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Böcker av Vinod Kumar Tiwari

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  • av Vinod Kumar Tiwari
    1 175,-

    The medicinal potential of a polyherbal formulation is larger and longer than that of a single plant. As a consequence, Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis, and Morinda pubescens leaves were used to create Polyherbal Antidiabetic Sustained Release Matrix Tablets. The following plants were chosen after a thorough review of the literatureExhaustive literature was done on Plants having traditional use on anti-diabetic activity. Based on a literature review, four plants were chosen for polyherbal formulation: Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis, and Morinda pubescens. Plants had been collected and verified. Soxhlet extraction with hydroalcoholic solvent (Ethanol 70: Water 30) is used, to dried medicinal plants that have been collected. Phytochemical analysis of Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis, and Morinda pubescens leaf extracts revealed the presence of many phytoconstituents. All extracts had peaks of marker phytoconstiuents on HPTLC, indicating their purity.The research had two goals: first to establish the anti-diabetic properties of the extract and secondly to develop and standardize formulation.

  • av Vinod Kumar Tiwari
    1 175,-

    O potencial medicinal de uma formulação politerbal é maior e mais longo do que o de uma única planta. Como consequência, Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis, e Morinda pubescens foram usadas para criar Comprimidos de Matriz de Libertação Sustentada de Antidiabéticos Poliferbais. As seguintes plantas foram escolhidas depois de uma revisão minuciosa da literaturaExecutiva da literatura foi feita sobre Plantas com uso tradicional na actividade anti-diabética. Com base numa revisão da literatura, foram escolhidas quatro plantas para formulação de poliferbais: Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis, e Morinda pubescens. As plantas tinham sido recolhidas e verificadas. A extracção de Soxhlet com solvente hidroalcoólico (Ethanol 70: Água 30) é utilizada, para secar plantas medicinais que foram recolhidas. A análise fitoquímica de Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis, e Morinda pubescens revelou a presença de muitos fitoconstituintes. Todos os extractos tinham picos de fitoconstituintes marcadores no HPTLC, indicando a sua pureza. A investigação tinha dois objectivos: primeiro, estabelecer as propriedades anti-diabéticas do extracto e, segundo, desenvolver e normalizar a formulação.

  • av Vinod Kumar Tiwari
    1 175,-

    Il potenziale medicinale di una formulazione poliedrica è più ampio e più lungo di quello di una singola pianta. Di conseguenza, le foglie di Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis e Morinda pubescens sono state utilizzate per creare compresse a rilascio prolungato a base di erbe. Le seguenti piante sono state scelte dopo un'accurata revisione della letteraturaE' stata fatta un'esauriente letteratura sulle piante che hanno un uso tradizionale sull'attività antidiabetica. Sulla base di una revisione della letteratura, sono state scelte quattro piante per la formulazione polifunzionale: Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis e Morinda pubescens. Le piante sono state raccolte e verificate. L'estrazione Soxhlet con solvente idroalcolico (etanolo 70: acqua 30) è stata utilizzata per essiccare le piante medicinali raccolte. L'analisi fitochimica degli estratti di foglie di Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis e Morinda pubescens ha rivelato la presenza di numerosi fitocostituenti. Tutti gli estratti presentavano picchi di fitocostituenti marcatori all'HPTLC, indicando la loro purezza. La ricerca aveva due obiettivi: in primo luogo stabilire le proprietà antidiabetiche dell'estratto e in secondo luogo sviluppare e standardizzare la formulazione.

  • av Vinod Kumar Tiwari

    Lechebnyj potencial poligerbowoj formuly bol'she i prodolzhitel'nee, chem u odnogo rasteniq. Poätomu dlq sozdaniq matrichnyh poligerbowyh antidiabeticheskih tabletok ustojchiwogo wyswobozhdeniq byli ispol'zowany list'q Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis i Morinda pubescens. Posle tschatel'nogo izucheniq literatury byli wybrany sleduüschie rasteniqObzor literatury po rasteniqm, tradicionno ispol'zuemym dlq bor'by s diabetom, byl ischerpywaüschim. Na osnowanii obzora literatury dlq poligerbowoj receptury byli wybrany chetyre rasteniq: Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis i Morinda pubescens. Rasteniq byli sobrany i prowereny. Dlq wysushiwaniq sobrannyh lekarstwennyh rastenij ispol'zowali äxtrakciü Soxleta s gidrospirtowym rastworitelem (ätanol 70: woda 30). Fitohimicheskij analiz äxtraktow list'ew Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis i Morinda pubescens wyqwil nalichie mnogih fitokonstituentow. Vse äxtrakty imeli piki markernyh fitokonstituentow na VJeZhH, chto ukazywaet na ih chistotu. Issledowanie presledowalo dwe celi: wo-perwyh, ustanowit' antidiabeticheskie swojstwa äxtrakta i, wo-wtoryh, razrabotat' i standartizirowat' recepturu.

  • av Vinod Kumar Tiwari
    1 175,-

    Das medizinische Potenzial einer polyherbal Formulierung ist größer und länger als das einer einzelnen Pflanze. Daher wurden die Blätter von Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis und Morinda pubescens zur Herstellung von polyherbalen Antidiabetika-Tabletten mit verzögerter Freisetzung verwendet. Die folgenden Pflanzen wurden nach einer gründlichen Literaturrecherche ausgewählt. Es wurde eine umfassende Literaturrecherche zu Pflanzen durchgeführt, die traditionell als Antidiabetika verwendet werden. Auf der Grundlage einer Literaturrecherche wurden vier Pflanzen für die polytherapeutische Formulierung ausgewählt: Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis und Morinda pubescens. Die Pflanzen wurden gesammelt und überprüft. Zur Trocknung der gesammelten Heilpflanzen wurde eine Soxhlet-Extraktion mit hydroalkoholischem Lösungsmittel (Ethanol 70: Wasser 30) durchgeführt. Die phytochemische Analyse der Blattextrakte von Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis und Morinda pubescens ergab das Vorhandensein zahlreicher Phytokonstituenten. Alle Extrakte wiesen in der HPTLC Peaks von Marker-Phytokonstituenten auf, was auf ihre Reinheit hindeutet. Die Forschung hatte zwei Ziele: erstens die Feststellung der antidiabetischen Eigenschaften des Extrakts und zweitens die Entwicklung und Standardisierung der Formulierung.

  • av Vinod Kumar Tiwari
    1 175,-

    Le potentiel médicinal d'une formulation polyherbale est plus important et plus long que celui d'une seule plante. Par conséquent, les feuilles d'Alstonia scholaris, de Centella asiatica, de Corchorus trilocularis et de Morinda pubescens ont été utilisées pour créer des comprimés matriciels antidiabétiques à libération prolongée. Les plantes suivantes ont été choisies après un examen approfondi de la littératureUne littérature exhaustive a été réalisée sur les plantes traditionnellement utilisées pour leur activité antidiabétique. Sur la base d'un examen de la littérature, quatre plantes ont été choisies pour la formulation polyherbale : Alstonia scholaris, Centella asiatica, Corchorus trilocularis et Morinda pubescens. Les plantes ont été collectées et vérifiées. L'extraction au soxhlet avec un solvant hydroalcoolique (éthanol 70 : eau 30) est utilisée pour sécher les plantes médicinales qui ont été collectées. L'analyse phytochimique des extraits de feuilles d'Alstonia scholaris, de Centella asiatica, de Corchorus trilocularis et de Morinda pubescens a révélé la présence de nombreux phytoconstituants. Tous les extraits présentaient des pics de phytoconstituants marqueurs sur la CLHP, ce qui indique leur pureté. La recherche avait deux objectifs : premièrement, établir les propriétés antidiabétiques de l'extrait et, deuxièmement, mettre au point et normaliser la formulation.

  • av Vinod Kumar Tiwari
    2 429,-

    Synthetic Strategies in Carbohydrate Chemistry covers carbohydrate synthesis and its widespread application in various disciplines including catalysis. Basic and advanced aspects of carbohydrates are covered, starting with a brief introduction and then followed by protection-deprotection strategies in carbohydrate chemistry, glycosidic bond formation methodology, and their impact in oligosaccharide synthesis. Recent synthetic approaches for O-glycosides, N-glycosides, thioglycosides and C-glycosides, Intramolecular Aglycon Delivery (IAD), and carbohydrate modification are discussed, as well as stereoelectronic factors that control the chemical and biochemical behavior of carbohydrates in living cells. In addition, diverse applications of synthetic carbohydrate chemistry are covered, including sugar-based chiral catalyst in stereoselective synthesis, sugar-based ionic liquids, one-pot tandem reactions in carbohydrates, total synthesis of glycoconjugated natural products, impact of sugar in drug discovery and development, vaccine development, and glycoengineering. This reference is essential reading for researchers working in synthetic carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry, and will be useful to those working in total synthesis, novel synthetic methodology, catalysis, polymer science, glycobiology, medicinal chemistry, and process development chemistry.

  • av Vinod Kumar Tiwari & Manju Tiwari

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