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  • av Ruth Rendely

  • av Jerome Klapka Jerome
    155 - 309,-

  • av London School of Economics) Lang & Andrew (Senior Lecturer in Law
    359 - 405,-

  • av Michael A Sugarman

    By means of in-depth investigation into the lives and careers of musicians, dancers, and theatrical/film artists, Michael illustrates a variety of astrological influences which are consistently seen in the charts of creative artists. What makes one person a dancer, another a musician, yet another an actor? Creativity in the Vedic Astrology Chart enables the student and practitioner of Vedic astrology to discern the subtle but important distinctions between the various modes of creative expression.About the AuthorProfessional Vedic astrologer, teacher, and author Michael A. Sugarman has written a detailed comprehensive analysis of the factors which contribute to the phenomenon of creative expression in the Vedic chart.Michael's previous work, Addiction in the Vedic Astrology Chart, is acclaimed as an important contribution to the literature of medical astrology. Michael holds an M. A. in Counseling Psychology.

  • av Michael W. Drwiega

    Eager to leave behind a disheartening past of false starts, Robert Connelly has chosen to become a private investigator, commencing work with veteran investigator Joseph Poblano to gain experience handling routine cases. The young man, though, immediately finds himself drawn into waters that are anything but routine when the first case he and Poblano tackle involves the disappearance of university professor Ilona LaCroix. Privately disagreeing with his mentor's approach, Robert goes off on his own, obtaining information that illuminates more about the case in one swoop than Poblano could probably ever explain. Events, however, take a shocking turn, preventing the young man from sharing his newfound intelligence.Michael W. Drwiega was born in Chicago and raised in the Chicago area until he went away to college at the University of Iowa where he earned a B.A. degree. The nature of his work experiences provided a rich variety of material from which a writer might draw. In the 1980s, he served his country for six years as an enlisted man in Germany. After an honorable discharge, he obtained a doctorate in political science from the University of Iowa, worked as a certified nurse aide at a local nursing home for three years and, during the same period, ran a seasonal business selling calendars in downtown Iowa City. Since 2004, he has worked at a popular grocery store in the village where he grew up, Wilmette, Illinois.

  • av Maryam Daftari

    The art and philosophy of kintsugi which means "golden joinery," teaches us that even if we have survived illness and difficult times such as the pandemic, we can still heal the "brokenness" in a manner that transforms us into something we are not afraid to celebrate. In this delicate art, breaks are not hidden but highlighted by piecing the broken parts together with a mixture of lacquer and gold or silver powder. This ethos mirrors the path we travel to mend what may have been hurt in us, filling the cracks left by trials with radiant bonds stronger than before. Like a warrior who emerges mightier from battle, we see in this collection of poems, the journey from brokenness to healing as one always bound by the luminous threads of love, caring, and hope. This perspective is related to the philosophy of wabi-sabi, which emphasizes finding beauty in simplicity and within life's imperfections. It encourages us to accept the natural cycle of growth and aging, and to appreciate the transience of life - celebrating the way things are, rather than craving for how they should be. Within this framework of thought, each tale, each poem, becomes a testament to the unyielding power of compassion, hope and love as "the golden elements" mending our fractured world. It is seeing the blessings still shining through our lives, recognizing that there is always hope on healing's road, and a beauty that emerges from embracing imperfections while celebrating ways of coping through caring and resilience.Maryam Daftari is a retired lecturer in political science and a China specialist. She is a poet, pianist, and award winning nature photographer. Maryam has published three books and over 25 articles on Chinese affairs, has lectured on International Relations and Comparative Politics, specifically on Chinese Government and Politics at several universities for over three decades. She started writing poetry as an undergraduate, winning several awards. Maryam's poems have been chosen for publication in many of the annual editions of Lyrical Iowa and San Diego Poetry Annual (2013-2023), in Stand Forth and A Step Between, publications of Iowa's Society of Great River Poets. Her poems have also appeared in an anthology of San Diego poets entitled Sundays at Liberty Station. Maryam is the author of 2 poetry collections, Like Magic but Real and Haiku Workbook. Her favorite poets are Rumi and Mary Oliver.

  • av Roseline B. Woods
    329 - 399,-

  • av Gerald A. Collins
    345 - 399,-

  • av Nori Jabba

    If you are a woman over 40 and feel your confidence slipping, can't land a job despite your stellar experience and qualifications, or suddenly find yourself feeling ignored or dismissed, this book is for you. Or maybe you feel out of sync with today's younger workers and corporate culture and realize you are losing your seat at the table. KEEPING YOUR SEAT AT THE TABLE is one woman's journey of regaining confidence and learning to leverage age and experience in her favor. With humor and vulnerability, she shares her story, lessons learned, and valuable insights from experts and other women. Nori Jabba grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and has had a career spanning over 30 years in corporate real estate and community development. She is passionate about mentoring women, including her three grown daughters, and loves writing to empower and inspire others. She lives in Redwood City, California. This is her first book.

  • av Brother Ludovico

    1347. Late September. Messina, Sicily. Twelve Genoese galleys arrive unannounced, and drop anchor in its bay. A few sailors struggle ashore, bearing a cargo on their backs; a terrible cargo that the world had never known before; a cargo of 'death' so virulent nothing could withstand or allay it: not fortress walls, not the swords and arrows of armies; not charms, herbs, or desperate flight; not the relics of Saints; not the prayers of the devout. Thus begins the greatest pandemic in recorded history, one of apocalyptic, Biblical proportions that men would believe was God's judgment of their iniquities; leaving nearly half of Europe dead in the wake of its wrathful scourge. Brother Ludovico has researched and painted a graphic, lurid picture of the 'Black Death', and the Great Famines that preceded it, as they swept through 14th century Italy. He has painted it with the rhyming descriptions of two men with antithetical natures: one, a learned theologian, an eminent abbot and scholar; the other, a friend of the abbot's youth, an apostate who is a lover of wine, taverns, and the arms of women. Both men find themselves faced with the harsh immediacy of death, and both strive to find meaning in the gruesome havoc with which God is ending Man's world. A story of the soul, told with the voice of the soul, a poignant poetry that tells the existential dilemma in each of us.....a story ofthe battles of flesh with spirit, belief with its abandon, the fragilityof life with the iron certainty of death.....the myths of love with our first and final, utter aloneness. When asked about 'Brother Maria': "A kind of poetic reliquary of Man's Past; a kind of allegory of the plagues loosed on his Present; a kind of hope, perhaps the only hope for his Future."

  • av Isabel Manning

    Hello! Welcome to the journal that incites happiness! I have designed this journal for you to manifest yourhappiness with these simple yet essential daily prompts,prayer list, and questions. On the second page, you will find two areas: one listedmy happiness and the other my goals. Underneath my happiness, write down a list (can be bigor small) of the things that make you the happiest inlife. It could be walking your dog, reading, going fora run, getting a good laugh in, or spending time withfamily and friends. Ask yourself: who, what, and wherebrings me the most joy? Next, write down a list of your yearly passions, desires,and aspirations underneath my goals. Do youwant to run a marathon this year, start a new hobby,start journaling, or enjoy nature more? This sectionwill allow you to achieve those goals one step at atime. This page is designed for you to look back on throughoutthe use of this journal. I intended this journal to be a 'morning journal,' butyou can use it however you feel best! If you want tobase these prompts and questions on the next day -that works! This is for you - to help you manifest yourhappiness - any way you choose! :)

  • av Garrett Greiner

    Your Winning Lottery Ticket is intended to serve anyone who wants to live their bestlife. I believe people purchase lottery tickets because what they trulydesire is not some number in a bank account, but rather an improvedlife, and the freedom to live their best life. In this book you will begiven tools to assist you in reaching the next level of your life.Your Winning Lottery Ticket was written with the mission of making the reader's life 1% better.About the Author Garrett Greiner is a future Guinness World Record holder and inevitable NYT best-selling author. His confidence comes from his love of writing, his desire to constantly improve his craft, and his willingness to do whatever it takes. Garrett aspires to be a philanthropist- contributing to the world not just with money, but in joy, wisdom, hope, and a belief in what is possible.

  • av Vicki Reccasina-Malloy
    405 - 469

  • av Thomas Egenes

    O Yoga S¿tra é o grande texto sobre Yoga, trazido ao conhecimento, na Índia antiga, por Maharishi Patañjali. Yoga significa "União", e o Yoga S¿tra descreve a experiênciada unidade, o estabelecimento completo da atividade da mente na consciência pura, a forma mais simples de consciência humana. Em 195 sutras curtos, este texto ilumina o ensino de Yoga e meditação, e dá uma compreensão profunda da vida na transcendência. Esta nova tradução foi inspirada pela ciência completa da consciência contida na Ciência Védica Maharishi. PROJETO DA CAPA: Lawrence Sheaff, com computação gráfica de Jay Johnson Thomas Egenes, Ph.D., ensina sânscrito na Universidade Internacional Maharishi em Fairfield, Iowa. Dr. Egenes é o autor de Introdução ao Sânscrito e outros livros sobre Literatura sânscrita. The Yoga Sutra is the great text on Yoga, cognized in ancient India by Maharishi Patanjali. Yoga means "union," and the Yoga Sutra describes the experience of unity, the complete settling of the activity of the mind. In 195 short sutras, this text illuminates the teaching of yoga and meditation, and gives a profound understanding of life in transcendence.Thomas Egenes recebeu seu doutorado pela Universidade daVirgínia, após graduar-se na Universidade de Notre Dame.Ele é professor da Universidade Internacional Maharishi etradutor de Os Upanishads (Tarcher / Penguin) juntamentecom o Dr. Vernon Katz. Além disso, Dr. Egenes escreveuIntrodução ao Sânscrito, Parte Um; Introdução ao Sânscrito,Parte Dois (Motilal Banarsidass International); Aprendendo oalfabeto sânscrito (MIU Press); Todo o Amor Flui para o Ser(Samhita Productions); e Histórias Eternas dos Upanishads(Smriti Books). Seus livros de introdução ao sânscrito sãousados na Universidade de Harvard, Universidade de Chicago,Universidade Johns Hopkins, Universidade Nacional daAustrália, além de outras universidades ao redor do mundo.Dr. Egenes mora em Fairfield, Iowa, EUA.

  • av Bill Berno
    315 - 405,-

  • - The Wonderful Story of My Life
    av Lothar Pirc
    465 - 479,-

  • av Quick Barbara Quick


    When Angels Make House Calls is a feel-good collection of short stories, both fictional and non-fictional, that illustrate miracles still happen in this day and age. These stories are the winning entries from the 2017 Seraphic Prize short story competition. These authors, mainly first-timers, felt inspired to record their personal accounts of being touched by angels and share their experiences with the world. Some stories detail miraculous healings, others are about finding one's real purpose in life. Some tell of astonishing communication with companion animals, others offer inspiration in dealing with the hurtful loss of loved ones. A few stories explore unusual realms while deep in meditation, but mainly, each and every kindhearted story will fill you with hope, warmth and optimism. Enjoy.

  • av Joy de Livre

    Existing in these moments of truth is the best part of my day. Memories come not as thoughts, but more as vivid scenes from a movie seen long ago. Tears come out of the joy of surrendering to the expansive space of the yard and the depth of perspective into which the street in front of me merges. What if Martin finds out? I often thought about it, but not while at the gazebo. At the gazebo, I live art. This material world is suspended in a certain level of abstraction. Things lack clear lines of separation. Colors and shapes blend into a unifying presentation of the moment. The sky is blue and clear. In the linden treetops, cardinals are singing. Men walk by with their German shepherds on leashes; ladies carry poodles in their arms. A gray cat sits on the steps of the gazebo. The scent of juniper infuses my spirit with vigor. This is my truth. It is fragmented only in a sense that it unfolds in segments, scene after scene, snapshot after snapshot. Underneath, every move is imbedded in stillness. Yes, this may not be the employment I dreamt of, but it is easy, and it pays $100 per hour. For a person who doesn't think money, $100 per hour crosses my mind too often. I took it not because I thought this particular line of work by itself suited me and would bring me fulfillment, but because this is life, and life is art, and art is fulfilling. If I were not already fulfilled would I have done it to fulfill my personal needs? No! But I found great satisfaction in knowing that this is my contribution to the fulfillment of Martin's dream.

  • av Tranel Virginia Tranel

  • av Virginia Tranel

    And the Light Strikes Home is the memoir of a marriage, the almost-60 year union between Ned Tranel and Virginia Holmberg, an alliance that began as a blind date on Friday, the 13th of May, 1955 and continued until Ned's death on April 14, 2016. If the measure of a marriage is longevity, this is the story of a successful union, elusive moments of happiness that go by in a blink and often are recognized only in hindsight. But it is also the story of misunderstanding, loneliness, disagreement, discouragement, doubt--both spouses wondering how they could have done better, been more understanding, patient, thoughtful, loving. Ultimately, it is a story of Trying. Trying and failing and Trying again. The narrative opens in the final semester of Virginia's senior year at Clarke, Dubuque's Catholic college for women. She is engaged to a former high school classmate, an Army private stationed in Germany. The senior prom is approaching. She wants to attend, but has no one to 'take her,' as people said then, as if she were an umbrella. A friend recommends a 'nice guy' in his final year at Loras, Dubuque's Catholic college for men, a smart, unsophisticated guy who spent the past three years in a dorm designated for young men who've expressed interest in becoming a priest. A nice guy named Ned, six feet tall, dark hair, studious brown eyes, neither timid nor ill-at-ease, instead a kid out for recess, compensating for musical deficits by stepping to the beat of his own drummer. At evening's end, undaunted by the engagement ring on Virginia's left hand, he kisses her good night, generously and with fervor. She kisses him back. And their story begins.¿Virginia Tranel was born and raised in Dubuque, Iowa, and graduated from Clarke College with a degree in English and Spanish. In January, 1957, she married Ned Tranel and moved west, settling in Montana. Her essays have appeared in magazines and anthologies, including the Notre Dame Press anthology of best essays, Family. Her first book, Ten Circles Upon the Pond, a collection of essays on child rearing and family, was published by Knopf in 2003. Tranel's second book, Benita: Prey for Him, published in 2010 by 1st World, describes a classmate's twenty-year entanglement with a Catholic priest. In her current book, And the Light Strikes Home, Tranel tells the story of two individuals trying to assert their individuality while remaining committed to the promise of their union in marriage.

  • av Turner Brian K. Turner

    This is a collection of dramatic works, containing haunting passages, grave effects, and dire circumstances. The voice is fresh, the imagery exact, and fascinating. Now, perhaps, visiting someone's darkness is not for you, perhaps this would not be for the timid, those who enjoy light verse or common poetry. Yet it is for exactly those reasons I found this collection a very worthy read, indeed.About the Author Brian was born into Scorpio on a cold November evening in a prior century. He grew up in California with a fascination for nature, wildlife and especially the ocean. After high school he worked a series of manual labor positions, various and nondescript. He enlisted in the Army in 1991 during the build-up to Desert Storm. Somehow he attained the rank of Sergeant and served as a gunner on a M1A1 tank. Following military service he returned to California and eventually earned a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science from California State University, Fullerton, a degree he has never applied to any practical use. For years after he worked in animal sanctuaries helping rehabilitate exotic animals rescued from abusive environments. Currently he operates his own facility helping domestic and exotic animals recover from abuse and abandonment. Any animal that has passed away from old age or infirmity is buried on the property and visited every evening. Brian is a born-again heretic and an avowed neo-Marxist. Brian K. Turner's literary interests began by reading the work of Edgar Allan Poe when he was a young person. He attended creative writing classes at California State University, Hayward with Don Markos, a renowned poet from Piraeus, Greece. When attending California State University, Hayward, he was invited to read at the Hayward Arts Council auditorium. He has read at cafés in San Francisco, Castro Valley, and Dublin, California. He was a featured reader in the Haight Ashbury Literary Journal's readings at the Sacred Grounds Café and the BEAT Museum in San Francisco. He has been invited twice by the California Geographical Society to read at the "John Muir Festival" during their annual symposium at Yosemite National Park. Brian K. Turner has had fifty publications in thirty-six different literary magazines. Some of these include Occam's Razor (California State University, Hayward), Lucidity (Bear House Publishing), Direction (Los Angeles Pierce College), Voicings from the High Country (Casper, Wyoming), The Storyteller, Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, Bear Creek Haiku, Hiram Poetry Review, Tiger's Eye, Love's Chance, and The Lives of Artists from Dance of My Hands Publishing. His poetry is included in the Inkwell Press' Anthology from Mesa, Arizona. He has been published internationally in Poetic Hours from Erran Publishing, Nottingham, England, in First Time from East Sussex, England, Pennine Ink from Burnley, Great Britain, The Eclectic Muse from Richmond, Canada, as well as in Australia.

  • av Link Carey Link

  • av Gelfand Joan Gelfand

    Hope Ellson is from the wrong side of the tracks, but her genius transcends class. When Hope joins FearToShred, a Silicon Valley extreme gaming startup, Hope's mission is to groom the scrappy company for prime time. Enter Doug Wiser, her very married ex. While the two work in tandem, nefarious forces are at work behind the scenes. Adding to the excitement of this thriller are the stars and heroes of surfing and skateboarding. With a keen eye on women in tech, business ethics and dangerous stunts, "Extreme" will leave you breathless.Winner of the Cervena Barva and Chaffin Fiction Awards, Joan's work has appeared in The Huffington Post, Vanity Fair, Rattle, Pank! The Meridien Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Chicken Soup for the Soul and over 200 literary journals, blogs and magazines.A member of the National Book Critics Circle, Joan has worked for California Poets in the Schools, Poetry Out Loud, Chiat/Day Advertising and other Bay Area companies. She currently coaches writers and teaches in the San Francisco Bay Area.

  • av Deb Roe
    189 - 359,-

  • av Kabuika Kamunga

    Kabuika is from Congo. She just arrived in Chicago and wants to make new friends.But the other children think she is different.Her accent is different, they say.Her clothes are different.Her hair is different.And she even smells differently.Will Kabuika be able to make new friends without losing her cultural identity? AUTHOR BIO:Kabuika enjoys traveling and meeting people. She had just come out of the rainforest in Congo when she heard that her first book was published. When people ask her where she is from, Kabuika replies, "I'm from ChiCongo. I'm from Chicago and the Congo." Kabuika loves to immerse herself in different cultures. She speaks French, English, Lingala and is learning Tshiluba. This book is inspired by her life story. ILLUSTRATOR BIO:Bilakov is an illustrator from Congo. He lives in Kinshasa. He loves to draw comic books and mangas. Bilakov says his name means the Peace Warrior. This is his first children's book.

  • av Lawrence Eyre

  • av Marsha Witham Whitman

  • - The Meter is Irregular, Volume 5
    av Rodney Charles

  • - Exploits of an Outspoken Anchorwoman
    av Annette Estes

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