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Böcker av Wei Chen

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  • av Wei Chen

    An illuminating account of Jack Ma and Alibaba - one of China's leading entrepreneurs and an Internet giant in today's world.

  • av Wei Chen

    Explorez l'univers fascinant de la cuisine chinoise avec Wei Chen, l'auteur du livre "Saveurs de la Chine: L'Art Culinaires de la Cuisine Chinoise". Ce livre est une invitation à un voyage gustatif inoubliable à travers la Chine, où les saveurs, les traditions et la diversité culinaire se rencontrent pour créer une expérience gastronomique hors du commun."Saveurs de la Chine" vous offre l'opportunité de plonger dans les délices de la cuisine chinoise, réputée pour sa richesse en saveurs, ses techniques de cuisson variées et sa culture culinaire millénaire. Wei Chen vous guide à travers cet art culinaire unique.Dans ce livre, vous découvrirez une variété de recettes authentiques provenant des différentes régions de la Chine, des plats épicés du Sichuan aux dim sum délicats de Canton, en passant par les nouilles savoureuses du Nord. Wei partage avec vous les secrets de la préparation des plats chinois à la maison, en mettant l'accent sur la qualité des ingrédients et les techniques de cuisson traditionnelles.Que vous soyez un amateur de cuisine chinoise ou que vous souhaitiez explorer de nouveaux horizons culinaires, ce livre vous inspirera à cuisiner avec passion et à découvrir les trésors cachés de la cuisine chinoise. "Saveurs de la Chine" est votre guide pour maîtriser l'art de la cuisine chinoise et créer des plats qui évoquent la richesse culturelle de la Chine.Si vous désirez savourer la diversité des saveurs chinoises et devenir un maître de la cuisine chinoise, "Saveurs de la Chine" est votre complice idéal. Laissez-vous guider par Wei Chen dans un voyage culinaire extraordinaire et commencez à créer des plats chinois authentiques qui enchanteront vos papilles. Votre aventure gastronomique commence ici.

  • av Wei Chen

    Zapraszamy Ci¿ na niezwyk¿¿ kulinarn¿ podró¿ do serca Chin w ksi¿¿ce "Smaki Chin: Kulinarna Odyseja Mistrza Smaku," autorstwa Wei Chena. To niezwyk¿a ksi¿¿ka kucharska, która otworzy przed Tob¿ drzwi do fascynuj¿cego ¿wiata chi¿skich smaków i tradycji.Wei Chen to nie tylko pseudonim - to prawdziwy pasjonat chi¿skiej kuchni, który przez lata zg¿¿biä tajniki przyrz¿dzania autentycznych dä z ró¿nych regionów Chin. W "Smakach Chin," dzieli si¿ nie tylko przepisami, ale tak¿e opowie¿ciami i historiami, które ksztätuj¿ kulinarn¿ dziedzictwo Chin.Ta ksi¿¿ka to nie tylko zbiór przepisów, to podró¿ po ró¿norodnöci smaków i technik gotowania chi¿skich dä. Od pikantnych potraw Syczuan po delikatne dania Kantonu, od klasycznych potstickers po bogate sosy hoisin - znajdziesz tu pomys¿y na kädy gust i okazj¿."Smaki Chin" to nie tylko ksi¿¿ka kucharska, to opowie¿¿ o tradycji, historii i zmys¿owöci chi¿skiej kuchni. Wei Chen inspiruje do eksperymentowania i odkrywania tajemnic smaków, które czyni¿ chi¿sk¿ kuchni¿ tak wyj¿tkow¿.Odkryj tajemnice chi¿skiej kuchni i stwórz autentyczne chi¿skie smaki z Wei Chen w "Smakach Chin: Kulinarna Odyseja Mistrza Smaku." To podró¿ do serca Chin, która przeniesie Ci¿ na ulice Pekinu, do smaków Szanghaju i na wybrze¿e Kantonu.

  • av Wei Chen

    "Gastronomia Chinez¿: Delicii Exotice ¿i Arome Uimitoare" v¿ poart¿ într-o c¿l¿torie culinar¿ fascinant¿ în inima buc¿t¿riei chineze, unde aromele exotice ¿i tradi¿iile gastronomice se întâlnesc pentru a crea experien¿e gustative inedite. Wei Chen, pseudonimul unui pasionat autentic al gastronomiei chineze, v¿ ofer¿ aceast¿ carte de re¿ete special¿, dedicat¿ iubitorilor de arome asiatice autentice.Wei Chen, un buc¿tar experimentat ¿i cunosc¿tor al gastronomiei chineze, v¿ dezv¿luie secretele ¿i tehnici unice care stau la baza unor preparate cu adev¿rat memorabile. Cartea adun¿ o varietate impresionant¿ de re¿ete, de la cele tradi¿ionale, precum pui Kung Pao ¿i dim sum, la buc¿t¿rii regionale mai püin cunoscute, pentru a v¿ aduce esen¿a ¿i diversitatea bucatelor chineze¿ti în propria buc¿t¿rie."Gastronomia Chinez¿" v¿ permite s¿ exploräi ingredientele, tehnicile ¿i pasiunea care definesc arta culinar¿ chinez¿. Re¿etele sunt prezentate într-un mod clar ¿i accesibil, astfel încât atât încep¿torii, cât ¿i buc¿tarii experimentäi s¿ se poat¿ bucura de prepararea acestor minunate mânc¿ruri.A¿adar, preg¿ti¿i-v¿ s¿ c¿l¿tori¿i în lumea fascinant¿ a buc¿t¿riei chineze, s¿ v¿ r¿sf¿¿äi sim¿urile cu aromele ¿i aromele autentice ¿i s¿ transformäi fiecare mas¿ într-o experien¿¿ gastronomic¿ memorabil¿. "Gastronomia Chinez¿" este ghidul perfect pentru cei care iubesc aromele asiatice, descoperirile culinare ¿i explorarea bucatelor tradi¿ionale chineze¿ti.

  • av Wei Chen

    Prepare-se para uma incrível jornada culinária através do vasto e fascinante mundo da culinária chinesa com o livro "Segredos da Culinária Chinesa: Uma Viagem Sensorial à China," escrito por Wei Chen. Este livro é uma homenagem à rica tradição gastronômica da China, oferecendo uma experiência autêntica para todos os amantes da comida.Wei Chen, um apaixonado chef e explorador da culinária chinesa, compartilha seus conhecimentos e segredos neste livro cativante. Com décadas de experiência na cozinha chinesa, Wei Chen leva os leitores a uma viagem sensorial pela China, revelando os sabores, aromas e técnicas por trás de pratos lendários."Segredos da Culinária Chinesa" não é apenas um livro de receitas, mas um mergulho profundo na cultura culinária chinesa. Você aprenderá sobre os ingredientes tradicionais, os métodos de preparação e a história por trás de cada prato. Das deliciosas iguarias de Sichuan aos pratos requintados de Pequim, este livro oferece uma variedade de opções para todos os gostos.Além disso, Wei Chen também compartilha dicas valiosas sobre como criar autenticidade em sua própria cozinha, garantindo que cada prato que você prepare seja uma verdadeira obra-prima culinária.Se você deseja surpreender sua família e amigos com pratos chineses autênticos, ou simplesmente deseja explorar novos sabores e expandir seu repertório culinário, "Segredos da Culinária Chinesa" é o guia definitivo para a culinária chinesa em sua própria casa. Prepare-se para uma jornada culinária emocionante e descubra os segredos mais bem guardados da China através deste livro inspirador.

  • av Wei Chen

    "Smaakvol China: Een Culinaire Reis door de Chinese Keuken" neemt je mee op een smaakvolle verkenningstocht door de diverse en fascinerende wereld van de Chinese gastronomie. Onder het pseudoniem Wei Chen, is dit boek een viering van de eeuwenoude tradities en de rijke smaken die de Chinese keuken zo bijzonder maken.Dit boek onthult een schat aan authentieke Chinese recepten, van geliefde klassiekers tot verrassende gerechten die je smaakpapillen zullen betoveren. Wei Chen deelt zijn diepe liefde voor de Chinese keuken en voorziet je van waardevolle inzichten en tips om de smaken van China in je eigen keuken te ontdekken.De Chinese keuken is veel meer dan alleen eten; het is een weerspiegeling van rijke tradities, verse ingrediënten en smaken die variëren van hartig tot zoet en van mild tot pittig. Met "Smaakvol China" kun je genieten van de smaken van China, of je nu een ervaren kok bent of net begint met koken.Dit boek nodigt je uit om de diversiteit van de Chinese keuken te verkennen, waarbij elk recept een kans biedt om te proeven van de heerlijke en gevarieerde gerechten die China te bieden heeft. Wei Chen begeleidt je door het proces, van het selecteren van de beste ingrediënten tot het creëren van smaakvolle en kleurrijke gerechten die je zintuigen zullen prikkelen.Of je nu een authentieke Chinese maaltijd wilt bereiden, een vleugje Chinese culinaire magie aan je keuken wilt toevoegen of gewoon wilt genieten van de fascinerende smaken van China, "Smaakvol China" is jouw ultieme gids voor een culinaire reis door het hart van China. Laat je meevoeren door de geuren en smaken van China met Wei Chen als je deskundige gids.Bereid je voor op een culinair avontuur waarbij elke hap een stukje China met zich meebrengt!

  • av Wei Chen

    Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der chinesischen Küche mit dem Buch "Chinesische Gaumenfreuden: Eine Reise durch die Kulinarische Schatzkammer Chinas", verfasst von Wei Chen, einem leidenschaftlichen Botschafter der chinesischen Kochkunst. Entdecken Sie die reiche Vielfalt der chinesischen Küche, die von Jahrtausenden alter Tradition und Authentizität geprägt ist.Dieses Buch ist weit mehr als nur eine Sammlung von Rezepten. Es ist eine Einladung, die kulinarische Vielfalt Chinas zu erkunden, von den köstlichen Geschmacksrichtungen der verschiedenen Regionen bis hin zu den kulinarischen Traditionen, die das Land geformt haben. Sie werden die Geheimnisse der Zubereitung von Gerichten aus frischen Zutaten, Gewürzen und Aromen lernen, die die chinesische Küche so einzigartig machen."Chinesische Gaumenfreuden" ist ein Fest für Ihre Sinne, das Ihnen die Möglichkeit bietet, die kulinarische Pracht Chinas in Ihrem eigenen Zuhause zu erleben. Ob Sie ein erfahrener Koch oder ein Neuling in der Küche sind, dieses Buch wird Ihnen helfen, die Freude am Kochen und Genießen authentischer chinesischer Speisen zu entdecken.Begleiten Sie Wei Chen auf dieser kulinarischen Reise und erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Geschmacksvielfalt und die kulinarischen Traditionen Chinas in Ihr tägliches Leben integrieren können.

  • av Wei Chen

    Vabljeni na nepozabno kulinari¿no potovanje v ¿udoviti svet kitajske kuhinje z avtorjem Wei Chenom in njegovo najnovej¿o knjigo "Dragocenosti Kitajske Kuhinje: Okusi, Ki O¿arajo". Ta knjiga je prava zakladnica avtenti¿nih receptov, ki vam bodo omogöili, da na lastni kuhinjski mizi odkrijete bogastvo okusov, ki so znäilni za Kitajsko."Dragocenosti Kitajske Kuhinje" vas bodo popeljale skozi razli¿ne regije Kitajske, razkrile skrivnosti tradicionalnih zäimb ter vam ponudile raznolik izbor receptov, ki segajo od klasi¿nih jedi do sodobnih interpretacij. Wei Chen deli svoje globoko korenine v kitajski kulturi, svoje znanje in strast do kulinarike s svojimi bralci.Vsak recept v knjigi je skrbno izbran in prilagojen tako, da bo ustrezal tako zäetnikom kot tudi izküenim kuharjem. Jasnih in podrobno razlöenih korakov je enostavno slediti, kar vam bo omogöilo, da ustvarite jedi, ki vas bodo navdüile.Ne glede na to, ali ste ¿e ljubitelj kitajske hrane ali pa ¿elite raziskati novo kulinari¿no kulturo, vam bo "Dragocenosti Kitajske Kuhinje" ponudile izjemno kulinari¿no izkünjo, ki bo razvajala väe brbon¿ice.Ta kuharska knjiga je nepogre¿ljiva za vse, ki ¿elijo raziskati okusno raznolikost kitajske kuhinje in odkriti skrite dragocenosti te bogate kulinari¿ne tradicije.

  • av Wei Chen

    "¿ínska Kuchy¿a: Tajomstvá Chüového Sveta" je záhadnou bránou do sveta ¿ínskej gastronómie, ktorá vám umöní objavi¿ bohatú kultúru a jedine¿nú chüovú paletu ¿íny. Za túto bránu vás sprevádza renomovaný autor, Wei Chen.V tejto knihe nájdete bohatú zbierku tradi¿ných aj moderných ¿ínskych receptov, ktoré vám pomô¿u öivi¿ chüové poháriky celej rodiny. Wei Chen vám priblí¿i príbeh za kädým pokrmom a pomô¿e vám porozumie¿ základným princípom ¿ínskej kuchyne.Nezále¿í na tom, ¿i ste zäiatöník alebo skúsený kuchár, táto kniha vás provedie krokom za krokom prípravou autentických ¿ínskych jedál. U¿te sa vari¿ klasické ¿ínske polievky, woky, údené pokrmy a ¿al¿ie ¿peciality, ktoré vás vtiahnu do sveta ¿ínskej kuchyne."¿ínska Kuchy¿a" nie je len kuchárkou, je to cesta do ¿íny a jej kultúry. Pre¿ítate si o historických pozadí jednotlivých jedál, o význame tradícií a o umení správneho servírovania.Zbli¿te sa s ¿ínou a jej chüami prostredníctvom tejto knihy, ktorá vám otvorí bránu do tajomstiev ¿ínskej kuchyne.

  • av Wei Chen


  • av Wei Chen

    "Cozinha Chinesa" é um livro de receitas para quem quer explorar a culinária chinesa autêntica e levar o sabor da China para sua própria casa. O autor Wei Chen, um chef experiente em culinária chinesa, apresenta receitas deliciosas e fáceis de fazer que vão desde aperitivos até sobremesas.Cada receita é acompanhada de instruções detalhadas e ilustrações passo a passo, para que até os cozinheiros mais inexperientes possam se aventurar na cozinha chinesa. Além disso, o livro apresenta informações sobre os ingredientes típicos da culinária chinesa e como prepará-los adequadamente.Com "Cozinha Chinesa", você pode aprender a preparar pratos clássicos, como o frango xadrez, arroz frito e rolinhos primavera, além de pratos mais complexos e autênticos, como o pato à Pequim e o hot pot. E para os amantes de sobremesa, o livro traz receitas como o doce de feijão vermelho e o pudim de leite.Se você quer explorar novos sabores e trazer um pouco da culinária chinesa para sua própria casa, "Cozinha Chinesa" é o livro perfeito para você.

  • av Wei Chen

    This is not a book just about flying a single engine airplane around the world.This is the book about identifying the Big Hairy Audacious Goal in our lives and finding a way to accomplish it through focus and discipline.The author accomplished three dreams: the dream of coming to the U.S. and getting an MBA degree (when he hardly spoke any English); the dream of starting a company and becoming a self-made millionaire (when he had no money, no business plan, no investors, no social network, and no experience); the dream of becoming the first Chinese citizen to fly a single-engine airplane around the world (when he had barely 200 hours of flying time and two years of flying experiences). By sharing these stories, the author challenges everyone to think about one question: What would you attempt to do if you knew you couldn't fail?

  • av Wei Chen
    2 109

    In this comprehensive edited book, the authors introduce edge caching from a theoretical perspective and discuss its role in saving bandwidth. Many physical layer models and techniques, including interference alignment and beamforming, are considered as well as recent advances in intelligent and proactive communication systems.

  • av Wei Chen

    Research on social networks has exploded over the last decade. To a large extent, this has been fueled by the spectacular growth of social media and online social networking sites, which continue growing at a very fast pace, as well as by the increasing availability of very large social network datasets for purposes of research. A rich body of this research has been devoted to the analysis of the propagation of information, influence, innovations, infections, practices and customs through networks. Can we build models to explain the way these propagations occur? How can we validate our models against any available real datasets consisting of a social network and propagation traces that occurred in the past? These are just some questions studied by researchers in this area. Information propagation models find applications in viral marketing, outbreak detection, finding key blog posts to read in order to catch important stories, finding leaders or trendsetters, information feed ranking, etc. A number of algorithmic problems arising in these applications have been abstracted and studied extensively by researchers under the garb of influence maximization. This book starts with a detailed description of well-established diffusion models, including the independent cascade model and the linear threshold model, that have been successful at explaining propagation phenomena. We describe their properties as well as numerous extensions to them, introducing aspects such as competition, budget, and time-criticality, among many others. We delve deep into the key problem of influence maximization, which selects key individuals to activate in order to influence a large fraction of a network. Influence maximization in classic diffusion models including both the independent cascade and the linear threshold models is computationally intractable, more precisely #P-hard, and we describe several approximation algorithms and scalable heuristics that have been proposed in the literature. Finally, we also deal with key issues that need to be tackled in order to turn this research into practice, such as learning the strength with which individuals in a network influence each other, as well as the practical aspects of this research including the availability of datasets and software tools for facilitating research. We conclude with a discussion of various research problems that remain open, both from a technical perspective and from the viewpoint of transferring the results of research into industry strength applications.

  • av Wei Chen, Bin Yang, Lei Yan, m.fl.
    2 265

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