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Böcker av Vex King

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  • av Vex King

  • - How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness
    av Vex King

    #1 Sunday Times bestseller - over 300k copies sold. Join the self-love revolution with Instagram visionary Vex King. This limited edition includes inspirational messages and universal wisdom to help you manifest positive vibes.

  • av Vex King
    195 - 249,-

  • av Vex King

    Bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life, Vex King is back with a life-changing guide to strengthening your relationships by learning to love yourself, and understanding the true nature of love.Many of us expect romantic love to solve our problems and validate our worth. This burden strains modern relationships. Partners become frustrated when unable to meet each other’s idealized and impossible demands. Broken dreams of a life-long romance can leave people feeling incomplete and hopping from one partner to another.It’s no wonder we struggle, given that society fails to teach us about the true nature of love. We’ve been misled into thinking love is external - somewhere out there - rather than a force within us.Vex King dismantles the myths and misconceptions surrounding love and relationships. Packed with personal stories, expert advice and inspirational messages, Things No-one Teaches Us About Love will help you understand how you love, create healthy habits, set boundaries that work for you, and heal unprocessed emotion and trauma.

  • av Vex King


  • av Vex King

  • av Vex King

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