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Böcker utgivna av Asian Development Bank

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  • - Guidance Note

    This guidance note explains why countries in Asia and the Pacific should use technology including remote sensing and artificial intelligence to reform property tax management and help strengthen public finances.Outlining why property tax is a stable revenue source, it shows how technology can be used to roll out computerized mass appraisal systems, automated value modelling, and integrated land information systems. It assesses the complex hurdles and financial constraints facing countries and shows how ADB is helping better integrate land management into wider e-government systems.


    This report explains why strengthening the governance around public investment management is central to cutting inefficiencies and unblocking the climate finance needed to narrow Asia and the Pacific's gaping infrastructure gap.Outlining how adaptation and mitigation should be woven into more inclusive investment planning, the report explains why private investment should be combined with public resources to better tackle the climate and investment shortfall. It shows why a stronger understanding of climate data and risk analysis can help drive transparent and accountable climate responsive investment in order to finance a solid pipeline of resilient infrastructure projects.

  • - Decarbonizing Global Value Chains

    This report provides an overview of changes in trade and global value chains (GVCs), cross-border investment, financial integration, and the movement of people in Asia and the Pacific and explores ways of decarbonizing GVCs.The report considers how deeper regional integration and greener growth can bolster trade and act as a buffer against future shocks. It looks at ways technology, carbon pricing, and trade policies can help economies tackle both supply chain vulnerability and climate change.


    In the Asia and Pacific region, accessing clean water and sanitation is a constant challenge for residents of informal settlements. Informal service providers, or intermediaries, have emerged in response to this significant essential service gap.This publication examines good practices particularly those involving intermediaries-social enterprises, the private sector, and nongovernment organizations-in delivering water and sanitation services in informal settlements, and their potential for expansion. It presents case studies from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines. The learning is intended to encourage governments, water supply and sanitation utilities, and development financing institutions to incorporate intermediary service providers as valuable partners in large-scale, sustainable investments in water and sanitation service delivery.

  • - Seventh Edition

    Assessing how Asia and the Pacific can benefit from stronger tax systems, this comparative analysis drills down into the set-ups and performance of revenue bodies in 41 economies to highlight reform challenges and outline opportunities.Drawing on the results of the International Survey on Revenue Administration (ISORA 2022) survey, it provides background on each economy, details the performance of their revenue bodies, and looks at growing digitalization. The seventh edition in the series, it outlines major trends and sets out ways government and officials can reform their revenue bodies to build more effective and efficient tax systems.

  • - The Asian Development Bank's Support to India

    The COVID-19 pandemic hit India in three waves between 2020 and 2022 with severe socioeconomic impact, particularly on poor and vulnerable people. This report examines the Government of India's comprehensive and graded response over different phases of the pandemic and ADB's comprehensive support.As its long-standing partner, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) proactively supported the government's strategic, multisectoral, and well-planned intervention. ADB effectively realigned its operational priorities and internal business processes to provide swift, systematic, and concerted support during this period to help India deal with the immediate and long-term pandemic impacts.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This report assesses how to finance an extensive overhaul of transport infrastructure in the BIMSTEC subregion, considers the challenges of public and private financing, and outlines how to create an overarching financial framework. Underscoring why strong transport connectivity is critical to regional integration, the report highlights how economic and financial analyses can help fund key economic corridors and transport projects in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. It analyzes a plan for over 200 projects and sets out ways to boost public-private partnerships, develop capital markets, and establish a regional fund to help close the financing gap.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This road map shows how Bangladesh can swap diesel irrigation pumps for solar powered systems to reduce fuel imports, increase farmers' incomes, and support the country's clean energy transition.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    To bolster economic and financial analyses through national account statistics, this publication presents a model developed by ADB to provide a more consistent measure of non-recoverable VAT on products.Highlighting application results in Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, the publication explains how the model can be used in balancing and reconciling supply and use tables as well as to assess VAT gaps. It shows that the model is relatively simple to apply and its consistency with the supply and use system makes it an attractive tool for policymakers.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This publication introduces the Global Integration Index as a tool to explore how global and regional integration affect development outcomes.The 43 indicators in the index include digital connectivity and environmental cooperation and build on the Asian Development Bank's framework to measure progress in regional cooperation and integration. The index confirms deeper global economic linkages in Asia and the Pacific and enables comparison with other regions and across dimensions. The publication considers how policymakers can combine global and regional integration efforts with domestic policies for sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    Examining how the livelihoods, health, and well-being of women in Central and West Asia were disproportionately affected by the pandemic, this report assesses responses and considers how the experience can guide gender mainstreaming. Emphasizing the need for better granular data, the report looks at intersecting vulnerabilities and at how policies that prioritize women's economic security and strengthen social protection can better insulate them against future shocks.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    ADB's South Asia Department conducted a study to assess the status and responses to the needs of disadvantaged groups in its member countries and identify entry points for greater gender equality and social inclusion impacts in its operations.This publication presents the results, providing an analysis of nine dimensions of exclusion and vulnerability- gender inequality; old age, disability, social identity, diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics; geographic location; income poverty; young age; and migrant status-and how these dimensions overlap in the lives of people with intersecting disadvantaged identities. Drawing from the good practices of governments, civil society organizations, and ADB-financed projects in South Asia, the publication provides SARD a 10-point guide for designing and operationalizing programs for gender equality and social inclusion.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This guidance note provides an overview of methods for evaluating the gender equality and social inclusion impacts of ADB programs and projects in South Asia.This guidance note aims to impart knowledge of vital points to consider when preparing impact evaluations. It outlines key steps for ADB staff, consultants, and project executing and implementing agencies involved in conducting impact evaluations. Additionally, the note explores modalities to assess the effectiveness of project interventions and gathers perspectives from project beneficiaries.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This guidance note aims to enhance the quality of poverty and social analysis for the design of country partnership strategies and programs in South Asia.The guidance note outlines approaches for conducting Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) analysis at the country, sector, and project levels to determine the GESI elements within ADB's country partnership strategies and projects in South Asia. It emphasizes the need to enhance the analysis of intersectional dimensions of exclusion and vulnerability experienced by individuals with intersecting disadvantaged identities.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    Analyzing why only one-in-five of Viet Nam's small businesses are women-owned, this publication outlines the major legal, financial, and societal hurdles they face and explores ways to raise awareness and better support women entrepreneurs in the fast-growing economy. The publication explains the challenges women business owners face in getting access to the credit they need and assesses ways to better direct finance and training. It shows how creating an enabling environment, developing gender disaggregated databases, and targeting support to women-owned businesses can promote gender equality, cut poverty, and drive inclusive growth.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    Quality and sustainable infrastructure investments are needed to rebuild smartly and create a more resilient, inclusive, and equitable world. Digital transformation has become an urgent need for governments.This publication presents the SOURCE platform, a digital transformation tool that is financed and led by multilateral development banks. SOURCE is a key tool for governments to prepare well-developed projects in alignment with international standards such as the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment. SOURCE can be integral to capacity building for best practices in project management, for building infrastructure databases for measuring achievements, and for raising bankability and attracting private sector financing of projects contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This note is intended to guide the Asian Development Bank, executing and implementing agencies, consultants, and contractors in setting up, adapting, and managing grievance redness mechanisms assigned to receive reports on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in ADB-financed projects with civil works. The proposed reporting mechanisms and case handling processes in this publication are based on good practices by international development agencies and multilateral development banks. This good practice note may be used independently but is better understood when read together with the Good Practice Note on Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment in ADB- Financed Projects with Civil Works.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    Underlining why gender equality is a core component of sustainable infrastructure design, this report considers four key ADB investment sectors in Asia and the Pacific and sets out ways to evaluate gender-enhanced project outcomes. The report outlines theories of change and indicators designed to enable gender-inclusive infrastructure investment in urban development, transport, energy, and water, sanitation, and hygiene. Designed to serve as a point of reference, it shows how better including the needs of women, increasing their role in decision-making, and raising stakeholder understanding can help deliver projects that work for everyone.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This technical report assesses the string of events that triggered Nepal's Melamchi River floods in 2021 and highlights threats to the catchment area that provides vital drinking water to Kathmandu's fast-growing population. The report explains how floods damaged key water supply infrastructure and analyses risks posed by earthquakes, glacial lakes, and landslides, as climate change complicates conditions in the fragile Himalayas. It shows why a comprehensive catchment strategy centered on disaster risk reduction and early warning systems, plus measures to stabilize the river and control erosion, can help protect Melamchi's critical infrastructure from future events and boost the capital's water security.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    Indonesia's micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are crucial drivers of economic growth, and this joint publication with Gojek looks at the potential of digital sales to strengthen their resilience. It shares findings from a study of MSME merchants using Gojek's GoFood platform during the COVID-19 pandemic. It notes that Gojek played an important role in the continued operation of MSMEs that otherwise would have been cut off from customers. The publication explores the pandemic's impacts on merchants, including the particular burdens faced by women. It suggests ways of enhancing merchants' experience with online platforms and developing mutual benefits.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    Examines the current state of carbon markets, delves into legal and policy issues, and explains how they can help countries hit their Paris Agreement targets. Shares insights on how high-integrity carbon markets can underpin the transition towards a low-carbon economy as countries transition towards net zero.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    Detailing how Australia's Therapeutics Goods Administration conducted horizon scanning for new vaccines during the pandemic to assist ADB, this report is designed to help countries in Asia and the Pacific prepare for future outbreaks.It provides details of 16 vaccine manufacturers with novel and established vaccine technologies adapted to new pathogens like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Offering information on their vaccine pipeline and partnerships, the report shows their approach to working with ADB's developing member countries and can be used to inform decisions related to vaccine manufacturing and procurement.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This publication explores how data from ships' Automatic Identification System (AIS) can be used to produce near real-time, granular statistics for analyzing maritime activities and detecting disruptions to port operations. Recent global supply chain disruptions have underscored the need for more timely and accurate data. This publication shows how indicators from AIS data can be used to supplement official statistics. Highlighting how AIS data can swiftly capture the impact of events on major ports and maritime highways, it outlines a framework to leverage this data and support a broader understanding of maritime activities from major hubs and cases of disruptions.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    Introducing a data-driven framework aimed at closing the digital education gap, this report assesses 10 developing member countries and illuminates how a multi-stakeholder, systemic approach-including engagement with the private sector-can enhance the delivery of digital education.Utilizing five overarching categories of the framework-infrastructure, government policy, educators, students, and service providers-as lenses to examine each country's unique landscape, the report identifies tailored pathways for incremental and staged development. The report envisages adopting sustainable, scalable solutions that contribute to a more cohesive and inclusive digital education ecosystem.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This publication provides updated statistics on a comprehensive set of economic, financial, social, and environmental measures as well as select indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report covers the 49 regional members of ADB. It discusses trends in development progress and the challenges to achieving inclusive and sustainable economic growth across Asia and the Pacific. This 54th edition of Key Indicators examines how the increased cost-of-living crisis combined with the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are pushing millions of people in Asia and the Pacific deeper into poverty. The report identifies the need for more galvanized efforts to ensure poor people are able to cope with inflationary pressures and ongoing economic uncertainties.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This publication provides a case study of how digital tools can help optimize road design to strengthen climate resilience, safety, and efficient resource use.It explains how virtual models can be used to simulate and analyze the effects of potential design choices and future scenarios such as climatic conditions. It shows how greater use of data and digital solutions can help build greener, more durable transport infrastructure and bolster safety. The case study was developed in collaboration with ORIS as part of a project to upgrade a section of the A380 Highway in Uzbekistan.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This guidance note shares insights on economic corridor development as an area-based approach and explores how to facilitate these multisector programs. It will be relevant to government officials, development partners, the private sector, and academia in formulating, implementing, and assessing economic corridors.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    This edition shows how a modest improvement in economic fundamentals has buoyed East Asia's local currency bond (LCY) markets, but potential renewed increases in inflation and further interest rate hikes could pose risks for the region's borrowers.Covering the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, China, and the Republic of Korea, the report notes that positive investment sentiment supported a narrowing of risk premiums, a rally in equity markets, and net foreign portfolio inflows. However, interest rates in the region remained elevated, partly due to a rise in bond yields in major advanced economies. Higher borrowing costs have contributed to debt stress and bond defaults in some markets in the region over the past few months.

  • av Fariborz Moshirian

    Analyzing the role companies can play in tackling climate change, this book shows how they can set up effective environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks and draft resilient strategies for sustainable activities and investment. It assesses the issue of climate justice, considers the impact of "greenwashing," and looks at ways investors can evaluate ESG considerations. It outlines the corporate and economic risks of climate change alongside the response from central banks. It shows that policy guidance, increased transparency, and information sharing is central for the private sector to make progress towards tackling climate change while protecting its business interests.

  • av Asian Development Bank

    Providing high-level climate risk assessments for cities in Armenia, Georgia, and Uzbekistan, this report is designed to mainstream mitigation and adaptation into urban planning to help ensure climate resilient growth. For each country, it harnesses climate data, models, and projections. It offers a range of scenarios, assesses potential risks to key infrastructure, and sets out ways to combat the impacts of events such as increasingly severe floods and heatwaves. Targeted at focal agencies, ADB project teams, and development practitioners, it proposes urban planning and policy measures that can help each of the countries reach their ambitious climate commitments.

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