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  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《中国文明的生死》是《全球政府论──中国文明整合世界》的第三部分。内容包括1、时代的沉沦,2、哲学王者,3、胜利者,4、天子,5、礼的精神,6、礼的形式,7、中庸之道,8、礼教的纪年,9、中国文明的普世功能,10、圣人教化刺破了黑暗时代。 Synopsis: Life and Death of Chinese Civization is part three of Theory of Global Government -- Integration of the World by the Central Kingdom Civilization; Its contents are: 1) One The Fall of Age; 2) The Philosopher King; 3) The Victor; 4) Son of Heaven; 5) Spirit of Etiquette; 6) The Form of Etiquette; 7) The Golden Mean; 8) The Chronology of Etiquette; 9) The Universality of Chinese Civilization; 10) Instruction of Sages piercing through the dark ages.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    "日本"、"天皇"、"神社"、"武士"、"八纮一宇",这些概念和词汇及其意义和内涵,无一不是起源于中国。琉球、朝鲜、越南的情况也大致如此。简单回顾一下天皇制的兴衰,可以发现这一进程也与中国的影响息息相关。 Synopsis: "Riben (Japan)", "Tian Huang (Mikado)", "Wu Shi (Palace Guards)"-- these concepts and terms and their definitions as well as connotations-- all originate in China without exception . And this is roughly true of the cases of Ryukyu Islands, Korea and Vietnam. A brief review of the history of rise and fall of the Tian Huang system would reveal a close Chinese influence.

  • - Adolph Hitler)二十世纪的政治骗局(以阿道夫-希特勒为研究案例)
    av Xuanjun Xie

    阿道夫-希特勒是不是一个犹太人? 英国《每日邮报》2010年8月23日报道 根据最新出炉的DNA检测结果 希特勒可能是犹太人或北非人的后裔。而北非人和犹太人在遗传学上、在体质人类学而不是文化人类学上,其实是具有相当重合的。犹太人的后裔为何如此仇恨犹太人并且大力推行灭犹政策?这正是本书要回答的问题。 作者谢选骏发现,并且犹太人的后裔大力推行灭犹政策,不是孤立现象;而是一个具有普遍意义的"二十世纪的政治骗局"。那就是"消灭剥削阶级"的革命运动,其领导人多是"剥削阶级出身",其目的不是为了"解放无产阶级",而是为了让自身成为"垄断剥削的阶级"。 Synopsis: Is Adolph Hitler a Jew or not? Xie Xuanjun the author has discovered that the Jewish descendants have pursued-- in a big way-- a policy of wiping out the Jews is not an isolated phenomenon, but a case of a widespread 20th-century hoax, namely, the revolutionary campaign of wiping out the exploiting class. Most of the leaders of this campaign were themselves descendants of the exploiting class, and their purpose in launching the revolutionary campaign was not to liberate the proletariat, but rather to become monopolizers of exploitations.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    这是谢选骏先生1987年在中国出版的《荒漠-甘泉--文化本体论》的影印本,内容是哲学随笔。 《荒漠甘泉-文化本体论》(南方赤色-夏天的书)是《五色海 第三期中国文明的意识形态》的第二部,内容探讨了"文化的本体和宇宙的本原",体现了作者谢选骏25岁至29岁时的"理论探索和思想模型"。 Synopsis: This book is a facsimile reprint of Sweet Spring on Desert--A Dissertation on Cultural Proprioception (Red to the South--A Book of Summer) is Part 2 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization .The book explores the noumenon of culture and principle of universe, and reflects Xie Xuanjun the author's theoretical exploration and mode of thinking from age 25 to age 29.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书作者谢选骏从神话传说、宗教、哲学、政治、科举、科技、农业、建筑、宫室、起居方式、园林、服饰、道教、景教、理学、类书、诗词格律、音乐、绘画、雕塑、佛理诗、玄言诗、田园诗、山水诗、骈文、音韵学、白话文学、近代汉语、双音词、雕版印刷、亡国遭遇、日本侵略、蒙古征服等五十个视角考察了"第二期中国文明",阐述了"第二期中国文明"与"第一期中国文明"和"第三期中国文明"之间的异同,所以也称"五十视角的百科全书"。 Synopsis: What follows are the fifty angles from which issues concerning the second phase of Chinese civilization are examined by the author Xie Xuanjun: mythology, religion, philosophy, politics, system of imperial examination, science and technology, agriculture, architecture, palace chambers, daily life, gardens, costumes, Taoism, Nestorianism, idealist Confucian philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, reference books, poetical meter, music, painting, sculpture, Buddhist poetry, metaphysical poetry, pastoral poetry, scenic poetry, rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism, phonology, literature in the vernacular, modern Chinese, disyllabic words, wood-block printing, experiences in a fallen country, Japanese aggression, the Mongolian conquest, etc.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是作者谢选骏11岁开始撰写的日记、作文书信及后反思,因为时值举世震惊的野蛮化运动"无产阶级文化大革命"("文革")爆发,因此也体现了"一个小学生经历的文革",故名"谢选骏文革日记、作文书信及后反思"。本书的价值,更在于提供了一个心理学的样本,展示了一个"从无到有"的思想诞生过程 一个预制的社会螺丝钉,诞生为独立人格的雏形。 Synopsis: The book anthologizes the author Xie Xuanjun's diaries, writings and reflections during the Cultural Revolution, which shook the entire world. It represents the Cultural Revolution as Mr. Xie experienced it. The value of the book lies in the fact that the book is a sample of psychological process, so to speak, laying bare the birth and growth of ideas from naught to mature being. It can be likened to a precut social screw, later to become an embryo with a personality of its own.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生的网络文集,主要写作于2007年-2016年间,涉及了以下主题 社会的总纲、进化、复古、恶犬、规则、精神、伤口。现在第一次结集出版。 Synopsis: This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics: Outline, Evolution, Retro, Vicious, Rules, Spirit, Wound......of the Society. Now the first collection published

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    谢选骏的《联想与印证──中国思想的理解过程》,通过对于神话、《诗经》《洪范》《乐记》《周礼》《老子》《孙子》《庄子》《荀子》《韩非子》等十篇"阅读"和"解释",展示了一个现代中国人,对于古代中国思想创造性的理解过程。全书作于1977年到1989年之间,1989年"六四"以后被禁止出版,1994年曾经匿名"玄峻"得以初版。现在经过修订,予以自由再版。 This book of Xie Xuanjun's──Understanding Originality of the Thinking of the Chinese by Association and Corroboration──exemplifies how a modern Chinese scholar tries to come to grips with the originality of ancient Chinese thinking by reading and deciphering Chinese mythology and the following ten works: Classics of Poetry,Hong Fan,Yue Ji,Zhou Li,Lao Zi,Sun Zi,Zhuang Zi,Xun Zi,and Han Fei Zi. The book was written between 1977 and 1989, was banned after the June 4th pro-democracy movement in 1989, first printed in 1994 under the pseudonym of Xuan Jun(玄峻),and is now published in a free society after being revised.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生的网络文集,主要写作于2006年-2016年间,涉及了以下主题 世界的赌局、天子、冲突、共享、网络、思想、殖民、全球民族。现在第一次结集出版。 Synopsis: This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2006 and 2016. It covers the following topics: God of Gambling, Son of Heaven, Conflict, Sharing, Network, Thought, Colonization, Global Nation. Now the first collection published

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《从天安门到中山陵》是谢选骏先生1995年(上卷)和2010年(下卷)的作品,虽有时间跨度,依然一脉相承。天安门和中山陵,是现代中国厄运的两个象征,也体现了无法回避的历史难题。《从天安门到中山陵》,所论皆是中国的命运和前途,特此结集出版。 Synopsis: From Tiananmen to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum is Mr. Xie Xuanjun's works written during two different time periods. The first volume was written in 1995 and the second one in 2010, spanning a considerable length of time but in direct line of succession, for both Tiananmen and the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum are symbols of adversities of modern China, and bespeak the inevitable historical dilemmas of the nation. The book, which is on the fate and future of China, is now being presented to the reader

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生的早期言论选辑,主要写作于1980年代。分别论说了创新、异化、英雄、思想、至善、伪善、宗教、国家、灵魂、组织、终极之善、自由意志论。 Synopsis: This book is an early selection of Mr. Xie Xuanjun's speech, mainly written in the 1980s. Theories of innovation, alienation, heroism, ideology, perfection, hypocrisy, religion, nation, soul, organization, ultimate goodness and free will are discussed respectively.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《神话与民族精神──十个文化圈的比较》,是在1986年出版的《神话与民族精神──几个文化圈的比较》的基础上,修订补充完成的,篇幅扩充了将近一倍,凝结着作者1986年以后将近二十年间对有关论题的继续思考。内容涉及埃及、美索不达米亚、印度、希腊-罗马、希伯莱、波斯、北欧、玛雅、日本、纳西等处的神话与民族精神,并与中国的汉语典籍所体现的神话与民族精神,作了深入浅出的比较研究。全书六十余万字。Mythologies and National Ethos──A Comparative Study of the Ten Cultural Zones is a revision and a supplement to its forerunner: Mythology and National Ethos──A Comparative Study of Several Cultural Zones, with the length almost doubled. The book crystalizes the author's continual deliberations over a period of almost 20 years since 1986. The content of the book covers mythologies and national ethos of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Indians, the Greeks and the Romans, the Jewish, the Persian, the Northern Europeans, the Mayans, the Japanese and the Naxis, and is a comparative study, in penetrating and simple terms, of the above-mentioned mythologies and national ethos and those reflected in the Chinese classics. There are over 60,000 Chinese characters to the book.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生1979年至1983年间写作的,其中指出"压制"和"反制"是宇宙的基本主题。其原理来自思想的宇宙 阴阳互动。二十一世纪的社会形态虽有很大的改观,但阴阳互动的思想宇宙依然故我,压制和反制的机制没有改变。 Synopsis: This book is written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun from 1979 to 1983, which states that "repression" and "counteraction" are the basic themes of the universe. The principle comes from the thought of the universe: Yin and Yang interaction. Although the social form of the twenty-first century has greatly improved, but the interaction between Yin and Yang of the universe is still the reason I am, suppression and counteraction mechanism has not changed.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    内容简介 孔子门徒所编辑的《论语》,是中国两千多年以来影响最大的一本书。但是这本书也对中国的社会与文化甚至制度设计构成了极大的限制。第三期中国文明如果不能突破《论语》限制,就无法正常发育。本书作者谢选骏试图通过对于《论语》的"翻新"、"升级",来使之更加符合现代人的需要。这是历史上从未有过的颠覆活动。 Synopsis: Analects of Confucius compiled by the desciples of Confucius has been the most influencial book over the last two thousand years and more. But the book also constitues great restrictions over China's society, culture and institution designs. It would be impossible for the third phase of Chinese civilization to normally develop and grow, if people do not break through the restrictions imposed by Analects of Confucius . The author Xie Xuanjun tries to adapt Analects of Confucius to the needs of the modern man by revamping and updating it. It is, in a way, a subversion unseen in history.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    It is very clear that "Obama's birth certificate" presented to the public on the former White House website ( is a fake. If there is no a real "Obama birth certificate", then Obama was an "illegitimate president" who illegally won the Presidential Election twice. If Obama was an illegitimate president, then his government is an illegitimate government. And the legitimacy of the US government has been interrupted since the beginning of 2009; since then, the U.S. government would become an illegal organization unless the post-Obama government thoroughly investigates the issue of "Obama's birth certificate".前白宫网站 (的"奥巴马出生证",显然是伪造的。如果没有一个真实的"奥巴马出生证"原件,那么,非法当选的奥巴马就是一个"伪总统"。如果奥巴马是一个伪总统,那么他的政府就是伪政府。而且此后的美国政府只要不对此追究到底,美国政府的合法性从2009年开始以来就已经中断了!从那以后,美国政府将是一个非法组织。

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书描写作者谢选骏从一种类似濒死感的状态出发,体验到了"基督的奥秘",从而能够把"仰望基督",作为一种新的生活方式的起点。他由此克服了孤独、超越了孤立无援的处境,因为这正是基督的奥秘所展示的"终极真理"。人生从"开往死亡的列车",变成了"开往生命的列车"。 Synopsis: Mr. Xie Xuanjun, the author of this book, departing from the state resembling verge of death, and experiencing the profound mystery of Jesus Christ, has been able to take looking up to God as a point of departure for a new way of life and, by doing so, has been able to overcome solitude, to transcend the plight of isolation and helplessness. And to be able to do so is the very demonstration of the ultimate truth revealed by the mystery of Christ. His has realized the transition of life from a train towards death, so to speak, to a train towards life.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书来自网络,对"毛泽东现象"进行了种种记述、评论、分析,作者不一,文笔不齐,体现了这个"无名时代"的非原创风格。 Synopsis: This book from the network, the "Mao Zedong phenomenon" for a variety of accounts, comments, analysis, the author is different, writing is not complete, reflects the "unknown time" non-original style.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    人生是开往死亡的列车,还是开往生命的列车?本书描写作者谢选骏在一种类似濒死感的状态下,产生了"融化于十字架"的生命转变,由此进入了某种超越自我的神秘体验。从此,他获得了对于圣经及其神迹的全新认识。 Synopsis: Is life a train towards death or one towards life- This book by Mr. Xie Xuanjun describes how the author experienced a transition of his life as if having melt on the cross, and realized henceforth a mythical transcendence above himself in a state on the verge of death. He has acquired a totally new understanding of the Bible and a renewed recognition of trace of God.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    〖被囚禁的思想〗(《被囚禁的时代》第一部) 一书,是1988年应"上海人民出版社"邀约而从1980年以前的私人笔记中整理出来,1989年春修改完毕,准备1989年当年出版。但是"六四屠杀事件"以后,上海人民出版社根据上级指示,把作者已经列入黑名单,不得出版新的著作了。由于该出版社毁约单方面取消出版协议,拒不出版本书,只得暂时搁浅出版事宜。到了1993年,有好事者将此稿送到深圳"海天出版社",改名《生命──放歌?悲歌?》,用笔名"玄峻"(谐音"选骏")出版。这次时隔二十六年,出版时增补了一些有关"思想"主题的论述,以凸显"被囚禁的思想"。 Synopsis Imprisoned Thoughts(Part One of Imprisoned Era)is a book by Mr Xie, the contents of which were sorted out of Mr Xie's personal notes before 1980, at the suggestion by the Shanghai People's Publishing House. The revision of the book was completed in the spring of 1989 for the purpose of getting published. The publication was scheduled for the same year. Mr Xie was black-listed, however, by the authorities after the June 4 incident, and the Publishing House was forbidden to publish new books by Mr. Xie. The Publishing House actually tore up the agreement on publication unilaterally......

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书作者谢选骏从"宗教起源于救难"、"有组织的宗教起源于救难组织"的角度,考察了与中国宗教相关的心理问题和社会问题。 Synopsis: This is the author Xie Xuanjun's examination of the issues related to religions in China,based on his opinion of religion originating in distress-relief, and of organized-religion originating in relief organization.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    内容简介 《思想主权》是谢选骏先生2012至2013年间的著作。其核心观点认为 仅仅承认思想的自由是远远不够的,还必须承认"思想主权"的存在。思想是一种至高无上的主权,"思想主权"不仅创造了各种形式的国家主权,而且还创造了各种科学和艺术,各种道德和宗教。"思想主权"甚至创造了人自身,这不仅体现为"上帝造人",也体现为"人的进化"。"思想主权"的存在,保证了人和宇宙的互通,使得人可以认识宇宙,使得宇宙也能塑造人。同时,作者还用"你答故我在"取代了笛卡儿的"我思故我在";因为你我他同在思想主权之下。"思想主权论"的提出,是对笛卡儿以来西方思想的终结。The Sovereignty of Thoughts is Mr. Xie Xuanjun's book written between 2012 and 2013. The view points at the core of the book are: just to recognize the freedom of thinking is not enough. One has to recognize the validity of the sovereignty of thinking. Thinking has its sovereignty, which gives rise to cultures of various forms, and is responsible for the births of science, art, ethics and religion. The sovereignty of thinking is also responsible for the creation of man himself, which not only confirms the idea of the creation of man by God but also the idea of the evolution of man. The existence of the sovereignty of thinking facilitates communications between man and the universe, enabling man to come to terms with the universe......

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    这是谢选骏先生1988年在中国出版的《秦人楚魂的对话》的影印本。内容是对于《汤因比和池田大作对话》所进行的诘难。 此书主要部分,见于《历史之穹-秦人楚魂说》(西方白色-秋天的书),是《五色海 第三期中国文明的意识形态》的第三部,内容涉及"历史与社会"诸多方面,由此展现了作者谢选骏33岁时对于各种问题的广泛看法和"思想对话"。 Synopsis: This book is a facsimile reprint of A Dialogue Between a Soul of Qin and a Ghost of Chu,Content is for "Toynbee and Daisaku Daisaku dialogue" for criticism. The main part of this book, found in the The Historic Dome--A Dialogue Between a Soul of Qin and a Ghost of Chu (White to the West-- A Book of Autumn)is Part 3 of Sea of Five Colors:  Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization.The book touches upon various aspects of history and civilization, and reflects Xie Xuanjun the author's views on broad range of issues and related dialogues at the age of 33.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    谢选骏此书通过对于世界各种神话与宗教的梳理,说明这样一个观点 和其它的"有神学支持的神话不同",贯穿《圣经》的,其实是一种"不可知论的神学"。圣经的神是没有名字的,圣经的神也没有可以把握的确切内涵。圣经的神不像其它神话里的神那样,具有系列的故事。圣经所讲述的,是神与人的关系,而不是神的自身──因为"不可知论的神学"否决了人类能够知道神自身的秘密,而最多只能透露一些"神与人相关的启示"。 Synopsis: This book of Xie Xuanjun's attempts to, through cardings of various mythologies and religions in this world, illustrate this point: unlike other mythologies corroborated by a theology, what is inherent in the Bible is actually a mythology of the agnostic. God in the Bible does not have a name, and does not really have a definite, graspable connotation. There are no series of stories about the Biblical God as about gods of other mythologies. The Bible is about the relationship between God and the humans. Mythology of the agnostic rejects the idea of humans' ability to know secrets about God, and what it can offer is, at the most, "some revelations about the relationship between God and the humans".

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生的网络文集,主要写作于2007年-2016年间,涉及了以下主题 政治的视野、特色、问题、偶像、国体、教训、张力、国度。现在第一次结集出版。 Synopsis: This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics: Vision, Characteristics, Problems, Idols, System, lessons, tension, kingdom......of the Political . Now the first collection published

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生的网络文集,主要写作于2007年-2016年间,涉及了以下主题 历史的别裁、发现、秘密、兴衰、研究、辨诬。现在第一次结集出版。 Synopsis: This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics: Special, Discovery, Secrecy, Rise and Fall, Research, Vindication......of the History. Now the first collection published

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    这是作者谢选骏先生1987年在中国出版的《空寂的神殿--中国文化之源》的影印本,内容涉及中国汉语典籍所体现的神话,以及它对中国民族精神的体现和影响。 Synopsis: This book is a facsimile reprint of The Temple of Emptiness - the Source of Chinese Culture written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun and published in China in 1987. The book consists of Mr. Xie's studies on the myths embodied in the Chinese classics, as well as its manifestation and influence on the Chinese national spirit.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《天子-中国精神形式》是谢选骏先生1979年--1991年间的作品。根据1994年香港当代文艺出版社出版、利通图书有限公司发行的《天子-世界征服者的奏折》改编而成。《天子-中国精神形式》是为便于读者进一步了解"天子观念",而在2002年和《天子-经注集》同期完成的,当时也一同发行了电子版。现在2015年予以再版印刷。 Synopsis The book Tianzi(the Son of Heaven)-- the Spiritual Modality of the Chinese is a collection of works written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun between 1979 and 1991, and is a revised version of the book A Memorial to the Throne about Tianzi(the Son of Heaven)or Conqueror of the World, published in 1994 by Hong Kong Publishing House of Contemporary Literature and Art and circulated by the Litong Books Company, Ltd. The purpose of the book was to help the reader to understand better the notion of Tianzi (the Son of Heaven) and was,after its completion, published in 2002 in an electronic version together with A Collection of Classics about Tianzi(the Son of Heaven)with Annotations. And now, in 2015, what you see is a reprint.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是作者在美国和加拿大24年间,旅行60余处时所记录的阅读、思考、写作。其中主要内容取自互联网络参考资料,作者加以搜集整理校阅,并附有自己的评论。每篇前后还有作者所写的诗歌加以镶嵌,相映成趣,充满韵律,展开了第三期中国文明游走全球的风采。合计40篇。外加四篇附录文章和四首附录诗歌。 A Synopsis of the Book: This book is the author travels to the United States and Canada for 24 years, travels more than 60 cities, recorded reading and thinking and writing. The main content of this book, taken from the Internet reference material, the author to collect, collate, proofread, and with the author's own comments. The front and back of each article, and the two poems written by the author, to be mosaic, side by side, full of rhythm, launched the third phase of Chinese civilization walk around the world style, a total of 40 articles, plus four appendix articles and four appendix poem

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《荒漠甘泉-文化本体论》(南方赤色-夏天的书),《五色海 第三期中国文明的意识形态》的第二部,内容探讨了"文化的本体和宇宙的本原",体现了作者谢选骏25岁至29岁时的"理论探索和思想模型"。 Synopsis: Sweet Spring on Desert--A Dissertation on Cultural Proprioception (Red to the South--A Book of Summer) is Part 2 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization.The book explores the noumenon of culture and principle of universe, and reflects Xie Xuanjun the author's theoretical exploration and mode of thinking from age 25 to age 29.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    这是作者谢选骏先生1986年在中国出版的《神话与民族精神──几个文化圈的比较》的影印本,内容涉及埃及、美索不达米亚、印度、希腊-罗马、希伯莱、北欧、日本等处的神话研究,并与中国的汉语典籍所体现的神话与民族精神,作了深入浅出的比较研究。全书三十余万字。 《神话与民族精神──几个文化圈的比较》1986年的出版,直接影响了1988年的电视政论片《河殇》,《河殇》1988年的播出,促进了1989年中国的民主风潮,而"六四镇压"激发全球抗议并促成了共产党世界的总崩溃。 Synopsis This book is a facsimile reprint of Mythologies and National Ethos -- A Comparative Study of the Ten Cultural Zones written by Mr. Xie Xuanjun and published in China in 1986. The book consists of Mr. Xie's studies on mythologies and national ethos of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Indians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Jewish, the Northern Europeans and the Japanese, and is also a comparative study, in penetrating and simple terms, between the above-mentioned mythologies and national ethos and those reflected in the Chinese classics. There are over 300,000 Chinese characters to the book.

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