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Böcker av Yildiz Sethi

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  • - The Journey of the soul as seen through Karma andVedic Astrology and Family Constellations towards awakening
    av Yildiz Sethi

    Stardust on the spiritual path descriptionThis is a book about consciousness, karma, relationships and free will, coming together asessential elements of your spiritual journey as stardust, through many lives. Belief systems andspirituality are explored to assist you in looking within to discover a higher meaning in life.Elements of the mystical and the harshness of India come to light combined with modernpsychological and personal development in a collective wisdom. A way of perceiving to assistyou in creating a new enriching perspective for your soul journey as stardust. Yildiz Sethiprovides essential detail and information of aspects of a modern interpretation of how to live well.She explains how an understanding of karma, vedic astrology, reincarnation, free will, destinyand the process of family constellations may be utilised in making the most of yourself. Throughrelationships and self-discovery, towards enlightenment. Yildiz takes you on a journey through acharacter called Surya. Surya is you, me and humanity on many journeys through space andtime in facing many situations, gifts and challenges .She presents a range of ideas with lifestories throughout, to bring out the poignancy, conflicts and inspiration of being human andleaves you will ideas and possibilities for yourself on your spiritual journey.If you are desiring a bigger picture, that assimilates wisdom from the past with that of now, withthe lived experience of the tension of destiny and free-will, you will find this thought provokingand expansive. Yildiz is much like all of you who have a passion and curiosity for knowledge andmost of all and seeking to make the most of your fallibility of being human in the face of so muchdiversity on planet earth. She brings forward her experience as a mother, partner, grandmotherand friend, as well as that of a counsellor, hypnotherapist, vedic astrologer and familyconstellations practitioner, that have helped to guide her in her own life and opens the door toyour experiences, inviting your own inner resources to come forward. Yildiz and her servicesmay be reached at

  • - You can be both. Find out what the law of attraction left out.
    av Yildiz Sethi

    Be Rich AND Spiritual - Yildiz SethiIs a book about what wealth creation, law of attraction and the Secret left out.In my work with people over many years, I have been struck by the growing levels of frustration, disappointment and confusion over their engagement with the ideas put out by the movementsurrounding the wealth creation.The purpose of writing this book is to give a fuller perspective of our creative potential and howto utilise it in being BOTH Rich AND Spiritual. I have used much of my knowledge and experiencewith clients and from my own life, to put this book together for those who are ready to livemore freely and abundantly.I am a counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist, family constellations and personal developmentfacilitator and trainer, vedic astrologer, former-physics and chemistry teacher, mother andgrandmother. In a nutshell, I have a passion for assisting people to free their minds, so that theycan live more fully in the world. In this book, I explain the problems that we encounter in ourefforts to fulfil our potential and also provide many possible solutions towards growth andtransformation.You will find this book both rational and spiritual and introduces spiritual science and ways youmay work with your inner world to create a new reality.At this time of our development as human beings, I feel that it's appropriate to incorporate theproven wisdoms and spiritual knowledge of the past with the latest innovations in personaldevelopment and an understanding of the functioning of the mind. In this way, we are able toarrive at a deeper understanding of our human potential. I give case studies throughout asexamples of the ideas presented. Most of all this is not simply theory, as you may make it part ofyour life, if you so choose, in becoming rich and spiritual.Be Rich and spiritual is available in Paperback, ebook and audioFor more on what Yildiz offers see

  • - Pathways to Growth and Emotional Healing: Using the unique Dual approach of Family Constellations and Emotional Mind Integration for personal and systemic health
    av Yildiz Sethi

    Rapid Core HealingRapid Core Healing Pathways to Growth and Emotional Healing: Using the unique dualapproach of Family Constellations and Emotional Mind Integration for personal and systemichealth, presents a dual psychotherapeutic approach for working holistically in a new andinnovative way with a wide range of mental health and wellness issues, rapidly. Providing mindbody pathways to accessing and working with the underlying dynamics of disturbing symptomsaccurately, effectively and quickly for a wide range of relational, mental-health, blocks andsabotage and trauma-recovery.Yildiz Sethi is a former science teacher, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, educator and innovatorin mind science. She has a deep interest in knowledge, philosophy, consciousness and theworkings of the mind and a strong curiosity about what inhibits wellness and growth and how toassist in more effective recovery and self-healing. Her private practice of over twenty years, along with her studies, research of psychotherapies of many kinds and as an educator havebeen about discovering what ails us and what is required for recovery, self-healing and wellness.This has resulted in her innovation of two modalities, Emotional Mind integration and Rapid corehealing which she presents in this book and in online private sessions and trainings to addressthe next step of growth in this area.Rapid Core Healing is a dual modality consisting of Emotional Mind Integration and FamilyConstellations that is designed to work with the personal conflicts, disturbances and traumas thatpeople face. She found that these may be divided into two. Those that originate from livedexperiences and those we inherit systemically from our families of origin and former generations.The book may be used by a wide range of professionals or 'people who help people' such ascounsellors, hypnotherapists, social workers, psychologists, and natural therapists' and thosewho are interested in the human psyche. It is suitable for students of counselling, hypnotherapyand psychotherapy. The purpose of the book is to present a new psychotherapeutic approachdesigned to address the need for faster and more effective responses to mental health and youare curious about how such an approach operates.In the book Yildiz presents many real case studies and goes into detail about the benefits anddeficits of present psychotherapeutic approaches which provide much food for thought andreflection. To see what she offers see

  • - Pathways to Growth and Emotional Healing
    av Yildiz Sethi

    Rapid Core Healing Pathways for Growth and Emotional Healing presents a dual psychotherapeutic approach for working holistically in a new and innovative way with a wide range of mental health and wellness issues, rapidly. The author Yildiz Sethi comes from a science teaching background prior to her career as a psychotherapist and educator of counsellors, psychotherapists and coaches. Her work in this field has resulted in her creation of two new modalities of psychotherapy which she is pioneering to address the next step of growth in this area.Rapid Core Healing (RCH) is a dual modality consisting of Emotional Mind Integration (EMI) and Family Constellations (FC) that is designed to work with the personal conflicts that people face in life and systemic (family of origin) issues simultaneously.The book may be used by a wide range of professionals or 'people who help people' such as counsellors, hypnotherapists, social workers, psychologists, and natural therapists' and those who are interested in the human psyche. It is suitable for students of counselling and psychotherapy.The purpose of the book is to present a new psychotherapy approach designed to address the need for faster and more effective responses to mental health and wellness issues. The RCH modality is wholistic in utilising the best from the past along with the latest findings in neuroscience and epigentics and the clinical practice of the author into a comprehensive new way of enabling recovery.The RCH process requires an average of only 3-5 sessions for satisfactory resolutions for most client issues (excluding those with serious mental health DSM5 diagnoses). RCH is suitable for people who experience depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sexual abuse, trauma, and relationship issues. This includes couple's and family relationships.The dual therapeutic approach consists of a unique fusion of strands from former and present psychotherapies combined with hypnosis. This forms a potent methodology coming out of philosophy and practice, for locating and enabling the strengthening of innate resources and the promotion of the natural human potential for healing.Naturally occurring healing pathways are followed in the therapeutic process to enable people to resolve a range of personal trauma and poor core relational bonds (primarily with parents) for better mental health and wellness in the present.RCH and EMI has been created by Yildiz Sethi, while Family Constellations was developed by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. EMI is acomplete psychotherapeutic approach for processing disturbed emotional mind states in a wide range of issues and traumas without retraumatisation.Sethi presents theory and practice for her approaches through transcripts of case studies with analyses of Rapid Core Healing, Emotional Mind Integration, and Family Constellations throughout the book.Sethi takes us on an exploration, assessment and critique of current research processes and the medical model of mental health. She particularly critiques the 'evidence-based' statement that advocates of CBT claim for their approach. RCH is a brief, experiential, and solution focused psychotherapy that is an effective and drug free way of dealing with the relational and personal aspects of being human.Rapid Core Healing is a new way of addressing mental health and personal development in a way that is in tune with the resilience of the human spirit and a way forward for the twenty first millennia.

  • - You can be Both: Find out what the Law of Attraction left out
    av Yildiz Sethi

    At this time in our development many of us have reached the level of consciousness necessary to break down the social conditioning that has placed spirituality and wealth at opposing poles and step into our true power as abundant, human beings. The Secret and the movement that came out of it, The Law of Attraction, has made many promises, but left out many of the conditions by which it may be understood and used effectively. This book provides a unique and in depth perspective with clear steps to follow for those who are ready for the next step into abundance. Many factors involved in creation and co-creation are explored in examining what needs to be in place to be both Rich and Spiritual. This involves the psychology, social conditioning, metaphysics and spiritual components required to attract and maintain wealth, while remaining authentically whole. This wealth creation book includes strategies and methodologies for resolving blocks to becoming rich, in a way that is in tune with the heart and soul, for those who are ready to move into the next paradigm. The knowledge and practice of Family Constellations and Vedic astrology are proposed as tools to facilitate awareness and personal development for modern men and women on their journey to freedom. This is a self-help, personal growth book that provides the knowledge and steps required to live abundantly on our planet in a state of harmony. The riches are there for the taking, if you can honour creation by being the highest expression of yourself that you can be.Yildiz is uniquely placed to write this book, as she is deeply involved in personal development with individuals and groups in offering a unique perspective coming from her experience as a Vedic astrologer and therapist and Family Constellations facilitator and trainer. Not only does she offer a perspective, but also resolutions and steps to follow for personal growth.BIO Yildiz Sethi is an Australian woman of Turkish Cypriot and English origin born in England and living in Brisbane, Australia. She started her career as a physics and chemistry teacher, which she enjoyed for many years before transitioning to Vedic astrology at a sensitive time of her life. This led to a fascination with the psychological patterns that hold us back and in an exploration to find the most effective ways to facilitate change in herself and others. She did further studies to become a counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist and Family Constellations facilitator and trainer. Yildiz is deeply involved in Personal Development involving Vedic astrology teaching and consultations, Family Constellation seminars and training and she runs a private practice in Brisbane, Australia. She is passionate about helping people free their minds so as to make the most of their lives. Having come from a working class background herself, she has expanded her own horizons significantly in all spheres, psychologically, emotionally, practically, spiritually and financially in creating her present reality. In exploring and developing her ability to create and manifest in a tangible way, she has a wealth of unique knowledge and practical experience from her own life journey and from the facilitation of others, that she wishes to share with you in your quest to being Rich and Spiritual.

  • av Yildiz Sethi

    Stardust is given the name Surya throughout the book and appears as many characters through space, time and culture as men or women, the earth, nature and universal energy. The interplay of destiny, free will and choice is shown in several stories of Surya on his or her spiritual journey through many lives. This takes us on a journey through a number of cultures and we are encouraged to see life thought many different eyes, minds and experiences.This is a book about consciousness, relationships and how they culminate in free will on your spiritual journey as stardust through the karmic cycle of life. Belief systems and spirituality are explored to assist you in looking within to discover a higher meaning to your life. Elements of the mystical and inspirational, along with darker aspects of Indian philosophy and daily life are shown. This is combined with modern psychological and key aspects of personal development, to assist you in creating a new and enriching perspective for your Soul Journey as Stardust. The spiritual aspects of Vedic astrology are explored in showing the connections of human beings as stardust to the cosmos and beyond. Yildiz shares aspects of her experiences as a Vedic Astrologer, psychotherapist and Family Constellations practitioner in following her own spiritual path and assisting others to do likewise. Yildiz give details of the philosophy, practice of the process of Family Constellations as a means of making the most of yourself through relationships and self-discovery towards enlightenment. Other means of personal development included in the book are hypnotherapy, meditation and some reflective exercises to assist in helping the reader to clarify their thoughts and feelings in coming to a deeper understanding of self.In such a book the way we are treating our planet could not be omitted as Yildiz outlines some major concerns with some basic science in an attempt to demystify the science around climate change.Finally the reality of each of us as stardust on the same journey is shown in a way that gives hope to all in being part of universal energy and all that is one of optimisim.

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