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  • av Luis Pon Ce

    Mientras que en nuestras vidas cotidianas la lectura en voz alta de un texto escrito suele ser menos frecuente que el hecho de "hablar", construyendo frases de forma espontánea cuando participamos en una conversación, en la práctica musical y en los procesos de educación musical se suele otorgar una importancia considerable a la lectura de "textos", a la interpretación musical de partituras, a veces en serio detrimento de la actividad de improvisar, que podría considerarse el equivalente a "hablar" el lenguaje de la música. En este libro se ofrecen, desde la investigación y reflexión, varias aportaciones en torno a la improvisación musical en grupo y sus beneficios en el contexto educativo y terapéutico. El Aprendizaje Social y Emocional y la Musicoterapia son dos áreas de conocimiento que inspiran los estudios y propuestas que aquí se comparten. Entre otros contenidos, este libro presenta: Una autoetnografía en torno a una experiencia de improvisación grupal libreEl diseño y evaluación de un proyecto de improvisación grupal dirigido a estudiantes de un conservatorio profesional de músicaUna serie de propuestas didácticas relacionadas con la improvisación musical en grupo Luis Ponce de León es Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación (UNED). Profesor Superior de Piano. Profesor Superior de Solfeo y Teoría de la Música (Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid). BA (Hons) Humanities with Music (The Open University, Reino Unido). Máster en Musicoterapia Avanzada y Aplicaciones (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Amplía su formación en pedagogía musical en otras instituciones, entre ellas el Instituto Kodály y la Eastman School of Music. Además de su formación musical es Ingeniero Superior de Telecomunicación por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Ejerce como profesor e investigador en el Departamento Interfacultativo de Música de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, labor que compagina con la interpretación y la composición. Sus líneas principales de investigación son la didáctica del lenguaje musical y la orientación para el desarrollo de la carrera musical.

  • av Noelia González Gálvez

    En los últimos años se han desarrollado diferentes modelos pedagógicos en Educación Física y han sido investigado sus efectos. Encontramos principalmente cuatro modelos pedagógicos básicos: aprendizaje cooperativo, educación deportiva, modelo de enseñanza comprensiva del deporte, modelo de responsabilidad personal y social.Este libro se centra en dos de ellos: enseñanza comprensiva del deporte, y modelo de responsabilidad personal y social. Sin embargo, existen otros modelos pedagógicos emergentes como el modelo ludotécnico, modelo actitudinal, modelo basado en la práctica, autoconstrucción de materiales, modelo de educación aventura, aprendizaje servicios, gamificación y aula invertida, entre otros.

  • av Gary Beck

    Until the Bell takes place mainly in New York. A young Puerto Rican boy from the Bronx escapes gang life when he discovers boxing. He quickly rises in the rankings, but is not satisfied and desires education. He gets his G.E.D. and meets an exciting girl, an actress going to college. They fall in love and he becomes interested in acting. He goes to college and keeps winning his fights. He becomes an actor in a feature film, writes the screenplay and is a rising star when Covid 19 strikes and everything changes,

  • av Marc-Andre Ricard

    Key to the 150 Psalms and the 72 Genies of the Cabala.Being a faithful transcription in every respect of an 18th century text of Angelic Magic from the Ms. Français 14788, of the Arsenal Library in Paris.This book is not a collection of prayers. It is an 18th century grimoire made to summon beneficial Spirits by means of their Names, their magical Characters and the Psalms. Occultists and Cabbalists call them Genies. The uninitiated call them Guardian Angels.To use this book, this Key to the Psalms, the faith essential to success - your faith - does not need to be Christian or Jewish. No need for magical tools to undertake this mysterious Art. You must only have faith, that is to say an unshakeable confidence that your operations will succeed and that through the help of the Magical Intelligences and Characters contained in this book, you will succeed in calling and conjuring these Genies; real invisible, powerful and unsuspected forces.Their scope of action covers many areas. With their help, it will be possible to obtain protection from enemies and thieves, gain the favor of people in high places, deliver those who have been unjustly condemned, obtain the love of someone, deliver a besieged city or put an end to a war, protect yourself from dangers on land and sea, against storms and earthquakes, cure various illnesses, obtain answers in dreams... and more.This book contains: Key to the Clavicles of Solomon, of the 150 Psalms of David, with the Characters of all the Genies or Spirits who preside over miraculous operations;The 72 Names of God, with verses from the Psalms;Comparative table of the Names of the Genies;Comparative table of the Intelligences;All 150 Magical Characters fully traced by the author.

  • av Chris Welton

    Dive into the thrilling narrative of "One Jordan," a testament to the extraordinary impact of a unique networking strategy that flipped the script on conventional approaches. This book shares the captivating journey of its author, who embarked on an audacious quest to connect with high-level individuals by sending them a single Jordan shoe and a handwritten note, promising the other shoe in return for a call. Through riveting stories and insightful reflections, the book demonstrates how this innovative approach led to meaningful dialogues, valuable mentorships, and impactful collaborations that defied all odds. The transformation you'll experience as a reader goes beyond the engrossing narrative; it plants the seed of inventive thinking, encouraging you to design your personal strategies for success. With "One Jordan," you'll understand the power of individuality, the impact of persistence, and the profound results of stepping out of your comfort zone. The book propels you to think outside the box, fostering the creation of your unique narrative in the vast world of networking. Remember, it all starts with one step-or in this case, "One Jordan." Chris Welton, a distinguished performance coach, dynamic speaker, and expert connector, never fails to inspire and enlighten. As a seasoned podcast host, his insightful conversations shape the minds of listeners around the world. Chris's expansive knowledge and unique approach to personal and professional development fuel his work, empowering individuals to reach their utmost potential. In his latest venture as an author, Chris leverages his wealth of experience to create a book that is as captivating as it is profoundly transformative.

  • av Marlene Miles

    The thieves of darkness who come to steal from the saints of God are emptiers, wasters, swallowers, and devourers. He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again: God shall cast them out of his belly. (Job 20:15) In this book you can find out how they operate so you can identify them and get them out of your finances, health, and life.

  • av Anita Williams Faoye

    A struggle is to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or that causes problems. How do you stay focused when you are faced with these obstacles? I have tried to express that many struggles came, but I continued to press to achieve my goal. You cannot give up or give in because the struggles seem to be too great. Greater is He that is within me than any struggle I am faced with. I will give some pointer on how to stay encourage and how to continue through your struggles to obtain your goals. As a child, you don't know what struggles you will face as an adult but through it all, God hears every request even my desire for "Ice Cream in My Refrigerator." Turn the page and know that the struggle is worth it, and God will bring you through to Victory.

  • av Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge
    1 139,-

    The Autodesk(R) Navisworks(R) 2024: Fundamentals guide shows you how to use the Autodesk Navisworks Manage software in a BIM workflow to better predict project outcomes, reduce conflicts, minimize changes, and lower project risks. The guide provides instructions on how to consolidate civil, architectural, structural, and MEP models into a single BIM model and check for conflicts. It also discusses how to use the Review and Markup tools to communicate issues across disciplines, the Quantification module to create estimates for building material, and the TimeLiner, Animator, and Clash Detective to simulate construction and to identify any constructibility issues and on-site clashes. Finally, it describes how to use the Rendering feature of the software to better communicate design intent to the project team and other stakeholders.This guide is designed for new and experienced users of the Autodesk Navisworks software in multiple disciplines. Topics CoveredUnderstanding the purpose of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and how it is applied in the Autodesk Navisworks softwareNavigating the Autodesk Navisworks workspace and interfaceConsolidating models from different software and properly aligning them to create a single Navisworks modelSaving and retrieving views and sectioning a modelUsing basic viewing and investigation tools to locate, review, and measure itemsAdding tags and comments to model componentsReviewing a model for clashesPerforming quantification calculations and material takeoffsAnimating and writing scripts to interact with the modelCreating and animating a construction timeline> PrerequisitesAccess to the 2024.0 version of the software, to ensure compatibility with this guide. Future software updates that are released by Autodesk may include changes that are not reflected in this guide. The practices and files included with this guide might not be compatible with prior versions (e.g., 2023).The 2024 Civil 3D Object Enabler must be installed on the computer running Navisworks. A working knowledge of 3D design and task-scheduling software is recommended.

  • av A L Conner

    In the conclusion to the Extraordinary Adventures of Brice Johnson, Brice is happy to know that she has survived a deadly venom but is not happy that she's being detained by the good guys to have endless medical tests run on her. She just wants to go home, see her pets, and figure out what's going on between her and Greer. She manages to escape the hospital and goes home, but something always gets in the way of living her normal boring life. Virus is desperate to get his hands on her. Not only does he have the super cancer that afflicts superheroes so does her best friend Noel. It's just Brice's luck that her blood has something in it that holds the cure. Brice has no choice but to help Virus produce a cure and learns too late that Virus's ability to absorb the superpowers of other superheroes feeds into his quest to rule the world. Of course, it can't be an extraordinary adventure without all hell breaking loose in the middle of a wedding, no less. Hang on for dear life as Brice and her friends try to save the world and Brice can go back to figuring out what's going on between her and Greer.

  • av Michael Lee

    Jonny McKinzey eagerly anticipates a long-overdue reunion with his father and stepbrother. After a harrowing journey on the Oregon Trail, he rides over the last hill to their ranch on the Willamette River. ...only to discover the burnt remains of his home! Standing by his father's grave blind rage fills him and he vows revenge on those who took everything from him. When he learns his old nemesis' is responsible for John McKinzey's brutal murder, neither his best friend, Quinn, nor his stepbrother Shepherd can talk him out of going after the killers. Alone he blazes a bloody trail of death, burning down a town before getting seriously wounded. Shepherd and Quinn desperately search for Jonny, only to find him on the verge of death. Taken in by a Shoshone tribe Jon slowly heals in both body and spirit. Convinced by Sheperd that he must return to clear his name, Jon reluctantly returns home. Will Jon be found guilty and hang? Will the mobs drag him from jail and kill him in the streets, or worse, will he spend the rest of his life in a stifling prison for avenging his father?

  • av L A Goodyear

    On the day Carlos and Juanita are to be wedded, a Satanic plot to disrupt proceedings is foiled as God again shows his hand working on behalf of those who trust in Christ Jesus. This results in deliverance and four more souls receiving salvation in Him! Laurie's long-awaited gymnastics exhibition thrills not only her new family, but her coworkers and a great many strangers who take an interest! It even draws the attention of someone she thought lost to her, opening up the possibility that old wounds might be healed. When Christ is challenged by an unbeliever, He brings the man up short against his own sensibilities in ways he cannot dismiss! Jesus died for sinners. When pushed, there's no telling what lengths He'll go to prove Himself to skeptics, as this man learns to his shock! See the result and more in The Wise Man and the Warrior Book 4, The Helper of the Fatherless!

  • av Jeffrey Thomas

    In The Fall of Hades, a young woman emerges from a catatonic state to find herself naked and devoid of memory, a centuries-long prisoner of an apocalyptic battle between once-human avenging Angels, rebel bands of the Damned, and monstrous Demons of every description. With only a sentient, talking gun for a companion, this woman-who calls herself Vee-sets out to explore a radically transfigured Hell, her own surprising past, and the bulletproof fierceness of the human spirit.The Fall of Hades is a shocking and subversive journey into a post-industrial cyber-inferno, and this expanded edition includes the short story The Lost Family and a brand new novella called Beloved Succubus, both featuring Vee and her sentient gun, Jay.

  • av Brandon Bishop

    "O Canada!" A Place I Love to Fart! Yeah! That's Right Canucks, it's going down in the Great White North! For Centuries, Canada has gotten off lightly as our upstairs neighbors, but now we bring the steam, and we're gonna wilt some Maple Leaves! So get out to Canada colors ready, grab a Molson Ice, fix up a stack of flapjacks, and let's crack a rat all over Canada!

  • av Brandon Bishop

    Viva la Mexico! Mexico is awesome! It's the Mecca for farting enthusiasts like you and I! What better place to stock up on ammo and RELOAD! So let's head down to the border, hop that pathetic waste of money called a wall, and pass gas in the Latin world! So get your Mexican colors ready; grab a shot of tequila, and put on your finest sombrero! We're going to Mexico, baby! ARRRRIBBAA!!

  • av Jamie T Pleasant

    Have you ever wondered if Apostles still exist in today's church? Are the twelve that walked with Christ Jesus during His earthly ministry the only Apostles in the Bible? When it comes to Paul, how did he become an Apostle? What are the requirements for one to become an Apostle? Is there a ranking order of authority in the church? If so, what is the ranking authority of an Apostle? If you want answers to these questions, then this book is for you. Get ready to find out if Apostles exist in today's dynamic, awesome and powerful church.

  • av Lorna Barrett

    'Perfect for fans of Cathy Kelly and Sophie Kinsella' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Indulge in a heartwarming tale of love and cake in picturesque Ireland! MAUD Grieving, Maud leaves her home and everyone she loves in Boston for the isolation of a cottage on the edge of the wild Atlantic Ocean in West Cork, Ireland. What she doesn't expect is that the village of Inchahowen will welcome her warmly into their community and that she will rekindle her passion for baking. Even more of a surprise is falling in love with Tom Kennedy, a London-based architect. Can she put her tragic past behind her? KATE Kate reluctantly leaves a lucrative job in a telecoms firm in Dublin to return home and care for her dying father. Then she realises where her true talent lies - not in working for a faceless corporation but rather in baking cakes. With Maud's help, she sets about opening OTT, her very own cake shop. But running her own business is challenging and Kate wonders if she has bitten off more cake than she can chew. Maud and Kate think they know where life will take them but fate has its own ideas, as they strive to move towards their happy ever after. All the ingredients for a tasty read - sink into the many layers of this delicious full-flavoured story!

  • av Neill Wood

    It's a feeling like butterflies...deep inside your stomach. Some things are exciting, some are quite scary but that feeling inside is the butterfly fairy. She's there to remind you, she's always by your side. Watching over you as you experience new adventures. Join Olivia, as she experiences the feeling of butterflies as she embarks on the new adventure of starting school, discovering that there is nothing to worry about since the Butterfly Fairy will be by her side every step of the way. The feeling she gets inside is the Butterfly Fairy reminding her that she will look out for Olivia on her new adventure. Do you get the feeling of butterflies? What does it mean to you?

  • av Daphne Ashling Purpus

    A seventeen-year-old must save a kingdom from darkness and build a world meant for everyone in this epic adventure where diverse heroes save the day-or meet their demise.Illyra and her mystical friends, including a rainbow dragon and a telepathic dog, are in the middle of a war that has dangerous consequences for their tight-knit community who believe love should be for every kind of person. Their main nemesis is an ex-dragon rider named Zythrym, and he won't stop until he has control over everything, especially dragons. With his ability to teleport, Illyra's task is harder than ever, and she's already lost so much in her fight. Can she train to improve magic skills before it's too late? Or will the land fall into evil's hands forever?Daphne Ashling Purpus's seventh installment of The Dragonwind series reveals how being inclusive helps the heroes discover the most powerful forces within themselves to make the world better.

  • av Adaline Grace

    Dive into the heartwarming tale of Miley and her faithful dog companion, Rex, in this captivating narrative that celebrates the enduring bond of friendship.Follow Miley and Rex on an unforgettable journey filled with love, loyalty, and adventure. As they navigate life's challenges together, their unbreakable connection proves that true friendship knows no bounds."The Dog I Miss" blends charm and emotion, transporting readers into a world where the love between a girl and her dog is timeless. Perfect for fans of heartwarming stories and animal lovers alike, this enchanting tale will leave a lasting impression.

  • av Lisa Parker Green

    Staying legal-and SAFE-in the saddle!Legal and practical knowledge offer power AND protection in our cycling world. This cycling law and local bicycle resource guide is written by a highly qualified bike injury attorney who is also an avid and experienced cyclist.Greater Cleveland's Bike Attorney Ken Knabe shares an expansive overview of Ohio bike law and bike infrastructure, plus five new chapters covering all aspects of group riding, children on bikes, the Ohio Bicycling Federation, the Ohio to Erie Trail, NEO bike clubs, and numerous updates throughout.Ken is a Bike Cleveland Corporate Sponsor and co-author of Bikes and the Law on the organization's website. He also serves on the boards of the Ohio Bicycle Federation (OBF) and the Ohio to Erie Trail (OTET) and sponsors many local cycling events and supports the bike community. His advocacy work with Vision Zero Cleveland will help reduce serious traffic injuries and fatalities, with a goal of eliminating them by 2032. Clearly, 2032 can't come too soon!"Guiding and representing fellow cyclists is a calling to me."Ken's specialty is representing cyclists injured in bike crashes caused by unsafe drivers. His legal practice has a dual focus: safety and crash prevention. Why? He is committed to incorporating the sport he loves into his business and guiding injured cyclists along the legally complex road to recovery from the ground up.In Cycling Rights Second Edition, Ken shares his perspective from decades of experience as a Preeminent peer- and judicial-rated attorney who is an integral part of the Greater Cleveland cycling community. Read it from cover-to-cover, or simply focus on the chapters that speak most to you. If there is one part that helps keep you safer (and there will be!) Ken has done his job.

  • av Girija Kumari R P

    There has been an increasing trend in the number of evangelists who are keen on pleasing people by preaching another jesus and another gospel in the end time church.But God is in search for a faithful workman who has no cause to be ashamed and is correctly analyzing and presenting the Word of Truth. This book, "Anthyakala Unarvu Daivaprasadamullavariloode" explains the methods to please God on the light of the Word of God.This book surely will be a guide to those who are longing for an end time revival.Please read this with reverence.

  • av K Chakravarthy

    The shift to Agile methodologies has become a cornerstone of success for organizations aiming to stay responsive and innovative. The book "Transforming Project Managers to Agile Roles" offers a comprehensive guide for project managers looking to make a seamless transition into pivotal roles such as Product Owner, Scrum Master, Change Agent, Program Manager, Servant Leader, and more. This transformative journey not only enhances individual careers but also positions professionals as catalysts for organizational agility. The shift to Agile Management is not merely a trend but a necessity, as it aligns leaders with the principles of adaptability, collaboration, and customer-centricity. This book serves as a compass, navigating professionals through the transformative journey of adopting Agile roles and positioning themselves as integral players in modern management within forward-thinking organizations.

  • av Sarvjeet Kumar

    "Stream: Navigating Your Career Journey" is your indispensable guide for the critical decision that follows Class 10 - choosing an academic stream. This choice has a profound impact on your future, and this book is here to ensure it's an informed one.We delve into the factors that matter most: your interests, strengths, career aspirations, learning style, values, and more. Through self-assessment and guidance, we help you identify the stream that aligns perfectly with your unique profile.Discover insights from individuals who have walked diverse streams and gain wisdom from experienced educators and career advisors. "Stream" is not just about stream selection; it's about self-discovery and alignment with your passions and aspirations.Within these pages, we explore each academic stream in detail, unveiling subjects, career prospects, and essential skills. We emphasize the role of self-assessment, societal influences, and mentorship.This book encourages you to embrace the journey of self-discovery while providing the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate a dynamic world. Your pathway to success starts here, ensuring that your stream resonates with your heart and soul. May your journey be filled with self-discovery, resilience, and the joy of pursuing your passions.

  • av Smriti Ojha

    What is in the path of the little squirrel?To know the answer, He goes through windy nights, gets muddy in big puddles, and even waits when it snows!But what will the little squirrel do if he finds a tiny sprout?

  • av Joni J Seith

    En guidant ses lecteurs à travers sa conversion d'un milieu culturel juif au catholicisme, Joni J. Seith raconte sa lutte pour vivre avec une maladie génétique débilitante chronique, douloureuse et progressive appelée syndrome d'Ehlers Danlos. Écrit avec candeur, dans un style humoristique optimiste et édifiant, Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity (Vivre et souffrir avec dignité) accompagne le lecteur sur un étonnant chemin de foi, comme le montre la vie vertigineuse et remarquable de Joni. Son histoire apporte un témoignage inoubliable de l'amour de Dieu dans la souffrance à un monde qui a grand besoin de cette vérité, donnant de l'espoir à de nombreuses personnes qui s'interrogent sur le but de la vie. Ces mémoires sincères et honnêtes s'adressent à tous ceux qui luttent contre la dépression, le désespoir et la douleur chronique, et à tous ceux qui ont besoin qu'on leur rappelle le véritable sens de la vie.

  • av Linda Denise Williams

    Are You Overqualified for Love?Do you excel in your career yet find love elusive? For high-achieving women who are thriving professionally but struggling personally, From the Boardroom to the Bedroom offers the ultimate blueprint for creating meaningful connections and cultivating success in both love and life.In this empowering guide, Linda Denise Williams, a seasoned Relationship Strategist and former Business Consultant, leverages 35 years of experience to outline a step-by-step strategy for building thriving relationships. With insight, practicality, and authenticity, she addresses the unique challenges faced by successful women, offering tools to align personal desires with professional ambition.Inside this book, you will discover: How to overcome internal barriers and strengthen your emotional navigation system for love.Three universal laws that will revolutionize how you view and approach relationships.The #1 mindset strategy for achieving the love you deserve.Practical steps to finding happiness now, rather than waiting for love to complete you.A personalized relationship plan for a balanced, fulfilling life.Williams combines her personal journey with actionable strategies, showing you how to blend the art of femininity with the strength of ambition. Whether you're an entrepreneur, small business owner, or career-driven leader, this book is a must-read to help you rewrite your relationship story.Are you ready to mix business with pleasure-and finally thrive in love and life? Grab your copy today and take the first step toward the relationship you deserve.

  • av Giles Keating

    Queen Elizabeth's fabulous pearls gleam softly in the candlelight, tempting those who wish Anne harm.In her quest to save her family from disaster thirteen-year old Anne must outwit thugs and highwaymen, hide a cartload of gold, turn the tables on a manipulating nobleman and swallow her pride to end the rift with her sister Jane. And she has to find a new way to use a privy! But even with the help of her swift stallion Bayard and her friends Lizzie and Robert, she finds that the only way to save those she loves is to turn away from safety and face her darkest enemies...

  • av Rachel Joel

    Six kids can change everything. Ravencrest Academy. A prestigious international boarding school full of prodigies, where students leave as diplomats and scientists and people who will change the world. But it's also a normal high school with drama and gossip and friends and fun. Until it isn't. When Aiden wakes up with no recollection of the past nine months, he finds himself in an entangling mystery concerning the lives of the students at Ravencrest Academy. But it's more than frightening emails and terrifying rumors-no, it's something much more sinister. Something ruthless. Something slowly rising, ready to strike. But what could it be? Why would anyone target the smartest students in the world? Could it be that there's more to Ravencrest Academy than meets the eye? Could it be that everything he knew about his past-about his home-about his family-wasn't the full truth? There's only one way to find out. And it's not going to be easy for him or the five students he recruits who somehow find themselves protecting the world from a force that threatens to destroy it all. But only time can tell whether the Hall Monitors of Ravencrest Academy will rise to the challenge. Rachel Joel is a high school senior at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. She won a national competition in Duke TIP for her writing in fourth grade. Shortly afterward, in sixth grade, she published her first book: the novella The Famous Miller and Smith Detective Agency. In eighth grade, she was declared State Champion of Narrative Writing in the Quill competition, which is sponsored by the North Carolina Association for Scholastic Activities. Recently, she published her first short story collection: It's a Small World. She loves the humanities and science, and she hopes to make a difference in the world in both fields. In her free time, she loves to read, listen to music, bake, and spend time with her family and friends. Most of all, she loves to share her immense imagination with the world through storytelling.

  • av Dean Roesner

    The 19-year-old author arrived in Vietnam fresh out of training after having enlisted in the army only 5 months earlier. Learning quickly in the school of hard knocks, he became a Specialist 5 seven months after arriving and a Squad Leader before his first year in county was over. After extending his tour and spending 15 months on the ground in Combat Engineers, he extended again and transferred to become a helicopter door gunner and began the steep learning curve process again, becoming a Huey Crew Chief after five months as a door gunner. After crashing on two totaled Huey Helicopters and being involved with the Top Secret Special Forces Project Delta missions, he completed his second tour and came home after 26 months in Vietnam. After serving for 26 months in Vietnam, the author used the GI Bill to obtain a BS in Civil Engineering. He worked as a General Contractor for 25 years, then went back to school at the age of 50 and obtained a MS in Structural Engineering. He is still working as a structural engineer at age 75. Along the way he got married, had 3 children, and 9 grandchildren.

  • av Akshita Changkakoti

    Just as humanity stands at the threshold of embarking on a groundbreaking journey to explore uncharted realms, disaster suddenly strikes-an apparent nuclear explosion. Faced with this crisis, SCI-CORP takes a desperate last-ditch measure to ensure survival by directing its researchers to Mars, aiming to escape the imminent threat looming over Earth.However, unforeseen challenges arise as the plan unfolds, leading to unexpected complications.

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