Anteilen und Anzahlen.

  • - The Interplay of Analysis and Mathematical Physics
    1 135

    This book presents four survey articles on different topics in mathematical analysis that are closely linked to concepts and applications in physics.

  • av David Adams

    In this set of lecture notes, the author includes some of the latest research on the theory of Morrey Spaces associated with Harmonic Analysis.

  • av Hans (Friedrich-Schiller Univ. Friedrich-Schiller University Friedrich-Schiller University) Triebel

  • - A Collection of Classical Proofs
    av Oswald Baumgart
    1 339 - 1 475,-

  • av Michael Ruzhansky & Veronique Fischer
    785 - 789,-

    This book presents a consistent development of the Kohn-Nirenberg type global quantization theory in the setting of graded nilpotent Lie groups in terms of their representations.

  • av Amiya Mukherjee
    795 - 989

    This book presents a systematic and comprehensive account of the theory of differentiable manifolds and provides the necessary background for the use of fundamental differential topology tools.

  • - Volume 1
    av Jan Gyllenbok
    1 999 - 2 265

    This first of three volumes starts with a short introduction to historical metrology as a scientific discipline and goes on with an anthology of acient and modern measurement systems of all kind, scientific measures, units of time, weights, currencies etc.

  • - Topological Vector Spaces, Functional Analysis, and Hilbert Spaces of Analytic Functions
    av Daniel Alpay

    This is an exercises book at the beginning graduate level, whose aim is to illustrate some of the connections between functional analysis and the theory of functions of one variable. A key role is played by the notions of positive definite kernel and of reproducing kernel Hilbert space.

  • - Current Clinical Challenges and Priorities
    1 305

    This book illustrates the imperative for late-life depression prevention, introducing a broad range of approaches to prevention and provides detailed examples of clinical applications of late-life depression prevention - all with consideration of medical and scientific, social, economic and global health perspectives.

  • - MATHEON Workshop 2013

    Since publication of the initial papers in 2006, compressed sensing has captured the imagination of the international signal processing community, and the mathematical foundations are nowadays quite well understood.Parallel to the progress in mathematics, the potential applications of compressed sensing have been explored by many international groups of, in particular, engineers and applied mathematicians, achieving very promising advances in various areas such as communication theory, imaging sciences, optics, radar technology, sensor networks, or tomography.Since many applications have reached a mature state, the research center MATHEON in Berlin focusing on "Mathematics for Key Technologies", invited leading researchers on applications of compressed sensing from mathematics, computer science, and engineering to the "MATHEON Workshop 2013: Compressed Sensing and its Applications¿ in December 2013. It was the first workshop specifically focusing on the applications of compressed sensing. This book features contributions by the plenary and invited speakers of this workshop. To make this book accessible for those unfamiliar with compressed sensing, the book will not only contain chapters on various applications of compressed sensing written by plenary and invited speakers, but will also provide a general introduction into compressed sensing.The book is aimed at both graduate students and researchers in the areas of applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering as well as other applied scientists interested in the potential and applications of the novel methodology of compressed sensing. For those readers who are not already familiar with compressed sensing, an introduction to the basics of this theory will be included.

  • - Poincare Seminar 2013

    This fourteenth volume in the Poincare Seminar Series is devoted to Niels Bohr, his foundational contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory and their continuing importance today. - Serge Haroche & Jean-Michel Raimond, Bohr's Legacy in Cavity QED;

  • - Essays by David Speiser, vol. II

    A follow-up to the volume "Discovering the Principles of Mechanics 1600-1800. Essays by David Speiser" (Birkhauser 2008), this volume contains the essays of David Speiser on relationships between science, history of science, history of art and philosophy.

  • av Tessa Morrison

    This book is about a side of Isaac Newton's character that has not been examined - Isaac Newton as architect as demonstrated by his reconstruction of Solomon's Temple.

  • - Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics; Virus Dynamics and Evolution

  • - The Arithmetical Foundations of Logic
    av Yvon Gauthier

    This book offers an original contribution to the foundations of logic and mathematics and focuses on the internal logic of mathematical theories, from arithmetic or number theory to algebraic geometry.

  • - Touchstones in Understanding Diversity in Healthcare
    1 515

    In this innovative title, the authors describe unique patient populations affected by stigma and prejudice and the prevalence of these issues to all healthcare providers. Each chapter covers the forms of prejudice and stigma associated with minority statuses, including religious minorities, the homeless, as well as those stigmatized by medical serious medical conditions, such HIV/AIDS, obesity, and substance misuse disorders. The chapters focus on the importance of recognizing biological differences and similarities within such groups and describes the challenges and best practices for optimum healthcare outcomes. The text describes innovative ways to connect in a clinical setting with people of diverse backgrounds. The text also covers future directions and areas of research and innovative clinical work being done.Written by experts in the field, Stigma and Prejudice is an excellent resource for psychiatrist, psychologists, general physicians, social workers, and all other medical professionals working with stigmatized populations.

  • - An Overview of Gabriele Giuliani's Work and Life

    This book presents a compact personal biography and a collection of works by Gabriele F. Giuliani's former students and collaborators and a number of personal recollections by friends and colleagues which shed light on the complex, multifaceted personality of a physicist who was also a passionate soccer player and formula Ford pilot.

  • av Martin Gugat

    This brief considers recent results on optimal control and stabilization of systems governed by hyperbolic partial differential equations, specifically those in which the control action takes place at the boundary.

    1 999

    This book collects significant contributions from the fifth conference on Fractal Geometry and Stochastics held in Tabarz, Germany, in March 2014. The book is divided into five topical sections: geometric measure theory, self-similar fractals and recurrent structures, analysis and algebra on fractals, multifractal theory, and random constructions.

  • - Recollections and Notes Vol. 1 (1887-1945)
    av Hugo Steinhaus
    1 475 - 1 619,-

    Mathematician for All Seasons

    1 385,-

    This text provides a review of the current knowledge in both the mechanics of nourishing the critically ill and the metabolic and immunological roles nutrients play.

    1 999

    Tryptophan Metabolism: Implications for Biological Processes, Health and Disease

  • av Mehmet Eren Ahsen

    This brief examines a deterministic, ODE-based model for gene regulatory networks (GRN) that incorporates nonlinearities and time-delayed feedback. One chapter is devoted to the analysis of GRNs under negative feedback with time delays and a special case of a homogenous GRN is considered.

  • - Neue Horizonte
    av Mechthild Regenass-Klotz & Urs Regenass

    Die Erforschung von Tropenkrankheiten rückt immer stärker in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses von Wissenschaft, Politik und Öffentlichkeit. Tropenkrankheiten werden immer häufiger zu einer gesundheitlichen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Belastung für viele Länder. Massnahmen zur Prävention und Therapie werden gefordert. Die Molekularbiologie trägt dazu bei, Infektionsmechanismen auf molekularer Ebene zu klären und so neue Therapieformen zu entwickeln. Das Buch beleuchtet ausgewählte wichtige Tropenkrankheiten (inklusive sogenannter ¿neglected diseases") neu auch aus dem Blickwinkel der Molekularbiologie. Jeder Krankheit ist ein Kapitel gewidmet, übersichtlich strukturiert und leicht verständlich geschrieben. Glossar, Literaturverzeichnis und Stichwortregister runden das Buch ab. Die sorgfältig recherchierten Texte stellen eine fundierte Informationsquelle für interessierte Kreise aus Medizin und Biologie sowie Tropenreisende, Studenten, Lehrer und alle, die sich für Tropenkrankheiteninteressieren, dar.

  • - The Forgotten Father of Matroid Theory
    av Hirokazu Nishimura

    Matroid theory was invented in the middle of the 1930s by two mathematicians independently, namely, Hassler Whitney in the USA and Takeo Nakasawa in Japan. Just as Nazism became more and more flamboyant in Europe in the 1930s, Japan became more and more esoteric and fanatical in the same time period.

  • - Proceedings of the 9th ISAAC Congress, Krakow 2013
    1 999

  • av Manuel Ritoré & Carlo Sinestrari

    Geometric flows have many applications in physics and geometry. The mean curvature flow also has many geometric applications, in analogy with the Ricci flow of metrics on abstract riemannian manifolds.

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