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Böcker av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

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  • - A challenge to live totally and sacrificially for Christ
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In Separation from the Common, author Zacharias Tanee Fomum shares his personal journey of obedience to God's call to live a life of separation from the ordinary. Fomum's journey began with small steps of obedience, like giving away his suits when God asked him to, but it soon became a radical commitment to living a life different from what obtains in the world around him.Using biblical examples and others from Church history, Fomum makes the case that all who are called by God to specific tasks are called away from the ordinary life and to uncommon lifestyle, He argues that success and distinction come at a great price and that responsibility curtails a person's freedom. Fomum's book challenges readers to consider whether they are willing to pay the price for success and follow the narrow way that Jesus walked.Through his own story and reflections on the Scripture, Fomum offers encouragement to those who are willing to heed God's call to a life of separation from the common. He reminds readers that they can hear God's voice and that He will be their guide and helper on the path to success in Him.Separation from the Common is a challenging and inspiring call to a radical commitment to Christ and a life that stands out from the crowd.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    "God cannot do through a man what he does not have in him, or what a man has not allowed God to do in him."These words from the author, Z.T. Fomum, demonstrate that anyone who wants to walk with and serve God must deal with his heart. God seeks the inner temple, the heart of the believer, to make his home there.Therefore, God's first call to a person is not first of all the call to service. It is the call to know Him deeply and to love Him in a supreme way. These are people carried away by the knowledge and love of God who can go and serve Him.A heart filled with love for the world and the things of the world cannot serve Him. The service of such a man will be rejected. It is in these very clear and compelling terms that the author unloads his onus.As you read this book, you will certainly discover the state of your heart and you will be able to work to present to the Lord a heart qualified to worship and serve Him.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    A book that will profoundly change your vision of prayer.In this book, the author, Z.T. Fomum, shares Revolutionary Thoughts on Prayer, received when praying alone, leading others in prayer, and teaching on prayer between May 2000 and October 2002.This 3rd volume will challenge, amaze, and inspire you to pray. You will find thoughts spanning topics such asFalsehood and prayerWhat prayer does to the praying onePrayer And Spiritual DemotionPrayer and answersThe power of prayerWhat Sin Does to Answers to PrayerThe Weapon of TonguesThe Centrality of PrayerPrayer And Spiritual ExperiencePrayer And The Spirit-Filled LifePrayer And BurdenPrevailing in PrayerMoving God to Answer Prayer TodayPrayer And The Love Of The Worldetc.This incredible classic on prayer is practical yet spiritual, challenging us to seek God in passionate and unrelenting prayer.The bold truth in each thought will ignite your prayers with a passion for the fire of revival.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Este libro trata de la liberación diaria del poder del pecado. Fue escrito para permitirte caminar por el Espíritu y por lo tanto no entregarte a los deseos de la carne. Fue escrito para enseñarte lo que puedes hacer para caminar diaria y continuamente en justicia, siendo liberado día trás día y hora trás hora, para que puedas pasar días, semanas, meses e incluso años sin cometer deliberadamente ningún pecado.Al leer este libro, oramos para que usted esté abierto al Espíritu Santo y coopere con Él, para que Él lo guíe primero a la crisis y luego al proceso de liberación del pecado. Esto efectivamente sucederá, y pronto te regocijarás en el hecho de que has pasado días, semanas e incluso meses sin pecar deliberadamente. ¡Esta es tu herencia!Levántate, lee el libro y entra en esta experiencia.

  • - Leading a House Church
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book, which can be described as a real practical guide for success in the pastoral ministry, is the results of the heavy and brilliant efforts made by its author for the training of spiritual leaders.With examples and remarks of an experienced man, Z.T. Fomum shows that the whole functioning of a church depends on the state or type of the leader. The focus is on the character and personality of the one called to take the flock in their arms, as a nurse carries an infant, to bring them to the Promised Land of God. The shepherd is called to bea model for the flock, a man without freedom, a man of destiny, a maker of men, a visionary.As a veteran on the subject, he presents a heart-to-heart exposé on the disciplines of the pastoral ministry, including a broad spectrum of both the practical aspects and the dynamics of leading a house church before God.If you are or desire to be a pastor, this book will help you on the journey of seeking and receiving the pastor's heart. The message, in its relevance, its counsel, and its timeliness, has gone far beyond the local church. It is a guide for the body of Christ. It can effectively help produce competent ministers for the glorious ministry of the new covenant.Get your copy, read, and study it.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dieu a lié le salut du monde autour d'un enfant: Jésus, né dans une étable. Les enfants sont un dépôt sacré donné par Dieu. Élever la génération future, c'estl'appel le plus élevé, le plus saint, etle plus noblequ'on puisse avoir. Cette responsabilité incombe aussi bien aux parents qu'aux Ministres aux enfants.Ce livre est un plaidoyer du professeur Zacharias Tanee Fomum dont le fardeau pour le salut des enfants était intense, étant donné que lui-même avait donné sa vie au Seigneur Jésus-Christ dès l'âge de 11 ans.À partir de quelques exemples tirés de la Bible, notamment Isaac, Samuel, Jean-Baptiste et le Seigneur Jésus Lui-même, le professeur Fomum prouve qu'il est possible de venir, de connaitre et de servir le Seigneur très tôt dans sa vie, et que la consécration à Dieu d'un enfant trace pour lui la voie à suivre dont il ne se détournera pas.Ce livre est une lecture incontournable pour chaque parent pieux et ministre des enfants.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Basic Christian Leadership by Z.T. Fomum offers a fresh perspective on what it truly means to be a leader in the eyes of God. Fomum debunks the myth that leadership is merely a matter of appointment or title, and instead, shows that true leadership is achieved and maintained before God, reflected in every aspect of our lives.The author explores key principles of leadership, including the call to preach the gospel, the foundation of salvation in Jesus Christ, self-denial and humility, pastoral ministry, and much more. With practical advice and real-life examples, Fomum provides a roadmap for developing the qualities necessary for effective leadership.Whether you are looking to become a better leader, develop competent leaders in your community, or simply deepen your understanding of spiritual leadership, Basic Christian Leadership has everything you need.This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to grow in their leadership abilities as well as find solutions to their own leadership issues.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Un message central dans la vie chrétienneL'auteur, Z.T. Fomum, explique que dans le processus de la foi, à travers la parole de Dieu, on reçoit un commandement, un ordre, et la parole devient chargée. La parole de Dieu devient chargée lorsqu'elle reçoit la vie; car avant que cette parole n'ait la vie, elle est comme une parole ordinaire. Le logos de Dieu devient la rhéma de Dieu. Cela dépend du fait que tu possèdes oui ou non des zones actives. La foi est un lieu où une vérité va s'implanter, car à moins qu'elle ne se fixe dans ton coeur peut ne peut agir. Ces sites actifs où se fixent la parole sont souvent détruis par le péché, le moi, l'amour du monde et les choses du monde. La foi est aussi la proclamation de ce qui a déjà eu lieu dans l'invisible.Plusieurs gens confondent la foi avec l'espérance. L'espérance dit: "l'Eternel donnera". tandis que la foi dit: "l'Eternel a donné." Le processus de la foi est donc le message central dans la vie chrétienne.Message dense et complet, à lire!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Tief in der Bibel verwurzelt, ist Der Weg des siegreichen Gebets von Zacharias Tanee Fomum ein Lehrbuch sowohl über die Theorie als auch über die Praxis des Gebets.Gleich zu Beginn nimmt Z.T. Fomum den Leser mit in das Gebetsleben des Herrn Jesus und skizziert die Angriffe des Teufels auf das Gebet und den Weg des Gläubigen zum Sieg. Im weiteren Verlauf geht er auf Themen ein wie: Lobpreis und DanksagungBittgebetFürbitteFastenBeten mit dem GeistDas Buch endet mit einer Lehre, die beschreibt, wie man für die Ortsgemeinde betet und gibt einige praktische Hinweise zum Gebet.Der Weg des siegreichen Gebets ist also ein grundlegendes Buch über das Gebet. Alle anderen Bücher über das Gebet, die Z.T. Fomum geschrieben hat, sind eine Erweiterung des einen oder anderen Aspekts, der in diesem Buch behandelt wird.Der Weg des siegreichen Gebets ist ein Handbuch des Gebets, ein Leitfaden für den normalen Menschen auf seiner Suche nach der Wahrheit und seinem Bedürfnis, mit Gott in Kontakt zu treten. Es wird Gläubige, Kirchen, Gebetsgruppen und solche, die Fürbitte leisten, in der geistlichen Kunst des Gebets inspirieren und anleiten.Wenn du dieses Buch liest, wirst du nicht nur zum Beten herausgefordert, sondern auch dazu, ein Mann oder eine Frau des Gebets zu werden. Und dann wirst du dich darüber freuen, dass dein Gebet erhört wurde.Möge der Herr dich segnen, während du die Botschaft befolgst!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Le leadership spirituel n'est pas automatiquement maintenu !Le leader est celui qui paie de plus en plus le prix le plus élevé. Vous ne pouvez pas négliger ce qui vous a élevé au leadership et espérer rester le leader. Vous êtes devenu le leader parce que vous avez aimé et recherché Dieu. Vous étiez constamment en sa présence. Vous avez été loyal envers le leadership au-dessus de vous.Si l'une de ces choses fait maintenant partie du passé, alors vous avez perdu les choses qui comptent.Si vous avancez aujourd'hui en vertu du prix que vous avez payé dans le passé, alors vous avez peut-être été relégué au fil des années de la direction spirituelle.Si votre contribution actuelle est malheureusement minime, alors il se peut que vous ne soyez plus le leader de Dieu.Il y a des leaders qui ont perdu leur position devant Dieu et devant les hommes. Physiquement, ils peuvent encore se tenir devant l'homme, mais le leadership a changé de mains. Quelques uns ont même été écartés physiquement.À l'aide d'exemples frappants tirés des Écritures-comme Ruben, Eli, Moïse, le roi Saül, Barnabas, etc.-l'auteur montre clairement que les talents, les dons spirituels et une belle personnalité ne garantissent aucunement que la position du dirigeant sera conservée.En fin de compte, l'auteur dépeint un portrait montrant comment garder jalousement sa position et sa place dans le coeur de Dieu.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    You Can Be an IntercessorTo intercede is to truly pray with power. How do you know God is not calling you to be an intercessor? As you read this book with its study of the great intercessors in the Bible - from Abraham and Moses to Daniel and Nehemiah to Paul and Epaphras to Jesus himself - you will never be the same again.You will catch a new glimpse of the importance of intercession. You will see the great need for intercessors and understand if God is calling you to be one. Above all, with all the Biblical models presented, you will be challenged to join this godly company."The challenge is disturbing as the reader realizes how short of the mark is even the most spiritual of Christians," writes Dr. Lester Sumrall in his Foreword."Dr. Fomum practices what he teaches, as do some churches in Cameroon. Who of us prays for several hours each day? Who among us fasts and prays in spiritual warfare for From 21 to 40 days at a time, several times per year? This book is MUST reading for the serious Christian."

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Den här boken ska läsas igenom och studeras för en radikal förändring av hjärtat och en fruktbar evangeliseringstjänst!Inspirerad av liknelsen om såmannen undervisar professor Fomum om de olika typerna av hjärtan. Det finnsvägkantens hjärta, det steniga hjärtat, det taggiga hjärtat, ochdet goda hjärtat som symboliseras av god jord.Författaren identifierar hjärtats betydelse och ger varje hjärtas egenskaper samtidigt som han visar att varje man är ansvarig för den typ av hjärta han har. För att ha hjärtat som är god jord, redo för plantering, måste du störta jaget i dig och befria ditt hjärta från alla former av idoler.Varför uppehåller sig författaren så mycket vid hjärtat som jord? Därför attdet är god jord som bär god frukt.Det är god jord som bär stor frukt.Det är god jord som bär riklig frukt.Det är därför han fortsätter att tala utförligt om sätt att bära frukt i överflöd.Den här boken ska läsas igenom och studeras för en radikal förändring av hjärtat och en fruktbar evangelisationstjänst, för som författaren säger: ''Det är mogen frukt som ger upphov till mogen frukt!"

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    How do you cure diseases which are beyond the physical dimension?It's a question answered by the author, Z.T Fomum, in this book.He presents the Solution to every need for physical and inner healing. Many people are bound byfear, disappointment, bitterness and/orguiltthat distort their existence.They are far from what God wanted them to be. The author pinpoints the engine of all inner wounds and suggests practical measures required to deal with it, as well as to keep and maintain one's freedom.This book is a true panacea from God to bring you to confront the degree of your spiritual and inner illness, so that you may receive God's healing solution.Read this book, and you will surely enter into divine healing that will make you a fulfilled and balanced person.

  • - He Still Heals Today
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is the synthesis of the 16 days of preaching, miracles, signs, and wonders under a ministry led by Z.T. Fomum and the eighteen pastors of Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI) of Douala.It is a live and power-packed testimony that Jesus has not changed. He still gives salvation, healing and deliverance from demons and from the grip of demons.Participants in the Salvation, Healing, and Deliverance Convention organised by CMFI, at the Ndogsimbi Christian Centre in Douala, Cameroon, had the privilege of living this up close, from 9th to 25th May 2003.It is published as a testimony and thanksgiving to the Lord.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Denna bok, "Livets väg", som är den första boken i serien, har som tema, Vägen in i det Kristna Livet, Vägen till Jesus Kristus, Vägen till Gud: Livets Väg.Den är skriven speciellt för att hjälpa dig att hitta Herren Jesus, ge dig själv till honom, och då kommer du verkligen att börja leva. När du börjar läsa uppmuntrar vi dig att trycka på ända till slutet och även besvara alla frågor i slutet av varje kapitel.Vår bön är att du, när du läser den färdigt, kommer att ha ingått en levande relation med Jesus och att du då också kan säga: "Jesus är min frälsare."

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Este livro não foi escrito para fornecer conhecimento teórico do ponto de vista de Deus sobre o assunto. Trata-se de trazer o crente para a experiência espiritual da vida santificada.É um estudo aprofundado dos capítulos 6 e 7 da epístola aos Romanos. O cristão é salvo da consequência do pecado e libertado do poder do pecado. Portanto, ele pode experimentar diariamente a libertação do pecado e o poder do pecado.Este livro responde a duas perguntas fundamentais e, por extensão, a todas as relacionadas com elas: Como nos tornamos pecadores?Como podemos sair da natureza de Adão?Como podemos nos tornar um escravo da retidão?Como podemos vivenciar o caminhar pelo Espírito?É também neste livro que você pode descobrir o significado espiritual da libertação da lei.É um guia verdadeiro e prático na santificação. Que o Senhor o abençoe em sua leitura.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit? How can believers experience the transformative power of the Spirit in their lives?This book, In the Power of Another, is a treasure trove of divine wisdom and insight, birthed out of the author's intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Although Z.T. Fomum often acknowledged his human frailty, his life and ministry were transformed by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit.Through his personal testimony, the author reminds the readers that the Holy Spirit is the ultimate solution to all problems in the believer's relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is not merely a theological concept but a living and breathing reality that has the power to revolutionize our lives. The Holy Spirit is the key to unlocking our full potential in Christ.In the Power of Another will help you understand the principle of giving your ALL to God, which in turn brings down the ALL of God through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.If you desire to experience the power of God in your life and to serve Him more effectively, then In the Power of Another is the book for you.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is about marriage as God intended it to be. God is the Author of marriage. He instituted it in order to provide a need for assistance felt by the first human being.So there is a purpose for which God gave the woman to man. In order for marriage to be successful, the partners going into it must first be at the centre of God's will. They ought to know God's purposes for marriage. They ought also to know that there must be a commitment from both parties to pursue the purpose of God for the marriage.This requires mutual knowledge. Make sure you are compatible with the one you're marrying. In the book, compatibility is presented as a powerful factor in the harmony of couples, who are later called to face several pressures: sentimental, social, professional, economic, and even spiritual.This book will heal the man blinded by ignorant zeal and passion and untie the slaves of emotion. This is a book on marriage, showing how to choose a good spouse, taking into account several parameters.I recommend that you read it through without presumption. Please, read the book and in a spirit of prayer and obedience.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Un manuel très pratique pour combattre les forces de l'Ennemi.Dans ce manuel, le Professeur Fomum démontre, à travers des termes très percutants, le rôle déterminant de la prière dans le combat spirituel.Le fardeau qu'il décharge ici est d'amener chaque croyant à développer une vie de prière sans cesse croissante, ayant pour finalité la destruction des plans et desseins du diable. Tout au long de son message, il ressort que pour mener une bataille spirituelle, il faut: Identifier son ennemi;Bâtir, en plus de la haie déjà bâtie par Dieu, une haie autour de soi et de tout ce qui nous appartient;Pour plus de portée dans le combat, enrôler un plus grand nombre de personnes de qualités et unis dans un même but;Ne pas ommettre le rôle des anges dans le combat tout en sachant que quiconque s'engage dans le combat doit persévérer jusqu'à la fin.C'est un ouvrage très pratique et précieux pour t'emmener à réaliser, en tant que croyant, que tu dois prier ou périr.Lis-le maintenant et agis!

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is a ROADMAP for Pastors and House Church Leaders!The training of church leaders has been one of Z.T. Fomum's main areas of contribution to church growth. Leading a House Church was born out of the burden and need for competent pastors for the growing number of House Churches in the city of Yaounde. The lessons in the book are practical applications of the theory and doctrine developed in The Ministers and the Ministry of the New Covenant-The Challenge of Missions-also written by the author.According to the author, a pastor is a person who bears the flock on his heart. He focuses on the character and personality of the one called to take the flock in their arms, as a nurse carries an infant, to bring them to the Promised Land of God.As a veteran on the subject, Z.T. Fomum presents a heart-to-heart exposé on the disciplines of the pastoral ministry, including a broad spectrum of both the practical aspects and the dynamics of leading a house church before God.If you desire to be a pastor, this book will help you on the journey of seeking and receiving the pastor's heart.We send these messages out with a heart cry that they contribute to produce the type of leaders that are needed for the Lord's flock on the eve of His imminent return.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this book, the author highlights the need for God to have men and women determined and committed to the triumph and glory of God. He's looking for people who are ready for critical battles requiring faith and obedience.He explains that the Lord is looking for groups of individual overcomers that He will use. Ultimately, He wants the whole body, the bride of his Son, to be committed to establishing the kingdom of God on earth through their lives of sacrifice and total surrender.All this is illustrated bythe life of Gideon and the 300 overcomers, the life of an individual overcomer like Caleb, an overcomer at work like Joshua, and then, finally, the church and the overcomers.This book is a real instrument of revival in order to lead each saint to cooperate with the Holy Spirit toovercome the flesh and its desires, overcome the world and its desires, overcome the devil and his inspired desires.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In life, most people grasp the concept of sin and understand that they should avoid it, at least within the confines of their society. However, one aspect of sin that often goes overlooked is gluttony, the unrestrained indulgence in food.But what exactly is gluttony?What forms does it take?Are all overweight individuals guilty of gluttony, while the underweight are exempt?And what wisdom does the Bible offer on this sensitive topic that transcends races, cultures, and genders?Deliverance from the Sin of Gluttony by Professor Z.T. Fomum provides a biblical perspective on gluttony, defining it, exploring its potential causes, and offering a path to recognize, repent of, and conquer this insidious sin. It also guides us on how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit for complete deliverance, allowing us to establish a healthy relationship with God and His gracious gift of food.This book is essential reading for everyone, whether you're a parent, pastor, youth leader, counselor, or even if you believe your eating habits are not a concern. Within its pages, you'll find answers drawn from biblical examples that address your questions and concerns.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Is the eternal destiny of those for whom Christ died the prior thoughts of your life?The one and only reason why the Lord Jesus did not take you to heaven the day you believed was that you should stay here on earth, win the lost to Him and make disciples of all nations.Soul-Winning (Volume two) will set you thinking of the souls of men-how they will fare on Judgment Day and what you must do to rescue the largest number, in the shortest possible time, from going to hell.This is one of the three burdens that the author, Professor Z.T. Fomum carried permanently on his heart, alongside those of prayer and the training of spiritual leaders.This book is a powerful motivator to get you started in an endless season of evangelism.

  • - Uma Mensagem de Esperança e Encorajamento Para Todos os Cristãos
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    A mensagem contida neste livro o livrará da resignação e da inércia espiritual.Há uma grande necessidade de ser capaz, após um fracasso, de recuperar a coragem apoiando-se no Senhor, para esquecer o passado sombrio e reviver ao máximo. Z.T. Fomum apresenta neste livro, único de sua espécie, o Deus que está sempre pronto para trazer seus filhos de volta à vida, fazendo-os esquecer seu fracasso.E mesmo o grande consolador, o Espírito Santo, pode fazer Sua voz ser ouvida pelo cristãodesapontado, desencorajado, ecansado, aquela voz que ressoa dentro dele e que diz: ''Esqueça seu fracasso! Estou aqui para começar um novo dia com você''.Nenhum Fracasso Precisa ser Final! é uma mensagem de avivamento e restauração que é essencial para todo crente nascido de novo, que está resolutamente comprometido com o caminho estreito e perigoso - o rumo da vida eterna em Jesus Cristo.Você nunca mais será o mesmo depois de ler este livro.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Es-tu prêt à porter ta foi vers de nouveaux sommets avec Dieu ?Ce livre te donnera l'impulsion dont tu as besoin pour y parvenir. Tu y découvriras la vérité sur qui tu es selon le témoignage de Dieu, plutôt que selon tes propres perceptions. En apprenant ce que Dieu dit de toi, tu seras équipé pour exploiter ton plein potentiel et servir l'Évangile dans le but de sauver les âmes en perdition.Ce livre est un puissant catalyseur qui t'aidera à aller de l'avant avec le Seigneur Jésus et à atteindre des sommets audacieux et éclatants dans ta foi. Ne manquez pas cette occasion unique de transformer radicalement votre vie.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    In this handbook by Professor Z.T. Fomum, you will discover what hampers and hinders the extraordinary christian life, how to remove those obstacles and how to live in a way that is entirely different, but pleasing to the Lord.The author will lead you through this book into the possibilities of Living without sin and leading an extraordinary Christian life in an ordinary world, A Christians viewpoint and reaction to different circumstances in life, living such a godly, blissful, blameless and foolproof life that everyone around you testifies to it.The book also presents some specific patterns to prepare people for Christian service.The author rounds up by discussing the fruit and purpose of the Spirit-filled life: intimacy with God, and spiritual ministry.This book is a very practical and precious manual meant to help you empty yourself of all that is not of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit as a way of life.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Cet ouvrage est un message fort à tout paresseux qui ne sera plus paresseux après la lecture et l'obéissance à son contenu.Qu'est-ce que la paresse?Quelles sont ses causes et ses manifestations?Quelles sont ses conséquences et les moyens d'en être délivré?Ce livre du professeur Z.T. Fomum te permettra de trouver des réponses à ces interrogations, mais bien plus à atteindre tout le potentiel que Dieu t'a donné, afin de le mettre à la disposition du royaume de Dieu.

  • - La Direction Spirituelle Selon Le Modèle De Josué
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Le second titre qu'on pourrait donner à ce livre est: Le leadership spirituel selon le modèle de Josué.C'est un compil d'enseignements qui furent donnés par le Professeur Fomum à l'occasion d'une convention régionale ouest africaine en 1996.Dans ce livre, Z.T. Fomum met en exergue les principes d'un leadership par le service. Il se sert de l'exemple de Josué qui a servi de façon agressive un homme, Moïse, pendant 40 ans et fut promu par l'Eternel pour servir une multitude, le peuple d'Israël. Dieu recrute les futurs dirigeants dans le creuset du service à un homme. Le serviteur et le dirigeant sont identiques. Ce qui les différencie c'est le nombre de personnes que chacun sert. Ce service inclut le travail très dur, un prix payé pour l'accomplissement des desseins de Dieu, la connaissance de Dieu, la connaissance de la Parole, etc.Ce livre devrait être le livre de poche de tout missionnaire et de tout dirigeant à quelque niveau que ce soit, et pour tout aspirant à la direction spirituelle. Lis-le et devient le dirigeant que DIEU t'avait destiné à être.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    ...Un dirigeant ne peut travailler seul. Il a besoin d'une équipe; c'est l'équipe d'un homme qui détermine la nature de son oeuvre, le ministère c'est les connectionsNous tenons ces propos de l'auteur, Z.T. Fomum, qui soutient que nous avançons ou frustrons les desseins de Dieu par nos choix. Ainsi, dans le choix des membres d'une équipe, Dieu est l'initiateur et l'homme doit prendre ses responsabilités. Le dirigeant doit s'associer avec d'autres vaillants hommes, sinon il est ruiné.Dans cette perspective, il y a une qualité de vie que Dieu exige du dirigeant. Il doit être un modèle et ne peut se permettre de faire quoi que ce soit avec un coeur divisé.Sa manière de vivre, son style de vie etsa façon de communiquerdétermineront s'il aura ou non une équipe.En somme, dans ce livre, l'auteur donne tout un ensemble d'astuces doctrinales nécessaires pour le dirigeant, son équipe et son ministère.Un livre dense et riche, vivement recommandé.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Ce livre est écrit pour toi!Le Seigneur JÉSUS t'aime et veut te guérir!Dieu veut que tu sois guéri et que tu demeures en parfaite santé.Tes maladies sont le produit de l'oeuvre de Satan.Ce livre n'est pas écrit dans l'intention de porter atteinte à la pratique moderne de la médecine. Nous remercions Dieu pour la médecine (scientifique) moderne et pour tous ses efforts visant à soulager la douleur.Cependant, sans l'intervention de Dieu, les médicaments ne peuvent guérir. Dieu est celui qui guérit. Jésus est celui qui guérit. Il peut guérir à travers la médecine; il peut aussi s'en passer. Il n'est pas limité. Il est Dieu. Tu peux te tourner vers Lui et être guéri de ta maladie. Même lorsque les docteurs te disent que ton cas est désespéré, Dieu demeure ton espoir. Tourne-toi vers Lui et reçois ton miracle de Lui.Lorsque tu auras reçu ta guérison, écris et partage la avec moi, afin qu'ensemble nous louions le Seigneur qui t'aura guéri.

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