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    Edición 2021.Blockchain es la tecnología que permite la existencia de las criptomonedas. Bitcoin es el nombre de la criptodivisa más conocida, aquella para la que se inventó la tecnología blockchain.Una criptodivisa es un medio de intercambio, como el dólar estadounidense, la libra esterlina o el euro, pero es digital y utiliza técnicas de cifrado para controlar la creación de unidades monetarias y verificar la transferencia de fondos.Esta es la introducción descriptiva a las criptodivisas y a la tecnología Blockchain. Las 160 páginas de este libro explican la tecnología y varias criptodivisas, incluyendo Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Tether, Polkadot, Cardano, Stellar, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash y Dogecoin.

  • - The Biography - The Life, Teachings, Path and Wisdom of The Awakened One (Buddhism)
    av United Library

  • - A Short Introduction - Buddha's Teachings (Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment)
    av United Library

  • - La biografia - Un santo profeta para nuestro tiempo y una introduccion a la historia, las ensenanzas y la cultura del Islam
    av United Library

  • - La biografia - La vida y los tiempos de un rabino revolucionario; Cristo & Una introduccion e historia del cristianismo
    av United Library

  • - La Biografia - La vida, las ensenanzas, el camino y la sabiduria del Despertado (Budismo)
    av United Library

  • - The Biography - The Life and Times of a Revolutionary Rabbi; Christ & An Introduction and History of Christianity
    av United Library

    Have you ever wondered what the life of Jesus was like? Are you interested in learning more about Christianity?This book will give you a brief overview of his life, from birth to death. You'll learn about his family and friends, where he lived and how he grew up. You'll also discover why people were drawn to him and how they responded when he began teaching them about God's kingdom. And finally, you'll find out what happened after his death on the cross - which is still having an impact today!The Bible tells us that Jesus came into this world as one person among many others in order to share God's love with everyone else. He did not come here for himself but rather so that we could know the Father better through him (John 14:6). His message has been passed down through history by those who knew him best - including some of his own disciples - until it reached us today in written form. So let's take a look at these words together now...and see if they might change your life too!The history of Christianity is a fascinating one. It's been around for thousands of years, and it has had an immense influence on the world we live in today. This book will give you a brief introduction to this religion and its impact on our society. We all have questions about life, but sometimes they can be difficult to answer. This book will help you understand some of the most important concepts that Christians believe in so that you can make sense of your own faith or lack thereof. By reading this book, you'll gain a better understanding not only of what Christians believe but also why they believe it. You might even find yourself believing too!

  • av United Library

  • - La biografia - La vida genial de un maestro; dibujos, pinturas, maquinas y otros inventos
    av United Library

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  • - La Biografia - Aprende la vida americana viviendo; Esposa de Franklin D. Roosevelt y Primera Dama
    av United Library

  • - La biografia - Amor, fuerza, caos, esperanza y comunidad; el sueno de un icono de los derechos civiles
    av United Library

  • - The Biography - The Genius Life of A Master; Drawings, Paintings, Machines, and other Inventions
    av United Library

    Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, military engineer and draftsman. Endowed with a curious mind and a brilliant intellect, da Vinci studied the laws of science and nature, which greatly influenced his work. His drawings, paintings and other works have influenced countless artists and engineers over the centuries. "I have been impressed by the urgency of doing. It is not enough to know, you have to apply. It is not enough to want, you have to do" - Leonardo da Vinci This is the descriptive and concise biography of Leonardo Da Vinci.

  • - The Biography - Learn the American Life by Living; Franklin D. Roosevelt's Wife & First Lady
    av United Library

  • - The Biography - Love, Strenght, Chaos, Hope and Community; The Dream of a Civil Rights Icon
    av United Library

    Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and civilrights activist who had a seismic impact on race relations in the United States, beginning in the mid-1950s. Among his many efforts, King headed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Through his activism and inspirational speeches, he played a pivotal role in ending the legal segregation of African American citizens in the United States, as well as the creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, among several other honors. He continues to be remembered as one of the most influential and inspirational African American leaders in history. "The time is always right to do what is right." ― Martin Luther King Jr. This is the descriptive, concise biography of Martin Luther King Jr.

  • av United Library

  • - Een complete inleiding tot blockchain & cryptocurrencies: (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Tether, Monero, Dogecoin en meer...)
    av United Library

    2021 editie.Blockchain is de technologie die het bestaan van cryptocurrencies mogelijk maakt. Bitcoin is de naam van de bekendste cryptocurrency, die waarvoor de blockchaintechnologie werd uitgevonden.Een cryptocurrency is een ruilmiddel, zoals de Amerikaanse dollar, het Britse pond of de euro, maar is digitaal en maakt gebruik van versleutelingstechnieken om de aanmaak van geldeenheden te controleren en de overdracht van geld te verifiëren.Dit is de beschrijvende introductie tot Cryptocurrencies en Blockchain technologie. De 160 pagina''s in dit boek geven uitleg over de technologie en verschillende cryptocurrencies, waaronder Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Tether, Polkadot, Cardano, Stellar, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, en Dogecoin.

  • - A Complete Introduction to Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies: (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Tether, Monero, Dogecoin and More...)
    av United Library

    2021-2022 edition.Blockchain is the technology that enables the existence of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is the name of the best-known cryptocurrency, the one for which blockchain technology was invented.A cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange, such as the US dollar, British Pound, or Euro, but is digital and uses encryption techniques to control the creation of monetary units and to verify the transfer of funds.This is the descriptive introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology. The 160 pages in this book explain the technology and various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Tether, Polkadot, Cardano, Stellar, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Dogecoin.

  • - La biografia - Larga vida a Su Majestad, la Corona Britanica y el retrato del matrimonio real de 73 anos
    av United Library

    El Pr├¡ncipe Felipe naci├│ en la isla de Corf├║, en Grecia, el 10 de junio de 1921. Como miembros de la realeza griega y danesa, Felipe y su familia fueron desterrados de su pa├¡s natal cuando era joven, y el ni├▒o vivi├│ posteriormente en Francia, Alemania y Gran Breta├▒a.  Felipe se cas├│ con la reina Isabel II antes de su ascenso al trono brit├ínico en 1952. Sus hijos son el pr├¡ncipe Carlos, heredero del trono, Ana, Andr├⌐s y Eduardo. Felipe fue el consorte real brit├ínico durante m├ís de seis d├⌐cadas. La reina Isabel II se convirti├│ en reina el 6 de febrero de 1952 y fue coronada el 2 de junio de 1953. Es la madre del pr├¡ncipe Carlos, heredero al trono, as├¡ como la abuela de los pr├¡ncipes Guillermo y Harry.  Como la monarca m├ís longeva de la historia brit├ínica, ha tratado de hacer su reinado m├ís moderno y sensible a un p├║blico cambiante, manteniendo al mismo tiempo las tradiciones asociadas a la corona. Esta es la biograf├¡a descriptiva y concisa del Pr├¡ncipe Felipe y la Reina Isabel II.

  • - Una 2021 introduzione alle criptovalute e 10 alternative al Bitcoin (Ethereum, Litecoin, Cardano, Polkadot, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Tether, Monero, Dogecoin e Ripple)
    av United Library

    Le criptovalute, o Cryptocurrency, sono una moneta elettronica creata con la tecnologia che controlla la sua creazione e protegge le transazioni, nascondendo le identità dei suoi utenti.Crypto- è l''abbreviazione di "crittografia", e la crittografia è una tecnologia informatica usata per la sicurezza, per nascondere informazioni, identità e altro. Currency significa "denaro attualmente in uso".Le criptovalute sono un denaro digitale progettato per essere più veloce, più economico e più affidabile del nostro normale denaro emesso dal governo. Invece di affidarsi a un governo per creare il tuo denaro e alle banche per immagazzinarlo, inviarlo e riceverlo, gli utenti effettuano transazioni direttamente tra loro e immagazzinano il loro denaro da soli. Poiché le persone possono inviare denaro direttamente senza un intermediario, le transazioni sono di solito molto convenienti e veloci.Questa è la breve introduzione descrittiva e concisa alle criptovalute.

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  • - A 2021 Introduction a Crypto & 10 Bitcoin Alternatives (Ethereum, Litecoin, Cardano, Polkadot, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Tether, Monero, Dogecoin & Ripple)
    av United Library

    El Pr├¡ncipe Felipe naci├│ en la isla de Corf├║, en Grecia, el 10 de junio de 1921. Como miembros de la realeza griega y danesa, Felipe y su familia fueron desterrados de su pa├¡s natal cuando era joven, y el ni├▒o vivi├│ posteriormente en Francia, Alemania y Gran Breta├▒a.  Felipe se cas├│ con la reina Isabel II antes de su ascenso al trono brit├ínico en 1952. Sus hijos son el pr├¡ncipe Carlos, heredero del trono, Ana, Andr├⌐s y Eduardo. Felipe fue el consorte real brit├ínico durante m├ís de seis d├⌐cadas. Esta es la biograf├¡a descriptiva y concisa del Pr├¡ncipe Felipe.

  • av United Library

    El Príncipe Enrique de Gales, también conocido como Príncipe Harry, es el segundo hijo de Carlos, Príncipe de Gales, y la Princesa Diana. Tras sufrir la muerte de su madre en 1997, en ocasiones actuó y apareció en la prensa sensacionalista por hechos embarazosos. El Príncipe Harry se embarcó en una década en el ejército en 2005, viendo el tiempo de servicio activo en Afganistán, y está involucrado en numerosas causas benéficas. Meghan Markle siguió una carrera como actriz de cine, apareciendo en varias series de televisión antes de conseguir el papel de Rachel Zane en la serie de USA Network Suits. Markle, que también dirigió el blog de estilo de vida The Tig de 2014 a 2017, se convirtió en objeto de titulares internacionales en 2016 al revelarse su romance con el príncipe Harry de Gran Bretaña. Tras anunciar su compromiso a finales de 2017, ambos se casaron el 19 de mayo de 2018 y dieron la bienvenida a su hijo Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor en mayo siguiente. En enero de 2020, la pareja reveló sus planes de retirarse de sus funciones principales en la familia real.Esta es la biografía descriptiva y concisa del Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle.

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    Il razzismo è la convinzione che la razza sia un determinante fondamentale dei tratti e delle capacità umane e che le differenze razziali producano una superiorità intrinseca di una particolare razza.Crea un momento di insegnamento per educarti con risorse che evidenziano la natura pervasiva della supremazia bianca che infetta la cultura.Fai il primo passo per normalizzare le conversazioni su razza e razzismo. Inizia con l''esplorazione dell''ideologia suprematista bianca e del perché continua a persistere nella società moderna.Questa è l''introduzione descrittiva al razzismo e all''antirazzismo.

  • - The biography - The Wedding and Finding Freedom Story of a Modern Royal Family
    av United Library

    Prince Henry of Wales, also known as Prince Harry, is the second son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Princess Diana. After enduring the death of his mother in 1997, he occasionally acted out and found himself in the tabloids for embarrassing events. Prince Harry embarked on a decade-long stint in the military in 2005, seeing active service time in Afghanistan, and is involved in numerous charitable causes. Meghan Markle pursued a career as a screen actress, appearing in a number of TV series before landing the role of Rachel Zane on the USA Network show Suits. Markle, who also ran the lifestyle blog The Tig from 2014 to 2017, became the subject of international headlines in 2016 upon the revelation of her romance with Prince Harry of Great Britain. After announcing their engagement in late 2017, the two married on May 19, 2018, and welcomed son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor the following May. In January 2020, the couple revealed plans to step back from their senior roles in the royal family.This is the descriptive, concise biography of Prince Harry & Meghan Markle.

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    Rassismus ist die Überzeugung, dass die Rasse ein grundlegender Bestimmungsfaktor für menschliche Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten ist und dass rassische Unterschiede eine inhärente Überlegenheit einer bestimmten Rasse bewirken.Schaffen Sie einen lehrreichen Moment, um sich mit Ressourcen zu bilden, die die allgegenwärtige Natur der weißen Vorherrschaft hervorheben, die die Kultur infiziert.Machen Sie den ersten Schritt zur Normalisierung von Gesprächen über Rasse und Rassismus. Es beginnt mit der Erforschung der Ideologie der weißen Vorherrschaft und warum sie in der modernen Gesellschaft fortbesteht.Dies ist die anschauliche Einführung in Rassismus und Antirassismus.

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    Le racisme est une croyance selon laquelle la race est un déterminant fondamental des traits et capacités humains et que les différences raciales produisent une supériorité inhérente à une race particulière.Créez un moment d''apprentissage pour vous instruire avec des ressources qui mettent en évidence la nature envahissante de la suprématie blanche infectant la culture.Faites le premier pas vers la normalisation des conversations sur la race et le racisme. Cela commence par l''exploration de l''idéologie de la suprématie blanche et des raisons pour lesquelles elle continue de persister dans la société moderne.C''est l''introduction descriptive au racisme et à l''antiracisme.

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    Le changement climatique touche tous les pays de tous les continents. Il perturbe les économies nationales et affecte les vies. Les conditions météorologiques changent, le niveau de la mer s''élève et les phénomènes météorologiques deviennent plus extrêmes.Bien que les émissions de gaz à effet de serre devraient diminuer d''environ 6 % en 2020 en raison des interdictions de voyager et des ralentissements économiques résultant de la pandémie de COVID-19, cette amélioration n''est que temporaire. Le changement climatique n''est pas en pause. Une fois que l''économie mondiale commencera à se remettre de la pandémie, les émissions devraient revenir à des niveaux plus élevés.Pour sauver des vies et des moyens de subsistance, il faut agir de toute urgence pour faire face à la fois à la pandémie et à l''urgence climatique.Voici l''introduction descriptive du changement climatique.

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