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Böcker av Xuanjun Xie

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  • av Xuanjun Xie

    Synopsis: New Cultural Wars is part four of Theory of Global Government -- Integration of the World by the Central Kingdom Civilization; . Its contents are: 1) Decline of the West; 2) Global Crises; 3) New Cultural Wars; 4) Strategies of New Cultural Wars; 5) Benavolent Government vs. Hegemony; 6) Indirect Rules; 7) The Approaching of a Global Government; 8) Pivot of the Globe; 9)States vs Land Under the Heaven; 10) Destiny of Historicism.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    A Synopsis of the Book: Seven books about Tian Zi(the Son of Heaven)formerly known as A Memorial to Throne about Tian Zi(the Son of Heaven)or Conqueror of the World. These seven books include: Tian Zi eternal, Tian Zi and his four seasons, the personality of Tian Zi, the godhead of Tian Zi, Tian Zi worship, the servant of Tian Zi, praying Tian Zi. These seven books is written by Mr.Xie Xuanjun between 1979 and 1991, published in 1994 by Hong Kong Publishing House of Contemporary Literature and Art and circulated by the Litong Books Company, Ltd

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《历史是互动的魔方》一书是谢选骏先生多年来有关汤因比《历史研究》一书的思考和批评,以及对汤因比《人类与大地母亲》一书的摘录和评论。 Synopsis: "History is the interactive cube" This book is Mr. Xie Xuanjun over the years on Toynbee "A Study of History" thinkingand criticism, And an excerpt and commentary on Toynbee's "Mankind and Mother Earth: A Narrative History of the World".

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《全球一体》是《全球政府论──中国文明整合世界》的第一部分。内容包括1、历史的鸟瞰,2、文明的形态,3、总结二十世纪,4、种族特质,5、性别问题,6、 教族 种姓制度还是礼制?7、蒙古人与罗马人,8、大改组,9、地外文明。 Synopsis: The World as A Whole-- Mankind, Its Past and Present is part one of Theory of Global Government -- Integration of the World by the Central Kingdom Civilization; Its contents are: 1) Historical Overview; 2) Morphology of Civilizations; 3)Summing Up the 20th Century; 4) Characteristics of Races; 5) Gender Issues; 6) Religious Issues: Cast System vs. System of Rites; 7)The Mongols and the Romans; 8)Great Reorganization; 9) Extraterrestrial Civilization.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    初到中国的人,常常被它的多重面相所震惊 城市与乡村的巨大差别,聪明和愚昧的......中国是一个具有多脸谱的地方,而且中国人在待人接物上也具有脸谱化的特征,对待不同的人有不同的"待遇"。 这不禁使我们想起了"变脸"。变脸艺术是川剧的绝活,舞台之上,演员撩起斗篷衣襟一遮面一俯首,霎时千般脸谱应声而出,令人称奇。 Synopsis: First-time visitors to China would be surprised to see the multi-faceted nature of the country: the stark contrasts between the rural China and the urban China, and between the well-educated and the benighted......China is a place where the nation reveals itself in multi-types of facial make-ups, so to speak, which can be seen in people's interactions and communications with one another -- people could meet with different treatments depending on their social status. This reminds us of the type of performance called "Face-changing", an art form originated in the Sichuan Province. In the performance, an actor reveals himself with numerous "faces" with different colors and motifs, just by turning around so as to block the view of the audience for a split second with his sleeve, a feat invariably marveled at by spectators.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    老子所传的《道德经》,堪称中国最重要的经典之一,在世界上也有广泛影响。《道德经》不仅是哲学,也是阴谋权术、兵家之祖。但是作者谢选骏发现,这本书其实似是而非,因为他的所有理论都可以反过来说,也一样有理,甚至更加有理。本书据此对老子的《道德经》进行了重构和"翻新"、"升级",来使之更加符合现代人的需要。这是历史上从未有过的颠覆活动。 Synopsis: Lao Zi's Dao De Jing is one of the most important Chinese classics that has been internationally influential. It consists of philosophy and intrigues, and is an originator of military strategies, too. Xie Xuanjun has discovered, however, that Dao De Jing is a book of paradoxes, for an argument make sense when the opposite is said. The book by Xie Xuanjun is a restructured, revamped and advanced version of Lao Zi's Dao De Jing, and is, therefore, more suitable to the needs of modern people. It is, in a way, a subversion unseen in history.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本集文字作于1975年─1991年间,主要部分是谢选骏先生在1980年代所作的有关中国命运的思考,是《新王国》一书的原始笔记。 本集文字偏重于社会政治的方面,故取名为《被囚禁的中国》(1991年),作为《被囚禁的时代》第二部,它和《被囚禁的时代》第一部《被囚禁的思想》(1989年)的区别在于 后者是偏重于个人哲理方面的。 Synopsis What you see here is a collection of writings by Mr. Xie Xuanjun between 1975 and 1991, the main contents of which were Mr. Xie's thoughts in the 80's about the destiny of China. They can be considered the original notes upon which the book The New Kingdom was based. The writings here are concentrated on the social-political aspects of China, as its title Imprisoned China(1991) indicates. Imprisoned China is Part Two of the series Imprisoned Era, of which Imprisoned Thoughts(1989) is Part One. The focus of Imprisoned Thoughts is rather individually-philosophically oriented.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    立宪时代/新王国 中国可否君主立宪? 第一期中国文明,在政治上体现为古王国、封建时代;第二期中国文明,在政治上体现为中王国、帝制时代;第三期中国文明,在政治上体现为新王国、宪政时代。 新王国/立宪时代 中国可否君主立宪? Synopsis: The Age of Constitutionalism/New Kingdom--Could the System of Constitutional Monarchy Be Practiced in China? Politically speaking, the first phase of Chinese civilization is represented by the ancient kingdom or feudalism; the second phase of Chinese civilization by the Middle Kingdom or imperialism; and the third phase of Chinese civilization by the New Kingdom or constitutionalism. New Kingdom/The Age of Constitutionalism--Could the System of Constitutional Monarchy Be Practiced in China?

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    立宪时代/新王国 中国可否君主立宪? 第一期中国文明,在政治上体现为古王国、封建时代;第二期中国文明,在政治上体现为中王国、帝制时代;第三期中国文明,在政治上体现为新王国、宪政时代。 新王国/立宪时代 中国可否君主立宪? Synopsis: The Age of Constitutionalism/New Kingdom--Could the System of Constitutional Monarchy Be Practiced in China? Politically speaking, the first phase of Chinese civilization is represented by the ancient kingdom or feudalism; the second phase of Chinese civilization by the Middle Kingdom or imperialism; and the third phase of Chinese civilization by the New Kingdom or constitutionalism. New Kingdom/The Age of Constitutionalism--Could the System of Constitutional Monarchy Be Practiced in China?

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《思想的切割》搜集了谢选骏写于1971 年─ 1989 年间的短论与散篇,显示其思想的切割过程,其中不乏生涩、稚嫩,但也具有棱角和闪光。分为构思与提纲、短论、散篇三个部分。 Synopsis: The book Thoughts that Differentiate is a collectionof essays and writings written between 1971 and 1989, andreflects differentiations of the author's thoughts, which maybe choppy and naive, but nevertheless pointed and sparkling.The book consists of three parts: outlines, essays and randomwritings

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《思想的辐射》搜集了谢选骏写于1971年至2000年间的"月记",可以视为作者其他著作的缘起和注解。分为两个部分 上卷"思想记"、下卷"旅行记",是其十六岁到四十六岁期间、三十年间精神发展之私人记录,故名曰"写在纸上的独白"。 Synopsis: The book Thoughts that Radiate (Monologues on Paper) is a collection of monthly diary- so to speak- kept by the authorMr Xie Xuanjun from 1971 to 2000, and can be seen as theorigin and notes to later works by the author. The book consistsof two parts: part one is entitled "Chronicle of Thoughts", andpart two is entitled "Chronicle of Travels" 。 The two parts ofthe book are called "monologues on paper" because they are aprivate record of the author's spiritual evolvement in a periodof 30 years from the age of 16 to the age of 46 .

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    通过对《新约圣经》的全面阅读不难发现 《新约圣经》发扬了《旧约圣经》"外邦人的光"。本书从《新约圣经》各个部分摘录了109个段落,来证明"外邦人的光"确为《新约圣经》的主题之一。其中有些是明显的,有些并非显明,但联系上下文思索一下就不难发现 上帝的光对世界各国人民一视同仁,要求严厉,恩典普遍--凡来敲门的,就会为之而开。 Synopsis: An all-round reading of the New Testament would make it clear that the theme of the Light of Foreign Nations in the Old Testament is highlighted in the New Testament. The present book by Mr Xie Xuanjun has taken 109 paragraphs from the New Testament-- all going to show that the Light of Foreign Nations is indeed one of the theses of the New Testament. This is evident in some of the paragraphs, while less so in others, but what could be inferred from the context is that the Light of God is impartial to all nations of the world, equally strict and equally graceful, and God's door would be open whenever it is knocked at.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    作者谢选骏构思本书于1975年,完成于2010年,连绵了三十五年头。其动机开始于从《春秋-左传》中发现了"先秦王国时代"的精神与"秦后帝国时代"的差异,其主旨在于通过阅读《左传》来阐扬"先秦王国时代"的精神、克服"秦后帝国时代"的弊端。因为在作者谢选骏看来,"先秦王国时代"的精神,具有封建骑士的美德,他们不愿苟活的精神,全然不同于几百年来"识时务者为俊杰"的"好死不如赖活着"的中国人,而接近欧洲甚至日本的现代化前夜的社会风尚。这种"先秦王国时代"的精神,真正有助于中国的现代化。 Synopsis: By reading Zuo's Version of the Spring and Autumn Annals, Xie Xuanjun the author detects the difference between the ethos of the Pre-Qin Kingdoms era and that of the Post-Qin Imperial era. The author elucidates the former and points out the drawbacks of the latter. The author believes that the spirit of the Pre-Qin Kingdoms era represents the integrity of the feudal knights and is close to the social ethos of the pre-modern Europe and even Japan. The spirit of the Pre-Qin Kingdoms era is, therefore, conducive to the modernization of China.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生的网络文集,主要写作于2007年-2016年间,涉及了以下主题 中共的性质、现状、历史、晚期、出路、死棋、明天。现在第一次结集出版。 Synopsis: This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics: Nature, Current, History, Mess, Exit, Terminal, Tomorrow......of the CCP. Now the first collection published

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书《〈周易〉的历史哲学》的大部分内容是谢选骏先生1978年3月为了报考中国社会科学院研究生院的硕士研究生而提交的"同等学力证明",修订完成于2008年。作者从"历史哲学"的角度阐发《周易》经传,并揭示了《序卦》的历史哲学思想,可以说是发前人之所未发。Forward: Most of the chapters of the book The Historical Philosophy of "Changes of the Zhou(Zhouyi)" by Mr.Xie Xuanjun were first intended as "a proof of equivalent educational level" to be submitted to the China Academy of Social Sciences(CASS) when applying for one of its Master's Programs in March,1978. Revisions were made and were finally completed in 2008. Mr.Xie examines and expounds in the book the texts of "Changes of the Zhou(Zhouyi)", and all elucidations on them, from a historical-philosophical angle, bringing to light the historical-philosophical dimensions of the notes on Gua, such as never been done before.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《天人之际-超理神秘感》(中心黄色──思想太极)是《五色海 第三期中国文明的意识形态》的第五部,内容涉及"文化现象和宇宙命运"方面的问题,由此展现了作者谢选骏32岁至37岁时对于有关问题的看法和表达。 Synopsis: The Boundary Between Man and Heaven--On the Unreasonable Sense of Mystery (Yellow at the Center--Taiji of the Mind) is Part 5 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization.The book touches upon issues related to cultural phenomena and destiny of universe, and reflects the views of Xie Xuanjun the author from age 32 to age 37.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《零点哲学-圆形世界象》(北方黑色──冬天的书)是《五色海 第三期中国文明的意识形态》的第四部,内容涉及"人生哲学和宇宙现象"方面的问题,由此展现了作者谢选骏28岁至35岁时对于有关问题的看法和表达。 Synopsis: Philosophy of the Null Point--On the Circular Image of the World (Black to the North--A Book of Winter) is Part 4 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization. The book touches upon issues related to philosophy on human life and phenomena of universe, and reflects the views of Xie Xuanjun the author from age 28 to age 35.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《历史之穹-秦人楚魂说》(西方白色-秋天的书)是《五色海 第三期中国文明的意识形态》的第三部,内容涉及"历史与社会"诸多方面,由此展现了作者谢选骏33岁时对于各种问题的广泛看法和"思想对话"。 Synopsis: The Historic Dome--A Dialogue Between a Soul of Qin and a Ghost of Chu (White to the West-- A Book of Autumn) is Part 3 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization.The book touches upon various aspects of history and civilization, and reflects Xie Xuanjun the author's views on broad range of issues and related dialogues at the age of 33.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生构思的第一本著作,起草于1975年,书里的许多思想起源于反思"无产阶级文化大革命".本书无法在中国出版,到2004年,整合到《全球政府论──中国文明整合世界》之中. Synopsis: This book is the first book conceived by Mr. Xie Xuanjun and was drafted in 1975. Many of the ideas in the book originated from the reflection of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. This book can not be published in China, to 2004, integrated into the "On Global Government--Global Integration Under the Central Kingdom Civilizationglobal government".

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    This book of Xie Xuanjun's--Understanding Originality of the Thinking of the Chinese by Association and Corroboration--exemplifies how a modern Chinese scholar tries to come to grips with the originality of ancient Chinese thinking by reading and deciphering Chinese mythology and the following ten works: Classics of Poetry, Hong Fan, Yue Ji, Zhou Li, Lao Zi, Sun Zi, Zhuang Zi, Xun Zi, and Han Fei Zi.The book was written between 1977 and 1988, was banned after the June 4th pro-democracy movement in 1989, first printed in 1994 under the pseudonym of Xun Jun(), and is now published in a facsimile

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是《思想主权》的第二卷,其实应该算是《思想主权》的第一卷,因为它陆陆续续地写于《思想主权》成书(2012年--2014年)之前,而在2010年成型。那时我感到一次精神上的突破即将到来,但却一直无法抓住它。我经历了一场持续而深刻的精神危机,也就是人们通常所说的"中年危机"--基本上发生在四五十岁,也就是"不惑之年与知天命之间",那是一种虚无主义的透明和极力摆脱无依无靠的孤独感觉。我经历了耶稣基督,顺服了上帝,但依然把握不住精神的实质。直到我写下了《思想主权》......我才恍然大悟了。所以本书的文字应该属于《思想主权第一卷》,而不是现在列名的《思想主权第二卷》。或者说,本书也可以叫做《思想主权的发现之旅》。 Synopsis: This book is the second volume of "Sovereignty of Thoughts", in fact, it should be regarded as the first volume of "Sovereignty of Thoughts", because it was written one after another before "Sovereignty of Thoughts" was written (2012-2014), and in 2010 year formed. It was then that I felt a spiritual breakthrough was coming, but had been unable to grasp it. I experienced a persistent and profound spiritual crisis, which is commonly referred to as a "mid-life crisis" - which basically occurred between the age of forty and fifty, or "between the age of no confusion and knowing destiny", which was A nihilistic transparency and an effort to escape the feeling of being alone and helpless. I experienced Jesus Christ and obeyed God, but I still could not grasp the essence of the spirit. It wasn't until I wrote "Sovereignty of Thoughts"...that I had a sudden realization. Therefore, the text of this book should belong to "Sovereignty of Thoughts Volume I", not the now listed "Sovereignty of Thoughts Volume II". In other words, this book can also be called "The Journey of Discovery of Sovereignty of Thoughts".

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生系统阐述其历史观念的三部曲之一 1、我在第三期中国文明。 2、我看第二期中国文明。 3、我思第一期中国文明。 Synopsis: This book is one of the trilogy of Mr. Xie Xuanjun's systematic exposition of his historical ideas: 1, I am in the Third Cycle of Chinese Civilization. 2, I see the Second Cycle of Chinese Civilization. 3, I think the First Cycle of Chinese Civilizatio

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《秦人与楚魂的问答》〔从小国时代到全球民族〕是1987年出版的《秦人与楚魂的对话--对〈展望二十一世纪〉的诘难》之续篇,写作于2007年间。其框架接近二十年以前的1987年录音口授的《秦人与楚魂》系列构想里预留但没有完成的"世界历史与国际战略"部分。 Synopsis: The book Questions and Answers Between the Subject of Qin and Soul of Chu (From Era of Small States to Era of Nations Making Up the World), written by Mr Xie Xuanjun in 2007, is a continuation of A Dialogue Between the Subject of Qin and the Soul of Chu-- Questioning the Treatise Looking Forward to the 21st Century, published in 1987, and its framework follows that of The World History and the International Strategy, a contemplated but uncompleted part of a series of oral instructions in 1987 intended for a book-- The Subject of Qin and the Soul of Chu .

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《生命之谷-上下求索录》(东方青色-春天的书)是《五色海 第三期中国文明的意识形态》的第一部,内容探讨了"生命的处境和意识的痛苦",展现了作者谢选骏21岁至26岁时"上下求索"的精神世界。 Synopsis: Valley of Life--A Record of All-Round Quests (Green to the East--A Book of Spring) is Part 1 of Sea of Five Colors: Ideologies in the Third Phase of Chinese Civilization . The book explores the status of life and agony of senses, and reflects the spiritual world of Xie Xuanjun the author from age 21 to age 26, when he quested and searched.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生的网络文集,主要写作于2007年-2016年间,涉及了以下主题 思想主权、悲剧、绝唱、降临、声音、伪哲学、老哲学。现在第一次结集出版。 Synopsis: This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics: Sovereignty, Tragedy, Requiem, coming, Sound, Pseudo-Philosophy, Old Philosophy. Now the first collection published

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    本书是谢选骏先生的网络文集,主要写作于2007年-2016年间,涉及了以下主题 中国的本体、现象、分裂、外延、外扩、回想、前瞻、整合。现在第一次结集出版。 Synopsis: This book is a collection of essays by Mr. Xie Xuanjun, written and published between 2007 and 2016. It covers the following topics: Ontology, Phenomenon, Split, Periphery, Expansion, Reflection, Outlook, Integration......of China. Now the first collection published

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    通过对《旧约圣经》的全面阅读不难发现 对犹太人的批判并非《新约圣经》开始的,而是贯穿了《旧约圣经》的始终。本书从《旧约圣经》各个部分摘录了310个段落,来证明"反犹主义"确为《旧约圣经》的主题之一。其中有些是明显的,有些并非显明,但联系上下文思索一下就不难发现 上帝对选民的要求非常严厉,而且处罚起来毫不留情。可悲的是,作为选民的犹太人先祖,常常辜负了上帝委托。 Synopsis: An all-round reading of the Old Testament would make it clear that anti-Judaism does not begin with the New Testament, but rather prevalent throughout the Old Testament. The present book by Mr Xie Xuanjun has taken 310 paragraphs from the Old Testament-- all going to show that anti-Judaism is really one of the theses of the Old Testament. Anti-Judaism in evident in some of the paragraphs, while less so in others, but what could be inferred from the context is that God is strict to the followers and is far from lenient in meting out punishments. What is sad is that the forefathers of Jews, as followers of God, have often failed to live up to the authority of God.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《历史教的降临》是《全球政府论──中国文明整合世界》的第五部分。内容包括1、全球秩序的教化基础,2、史官文明与历史教,3、历史教的医治功能,4、孔孟荀的见证,5、王国时代诸子,6、帝国时代诸子,7、尚书经典整合全球 。 Synopsis: The Arrival of Historicism is part five of Theory of Global Government -- Integration of the World by the Central Kingdom Civilization. Its contents are:1) Moral Education As Foundation for World Order; 2) The Culture of Historiographer vs. Historicism; 3) Healing Function of Historicism; 4) Testmonies of Confucius, Menciuis and Xun Zi; 5) Philosophers of the Time of Kingdoms; 6) Philosophers of the Imperial Times; 7) Integration of All Schools of Thoughts by The Book of History (Shangshu).

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    奥古斯丁所谓的"圣城"缺乏《圣经》的依据,相反,那是源于摩尼教的善恶二神论、黑白二元说的观念。因此,我把奥古斯丁的《上帝之城》叫做"双城记",它提出的问题比它解决的问题其实还多。尤其考虑到,它试图解决的问题许多其实是"无解"的,是"超出人类解答能力的范围之外"的。而奥古斯丁和一般神学家一样,其通病就是喜欢解答一切,潜意识中甚至自认为自己就是上帝的化身。 Synopsis: The City of God by Augustine has its roots in Manichaeism with its concepts of two deities of good and evil and of dualism of black and white, rather than in the Bible. I refer to Augustine's The City of God as A Tale of Two Cities, which raises more questions than answered. There are indeed no answers to the questions it attempts to answer, for it is beyond humans to provide answers. Augustine, like all other theologians, tended to find answers to all questions, subconsciously believing he was the reincarnation of God, perhaps.

  • av Xuanjun Xie

    《西方的没落与中国的命运》一书,是谢选骏先生三十年间(1980-2012年)有关斯宾格勒《西方的没落》的思考、摘录、评论。 作为一个中国人,这本书的重点,也就自然放在了中国主题的上面。 Synopsis: The book "The Decline of the West and the Destiny of China" is the reflection, excerpt, and commentary of Spengler's "The Decline of the West" in the thirty years (1980-2012) of Mr. Xie Xuanjun. As a Chinese, the focus of this book, it naturally placed in the top of the Chinese theme.

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