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Böcker av Z J Galos

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  • - Dancing Eros
    av Z J Galos

    Dancing Eros: The poet has written his reflections on the subject of Eros. Eroticism has been a great awakening to him through a rather exciting and dramatic relationship of a body, mind, and soul-moving experience that not only changed his approach to poetry and writing entirely but also his life in an upside-down mode of living on this cloud called 'Dancing Eros'. Wasn't it only for l'art pour l'art, but also a deep dive into the depths of his sensual being he wasn't aware of before? Being on the Cloud of Eros had been a unique experience with words of wings flying forth from the bottom of his being. Long live the winged child dancing on Clouds.

  • av Z J Galos

    In Book II, poetry had been further collated that had been written during the Third Lockdown in Vienna, Austria, while the statistics of the Covid-19 pandemic showed a staggering increase in infections and deaths due to it.Pro and con corona health management filled the daily newspapers and TV debates.During this time the poet's art exhibition in downtown Vienna remained hung at Gallery Z, but visitor groups were forbidden to enter, and only individuals could visit on invitation at a prior appointment. Masks were obligatory in all public places and a general depressive mood spread throughout the communities.The poet had a good understanding with his friends, who appeared regularly on the social pages of the Internet. One still could feel a longing for hope and good wishes for staying healthy became an important regular ritual to live through this ordeal to see the turn of the pandemic tide. And yet, everybody became aware of the changing times thereafter. The poet had been blessed with his fount of memories that started to flow and provide him with many contemporary poems thanks to encouragement from friends and Muses.

  • av Z J Galos

    Suddenly the COVID-19 Pandemic hit Europe and due to its rapid spread Lockdowns had been enforced by governments. Here in Austria, in the heart of Vienna, the poet would experience a completely changed city, reminding him of a ghost town. During the First Lockdown, he traveled in empty trains and streets without people, for several weeks, musing and reflecting about this change of life in the city. At times, he loses the face of a friend through abstinence, he used to meet at St Stephen's Square, though friends would be in contact through the mobile phone, yet personal meetings are still most important to the poet and he misses them. Medical matters are questioned, as well as the products of inoculation, and besides information given seems controversial. In this situation, the poet remains at most times of the day at his writing desk and muses about his quality of life.During the Second Lockdown, matters conducting a usual daily life became for most people very difficult, to say the least. However, it seemed to stir up the poet's memory banks.During the time shopping for necessary food items, the poet observed extreme silence, except for the neighbor's knock on the door, checking on him, exchanging views on the government's offices of health, the wearing of masks, and the changing laws about inoculations. The poet's mind wandered back to his experiences in life, friends, his occupation with art, and remembrances that suddenly appeared in clarity.

  • av Z J Galos

    Meeting Sola, his dusky Muse, will change the poet's artistic direction. At Amanda's 'Writers Write' workshop, where budding writers meet, their relationship soon starts to bloom, and Sola, his potential Muse inspires him to write love poems for her, and he will cast her as his ideal heroine for his debut novel: 'Spleen of Love'.Love poems from his previous time with Aleta seem to flow seamlessly into the poetry for Sola, his present love interest, with whom he experiences a renaissance in his approach to the written verse. Aleta has morphed into Sola and Sola into Aleta, at times.'Waking in love' reflects his adoration for Sola, while in 'Love and Literature' the poet AKA Zed, learns about his love for Aleta, yet it seems the names of these racy women are perfectly interchangeable.'Azza Island' is a further creation of a magical place in the skies, created for téte-à-tétes with Aleta, while the poet lived in Africa.

  • av Z J Galos

    In Muses IV, 'Magic Unisons', as the title indicates, the word magic explains best those moments, when during the process of composing word sequences that gradually become verses and stanzas, and could lead to a whole cycle of compositions, like in the 'Chants of a Traveling Bard'.For love, in 'Magic Unisons', transferred into many shades of enjoyment and happy feelings, one's Muses certainly stimulate the poet with their sensual impulses: This cannot be stored like goods, but the traces of those happy moments are still embedded in the poet's soul and the souls of all people engaged in creative work.Fascinating are the times one spends looking through one's creative output of one year that usually happens at the end of it when the mood is influenced by dark ominous cloud formations, snowfall that reflects the dusky light, fine stringing rain, unexpected storms, and foggy mystical mornings. Indeed, magical unisons are unique.

  • av Z J Galos

    The poet had been waking to fine experiences of his conscious being, whereby the transition area, between the subconscious and the conscious levels, opened up a garden of earthly and spiritual delights, as a designed stage upon a stage by one of his favourite Muses, he calls his 'A-Muse'. So, waking in love seemed to fit the description. Into this garden, he'd commute daily and would meet and communicate with artists of fame and also with talented contemporaries, while his Muses danced in a traditional sensual roundabout in and out of his room, high above the rooftops of Vienna,

  • av Z J Galos

    Zsolt has had an interaction with his Muses from an early age, especially through the Internet, where he meets Rita, who pleads to be saved from being held prisoner. He decides to help Rita and travels to Greece. Takis, a PI, assists Zsolt with his rescue plans and follows up to neutralize Minos, the Bull-Man, who sets conditions to disclose Rita's whereabouts. The set conditions are tough and follow the Secret Rites of Eleusis, but with the help of friends, they have a chance to get through. Minos in his lair throws lavish parties that usually end in an orgy. and Rita is terrorized to eat part of the victim's heart, the Bull-Man has ripped from his next victim. Midge, the dwarf and second in command had been caught by Spiros, Takis 'brother, who operates a security unit. He'll cooperate to open the gates to Villa 'M' for the attackers and help Rita escape from her gilded cage. The date is set and the countdown begins. Zsolt and Myrto will dig through the labyrinth below to reach Rita's cage, while Takis and his brother will enter Villa 'M' above ground in a synchronized. way. Zsolt and Takis are prepared to face Minos head-on.

  • av Z J Galos
    299 - 305,-

  • av Z J Galos

    The poems were conceived and written in a first draft, between 2017 and 2019, while commuting on the local buses between Heiligenstadt and Klosterneuburg-Weidling, between the bus stop at the domicile and the endstation of bus 400 at Heiligenstadt. From there the poet would travel by expressway, either with the ÖBB train or the subway U4 to the city of Vienna. He'll enjoy quality time meeting friends, supporters, and Muses. The themes of the poems are the observance of city life; inner reflections about relationships; thoughts about humanity in the doldrums; dehumanization; the human catastrophe; hospitalization of the poet; recent friends and Muses; the loss of individuality; and self-reflections on a world of gender turmoil. The original drafts have been edited in an ongoing process and completed by 2023.

  • av Z J Galos

    The poet had found a room to write, situated above Red Tower Street, in the city of music and coffee houses. His creativity flowed and poetry came to him instantly, recalling immediate past happenings. A change in the environment will induce that with a fruitful multitude of reflections and thoughts about love and death, as depicted in part one of this edition. In the second part, the poet muses about the love between a bard and his muse and the sweetness of love at an ongoing advanced age. In part three, he ponders about the events that offer him reincarnation and render him an awareness of the powers of eroticism. Part four are songs of a poet in love while commuting from the distant periphery of a world city to its historic core, where his refuge - the gift of a tryst - is awaiting him. The texts are enhanced with drawings by the poet, from the time of writing the poems, depicting the artistic tension between the lyrics and their visual interpretations.

  • av Z J Galos

    Was Annika's death an accident or murder? Zsolt learns of Annika's sudden death on the way to the British Museum. Symi, once a friend of Annika, asks Zsolt for her correspondence, but Zsolt wants to investigate immediately, flies to London, and meets Symi and her friend, Helen. At Club Tango Argentino they meet Marcel, their former boyfriend, and his partner, Joan, a famous Tango dancing couple. At Helen's party, Marcel wants to sexually provoke Symi, Zsolt confronts Marcel and, after a heated chase, is stabbed. Symi and Helen, sweethearts, care for him and involve him in their act of love. Marcel provokes Zsolt, kidnaps Symi, and forces her to work for him as an informant. Zsolt and Helen's attempt to break Symi free is within reach, but Zsolt is knocked out by Marcel, L'homme Tango. He has faced a changed Marcel and meets his cousin John, who advises him strategically and can count on effective backup from his uncle. The situation escalates into a deadly confrontation and tension mounts as Marcel, the Tango Man, challenges Zsolt to a duel. Will he be able to save Symi? Zsolt and John are prepared.

  • av Z J Galos

    The sequel to Muses, the first Memoir, has come to me naturally, meeting women who became Muses. Some of them have been with me for many years. And since my art exhibition called: Musai (Muses), where I depicted my artistic response to the image of the Classical Muses with a contemporary style, and was accepted by the Fine Arts School of Athens, at their gallery in Plaka, the Muses seem to have honored me with their presence, whenever I write, draw, and paint. They have been the motor for my artistic endeavors, creating poetry and prose, drawings, and paintings. I have been visited, especially by three Muses, who invited me to dance with them. I gladly followed and could achieve an inspired record with my second book: MUSES II - The Poet who enjoys dancing with his Muses.

  • av Z J Galos

    War Annikas Tod ein Unfall oder Mord? Zsolt erfährt von Annikas plötzlichem Tod auf dem Weg zum Britischen Museum. Symi, eine Freundin, sah Annika zuletzt und möchte ihre Korrespondenz von Zsolt, ihrem Freund, dem sie ihre Briefe anvertraute. Zsolt will ermitteln, fliegt nach London und trifft Symi und ihre Freundin, Helen. Im Club Tango Argentino treffen Symi und Helen auf Marcel, ihren früheren Freund und Joan, seiner Partnerin, dem populären Tangopaar. Symi und Helen, Sweethearts, begrüßen Zsolt auf Helens Party und sie lenkt Zsolts Aufmerksamkeit auf Marcel, der im Begriff ist Symi zu einem Sexakt zu nötigen, aber Zsolt hindert ihn daran mit einer Konfrontation, die zur Gewalt eskaliert und schlussendlich Zsolt vom Tango Mann mit einer Stichwunde verletzt wird. Symi und Helen pflegen ihn und Zsolt wird in ihren Liebesakt einbezogen. Marcel, der Tango Mann, provoziert Zsolt, da er Symi für den Ring seiner Informantinnen gewinnen will. Er liebt das Dramatische und erzwingt physische Zweikämpfe mit Zsolt um Symi, nachdem er sie entführt hat. Zsolt und Helen verbünden sich um Symi von Marcels gesicherten Apartment in Paris zu befreien. Die bestochenen Wachen wollen Symi auf dem Pont Alexandre III übergeben, aber Marcel vereitelt es. Zsolt sieht sich einem Doppelgänger Marcels ausgeliefert, oder täuscht er sich in der Hitze des Kampfes? Zsolt trifft auf seinen Cousin John, der ihm strategisch und durch seinen Onkel, mit polizeilichem Backup unterstützen könnte. Die Spannung wächst. Für einen finalen Showdown mit dem Tango Mann braucht Zsolt die Hilfe aller seiner Freunde, wenn er Symi vor dem Monster retten will. Das Tate Modern bereitet sich auf eine Festlichkeit vor und der Tango Mann hat Zsolt gerade dort zum Zweikampf gefordert. John und Zsolt sind vorbereitet.

  • av Z J Galos
    335 - 339,-

  • av Z J Galos

    Zen trifft auf Sola in Amandas Workshop. Er ist sofort in sie verliebt. Beide nehmen an einem Kurs für Schriftsteller teil. Sola und Zen, zum Schreiben berufen, werden Freunde. Sola ist Zens Heldin in seinem Debutroman, wehrt sich gegen ihr Verlangen für eine Liebesaffäre. Ihre Familie kommt zuerst. Sie schreiben einander Poeme und Prosa, das Zen vorantreibt. Im Zwiespalt der Liebe wird Sola zu Shebas Freundin. Sheba verliebt sich in Zen und Sola. In ihrer Zusammenarbeit kreiert Zen ein virtuelles Stück mit Sheba und Sola: Tristana & Izault. In Afrika kreiert, als grandioses 'Son et Lumiere' bei den Pyramiden von Gizeh uraufgeführt, ein Vereinigungsgedanke Afrikas für eine neue Welt durch gemeinsame Teilnahme aller Nationen.

  • av Z J Galos

  • av Z J Galos

  • av Z J Galos

  • av Z J Galos

  • av Z J Galos

    In der wohltuenden frischen Luft der hochgewachsenen Buchenwälder, dem interessanten Pflanzenwuchs der offenen Heide mit ihren sanften senf-grünen Hügeln, den vielen unterschiedlichen Pfaden entlang Waldrändern rund um Stammersdorf, seinem buckligen Berg, seinen bewaldeten Wegen und seinen historischen Weinkellern, habe ich mich sofort in einen Naturliebhaber verwandelt.Ich beobachte die Vielfalt des bunten Lebens in den Wiener Vorstädten, die an den Grüngürtel des Wienerwaldes angrenzen, auch die einzigartige Heide bei Perchtoldsdorf, mit ihren besonderen Gräsern, die mich an die 'Feinbos'-Landschaft in der Nähe Kapstadts erinnerte, während Teile des Wienerwaldes in mir die Erinnerung an den 'Tsitsikama'-Wald, entlang der populären 'Garden-Route' der Kapprovinz wachriefen.Wien, die weitläufige, bunte und berühmte Europastadt, mit ihrer einzigartigen Lage inmitten eines üppigen Grüngürtels zwischen Hügeln und Heide, Wäldern, Bergen und Weingärten, nimmt eine Sonderstellung unter Europäischen Städten ein.Dieses Buch ist ein Ergebnis einer Wiederentdeckung eines reiferen Poeten über die Freuden des Wanderns und der Inspiration des Wienerwaldes. Außerdem, überrascht vom gut-organisierten Netzwerk markierter Stadtwanderwege, werden diese wohl allen Wanderern ein nachhaltiges Erlebnis von Natur und Schönheit bieten.Ich hatte viel Spaß auf diesen Wegen und hörte auch auf die Reaktionen meiner inneren Welt. Konnte ich mich während des rhythmischen Gehens nicht nur an plötzlich aufkommenden Erinnerungen erfreuen, sondern auch an klaren Bildern auf dem Monitor meines Geistes. Die Bewegung hat mich zum Wandern motiviert, der Wald zum Dialog mit meiner Seele.

  • av Z J Galos

  • av Z J Galos

  • - Love's Pure Emotion
    av Z J Galos

  • - a month in the life of a poet on the southern hemisphere
    av Z J Galos

  • - Leben & Tod fur ein grossartiges Gemalde
    av Z J Galos

  • - Adventure in Eros
    av Z J Galos

  • - Book V / Book VI
    av Z J Galos

  • - From a Writer's Workshop Book I & Book II
    av Z J Galos

  • - Along a Murmuring Brook
    av Z J Galos

  • - The Artist Evolves
    av Z J Galos

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