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  • av Charles H Spurgeon

    Jesús Vino Para Salvar a los Pecadores es una conversación de corazón a corazón con el lector. A través de sus páginas, se examina y se trata debidamente cada excusa, cada razón y cada obstáculo para no aceptar a Cristo. Si crees que eres demasiado malo, o si tal vez eres realmente malo y pecas abiertamente o a puerta cerrada, descubrirás que la vida en Cristo también es para ti. Puedes rechazar el mensaje de salvación por la fe, o puedes elegir vivir una vida de pecado después de decir que profesas la fe en Cristo, pero no puedes cambiar la verdad de Dios tal como es, ni para ti ni para los demás. Este libro te lleva al punto de decisión, te corresponde a ti y a tu familia abrazar la verdad, reclamarla como propia y ser genuinamente liberado para ahora y para la eternidad. Ven, y abraza este regalo gratuito de Dios, y vive una vida victoriosa para Él.

  • - The Way of Salvation and the Way of Condemnation Made as Plain as Day [Updated and Annotated]
    av Reuben A Torrey

  • - Messages to Encourage the Heart
    av Charles H Spurgeon

    But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. - 1 Peter 4:13Child of God, do not say that the sun is quenched because the cloud has hidden it. No! It is behind there, preparing summer for you, for when it comes out again, it will have made the clouds ready to drop in April showers, all of them mothers of the sweet May flowers. Above all, when your God hides His face, do not say that He has forgotten you. He is only tarrying a little while to make you love Him better. When He comes, you will have joy in the Lord and will rejoice with joy unspeakable (1 Peter 1:8). Waiting exercises our grace. Waiting tests our faith. Therefore, wait in hope, for although the promise tarries, it can never come too late.We never have such close dealings with God as when we are in tribulation. When the barn is full, we can live without God. When the safe is bursting with gold, we somehow can do without as much prayer. But once your gourds have been taken away (Jonah 4), you want your God. Once the idols are cleansed away out of the house, then you must go and honor the Lord. God does not afflict willingly, nor grieve us for nothing, but He does so out of love and affection. He knows that if He leaves us unchastised, we will bring upon ourselves misery ten thousand times greater than we will suffer by His slight rebukes and the gentle blows of His hand. He is admonishing you, not punishing you. He is correcting you in measure, not smiting you in wrath. There is no angry displeasure in His heart. Even though His brow may be ruffled, there is no anger in Him toward you. Even though His eye may have closed upon you, He does not hate you. He still loves you. - Charles H. Spurgeon

  • - Seven Biblical Lessons for Children
    av J C Ryle

    I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. - Proverbs 8:17Children, I am going to talk to you about Jesus Christ and your souls. I want to make you happy, but I know that people are never really happy unless their souls are happy - and I am sure that people's souls cannot be truly happy unless they love Jesus Christ. That is the reason I am going to write to you now. I want to tell you something about Jesus Christ and your souls.Dear children, I hope you will all pay close attention. I pray that the Spirit of God will come into your hearts and make you able to do so. Try to listen to me. Try to understand what I say. Try to remember and carry away something in your minds. I hope to do you all a great deal of good.- J. C. RyleIn this compilation of seven sermons to children, J. C. Ryle tells captivating stories from the Bible with easy-to-understand application for children.

  • - How to Properly Study and Interpret the Bible
    av Reuben A Torrey

    There has perhaps never been an age that set such great store in study as that in which we now live. The unfortunate thing about it is that so much of the study in our day is devoted to books and subjects in which there is little or no profit. Time is squandered on the purely speculative, the uncertain, the unprofitable, the unessential, the unproductive, the irrelevant, and the transitory. The most profitable of all study is wisely ordered Bible study. Its value is incalculable. It is beyond all comparison more profitable than any other study. It is the one superlatively profitable study.Bible study towers above all other studies in importance and value not only because of what the Bible is, but also because of what the Bible does.The Bible properly studied makes men wise unto salvation.The Bible makes Jesus Christ known so as to lead anyone who studies it to believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and thereby to obtain eternal life in His name.The Bible imparts God's own nature to the men, women, and children who study it as they should and thus completely transforms their inmost and their outward life.When properly studied, this Book makes the one who studies it grow like the palm tree in all the graces and glories of Christian character.The Bible properly studied makes the heart pure and keeps the life white.The Bible, properly studied, brings peace, wonderful peace, to the troubled heart.The Bible, properly studied, brings joy as well as peace.In this book, I will tell you how to properly study the Bible: for light and not for darkness, for life and not for death, for blessing and not for cursing, and so it will lift us up to heaven and not sink us down to hell.

  • - 12 Themes on Following Jesus
    av Stephen A Gammon

  • - A Daily Devotional
    av Jason Pettus

  • - A Compilation of Moody's Sermons and Prayer-Meeting Talks
    av Dwight L Moody

    When Mr. Moody began his series of meetings at the Tabernacle, The Inter-Ocean undertook to give accurate phonographic reports of his sermons. The undertaking was a success, and from many admiring friends of Mr. Moody, we have been requested to have the sermons reproduced in book form. In response to such requests, this volume is issued. The sermons have been carefully revised and corrected with the reporter's notes. Omissions made in the daily reports, for want of time or space, have been made good, and some entire sermons reported but crowded out of the paper, will be found in these pages. On the whole, it is believed to be the largest and most correct publication of Mr. Moody's sermons that has been offered to the public.- The Inter-Ocean.Chicago, Dec. 19th, 1876.

  • - Eleven Biographies in One Volume
    av John Charles Ryle

  • - Short, Easy-to-Read Insight into the Unscriptural Beliefs of the Mormon Church
    av H A Ironside

  • - Trusting God through Challenges and Change
    av Carin Leroy

    I screamed and jumped from the chair to run for cover under our bed's mosquito netting. Not another night of dive-bomb roaches. One of the epic-sized ugly bugs had launched from the wall and glided toward me. Under the safety of the net's cover, I would read for the evening. This jungle setting was no place for a wimp, and I needed to toughen up fast.I didn't know that trekking through the jungle meant hours of muscle-shredding exhaustion or that our firstborn son would overdose on malaria medicine. Who knew that running water would become a luxury? Nor did I anticipate that malaria chills, flights on small aircraft, and watchful eyes would be a part of everyday life. There was a lot I didn't know, and that was a good thing.Along with the challenges, there were wonderful things, too. I learned the joy of listening to a tropical rainstorm on a metal roof, the sweetness of jungle fruits, and the beauty of a life changed by the power of the gospel. Living in extreme isolation would mean the adoption of a little jungle tribe who became our family away from family.My husband and I were young and zealous, excited for an adventure with God but without knowing all that it would require. Choosing to leave the comfort of my Southern roots, I found myself tossed into a primitive culture where suffering was common, and fear of the spirit world reigned. Following God to this remote place seemed like a risk, but it became the "risk that wasn't" because of the faithfulness of God.The bougainvillea - a tropical, vining shrub - displays its magnificent color better in times of drought and intense sun than when grown in the shade or heavily watered. So, too, can our difficulties create something beautiful in our lives. As our faith is forged in God, our transformation mirrors his reflection. Come, join me in a place where no roads go, where challenges and change reveal God's amazing grace.About the AuthorCarin LeRoy and her husband have been in ministry with Pioneers since 1981. They worked in a church planting ministry in Papua New Guinea for almost thirteen years, during which Carin developed literacy primers for that language, ministered to the women and children, and added three children to their family. They have since worked in Orlando, FL, serving in several roles within the Pioneers staff. They continue to visit Papua New Guinea to encourage the church, as the Lord has enabled them. At home, Carin also teaches piano. They have four grown children and six grandchildren.

  • - A Biographical Overview of the Life of Christ
    av James Stalker

    There was only one man who was so important that His birth caused our calendar to split in two (B.C./A.D). There was only one man who, despite being tempted, did not sin even once. There was only one man who died for your sins and mine and by whom we can have eternal life. That man was Jesus Christ of Nazareth.How much do you know about Jesus? Have you spent much time thinking about how He lived? Do you know Him? James Stalker carefully goes through each stage of Jesus' life and presents, in a biographical format, what we know about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If anyone deserves to have our attention and our interest, that person is Jesus. He is more than a hero. He is a perfect example of how we should live. He is the only one who gives us any real hope at all. If we are to take up our cross and follow Him, we must understand what that means and must see what that looks like. This book will help you to do just that.

  • - Assurance that the Bible is the Word of God
    av Reuben A Torrey

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. - 2 Timothy 3:16 Is the Bible the Word of God? That is the most important question for humanity. If the Bible is the Word of God, if it is an absolutely trustworthy revelation from God Himself, of Himself, His purposes, and His will, of man's duty and destiny, and of spiritual and eternal realities, then we have a starting point from which we can proceed to the conquest of the whole domain of religious truth.This book will show you the absolute trustworthiness of the Bible. Follow the Word of God, and it will lead you as it has led thousands of others. It will lead you out of the uncertainty and the restlessness and the ultimate despair of unbelief and into the certitude, the joy, the victory, and the ultimate glory of an intelligent faith in the Bible as the Word of God, and in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

  • - What it Means to Repent and Why We Must Do So
    av J C Ryle

    Except you repent, you will all likewise perish. - Luke 13:5It is indifference that leaves people alone and allows them to go their own way. It is love, tender love, that warns them and raises the cry of alarm. The cry of "Fire! Fire!" at midnight might sometimes rudely, harshly, and unpleasantly startle a person out of his sleep, but who would complain if that cry was the means of saving his life? The words Except you repent, you will all likewise perish might at first seem stern and severe, but they are words of love, and they could be the means of delivering precious souls from hell.The nature of repentance: What is it? The necessity of repentance: Why is repentance needful?The encouragements to repentance: What is there to lead people to repent?

  • - A Manual for New Christians
    av Reuben A Torrey

    Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not upon thine own understanding: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. - Proverbs 3:5-6"I have for years felt the need of a book to put in the hands of those beginning the Christian life that would tell them just how to make a complete success of this new life upon which they were entering. I could find no such book, so I have been driven to write one. This book aims to tell the young convert just what he most needs to know. I hope that pastors and evangelists and other Christian workers may find it a good book to put in the hands of young converts. I hope that it may also prove a helpful book to many who have long been Christians but have not made that headway in the Christian life that they long for."- Reuben A. TorreyList of ChaptersCh. 1: Beginning RightCh. 2: An Open Confession of ChristCh. 3: Assurance of SalvationCh. 4: Receiving the Holy SpiritCh. 5: Looking Unto JesusCh. 6: Church MembershipCh. 7: Bible StudyCh. 8: Difficulties in the BibleCh. 9: PrayerCh. 10: Working for ChristCh. 11: Foreign MissionsCh. 12: CompanionsCh. 13: AmusementsCh. 14: PersecutionCh. 15: Guidance

  • - A Collection of Sermons Preached at the Metropolitan Tabernacle
    av Charles H Spurgeon

  • - Daily Devotional Readings
    av Charles H Spurgeon

    Morning by MorningCharles H. Spurgeon's devotionals Morning by Morning and Evening by Evening have inspired, encouraged, and challenged Christians for generations. Spurgeon, with his masterful hand, carefully selected his text from throughout the Bible and covered a broad range of topics, in order to present a well-balanced and fruitful daily devotional for readers both young and old. Now updated into more-modern English for today's readers, and again separated into two volumes as originally published, with morning devotionals in one volume and evening devotionals in the second. We chose a 11-point font for the sake of legibility, and formatted the devotionals so each fits on a single page.

  • - Daily Devotional Readings
    av Charles H Spurgeon

    Evening by EveningCharles H. Spurgeon's devotionals Morning by Morning and Evening by Evening have inspired, encouraged, and challenged Christians for generations. Spurgeon, with his masterful hand, carefully selected his text from throughout the Bible and covered a broad range of topics, in order to present a well-balanced and fruitful daily devotional for readers both young and old. Now updated into more-modern English for today's readers, and again separated into two volumes as originally published, with morning devotionals in one volume and evening devotionals in the second. We chose a 11-point font for the sake of legibility, and formatted the devotionals so each fits on a single page.

  • - How to Run with Endurance the Race Set before You
    av Robert Boyd

    Now what?Now that you are a Christian, it becomes a most important question: What kind of a Christian are you going to be? Are you going to be one modeled after people's opinions, or will you follow after the Bible standard? Will you be a Christian, as defined by scripture?This helpful book provides practical, biblical guidance and encouragement for new Christians.

  • - Stories of Ordinary Men and Women Who Have Done the Extraordinary
    av Douglas Feavel

  • - Daily Devotional - Promises for Today
    av Charles H Spurgeon

    Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass. - Joshua 21:45 Faith's Checkbook is a one-year devotional meant to encourage you to take God at His Word - to take hold of God's promises by faith. Each day you will be presented with a specific promise from the Bible, along with accompanying exhortation by Charles Spurgeon. This is your "spiritual checkbook," if you will. God's bank account of provision is ample, and it cannot be overdrawn. Every situation you might face is equally met with a promise that, if accepted, will sufficiently see you through."God has given no promise that He will not redeem. He does not offer hope that He will not fulfill. To help my brethren believe this, I have prepared this little volume."- Charles H. Spurgeon

  • - Honoring Christ While You Wait for Your Next Pastor
    av Jason Lowe

  • - Giving Voice to Destitute Children of the World
    av Elizabeth A Carpenter

    A true story of children who suffer in silence as they struggle to exist without the necessities of water, food, shelter, and love. Living in impossible conditions, many do not know what they lack - the love of a family and the comfort of a home - for survival is their only concern as they grow up in a world of adults who are busy with their own survival.Conversations with dozens of boys and girls in Myanmar (formally known as Burma) serve as the groundwork for these stories. They put a face to the suffering that many children endure every day as they live in the midst of an ethnic war and under military rule. They face poverty, Christian persecution, and physical and sexual abuse. Each child's testimony speaks of survival of such hardships and rescue to a Christian children's home. From their voices we hear the desperate plea for help for themselves and for those whose voices have not been heard.

  • - A Commentary
    av J C Ryle

  • av Spurgeon Charles H. Spurgeon

    Charles Spurgeon's weekly lectures to his ministry students have been compiled in three volumes, now updated and presented to you afresh.

  • - Lessons on Finding Contentment when Life is Hard
    av Dr Stephen a Gammon

  • - Lessons from Our Lord's Miracles and Parables
    av Charles H Spurgeon

  • - 15 Practices of a Church Revitalization Leader
    av Kentucky Baptist Convention

  • - Keys for Personal and Spiritual CPR
    av Phil And Keli Wade

    If you are tired of mediocrity, tired of settling for going on half-throttle with little vision and passion that seem to be fading, then welcome aboard.By hearing some of my story, I hope you will see that if God, the Creator of the universe, can use Phil Wade, as He did a donkey belonging to Balaam, then certainly God can use you to be a change agent to bring hope to people who see nothing but hopelessness. God can use you to bring change to those in your circle of influence who are stuck doing life, family, and ministry the way they have always done it, even though it stopped working decades ago. He can use you to bring life back to those faithful followers, servants, leaders, and shepherds who have become weary in doing good.My goal is to bring about spiritual CPR, heart-level resuscitation, to every Christ-follower who refuses to settle for mediocrity, desires to finish well, and longs to still be running when the sands of time run out. This book is for every child of God who is willing to dare to dream big and leave behind every weight that stands between his or her reaching that dream.

  • - A Burning and Shining Light for Christ
    av S K Wilkinson

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