av Xuanjun Xie
本书作者谢选骏从神话传说、宗教、哲学、政治、科举、科技、农业、建筑、宫室、起居方式、园林、服饰、道教、景教、理学、类书、诗词格律、音乐、绘画、雕塑、佛理诗、玄言诗、田园诗、山水诗、骈文、音韵学、白话文学、近代汉语、双音词、雕版印刷、亡国遭遇、日本侵略、蒙古征服等五十个视角考察了"第二期中国文明",阐述了"第二期中国文明"与"第一期中国文明"和"第三期中国文明"之间的异同,所以也称"五十视角的百科全书"。 Synopsis: What follows are the fifty angles from which issues concerning the second phase of Chinese civilization are examined by the author Xie Xuanjun: mythology, religion, philosophy, politics, system of imperial examination, science and technology, agriculture, architecture, palace chambers, daily life, gardens, costumes, Taoism, Nestorianism, idealist Confucian philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, reference books, poetical meter, music, painting, sculpture, Buddhist poetry, metaphysical poetry, pastoral poetry, scenic poetry, rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism, phonology, literature in the vernacular, modern Chinese, disyllabic words, wood-block printing, experiences in a fallen country, Japanese aggression, the Mongolian conquest, etc.