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Böcker av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

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  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Are you ready to take your faith to new heights with God?This book will provide the stimulus you need to do just that. In it, you'll discover the truth about who you are according to God's testimony, rather than your own perceptions. By learning what God says about you, you'll be equipped to harness your full potential and serve the gospel with the goal of saving perishing souls.This book is a powerful catalyst that will help you move forward with the Lord Jesus and achieve daring and glaring heights in your faith.Don't miss out on this must-read opportunity to transform your life.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dit boek van de Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum behandelt de weg naar de redding, in het bijzonder: Gods originele doel in de schepping van de mens.De tragische zonde van de mens en de gevolgen daarvan in tijd en in de eeuwigheid.De ongeëvenaarde liefde van God, geopenbaard in de verlossende liefde van Christus aan het kruis voor de rebellerende mens.Het antwoord van de zondaar op God door bekering tot God en geloof in Jezus Christus.Het zegevierende nieuwe leven in Christus.Lees dit boek en ervaar op een nieuwe manier de liefde van God voor jou.Laat jouw vriend(in), jouw partner, jouw ouders, jouw collega's, jouw buren dit boek ontdekken en ze zullen erdoor gezegend worden.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book, Spiritual Fragrance (vol. 1) by Z.T. Fomum contains heart-to-heart exchanges of the author with some of his very close co-workers. To say the least, they are solid leadership material at the macro and micro levels. In them, you will find a timely word for children, parents, students, youths, young adults, young couples, would-be missionaries, missionaries on the field, local church pastors and leaders, just to name a few.The Lord is looking for dependable people to promote into leadership. He is looking for a remnant on whom He can count. Can God take you seriously from the heart?When the Lord Jesus broke the lunch pack of the willing boy, it fed possibly over 20,000 people, men, women and children included. The boy must have been amazed that his small lunch pack could feed such a huge number of people. If you are not broken, you are useful only to yourself. When you are broken, you become useful to amazingly very many people, beyond what you might have ever imagined.

  • - Studies on The Book of Esther
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this profound Study on the Book of Esther, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum delves into how King Ahasuerus' kingdom compares to God's Kingdom in terms of power, glory, and influence. Did you know that despite having no mention of God, the book of Esther has very critical lessons on the functioning of God's kingdom and how Jesus expects His bride to be? Do you wish to understand the relevance of this book to contemporary Christians?If you have been trying to figure out the above connections then you are in the right place because, in this book, Z.T. Fomum takes you beyond Esther's fairy tale story to a deeper spiritual understanding of this very intriguing character.The author explains The reward for disobedience as depicted by queen Vashti, King Ahasuerus' search for and selection of a new Bride, And much more, bringing out the powerful and practical lessons for everyday life that will make you part of the Lord's worthy and delightful bride!This book has a compelling deeper meaning. Read it!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Pendant ses voyages et ses moments de prière, le Professeur Fomum avait l'habitude de mettre par écrit les pensées révolutionnaires sur le leadership qu'il recevait du Seigneur. Ce livre est un recueil de certaines des pensées révolutionnaires sur le leadership.En 2008, le Professeur Fomum déclarait: Après plus de 30 ans d'études sur le leadership, 90% des dirigeants dans la Bible ont échoués . Ce recueil est un cri de coeur de l'auteur pour un leadership à succès et victorieux, qui satisfait le coeur de Dieu dans l'être, le faire et les possessions, à l'image du Seigneur Jésus.Tu veux connaitre le secret d'un leadership victorieux? Lis ce livre et tu connaitras une révolution totale dans ton leadership.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    "This book is light. If you got married in darkness, read it; it will help your marriage to come out of darkness."God is the Author of the marriage institution. A successful marriage begins in God, continues in God, leans entirely on God and culminates in God.Marriage was also meant to be a lifelong wonderful experience; yes, a kind of "heaven on earth." However, marriage for many, has played out differently as "hell on earth."In this one-of-a-kind book, Z.T. Fomum postulates a number of factors that may help heal already broken marriages. These factors, if obeyed, will make good marriages better and better marriages best.The author expounds on the basic problems of marriage, such as: sexual matters, financial matters, the problem of children in marriage, servants in a home, as well as the thorny problem offamily members.It is a book to read in order to find a lasting solution to these problems.It is a tool that the Holy Spirit can use to make your married life pleasant.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Professori Zacharias Fomumin kirja käsittelee ihmisen pelastumista Jumalan suunnitelmassa ja erityisesti seuraavia asioita: Jumalan alkuperäinen suunnitelma ihmiselleSynti ja sen seuraukset ajassa ja ikuisuudessaJeesuksen Kristuksen risti: Jumalan ennennäkemätön rakkaus syntistä ihmistä kohtaanKatumus, kääntyminen pois synneistä ja usko Jeesukseen KristukseenVoitokas uusi elämä Jeesuksessa KristuksessaLue ja koe Jumalan rakkaus itseäsi kohtaan uudella tavalla.Anna tämä kirja myös ystävälle, puolisolle, naapurille, kollegalle - ja hän tulee olemaan siunattu!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Voici un livre qui nous présente les voies et moyens pour expérimenter la délivrance du péché de l'adultère et de la fornication.Dans son introduction, l'auteur signale qu'il s'agit d'un livre pour les croyants qui ont reçu Jésus Christ; car le sexe opposé a été, jusqu'à ce jour, une grande pierre d'achoppement pour bon nombre d'enfants de Dieu et de serviteurs de Dieu.L'auteur, Z.T. Fomum, présente ce péché dans toutes les formes sous lesquelles il se manifeste. Il présente le Seigneur Jésus Christ comme libérateur et donne des applications pratiques pour une marche dans la victoire totale à l'égard de ce péché, de l'emprise duquel plusieurs personnes, voudraient être libérées.Lis ce livre! Plusieurs témoignent de ses bienfaits.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The Holy art of importunate praying and intercession.Importunity, says Prof. Fomum, is the cry of a man in extreme danger. It is madly asking God to open a door through the wall of a situation - until the door is opened. Importunity has God's interest in view; it is taking no rest until God is moved to do that which He alone must do. He affirms that when God gives you a number of problems to which man has no answers, then He has promoted you - He has given you materials for importunity praying.God's purposes in the New Covenant are tied to the Spirit-filled life. Christian service also starts with this quality of life. He reiterates his heart's cry to see the leader strive to be Spirit-filled and press on to attain to the fullness of the Holy Spirit.We send out this book with prayer that the Lord would use it to produce men and women of importunate praying-watchmen at the gates of Jerusalem.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Many want to serve the Lord in the gospel but are ignorant of the standards of God for those who would qualify as labourers in the gospel.The author shows from the scriptures who is qualified, the characteristics of the qualified and examples of those who qualified to serve the Lord.In this book, you will discover the qualifications which revolutionize the disciple's service to God in the gospel and also the flaws he must avoid in order to be a qualified workman who serves God and man in this generation.We send this book out with the prayer that the Lord would be pleased to use it to grant His children a better understanding of His service and instruct them on how to qualify to serve Him in the gospel enterprise.May God bless you richly as you read.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dans ce livre, Z.T. Fomum nous montre les aptitudes et l'état d'esprit à développer pour garantir notre succès et entrer dans les desseins de Dieu. Ainsi, le premier secret dans la connaissance et le service de Dieu est le travail dur.La vie dans un sens est un jeu, c'est une affaire de choix et chacun est appelé à faire des choix. Etre un échec ou un succès pourrait dépendre de tes choix. Ton coeur déterminera ta grandeur ou ta défaite. Tout au long de son argumentation, l'auteur décrit tout un ensemble de mesures, de moyens consistant à atteindre ce but.Ce livre vous est nécessaire!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This is a critical book for anyone involved in Christian service. It's an indispensable manual for spiritual leadership.The book is the overflow of a heart under the burden of seeing the marks of the Lordship of Christ in every aspect of Christian service.Service to the Lord or Christian service begins in God and finds its place in God's eternal purpose. It is to be accomplished in the power of the Holy Spirit by men whom God has called to His work.Christian service is to be done according to God's methods and in God's time. Thus defined, the work of God becomes a very serious responsibility. You don't carry out God's work just when you feel like and the way you want, but as He determines.Read this book and either begin to serve the living God satisfactorily or grow in quality and quantity service for Him.

  • - Le Plus Grand Besoin de L'heure
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    La thèse principale soutenue dans ce livre est celle selon laquelle, dans notre génération, la chose la plus urgente est l'émergence dans l'Eglise d'hommes et de femmes qui connaissent Dieu et le servent à partir de cette connaissance.L'auteur, Z.T. Fomum, soutient avec hardiesse que tout ce qu'un homme pourrait faire pour Dieu n'est d'aucune importance si cela n'est pas fait comme un débordement de la connaissance de Dieu. Une rencontre initiale est importante, mais au-delà, il fautune connaissance spirituelle, une fréquence élevée, une intensité etune longue duréedes rencontres entre un homme et son Dieu.Ce livre est un véritable plaidoyer afin que nul ne serve Dieu sans le connaître.Vivement recommandé.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Überwinder sind Menschen, die, wenn sie immer wieder vor der Wahl stehen, Gott oder das eigene Ich zufrieden zu stellen, sich stets dafür entscheiden, Gott zufrieden zu stellen. Da sie sich immer für den Herrn entscheiden, was auch bedeutet, dass sie das Böse konsequent ablehnen, stellen sie das Herz Gottes zufrieden und machen sich selbst zum Gegenstand der größten Freude im Himmel. Anhand der Beispiele von Gideon, Kaleb und anderen stellt Professor Fomum fest, dass die Überwinder normale Christen sind.Diese Überwinder sind Menschen, denen es gelingt, ihre Liebe zu erhalten durch: kontinuierlichen Kontakt, kontinuierliche Gemeinschaft, kontinuierlichen Gehorsam, kontinuierliche Beseitigung aller Barrieren, die zwischen ihnen und Gott stehen.Während du dieses Buch liest, möge der Herr der Herrlichkeit durch die Kraft des Heiligen Geistes wirken, um viele Überwinder in seiner Kirche hervorzubringen, denn seine größten Absichten sind damit verbunden.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    A central message in the Christian lifeThe author, Z.T. Fomum explains that in the processes of faith, through the word of God, one receives a commandment, a command, and the word becomes charged. The word of God becomes charged when it receives life; for before this word has life, it is like an ordinary word. The Logos of God becomes the Rhema of God. It depends on whether or not you have active sites. Faith is a place where a truth will take root, for unless it settles in your heart it cannot act. These active sites where the word is fixed are often destroyed by sin, self, the love of the world, and the things of the world. Faith is also the proclamation of what has already taken place in the invisible.Many people confuse faith with hope. Hope says, "the Lord will give, " while faith says, "the Lord has given." The processes of faith is therefore the central message in the Christian life.A dense and complete message, to be read!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Based on the story of the prodigal son who, having left his father, went to a far country with his share of the inheritance which he wasted in wild living and debauchery. Finally exposed to hunger and poverty, he came back to his senses and decided to return to his father, who welcomed him and restored him.In this book, Z. T. Fomum clearly elucidates the thought of God. Although He has offered man everything he needs to live, He offers him the freedom to choose to stay with Him. Often a person chooses his way, rebels, practices a life of independence manifested by sin. While he is coping, things can only go from bad to worse. However, God in His mercy is ready to forgive, restore, and uplift anyone who confronts his error and decides to come back to Him.This book illustrates the unlimited love of God, who rejects no one, who is ready to bring back anyone who has rebelled against Him, to his best and in union with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.It's a highly recommended book.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is for you! The Lord Jesus loves you and wants to heal you! God wants you to be healed and to remain in perfect health. Your diseases are the works of Satan.This book is not written to attack the modern practice of medicine. We thank God for modern medicine and all that it is doing to relieve pain.However, without the touch of God, medicine cannot heal. God is the Healer. Jesus is the Healer. He can work through modern medicine and He can work without medicine. He is not limited. He is God. You can turn to Him and be healed of your disease, and when doctors tell you that your case is hopeless, God remains your hope. Turn to Him and receive your miracle from Him.Please read this book and act on its message.God bless you abundantly.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is to be read through and studied for a radical change of heart and a fruitful evangelism ministry!Inspired by the Parable of the Sower, Professor Fomum teaches on the different types of hearts. There isthe wayside heart, the stony heart, the thorny heart, andthe good heart which is symbolised by good soil.The author identifies the importance of the heart and gives the characteristics of each heart, while showing that each man is responsible for the type of heart he has. To have the heart that is good soil, ready for planting, you have to overthrow the self in you, and rid your heart of all forms of idols.Why does the author dwell so much on the heart as soil? Becauseit is good soil that bears good fruit.It is good soil that bears great fruit.It is good soil that bears abundant fruit.That's why he goes on to speak extensively about ways to bear fruit in abundance.This book is to be read through and studied for a radical change of heart and a fruitful evangelism ministry, because as the author says, ''It is ripe fruit that produces ripe fruit!"

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre, La Pratique de l'Intercession, fait suite au livre: L'Art de l'Intercession, déjà en circulation. Il traite essentiellement des aspects pratiques du Ministère d'Intercession.Étape par étape, le Professeur Fomum nous fait passer par les différents stades d'intercession, à savoir, de l'intercesseur débutant à l'intercesseur avancé.L'intercesseur débutant aura des indications sur l'utilisation du temps, la discipline, le travail dur, la lecture de sa Bible, les retraites spirituelles, et bien d'autres aspects de la vie de l'intercesseur.Pour les plus avancés, il aborde des thèmes tels que le renversement des Autorités et des Principautés, et donne des indications sur la mise sur pied de chaînes de prière, ainsi que d'un ministère d'intercession à plein temps.Ce livre est écrit de manière que chaque chapitre peut être lu à part, car il est assez complet. Nous sommes convaincus que Dieu a un message dans ces chapitres pour t'encourager, te bénir et te défier.La prière est le travail le plus important sur terre. Les intercesseurs sont les gens les plus importants sur terre.Lis ce livre et engage-toi dans le ministère de l'intercession, faisant ainsi le plus grand bien au Royaume de Dieu, à l'Église, au monde, à ton continent, à ta nation, à ta ville, à ton église locale, à ta famille et à toi-même.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    If you feel the desire to fast, this book will help you to do so!Fasting is central to every work and movement of God. The missionary's responsibility to keep people from going to hell is carried first in fasting.'Few have experienced long fasts several times a year: 48 hours a week, and 21 to 40 days, as Dr. Fomum and believers in some churches in Cameroon have, ' writes Dr. Lester Sumrall in the preface to his book The Ministry of Fasting, one of the best books published on fasting.Life-Changing Thoughts on Fasting (Volume 2) by Z.T. Fomum is a collection of inspirational and practical information that will dispel all your doubts about fasting. It will edify you on: the centrality of fasting;the necessity of fasting;the benefits of fasting; andthe practice of fasting.Prayer is a wonderful thing, but fasting is something else.Enjoy your reading!

  • - Leading a Local Church (Vol. 2)
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is a heart surgery of the spiritual leader.The leader's inner life-spiritual condition-is determinant. Without a deep and intimate knowledge of God, any leadership exercised would be from skill, talent, or natural endowment. It can never satisfy God's heart; neither can it lead God's people to their destiny.In Critical Ingredients for Successful Spiritual Leadership, the author, Z.T. Fomum, will take you through the necessary heart cultivation required to build the leadership wealth that will set you apart and promote a mere seeker after God into a spiritual leader. He show-cases the spiritual dynamics that will empower anyone at any level of leadership with the capacity to move God to move and transform both men and situations.And since the heart condition of a leader is most altered in the place of prayer-where the heart is welded to that of God, it is obvious that no spiritual leader can go beyond his performance in the closet-time spent alone with God.From another angle, the author demonstrates that leadership is conditioned on a life sacrificed, spent, and sold out for others. He elaborates some critical aspects of spiritual leadership like strategic planning, the setting of goals, providing a model, etc., alongside practical strategies on how to successfully start and make consistent progress in leading a local church.The normal member of the local church is not left out, since they play a key role in their leader's well-being. This book will be of great help in providing insight on how you can be a source of great encouragement and boost the spiritual progress of your leader.If you are actively leading or aspiring to lead God's people and are determined to dive deep into God so as to take those under your leadership to God's heights and full approval, then this book is for you.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Z.T. Fomum invites every believer to return to biblical theology where God occupies the central position in our hearts and in the church.In the current generation of modern Christianity, God has been removed from the center and man has been placed there. God is being ordered from the outside; God has been reduced to a servant. However, in the eternal purpose of God, as we can read in Genesis 1:1-31 "In the beginning God ... God said ... God lived ...", God is at the center!God is the author!!!God at the center!!!All things in creation and in redemption must be for the glory and praise of God. People are connected to Jesus Christ as Jesus Christ is connected to his Father. This intimacy with God is the fruit of a consistent and persistent chosen path.A must-read!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    "In the Crucible for Service" is a thought-provoking book by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum that explores the preparation and qualifications necessary for serving God. Using examples from the lives of biblical figures such as Joseph, Moses, David, and Jesus, the author emphasizes the importance of serving others before entering into God's service.The book argues that ministry is not only the result of the Holy Spirit's work but also of anointing and that those who wish to serve God must have a sense of destiny and be careful and deliberate in everything they do. The author encourages readers to abandon sin, self-love, and the love of the world in order to be competent ministers in God's service."In the Crucible for Service" is a must-read for anyone seeking to enter into God's service and make a meaningful impact for His kingdom. We pray that the Lord will use this book to prepare and equip you for His service.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Lärjungaskap till varje pris är den allra första bok som Professor Fomum skrev när han började som Kristen författare 1976. Den här boken återspeglar därför författarens ursprungliga tanke.Som tydligt framgår av boken har professor Fomum's grundläggande budskap inte förändrats. Från början, var det kraften i en mans allt. Idag är det fortfarande kraften i en mans allt.De olika ämnen som tas upp i denna bok är: priset att betala för att vara en lärjunge, grunden för lärjungens liv, syftet med lärjungens liv, lärjungens lidanden, ochlärjungens belöning.Läs den här boken och du kommer att bli utmanad och uppmuntrad att följa Herren helhjärtat.

  • - Compilation of Autobiographical Notes on Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Professor Z.T. Fomum was a man of uncommon spirituality and a world shaping spiritual genius.He was exceptional in many domains. He was a University professor, a scientist, a world teacher on prayer a world teacher on the spiritual life, and a man of most unusual spiritual experiences.He was a team leader and apostle of a He was a team leader and apostle of a successful missionary work and movement. and movement.He was also a leading voice for revival. He was a workaholic and loving in his personal relationships in an unusual way and drew to himself men and women of girth and great gifts in life-long relationships and commitment to a cause."From His lips" gives a glimpse into his heart but leaves room for an authoritative biography and other biographies to present the man and the work God did through him, his ministry and personal influence to the glory of our Exalted Lord Jesus Christ.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Le message contenu dans cet ouvrage délivre de la résignation et de la léthargie spirituelle.Il y a un grand besoin à pouvoir, après un échec, reprendre courage en s'appuyant sur l'Eternel, de manière à oublier le sombre passé et revivre la plénitude. Z.T. Fomum présente dans ce livre, unique en son genre, le Dieu qui est toujours prêt à ramener ses enfants dans l'assurance en leur faisant oublier leur échec.Et même le grand consolateur, le Saint Esprit, peut faire entendre sa voix au croyantdéçu, découragé, etfatigué;cette voix qui retentit au dedans de lui et qui dit: '' Oublie ton échec ! Je suis là pour commencer un jour nouveau avec toi !''Aucun Échec N'a Besoin D'être Final! est un message de réveil et de restauration indispensable à tout croyant né de nouveau, et résolument engagé dans ce chemin étroit et périlleux-qu'est la vie éternelle en Jésus Christ.Aucun échec n'a besoin d'être final.Vous ne serez jamais le même après la lecture de ce livre.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The content of this book centers around a crucial theme: "Dealing with the Self-life." Its message will help you comprehend the nature of the self-life and, more importantly, how to overcome its grip on your life.The author, Z.T. Fomum, imparts the revelation that God, the Lord of history, continually orchestrates events and circumstances to shape our destinies and propel us toward a future marked by divine purpose. You will be challenged to relinquish self-reliance and instead yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, recognizing the vital role of divine influence in leading a life pleasing to God.Could it be that you have grown comfortable, complacent, and passive in your spiritual journey? Then this book is a wake-up call for you! Awaken from your slumber, discard your indifferent attitude, and break free from the shackles of the self-life. Then you will embrace a selfless existence that will bring profound satisfaction to the heart of God and fulfill His purposes through your life and service.May you encounter a radical deliverance from the clutches of the self-life as you read this book!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Seigneur, enseigne-nous à prierA travers ces paroles bien connues, les disciples de Jésus-Christ avait reconnu qu'il y avait beaucoup à apprendre du maitre sur la prière et sur l'art de prier.Le professeur FOMUM qui a passé un temps consi- dérable au pied du maitre en temps qu'étudiant à l'école de la prière a beaucoup appris. Au travers de ce fidèle disciple qui a profondément étudier les écritures, le maitre peut encore nous enseigner aujourd'hui.En effet l'auteur s'inspire de la vie de prière du Seigneur Jésus et de son enseignement sur la prière pour enrichir la vie de prière des disciples d'aujourd'hui. En tant que scientifique le professeur FOMUM fait passer au microscope la vie de prière du Seigneur Jésus et en tire un certain nombre de conclusions quantifiables. Il reste un étudiant à vie et nous invite a nous enroler avec lui à l'école de la prière du Seigneur Jésus.Le livre est profondément encré dans la bible. Lis le et tu seras poussé à prier et tu apprendras à prier en le lisant. Toute ta vie spirituelle sera revolutionnée. Vas-y, lis le!Prie!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Z.T. Fomum invite chaque croyant à revenir à la théologie biblique où Dieu occupe la position centrale dans nos coeurs et dans l'église.Dans la génération actuelle du christianisme moderne, Dieu a été ôté du centre et l'homme y a été placé. Dieu est en train d'être commandé de l'extérieur; Dieu a été réduit en un serviteur. Cependant, dans le but éternel de Dieu, selon qu'on peut le parcourir en Genèse 1:1-31 Au commencement Dieu ...Dieu dit... Dieu vit ... , Dieu est au centre, Dieu est l'auteur! Dieu au centre!!Toutes choses dans la création et dans la rédemption doivent être pour la gloire et la louange de Dieu. Des gens reliés à Jésus Christ comme Jésus Christ est relié à son Père. Cette intimité avec Dieu est le fruit d'un chemin choisi de façon consistante et persistante.A lire vivement !

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, through this book, communicates his burden of bringing the people of God back to the missionary purposes of God.The heart of the missionary and the life of the missionary find their origin, basis, and model in the Heart of God. He is a missionary God. The heart of the missionary and the life of the missionary are to be judged, seen, and appreciated by the way God judges, sees and appreciates them.God wants to producepeople who see the world as He sees it, people who continually live under the constraint of God's missionary needs, people who dream of God's mission fields every night and work there every day to make sure that the missionary purposes of God are fulfilled.The Purpose of this Book is for many to go out as missionaries with correct hearts and correct lives, equipped for permanent and productive work.This book is highly recommended to all believers.

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