av Mark Denison
Broken Vessels is Dr. Mark Denison's latest book on recovery from sexual brokenness. This is unique because a pastor writes this book for pastors. Bringing his unique perspective as a senior pastor of 31 years, along with his personal story of sexual brokenness and recovery, Denison addresses difficult subjects that most would never touch. This book answers several difficult questions. "Can a man love God and porn at the same time?" "Why do 37% of pastors struggle with pornography?" "What makes pastors susceptible to sexual brokenness?" "What are the three basic causes of sexual addiction?" "What are the four keys to recovery?" "Once a pastor has fallen, can he pastor again?"Denison tackles some tough theological issues tied to sexual brokenness as he drills down into the deeper issues behind "the issue." But this book is not just for pastors. It is a must-read for all church leaders. Given that three out of eight men on staff at your church have this problem, your church needs to have a ready response when the crisis hits.Only 7% of churches have an answer to this pandemic. If your church is among the other 93%, this book serves as a roadmap to navigate the choppy waters you will inevitably face. Denison offers a step-by-step approach to addressing the issues of addiction and pornography. There is an added benefit to this in-depth look at one of the church's greatest challenges of this generation. Seventeen brave pastors from all over the world have been courageous enough to tell their personal stories of addiction and recovery. You will be moved and inspired as you read their stories of pain, abandonment, trauma, addiction, and restoration. Broken Vessels is unlike any book written on the subject of porn and sexual addiction. It will be an enormous addition to your library and the ministry of the church. If you are a church leader, you need this book. If you are a pastor, you must have this book!Dr. Mark Denison, along with his wife Beth, is the founder of There's Still Hope, a recovery ministry for those who have fallen to sexual brokenness. Mark leads men through his acclaimed 90- Day Recovery course and leads seven weekly recovery groups, including one that is held specifically for pastors. Mark and Beth also lead several recovery groups for couples. Mark serves as a Recovery Specialist for C3 Global Net-work, which offers resources to hundreds of churches. Addition-ally, Mark is a frequent speaker for Iron Sharpens Iron, Come to the Table, Castimonia, and other national conferences. Mark is the founding pastor of Recovery Church, with campuses in Flor-ida, Texas, and online. For over 30 years, Dr. Denison served as a senior pastor to three churches in Texas. His education includes a D.Min. (South-western Baptist Theological Seminary), M.Div. (SWBTS), MAHS (Liberty University), and B.A. (Houston Baptist University). Mark is also a trained PSAP (Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional), and has been trained by Celebrate Recovery. Married since 1983, Mark and Beth live in Bradenton, Florida near their son, and are proud parents to an adorable Shih-Tzu.